diff --git a/src/shared/locales/es-SSP/source.json b/src/shared/locales/es-SSP/source.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..611d170c6b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/shared/locales/es-SSP/source.json @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ +{ + "s89Title": "ASIGNACIÓN PARA LA REUNIÓN
VIDA Y MINISTERIO CRISTIANOS", + "s89ToBeGiven": "Se presentará en:", + "s89DescFooter": "Nota al estudiante: En la Guía de actividades encontrará la información que necesita para su intervención. Repase también las indicaciones que se describen en las Instrucciones para la reunión Vida y Ministerio Cristianos (S-38).", + "name": "Nombre:", + "assistant": "Ayudante:", + "date": "Fecha:", + "assignment": "Asignación", + "bibleReading": "Lectura de la Biblia", + "initialCall": "Primera conversación", + "returnVisit": "Revisita", + "bibleStudy": "Curso bíblico", + "talk": "Discurso", + "mainHall": "Sala principal", + "auxClass1": "Sala auxiliar num.1", + "auxClass2": "Sala auxiliar num.2", + "otherPart": "Otro", + "midweekMeetingPrint": "Horario de reunión entre semana", + "chairmanMidweekMeeting": "Presidente", + "chairmanWeekendMeeting": "Presidente", + "noMMeeting": "No hay reuniones de entre semana para esta semana", + "auxClassCounselor": "Consejero de la sala auxiliar", + "song": "Canción", + "prayerMidweekMeeting": "Oración", + "prayerWeekendMeeting": "Oración", + "openingComments": "Palabras de introducción", + "treasuresPart": "Tesoros de la Biblia", + "applyFieldMinistryPart": "Seamos mejores maestros", + "livingPart": "Nuestra vida cristiana", + "bibleReadingText": "Lectura de la Biblia (4 min.)", + "tgwGems": "Busquemos perlas escondidas", + "student": "Estudiante", + "partLessTime": "{{ duration }} min. o menos", + "studentAssistant": "Estudiante/Amo de casa:", + "cbs": "Estudio bíblico de la congregación", + "cbsConductor": "Conductor", + "cbsReader": "Lector", + "concludingComments": "Palabras de conclusión", + "coTalk": "Discurso por el superintendente de circuito", + "auxClass": "Sala auxiliar", + "memorialInvite": "Invitación a la conmemoración", + "normalWeek": "Semana regular", + "circuitOverseerWeek": "Visita del superintendente de circuito", + "conventionWeek": "Semana de la asamblea regional", + "assemblyWeek": "Semana de la asamblea de circuito", + "shortTimeFormat": "H:MM", + "initialCallVideo": "Video de la primera conversación", + "returnVisitVideo": "Video de la revisita", + "memorialInviteVideo": "Video de invitación a la conmemoración", + "tgwTalk": "Discurso 10 min.", + "lcPart": "Living Parts", + "initialCallVariations": "0", + "returnVisitVariations": "0", + "lcNoAssignedVariations": "Logros de la Organización|Informe del Cuerpo Gobernante", + "cbsLffWithPointsVariations": "can be skipped", + "cbsLffSectionOnlyVariations": "can be skipped", + "lcSourceElderVariations": "Necesidades locales", + "lcContentElderVariations": "To be handled by an elder", + "speaker": "Speaker", + "speakerSymposium": "Speaker (Symposium)", + "wtStudyReader": "Watchtower Study Reader", + "weekendMeetingPrint": "Weekend Meeting Schedule", + "publicTalk": "Public Talk", + "openingPrayerWeekendMeeting": "Opening Prayer", + "noWMeeting": "There is no weekend meeting for this week", + "noMeeting": "There is no meeting for this week", + "longDateFormat": "{{ date }} {{ month }}, {{ year }}", + "substituteSpeaker": "Substitute Speaker", + "startingConversation": "Empiece conversaciones", + "followingUp": "Haga revisitas", + "makingDisciples": "Haga discípulos", + "explainingBeliefs": "Explique sus creencias", + "discussion": "Análisis con el auditorio", + "demonstration": "Escenificación", + "partNo": "Intervención núm.:" +} diff --git a/src/shared/locales/es-SSP/ui.json b/src/shared/locales/es-SSP/ui.