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Multi-stage Stochastic Programming for Integrated Network Optimization in Hurricane Relief Logistics and Evacuation Planning

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Journal paper

S. Bhattarai and Y. Song, Multistage stochastic programming for integrated networkoptimization in hurricane relief logistics and evacuation planning, Networks. (2024), 1–35.


This project requires the following Python libraries:

  • pandas
  • numpy
  • itertools
  • matplotlib
  • geopandas
  • pgeocode
  • shapely
  • contextily
  • geopy
  • sklearn
  • gurobipy

General Workflow

  1. Data Collection and Network Setup: Gather initial data and establish logistics network parameters for all instances. Important files associated with this module are and

  2. Forecast Error Analysis: Analyze forecast error data to estimate Autoregressive model parameters for each error type (track, along, cross, intensity). An important file associated with this module is

  3. Forecast Error Scenario Generation: Use the estimated Autoregressive model parameters to create forecast error scenarios. Construct a Markov Chain model for track, along, and cross errors using discretized error samples and transition probabilities. An important file associated with this module is

  4. Demand Estimation and Scenario Mapping: Map the forecast error scenarios to estimate demand for out-of-sample scenarios, in-sample scenarios for two-stage models, and the discretized Markov Chain model. Important files associated with this module are, and

  5. Solving the models: Solve an optimization model using the data for a specific instance and configuration. Important files associated with this module are, and


Creating instances or solving the models can be done by giving appropriate commands to A brief details of the meaning of arguments can be found with: python --help

Task: create data

To create an instance: python --task create_data should be used. Some examples are:

  • python --task create_data --data_opt 1 --n_oos 1000 --ST_track 5: create all data related to forecast error scenarios with 1000 out-of-samples, and MC models for forecast errors. The number of MC states used at the last stage is 5.
  • python --task create_data --data_opt 2 --hurricane Ian --instance 3 --n_oos 100: create all data related to demand estimation of hurricane Ian for instance 3. Map first 100 out-of-sample error scenarios to demand.
  • python --task create_data --data_opt 3 --hurricane Florence --instance 1: create all data related to logistics parameters of hurricane Florence for instance 1.
  • python --task create_data --data_opt 4 --hurricane Florence --instance 1 --n_oos 1000 --ST_track 15: create all data required to solve all models, starting from forecast errors (will be overridden for different instances picked), for instance 1 of hurricane Florence.

Task: solve models

To solve models: python --task solve should be used. Some examples are:

  • python --task solve --hurricane Florence --model mssp --method bb --instance 3 --eval both --gfact 200 --pfact 300 --ffact 5 --purchase_cost 5 --time_limit_train 21600 --time_limit_test 3600 --n_oos 1000 --n_UB_samples 10000 --oos_heur 1 --first_stg_opt 1 --delay 2: using naive branch and bound (without lazy constraints) to solve MSSP for instance 3 (I=J=10) of hurricane Florence.

    • --eval both: after solving the MSSP model, get out-of-sample cost on (1) test samples from the MC model and (2) true OOS samples from AR-1 models.
    • --gfact 200 --pfact 300 --ffact 5 --purchase_cost 5: cost configurations
    • --time_limit_train 21600 --time_limit_test 3600: time limit to run SDDP and to do out-of-sample testing for --eval option, respectively.
    • --n_oos 1000: 1000 out-of-samples to test the solution on.
    • --n_UB_samples 10000: 10000 random samples used to compute statistical upper bound.
    • --oos_heur 1: the heuristic used to conduct the true OOS test. Not applicable if --eval is mc_tree.
    • --first_stg_opt 1: the first-stage problem is MILP, i.e., not all SPs are open at the start.
    • --delay 2: delayed opening of SPs is not allowed.
  • python --task solve --hurricane Ian --model 2ssp --method bc --instance 3 --eval oos --gfact 200 --pfact 300 --ffact 5 --purchase_cost 5 --time_limit_train 21600 --time_limit_test 3600 --n_oos 1000 --first_stg_opt 2: using branch and bound with lazy cuts to solve 2SSP for instance 3 (I=J=10) of hurricane Ian.

    • --eval oos: solve 2SSP using in-samples from AR-1 model and get out-of-sample cost on the true OOS samples from AR-1 models.
    • --first_stg_opt 2: the first-stage problem is continuous, i.e., all SPs are open at the start.

