- If you want to learn how to create a translation, please see the 'A Byte of Python' Translation Howto.
- If you are already in the process of creating a translation, please add your introduction and the language of translation here on this page, similar to the list of 'A Byte of Python' translations.
Mikael Jacobsson (leochingkwake-at-gmail-dot-com) has volunteered to translate the book to Swedish, and the translation is in progress at http://leochingkwake.se/wiki/index.php/Byte_of_Vim.
Yeh, Shin-You (or Yesyo) has volunteered to translate the book to Traditional Chinese. The translation is in progress, and starts with the chapter "Vim zh-tw".
Vitalij Naumov (or hbvit7) has volunteered to translate the book to Russian. The translation is in progress, and starts with the chapter "Vim_ru".
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/