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..047a6e2796 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/shared/locales/es-SSP/ui.json @@ -0,0 +1,567 @@ +{ + "iso": "en", + "student": "Estudiante", + "students": "Students", + "schedule": "Schedule", + "sourceMaterial": "Source Material", + "settings": "Settings", + "administration": "Administration", + "login": "Login", + "logout": "Logout", + "changeLanguage": "Language", + "edit": "Edit", + "delete": "Delete", + "save": "Save", + "cancel": "Cancel", + "undo": "Undo", + "password": "Password", + "congregation": "Congregation", + "number": "Number", + "monday": "Monday", + "tuesday": "Tuesday", + "wednesday": "Wednesday", + "thursday": "Thursday", + "friday": "Friday", + "saturday": "Saturday", + "sunday": "Sunday", + "class": "Class", + "weeklybibleReading": "Weekly Bible Reading", + "partLessTime": "{{ duration }} min. o menos", + "shortDateFormat": "mm/dd/yyyy", + "shortDatePickerFormat": "MM/dd/yyyy", + "shortDateTimeFormat": "mm/dd/yyyy HH:MM", + "treasuresPart": "Tesoros de la Biblia", + "applyFieldMinistryPart": "Seamos mejores maestros", + "livingPart": "Nuestra vida cristiana", + "bibleReadingText": "Lectura de la Biblia (4 min.)", + "name": "Name", + "displayName": "Display Name", + "gender": "Gender", + "isUnavailable": "Unavailable", + "yes": "Yes", + "no": "No", + "abbrBibleReading": "BR", + "abbrInitialCall": "IC", + "abbrReturnVisit": "RV", + "abbrBibleStudy": "BS", + "abbrTalk": "T", + "january": "January", + "february": "February", + "march": "March", + "april": "April", + "may": "May", + "june": "June", + "july": "July", + "august": "August", + "september": "September", + "october": "October", + "november": "November", + "december": "December", + "year": "Year", + "week": "Week", + "type": "Type", + "ayfPart1": "Part 1", + "ayfPart2": "Part 2", + "ayfPart3": "Part 3", + "ayfPart4": "Part 4", + "noMMeeting": "No meeting", + "date": "Date", + "assignment": "Asignación", + "assistant": "Assistant", + "pleaseWait": "Please wait ...", + "download": "Download", + "mainHall": "Sala principal", + "auxClass": "Sala auxiliar", + "auxClass1": "Sala auxiliar num.1", + "auxClass2": "Sala auxiliar num.2", + "allWeeks": "All weeks", + "continue": "Continue", + "add": "Add", + "noOptions": "No options", + "loading": "Loading...", + "newVersion": "A new version of CPE is available", + "updateApp": "Update", + "cacheCompleted": "CPE can be used offline now", + "signIn": "Sign in", + "about": "About", + "install": "Install", + "whatsNew": "What’s new", + "nothingNew": "There is nothing new at this moment. Come back here later to check again.", + "backup": "Backup", + "sendBackup": "Create and Send Backup", + "restoreBackup": "Restore Backup", + "restore": "Restore", + "back": "Back", + "startDate": "Start date", + "endDate": "End date", + "comments": "Comments", + "disqualified": "Assignment ended because of disqualification", + "advancedSearch": "Advanced search", + "hideAvancedSearch": "Hide advanced search", + "useOnlineAccount": "Use online account", + "create": "Create", + "savedSuccess": "Changes saved successfully!", + "update": "Update", + "chairmanMidweekMeeting2": "Midweek Meeting Chairman", + "auxClassCounselor": "Consejero de la sala auxiliar", + "openingPrayer": "Opening Prayer", + "closingPrayer": "Closing Prayer", + "midweekMeeting": "Midweek Meeting", + "cbs": "Estudio bíblico de la congregación", + "song": "Canción", + "time": "Time", + "myUserProfile": "My User Profile", + "record": "Record", + "roles": "Roles/Privileges", + "search": "Search", + "open": "Open", + "export": "Export", + "schedules": "Schedules", + "selectAll": "Select all", + "publish": "Publish", + "openingPrayerMidweekMeeting": "Midweek Meeting Opening Prayer", + "presentedBy": "Delivered by: ", + "emailNotSupported": "Sorry, this email is invalid or not supported", + "welcomeTitle": "Welcome to CPE", + "next": "Next", + "meetingDay": "Meeting day", + "whatIsCPE": "Is CPE an official application for Jehovah’s Witnesses?", + "descCPE": "No, it is not. You are free to choose whether to use it or not. We recommend that its use has been approved by all the congregation elders. Also, we are aware that there are many similar applications currently available to help