Static generated site designed for developers that want to write blog posts that hosted in static hosting (e.g: Github Pages).
Demo Website :
- Simple, automated and fast
- SEO Optimized
- Mobile friendly (Add to Home Screen)
- Comment System with Disqus
- Live Search
- AJAX Pagination
- Feed RSS
- Sitemap
- Robots Txt
- Shell script to create posts and automation deploy to github pages
- Install the requirements
- Fork Jekyll Starter Blog
- Clone or download the repository you just forked
- Go to folder you just cloned or downloaded and run
npm install
to install all npm and bundler dependencies - Check out the sample posts in
to see examples for assigning categories and tags - Read the documentation below for further customization pointers and documentation
Go and edit _config.yml
# Site settings
name: Sutanlab Blog
title: Gading Nst. - Coder
description: A blog and journal about Gading Nst, Junior Developer
baseurl: "/jekyll-starter-blog" # the subpath for your site default is ""
url: "" # the base hostname & protocol in your domain (e.g:
# Author Setting
username: Gading Nst.
user_description: Learner, Coder & Coffee Maniac
user_title: Welcome to My Blog Site
avatar_url: /jekyll-starter-blog/assets/img/sutan.jpeg
github_username: sutanlab
disqus_username: sutanlab
facebook_username: sgnzst
instagram_username: sutan_gnst
twitter_username: sutan_gnst
medium_username: sutan.gnst
Go and edit _variables.scss
in src/sass
// theme color
$main: #2c3e50;
$sidemenu: #242f3a;
$hover: darken($main, 50%);
$sec: #FFFFFF;
$lightGray: #F2F2F2;
$texts: #333333;
$colorcode: #3085F4;
$loader-color: #FFFFFF;
* adjust with your disqus theme
* if your disqus theme is dark, the color should be darken.
* if your disqus theme is light, the color should be lighten
$comment-theme: #304165;
// responsive cut
$cut: 37.5rem;
You just follow the command ./post -c Post Title
to create new post. The new post will be created at _posts
with .md
format. And when you create a new post, you need to fill the post information in the front-matter, follow this example:
layout: post
title: Post Title
date: 2019-05-02 16:32:44
image: /assets/img/blog/post-image.png
description: First steps to use this template
- jekyll
- template
- I love Jekyll
twitter_text: How to install and use this template
keywords: jekyll, template, my post
For other ./
./post -h
output instructions./post -c $TITLE
create post./post -d $TITLE
create draft post./post -p $TITLE
publish/promote a draft to a post
Remember to run
npm run build
for Compile sass, js and build site files before deploying the site -
npm run deploy
for Deploy to other branch which on github pages -
Or you can use automation deploy with
run npm start
or bundle exec jekyll server --host=$IP_ADDR --port=$PORT
Copyright © 2019 by Gading Gading Fadhillah Nasution