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Doubly Trained Neural Machine Translation System for Adversarial Attack and Data Augmentation

Languages Experimented:

  • Data Overview:

    Source Target Training Data Valid1 Valid2 Test data
    ZH EN WMT17 without UN corpus WMT2017 newstest WMT2018 newstest WMT2020 newstest
    DE EN WMT17 WMT2017 newstest WMT2018 newstest WMT2014 newstest
    FR EN WMT14 without UN corpus WMT2015 newsdiscussdev WMT2015 newsdiscusstest WMT2014 newstest
  • Corpus Statistics:

    Lang-pair Data Type #Sentences #tokens (English side)
    zh-en Train 9355978 161393634
    Valid1 2001 47636
    Valid2 3981 98308
    test 2000 65561
    de-en Train 4001246 113777884
    Valid1 2941 74288
    Valid2 2970 78358
    test 3003 78182
    fr-en Train 23899064 73523616
    Valid1 1442 30888
    Valid2 1435 30215
    test 3003 81967

Scripts (as shown in paper's appendix)

  • Set-up:

    • To execute the scripts shown below, it's required that fairseq version 0.9 is installed along with COMET. The way to easily install them after cloning this repo is executing following commands (under root of this repo):
      cd fairseq-0.9.0
      pip install --editable ./
      cd ../COMET
      pip install .
    • It's also possible to directly install COMET through pip: pip install unbabel-comet, but the recent version might have different dependency on other packages like fairseq. Please check COMET's official website for the updated information.
    • To make use of script that relies on COMET model (in case of dual-comet), a model from COMET should be downloaded. It can be easily done by running following script:
      from comet.models import download_model
  • Pretrain the model:

    fairseq-train $DATADIR \
        --source-lang $src \
        --target-lang $tgt \
        --save-dir $SAVEDIR \
        --share-decoder-input-output-embed \
        --arch transformer_wmt_en_de \
        --optimizer adam --adam-betas ’(0.9, 0.98)’ --clip-norm 0.0 \
        --lr-scheduler inverse_sqrt \
        --warmup-init-lr 1e-07 --warmup-updates 4000 \
        --lr 0.0005 --min-lr 1e-09 \
        --dropout 0.3 --weight-decay 0.0001 \
        --criterion label_smoothed_cross_entropy --label-smoothing 0.1 \
        --max-tokens 2048 --update-freq 16 \
        --seed 2 
  • Adversarial Attack:

    fairseq-train $DATADIR \
        --source-lang $src \
        --target-lang $tgt \
        --save-dir $SAVEDIR \
        --share-decoder-input-output-embed \
        --train-subset valid \
        --arch transformer_wmt_en_de \
        --optimizer adam --adam-betas ’(0.9, 0.98)’ --clip-norm 0.0 \
        --lr-scheduler inverse_sqrt \
        --warmup-init-lr 1e-07 --warmup-updates 4000 \
        --lr 0.0005 --min-lr 1e-09 \
        --dropout 0.3 --weight-decay 0.0001 \
        --criterion dual_bleu --mrt-k 16 \
        --batch-size 2 --update-freq 64 \
        --seed 2 \
        --restore-file $PREETRAIN_MODEL \
        --reset-optimizer \
  • Data Augmentation:

    fairseq-train $DATADIR \
        -s $src -t $tgt \
        --train-subset valid \
        --valid-subset valid1 \
        --left-pad-source False \
        --share-decoder-input-output-embed \
        --encoder-embed-dim 512 \
        --arch transformer_wmt_en_de \
        --dual-training \
        --auxillary-model-path $AUX_MODEL \
        --auxillary-model-save-dir $AUX_MODEL_SAVE \
        --optimizer adam --adam-betas ’(0.9, 0.98)’ --clip-norm 0.0 \
        --lr-scheduler inverse_sqrt \
        --warmup-init-lr 0.000001 --warmup-updates 1000 \
        --lr 0.00001 --min-lr 1e-09 \
        --dropout 0.3 --weight-decay 0.0001 \
        --criterion dual_comet/dual_mrt --mrt-k 8 \
        --comet-route $COMET_PATH \
        --batch-size 4 \
        --skip-invalid-size-inputs-valid-test \
        --update-freq 1 \
        --on-the-fly-train --adv-percent 30 \
        --seed 2 \
        --restore-file $PRETRAIN_MODEL \
        --reset-optimizer \
        --reset-dataloader \
        --save-dir $CHECKPOINT_FOLDER 

Generation and Test:

  • For Chinese-English, we use sentencepiece to perform the BPE so it's required to be removed in generation step. For all test we use beam size = 5. Noitce that we modified the code in fairseq-gen to use sacrebleu.tokenizers.TokenizerZh() to tokenize Chinese when the direction is en-zh.

    fairseq-generate $DATA-FOLDER \
        -s zh -t en \
        --task translation \
        --gen-subset $file \
        --path $CHECKPOINT \
        --batch-size 64 --quiet \
        --lenpen 1.0 \
        --remove-bpe sentencepiece \
        --sacrebleu \
        --beam 5
  • For French-Enlish, German-English, we modified the script to detokenize the moses tokenizer (which we used to preprocess the data). To reproduce the result, use following script:

    fairseq-generate $DATA-FOLDER \
        -s de/fr -t en \
        --task translation \
        --gen-subset $file \
        --path $CHECKPOINT \
        --batch-size 64 --quiet \
        --lenpen 1.0 \
        --remove-bpe \
        ---detokenize-moses \
        --sacrebleu \
        --beam 5

    Here --detokenize-moses would call detokenizer during the generation step and detokenize predictions before evaluating it. It would slow the generation step. Another way to manually do this is to retrieve prediction and target sentences from output file of fairseq and manually apply detokenizer from detokenizer.perl.


    title = "Doubly-Trained Adversarial Data Augmentation for Neural Machine Translation",
    author = "Tan, Weiting  and
      Ding, Shuoyang  and
      Khayrallah, Huda  and
      Koehn, Philipp",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 15th biennial conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas (Volume 1: Research Track)",
    month = sep,
    year = "2022",
    address = "Orlando, USA",
    publisher = "Association for Machine Translation in the Americas",
    url = "",
    pages = "157--174",
    abstract = "Neural Machine Translation (NMT) models are known to suffer from noisy inputs. To make models robust, we generate adversarial augmentation samples that attack the model and preserve the source-side meaning at the same time. To generate such samples, we propose a doubly-trained architecture that pairs two NMT models of opposite translation directions with a joint loss function, which combines the target-side attack and the source-side semantic similarity constraint. The results from our experiments across three different language pairs and two evaluation metrics show that these adversarial samples improve model robustness.",