you to accomplish the same tasks. We are not here to say what is the best and what is not. We believe all of these applications are good and have their own methods on how to do things, but still share the same goal.", + "appPWA": "CPE is a PWA application. What does it means?", + "descPWA": "As a PWA, or progressive web application, CPE is a type of application software delivered through the web. It is intended to work on any platform that uses a standards-compliant browser, including both desktop and mobile devices. Also, you can install it on your device, and it will work offline after you have finished the initial setup.", + "appSecure": "How secure is your data when you use CPE?", + "webChange": "We are committed to providing you with a secure application that should allow you to carry your responsabilities in the congregation. In web development, technologies are changing rapidly, and we will do our best to keep the pace with those changes.", + "appStorage": "Although CPE is a web application, please note that we are not storing your data online. They are all saved locally on your browser device. That makes it possible to use this application even when you are offline.", + "onlineShare": "However, we have built some functionalities that will allow you to share data online, that is not confidential, for public and private access. For private share, all data are encrypted and securely saved on our server.", + "clearBrowserData": "Please be informed that when you are clearing your browser history, you are also deleting all your CPE data. Unless you have made a backup, your data will be gone forever.", + "appPrivacy": "How CPE is taking care of your privacy?", + "dataCollection": "When you accept to use our CPE applications, you give us the permission to collect the following informations: your name and email address. We are also collecting your device IP address, your user agent details to identify you when you access our server.", + "adBlock": "We do not allow any advertising companies to collect data through our services to target you with any ads. We do not share data collected by CPE application with other organization for any purpose.", + "readComplete": "I finished reading these information", + "welcome": "Welcome!", + "selectCountry": "Country", + "congregationExists": "This congregation already exists", + "updateCongregation": "Update congregation information", + "updateCongregationDesc": "An update has been made to improve congregation account creation in CPE. Therefore, all existing account needs to be updated.", + "email": "Email address", + "createSwsAccount": "Create sws2apps account", + "hasAccount": "I have an account", + "newUserAccount": "Choose below which service you want to use to create your account.", + "accountNotFound": "The provided login does not exist yet.", + "accountExist": "That person is already in your congregation.", + "accountCreated": "Your user account was created. Inform your congregation administrator to give you the necessary permissions and click Reload this app. If your congregation does not already have an account, click the CREATE button.", + "incorrectInfo": "Your email address or password is incorrect", + "verifyAccount": "An email message has been sent you to verify your account. You will not be able to use your account if it has not been verified yet. You may need to check the Spam or Junk Email folder. Resend the verification message in case you did not received it.", + "blockedEmailTitle": "Email address blocked", + "blockedAccount": "This email address is blocked. Please verify that the information you provided are correct.", + "resendVerify": "Resend verification email", + "createCongregationAccount": "Create a congregation account", + "fullname": "Fullname", + "mfaSetupTitle": "Two-factor authentication from the program Microsoft Authenticator or Google Authenticator is required. Then choose on which device do you want to do the setup.", + "mfaThisDevice": "You may continue the setup when one of the two programs above has been installed on your device.", + "mfaVerify": "Verify", + "setupTextOTP": "Then, enter below the OTP code generated from the app", + "scanQR": "Scan QR Code instead", + "copyToken": "I cannot scan this QR Code", + "unauthorized": "Unauthorized account", + "unauthorizedRole": "You do not have yet the required role to use this application. Please contact your congregation elders to confirm your role. They may send us an email if they need further support.", + "showPassword": "Show password", + "verifyEmail": "Email address verification", + "proceedSignIn": "Proceed to sign in", + "resendError": "An error occured while sending verification message to your email account: {{ error }}", + "setupMFA": "Setup Multi-factor Authentication (MFA)", + "thisDevice": "This device", + "otherDevice": "Other device", + "setupThisDevice": "Setup", + "mfaVerifyTitle": "Let’s make sure that it is you", + "mfaVerifyDesc": "Enter below a code from the authenticator app", + "mfaSetupUpdate": "Important: We have updated the MFA verification system. First, delete the previous sws2apps account created on Microsoft Authenticator or Google Authenticator. Then, choose on which device do you want to finalize the setup of the new verification code.", + "currentSchedule": "MEETING SCHEDULE—{{currentWeek}}", + "all": "All", + "male": "Male", + "female": "Female", + "addNew": "Add new person", + "list": "List", + "other": "Other details", + "deleteTitle": "Delete {{ currentStudent }}", + "deleteConfirmation": "Are you sure to delete this person from the record?", + "deleteSucess": "Person deleted successfully", + "basicInfo": "Basic information", + "assignments": "Assignments", + "assignmentsHistory": "Assignments History", + "timeAway": "Time Away", + "addTimeAway": "Add time away", + "enablePerson": "Enable", + "markDisqualified": "Mark Disqualified", + "markTransfer": "Mark Moved", + "missingInfo": "Some information are missing", + "disqualifiedLabel": "Disqualified", + "searchResult": "Search results", + "recentPersons": "Viewed recently", + "clearRecents": "Clear recents", + "localRecord": "Local record", + "weekAdded": "New week has been added", + "weekSaved": "Source material for this week has been saved", + "partDuration": "Duration", + "partType": "Type", + "nothing": "Nothing", + "addWeek": "New week", + "importEPUB": "Import EPUB", + "addWeekDesc": "Are you sure to add new week? It is recommended to add the source material from downloaded EPUB from JW.ORG. Click Yes to continue, or No to cancel.", + "invalidFilename": "The EPUB file selected could not be imported", + "importEPUBTitle": "Import Source Material from EPUB", + "importJw": "JW.ORG Import", + "importJwTitle": "Import Source Material from JW.ORG", + "importCompleted": "Source material has been imported successfully", + "lcPartDesc": "Part Description", + "epubInvalid": "The EPUB file selected is not a Meeting Workbook file. Please verify it again.", + "downloadInProgress": "Please wait while downloading source materials from JW.ORG ...", + "autofill": "Autofill", + "s89": "S-89 Assignment Form", + "studentHistory": "{{ currentStudent }} (History)", + "assign": "Assign", + "deleteAssignmentTitle": "Delete assignment", + "assistantHistory": "{{ currentStudent }} (Assistant History)", + "s89NoData": "There is no assignment to be printed for this schedule", + "publishPocket": "Share Schedule", + "publishSelectSchedule": "Select the schedule you want to share:", + "publishSuccess": "Schedule published sucessfully", + "weeksList": "Weeks List", + "assignedParts": "Assigned Parts", + "deleteScheduleConfirm": "Are you sure to delete all the assignments for the {{ currentSchedule }} schedule?", + "deleteWeekConfirm": "Are you sure to delete all the assignments for the week of {{ currentWeek }}?", + "midweekMeetingPrint": "Horario de reunión entre semana", + "autofillScheduleConfirm": "Are you sure to autofill all the assignments for the {{ currentSchedule }} schedule?", + "autofillWeekConfirm": "Are you sure to autofill all the assignments for the week of {{ currentWeek }}?", + "selectSchedule": "Select at least one schedule before publishing", + "title": "OUR CHRISTIAN LIFE AND MINISTRY