File Organization

  • All Python scripts are located in the parent directory.
  • The input data for the optimization model is organized in the Data/ directory.

Data Directory

  • problem_size_opt.csv: Describes the problem size with the number of demand points (I) and shelter points (J).
  • us_GIS.json: Contains the geometry of the US map and state boundaries.
  • numeric_inputs.csv: Includes user-defined numeric inputs for various modules. Key variables include:
    • landfall_tol: Landfall zone threshold in miles from the coastline.
    • x_max: Maximum distance from the hurricane position to observe demand.
    • y_max: Maximum cross-directional distance in the study region for the Florence case.
    • GFact, PFact, HFact, FFact, FVarFact: Cost factors for emergency, penalty, holding, and fixed costs, respectively.
    • phi: Number of relief items per evacuee per period.
    • alpha, beta: Transportation cost factors for relief items and evacuee transport.
    • INVE_FACT, INVR_FACT: Cost factors for evacuee and relief item inventories.
    • cut_tol: Threshold for cut violation.
    • n_itr_lb_rate: Iterations to compute the lower bound improvement rate.
    • lb_tol: Lower bound improvement threshold to stop SDDP.
    • Xmiles, Ymiles: Miles per degree of longitude and latitude.
    • DP_DIST_TOL: Distance threshold from the coastline for demand zones in the Florence case.
    • n_realization: Number of AR-1 error model realizations per period.
    • S_T_intensity, S_T_track, S_T_along, S_T_cross: Discretization states for intensity, track, along, and cross errors.
    • S: Number of scenarios in the two-stage stochastic programming model.
    • cat_5_speed: Wind speed for a Category 5 hurricane.
    • n_oos: Number of out-of-sample scenarios.
    • T, T_max: Planning horizon periods for deterministic and random landfall cases.
    • max_itr, max_itr_sddp_rerun: Maximum iterations for SDDP and Benders, and rerun iterations for SDDP.
    • n_UB_samples: Number of sample paths for computing statistical upper bound.

Forecast Error Data (/Data/Forecast error/)

Contains data related to forecast errors, starting with AR-1 parameter estimation:

  • 12hr_avg: Average 12-hour forecast error from the historical database.
  • correlation_along: Correlation coefficients for along error between periods.
  • eps_grid.json: Epsilon grid with 100 realizations per period for all errors.
  • oos_errors_along: Out-of-sample along errors sampled using the AR-1 model.
  • ST_along: Number of Markov Chain states for along error.
  • transition_prob_along_t0: Transition probability matrix for along error at t=0.

Florence Case Study Data (/Data/Florence/)

Contains data specific to the Florence case study:

  • DP_all_ZIPs: ZIP codes with population and location data in the risk zone.

Instance-Specific Data (/Data/Florence/Instance_I{I}_J{J}/)

Instance-specific data for various combinations of demand points (I) and shelter points (J):

  • DP: Demand points for a given instance (e.g., I = 3).
  • SP: Shelter points for a given instance (e.g., J = 3).
  • c_{}: Logistics cost data.
  • cat_scen: Out-of-sample hurricane category scenarios.
  • ST: Number of Markov Chain states per period.
  • DF_MSSP_t10: Demand factors at t=10 for all Markov Chain states.
  • PI_MSSP_t9: Transition probability matrix at t=9.
  • SAMPLES_OOS_MC_LATTICE: Samples for testing MSSP and two-stage models.
  • oos_demand_t10: Out-of-sample demand data at t=10.
  • DF_OOS_MC_LATTICE_t10: Demand factors for out-of-sample scenarios.
  • p: Probability for all scenarios in S.

Results Directory

The results are stored at ~/Results/{--hurricane}/instance{--instance}/ff{--ffact}_gf{--gfact}_pf{--pfact}_pcost{--pcost}/file_name.ext for the respective commands.

  • algorithm solutions are saved by using the method names: bb, bc, sddp etc.
  • the test sample costs are named as 'eval'.

Miscellaneous Notes

  • File includes functions that are rather repetative and of general purpose. It is imported at different modules as per needed
  • Files and are used to create summary of the results and plots after getting the results. These files are executed rather individually as they are not incorporated in
  • File is used to create argument inputs to for data creation and solving the models. File commands_defaults.csv has the default values of arguments on
  • command --landfall is useless when --hurricane is specified. It is only used to indicate the landfall characterization of the chosen case study.


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