🦸 User sends request to backend for Sign in or Signing up.
🖥 Client Side Validation using custom functions.
🎗 User is redirected to profile page on successfull login or signup.
🇼🇸 If user is already logged in he is redirectedf to profile page.
⌚ If user is not logged in and he tries to visit profile page directly isautomatically redirected to login page.
⛵ Project live version => https://manufac-analytics.herokuapp.com/
Before you continue, ensure you have met the following requirements:
📠 You have installed postgres,yarn and node on your system.
📽 Clone the Project cd to ManufacAnalyticsProject yarn install to install backend dependencies.
⛓ cd to my-app(i.e, frontend folder) and install dependencies by yarn install.
📧 To start the backend server cd to ManufacAnalyticsProject do yarn start
🛹 Create the db and table from database.sql file and create a .env file for pool configurations
👨 To start the frontend server cd to my-app and run the project by yarn start.
Frontend : React,Typescript,Material-ui,HTML,CSS
Backend : Node.js,Express.js,JS,Postgres