MEETING ASSIGNMENT", + "toBeGiven": "To be given in:", + "s89Header": "Select which week and assignment you want to print:", + "studentAssistant": "Estudiante/Amo de casa:", + "openingComments": "Palabras de introducción", + "concludingComments": "Palabras de conclusión", + "coTalk": "Discurso por el superintendente de circuito", + "aboutCongregation": "ABOUT CONGREGATION", + "saved": "Congregation settings updated successfully", + "dataStorage": "DATA STORAGE", + "createBackup": "Create backup", + "eraseDesc": "Delete local data used by CPE.", + "deleteDbTitle": "Are you sure to delete all CPE data?", + "deleteDbDesc": "All local data used by CPE will be deleted. This includes the persons list, schedules, and all congregation details. However, this will not delete your congregation backup. Click Delete to continue.", + "backupSuccess": "Your backup is successfully saved", + "lastCongBackup": "Last backup made by {{ backup_person }}, on {{ backup_date }}. Please click CREATE if you want to make a new backup.", + "restoreConfirmation": "Last backup made by {{ backup_person }}, on {{ backup_date }}. Please click RESTORE if you want to get this backup.", + "noBackupFound": "No backup has not been found yet for your congregation.", + "myAccount": "MY ACCOUNT", + "emailLocked": "This email address can no longer be changed. Please contact us if you want to change it.", + "twoFactor": "Two-factor authentication", + "twoFactorDesc": "Two-factor authentication adds an additional layer of security to your account.", + "twoFactorAddDevice": "Add device", + "twoFactorTitle": "Two-factor authentication details", + "twoFactorApp": "Use Microsoft Authenticator or Google Authenticator app in your new device to scan the code QR below", + "twoFactorToken": "If you are unable to scan the QR code, please use the token below", + "sessions": "Sessions", + "sessionsDesc": "This is a list of devices that have logged into your account. Revoke any sessions that you do not recognize.", + "sessionRevoke": "Revoke", + "lastSeen": "Last seen: {{ last_seen }}", + "currentSession": "Current session", + "sourcesFormsSettings": "SOURCE MATERIALS & FORMS", + "sourceTemplateLangDesc": "Select the language you want to use for source materials, S-89 and S-140 forms", + "heading": "Manage Access to CPE", + "vipUsersHeading": "Baptized Brothers", + "pocketUsersHeading": "Publishers & Students for Midweek Meeting", + "removeBrother": "Remove brother from congregation", + "removeBrotherDesc": "Are you sure to remove brother {{ name }} from the congregation? He will no longer have access to your congregation when he connects to his online account.", + "editCPEUser": "EDIT CPE USER", + "roleAdmin": "Administrator", + "roleLMMO": "Life and Ministry Meeting Overseer", + "roleLMMOAssistant": "Life and Ministry Meeting Overseer - Assistant", + "roleViewMeetingSchedule": "View Meeting Schedule", + "roleSecretary": "Secretary", + "sessionsDevices": "Sessions/Devices", + "pocketSetupInstruction": "Setup Instructions", + "pocketSetupSite": "New device can be added. Ask the user to visit https://cpe-web.sws2apps.com", + "pocketSetupCode": "Then, when prompted, enter the following code to allow CPE app to be run on that device:", + "pocketAddDevice": "Add Device", + "addCPEUser": "Add new CPE user", + "cpeUserFound": "Now, click Create. Then edit the roles and priviledge of this user.", + "selectPocketRecord": "Select the person record from the list:", + "description": "This web application is designed for use by Jehovah’s Witnesses. CPE can be used to create the midweek and weekend meeting schedules. It can be used also to manage your personal field service activities and the congregation field service reports. To learn more about all CPE features, visit https://sws2apps.com.", + "persons": "Persons", + "personAdd": "Add Person", + "viewMyAssignments": "My