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mdsdrv Interface Reference

This document describes the public interfaces of mdsdrv. These functions are used by the main 68000 program to interface with the sound driver.



  • Description: Initializes the sound driver.
  • Address: mdsdrv+0
  • Input:
    • a0 - Pointer to work area in RAM.
    • a1 - Pointer to sound data (mdsseq.bin). Must be an even address.
  • Trashes:
    • a0-a1, d0-d1.


  • Description: Updates all tracks and channels. Should be called on every VINT.
  • Address: mdsdrv+4
  • Input:
    • a0 - Pointer to work area in RAM.
  • Trashes:
    • a0-a6, d0-d7.


  • Description: Requests a sound (BGM or effect)
  • Address: mdsdrv+8
  • Input:
    • a0 - Pointer to work area in RAM.
    • d0 - Sound number.
    • d1 - Priority level (request slot).
  • Trashes:
    • d0-d1.
  • Notes:
    • Calling this function will stop all already playing tracks with that priority level.
    • Request sound number 0 to stop all tracks on the specified priority level.
    • Add $2000 + (fade_speed << 10) to the sound number to fade in the sound. Only works for BGM tracks. Bits 10-12 control the fading speed. For example, adding $2000 will fade in slowly and $3c00 will fade in quickly.
    • Requesting an invalid sound number will not crash the sound driver.


  • Description: Send a command to the sound driver.
  • Address: mdsdrv+12
  • Input:
    • a0 - Pointer to work area in RAM.
    • d0 - Command number.
    • d1 - Command parameter (if applicable).
    • d2 - Command parameter (if command number > 0x09)
  • Output:
    • a0 - Return value (if applicable)
    • d0 - Return value (if applicable)
  • Trashes:
    • a0-a1, d0-d1.
    • Command numbers >= 0x09 will also trash d2.

Command numbers:

These are currently all the possible command numbers for mds_command.

  • Command 0x00
  • Description: Returns the total number of defined commands in d0.
  • Command 0x01
  • Description: Returns the total number of defined sounds in d0.
  • Command 0x02
  • Description: Returns a bitmask in d0 where each bit represents a track. If the track is active with the specified priority level in d1, the bit is set.
  • Command 0x03
  • Description: Returns a pointer to the version string in a0. The string is zero-terminated. A hexadecimal representation of the version is returned in d0. The length of the version string (in bytes) is given in d1.
  • Command 0x04
  • Description: Returns the global tempo in d0. The default value is 128 for NTSC systems and 107 for PAL systems.
  • Command 0x05
  • Description: Sets the global tempo to the value in d1. Automatic PAL/NTSC adjustment will not be done.
  • Command 0x06
  • Description: Returns a 16-bit value in d0 with the initial BGM (request slot 3) in the upper 8 bits and the initial sound effect (request slots 0..2) volume in the lower 8 bits.
  • Command 0x07
  • Description: Sets the initial volume to the 16-bit value in d0. See get_gvolume for more details.
  • Command 0x08
  • Description: Writes the data defined in the lower 8 bits of d1 to the FM port 0 register defined in the upper 8 bits of d1. Port 0 contains timer, DAC, key-on and FM1-FM3 operator registers.
  • Command 0x09
  • Description: Writes the data defined in the lower 8 bits of d1 to the FM port 1 register defined in the upper 8 bits of d1. Port 1 contains FM4-FM6 operator registers.
  • Command 0x0A

  • Description: Begins fade out or fade in of the background music (priority level 3).

    The upper 8 bits of d1 define the fade speed. The valid range is 0 to 7, where 0 causes the volume to be updated every 8 frames, and 7 causes the volume to be updated every frame.

    If bit 7 of d1 is set, the music will be stopped after the fade is complete.

    Bits 0-6 of d1 sets the target volume level. 0 is the maximum volume, and 127 is the lowest volume. The attenuation is -0.75 dB per step.

  • Command 0x0B
  • Description: Pauses or resumes the tracks with the priority level specified in d1. Set d2 to non-zero to pause, and zero to resume.
  • Command 0x0C
  • Description: Returns in d0 the current song volume for the priority level specified in d1.
  • Command 0x0D
  • Description: Sets the song volume of the tracks with the priority level specified in d1. Set the new volume in d2. 0 is the maximum volume, and 127 is the lowest volume. The attenuation is -0.75 dB per step.
  • Command 0x0E
  • Description: Returns in d0 the current song tempo for the priority level specified in d1.
  • Command 0x0F
  • Description: Sets the song tempo for the priority level specified in d1 to the value in d2.
  • Command 0x10
  • Description: Returns in d0 the communication byte value, set in the song data.
  • Command 0x11

  • Description: Set the PCM mixing mode and buffering level.

    The byte in d1 define the mixing mode. Valid values are 2 or 3, for mixing 2 or 3 channels respectively. If the value is 0, the previous PCM mixing mode is kept. See [](the sequence format) for more information.

    The byte in d2 define the maximum buffering threshold. When this is 0, the DMA buffer is disabled, allowing for low latency PCM samples, however the Z80 needs to be stopped manually whenever a DMA tranfer is done. If this is non-zero, DMA buffering is enabled, and the value needs to be in the range 40-220. Other values may result in buffer underruns or overruns causing audio glitches.

    For more information see [](DMA protection).

  • Command 0x12

  • Description: Get the PCM mixing mode

    Return the current PCM mode in d0. If the Z80 is still initializing, this will return 0.