diff --git a/addons/info/README.md b/addons/info/README.md
index d952d7d1c0b5..66cf3538ce29 100644
--- a/addons/info/README.md
+++ b/addons/info/README.md
@@ -99,14 +99,94 @@ storiesOf('Component', module)
## Usage as decorator
-It is possible to add infos by default to all components by using a global or story decorator. The drawback is you won't be able to display a distinct info message per story.
+It is possible to add infos by default to all components by using a global or story decorator.
It is important to declare this decorator as **the first decorator**, otherwise it won't work well.
-addDecorator((story, context) => withInfo('common info')(story)(context));
+Then, you can use the `info` parameter to pass certain options to your stories.
+This can be done per book of stories:
+import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';
+import Component from './Component';
+storiesOf('Component', module)
+ .addParameters({
+ info: {
+ // Your settings
+ }
+ })
+ .add('with some emoji', () => );
+...or for each story individually:
+import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';
+import Component from './Component';
+storiesOf('Component', module)
+ .add(
+ 'with some emoji',
+ () => ,
+ { info : { inline: false, header: false } } // Make your component render inline with the additional info
+ )
+ .add(
+ 'with no emoji',
+ () => ,
+ { info: '☹️ no emojis' } // Add additional info text
+ );
+...or even together:
+import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';
+import Component from './Component';
+storiesOf('Component', module)
+ .addParameters({
+ info: { // Make a default for all stories in this book,
+ inline: true, // where the components are inlined
+ styles: {
+ header: {
+ h1: {
+ color: 'red' // and the headers of the sections are red.
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ }
+ })
+ .add(
+ 'green version',
+ () => ,
+ {
+ info: {
+ styles: {
+ headers: {
+ h1: {
+ color: 'green' // Still inlined but with green headers!
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ .add(
+ 'something else',
+ () => ,
+ {
+ info: "This story has additional text added to the info!" // Still inlined and with red headers!
+ }
+ );
## Global options
To configure default options for all usage of the info option, use `setDefaults` in `.storybook/config.js`: