Pretty straight forward stuff here - just be mindful of the extra environment variable set to DESTDIR:
cd lib/qredisclient
git submodule update --init
qmake CONFIG+=debug DESTDIR=.
Install scons - e.g.
brew install scons
orsudo apt-get install scons
Install boost
Boost may be challenging to build so it's highly recommended that you use something like homebrew, apt-get, or the pre-built binary installer for windows
# Install what you can with Ubuntu sudo apt-get install mongodb-dev sudo apt-get install libboost1.54-all-dev
# Brew on macx brew search boost brew info boost brew install boost --c++11
NOTE: If you're installing mongo locally, make sure you link to the same set of BOOST libraries!
brew install mongodb --with-boost --with-openssl
Build the driver!
cd QttpServer/lib/mongo-cxx-driver sudo scons --libpath=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu --cpppath=/usr/include --dbg=on --opt=on --64 install
set PATH=C:\Python27;C:Pyathon27\Scripts;%PATH% scons --32 --dbg=on --opt=off --sharedclient --dynamic-windows --prefix="C:\local\mongo-client" --cpppath="C:\local\boost_1_59_0" --libpath="C:\local\boost_1_59_0\lib32-msvc-14.0" install
scons --libpath=/usr/local/lib --cpppath=/usr/local/include --dbg=on --opt=on --64 install
For more information visit