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Inspecting CI failures

Playwright snapshot testing

The tests run in the job snapshot_test in the ci.yml. Each test just takes a screenshot of each payment page and compares it with the one taken in advance (saved under *-snapshots/ dir). If there are differences between the two images, the test fails.

When some of the tests fail, we can inspect the following images as the artifact of the CI run page (like this).

  • The expected screenshot
  • The actual screenshot
  • The visual diff

The expected screenshots are stored under the playwright/*.spec.ts-snapshots/ directory. They can be updated by passing the --update-snapshots option to Playwright. To run Playwright locally, see the following Running tests on local environments section.

Running tests on local environments

Initial setup

  1. Export the COMPOSE_FILE environment variable:
    export COMPOSE_FILE=docker-compose.yml:docker-compose.override.yml:docker-compose.playwright.yml
  2. Clone the sample-ci repo switching to playwright branch
    git clone --branch playwright ssh://

Starting a sample app

The following steps set up and start a particular sample app with particular implementations.

  1. Generate Docker Compose settings for a particular combination of server and client apps.
    1. Syntax: ./sample-ci/setup_development_environment <sample-name> <server-app> <client-app> [<server-image>]
      1. <sample-name>: the sample app directory name (e.g., custom-payment-flow)
      2. <server-app>: the server directory name (e.g., node for custom-payment-flow/server/node)
      3. <client-app>: the relative path of the client app directory path from the server app (e.g., ../../client/react-cra)
      4. <server-image>: the server app’s Docker image (optional)
    2. Example 1: sample-name: custom-payment-flow / server-app: node / client-app: react-cra
      ./sample-ci/setup_development_environment custom-payment-flow node ../../client/react-cra node:lts
    3. Example 2: sample-name: custom-payment-flow / server-app: ruby / client-app: html
      ./sample-ci/setup_development_environment custom-payment-flow ruby ../../client/html ruby:3.1
  2. Create the .env file on the root directory of the sample repository. The DOMAIN should be http://web:4242 for HTML apps and http://frontend:3000 for React/Vue apps. The STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET can be obtained with the command docker compose run --rm stripe.
    // .env
    STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET # docker compose run --rm stripe will display an available webhook secret
    DOMAIN=http://frontend:3000 # or http://web:4242 for clients/html
    PRICE=price_xxxx # the price ID you have
  3. (For only React/Vue apps) replace the proxy destination with http://web:4242 in the package.json of the client app like below.
    sed -i -E 's/("proxy":\s*)"http:\/\/localhost:4242"/\1"http:\/\/web:4242"/' custom-payment-flow/client/react-cra/package.json
  4. Start the sample app
    docker compose --profile=frontend up
  5. Then open http://localhost:3000.

Running Playwright tests

After starting a sample app, run npm run test on the playwright service like below:

docker compose exec playwright npm install # needed for the first time only
docker compose exec playwright npm run test -- playwright/custom-payment-flow-e2e-react-cra.spec.ts

To update existing snapshots which are used as expected images, pass the --update-snapshots option. A particular test can be specified by passing a part of the test title as the -g option like below.

docker compose exec playwright npm run test -- playwright/custom-payment-flow-e2e-react-cra.spec.ts --update-snapshots -g giropay

Running Capybara E2E tests

Use the runner service to run RSpec tests.

docker compose exec runner bundle exec rspec spec/custom_payment_flow_e2e_spec.rb

Running server (API) tests

docker compose exec runner bundle exec rspec spec/custom_payment_flow_server_spec.rb

Shutting down the app

docker compose stop