Assignments", + "viewAssignmentsSchedule": "View Weekly Assignments", + "viewSourceMaterial": "View Source Material", + "weekAddNew": "Add New Week", + "sourceImportEPUB": "Import from EPUB file", + "sourceImportJw": "Import from JW.ORG", + "manageAccessToApps": "Manage Access to CPE", + "setup": "Make sure first that you have your record in the Persons list. Then, click the Setup button.", + "btnSetup": "Setup", + "selectRecord": "Select your record from the list:", + "noMatchRecord": "No record", + "overridePart": "Override", + "overrideSaveWarning": "Adjust the timing of parts in Living as Christians, including Congregation Bible Study, before saving. Total timings should be 45 min.", + "languageMissing": "My language is not here", + "sourceNotFoundUnavailable": "The source material is not available yet, or this language is not yet supported", + "oauthAccept": "By continuing, you are indicating that you accept our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.", + "termsUse": "Terms of Use", + "privacyPolicy": "Privacy Policy", + "oauthGoogle": "Continue with Google", + "oauthMicrosoft": "Continue with Microsoft", + "oauthGithub": "Continue with GitHub", + "oauthYahoo": "Continue with Yahoo", + "oauthEmail": "Continue with Email", + "providerNotAvailable": "If the email you are using is not available above, choose the option below.", + "signInDesc": "Choose below which service you want to use for sign in.", + "emailAuth": "Email Authentication", + "emailAuthDesc": "Enter your email address below.", + "sendLink": "Send Link", + "authProvider": "Other ways to sign in", + "sendEmailError": "An error occured while sending a message to your email address", + "emailAuthDescComplete": "You have chosen to authenticate using email address only. Click the Sign in button below to continue.", + "emailAuthSent": "A message has been sent to your email address. Use the link we send there to complete your authentication.", + "oauthError": "An error occured. Please try again later. Also check if your device is connected to the internet.", + "verifyEmailError": "An error occured while completing your authentication. Try again later.", + "resendEmailLink": "Resend Link", + "mfaTokenInvalidExpired": "This code is invalid or has expired. Get a new code from the authenticator app and try again", + "oauthAccountExistsWithDifferentCredential": "Your account is already linked to another service. Please login using that service instead.", + "oauthAccountUpgradeError": "An error occured while upgrading your account. Please try again later.", + "oauthAccountUpgradeEmailMismatch": "Account upgrade failed: Please login using your current email address when opening CPE.", + "oauthAccountUpgradeComplete": "Your account has been upgraded. This page will now reload.", + "oauthAccountUpgradeEmailComplete": "Your account has been upgraded. A message has been sent to your email address to complete your authentication.", + "logoutOnlineAccount": "Logout from online account", + "logoutSuccess": "You are now disconnected from your online account", + "userAccountUpgrade": "User Account Upgrade", + "userAccountUpgradeDesc": "CPE has been updated to use a new authentication method. Email and password login is no longer supported. Instead, you will use a service provider, like Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, to login into your account. If you do not have account in any of these providers, you can use the passwordless authentication. Please note that entering verification code from an authenticator app is always required.", + "userAccountUpgradeStart": "To begin, login into your account using your usual email address and password.", + "userAccountUpgradeChooseService": "Choose below which service you would like to use to upgrade your account.", + "circuitOverseer": "Circuit Overseer", + "announcements": "What’s New", + "markAsRead": "Mark as read", + "expand": "Expand", + "collapse": "Collapse", + "weekDeleteConfirm": "Are you sure to remove this week from the source materials list?", + "weekDeletedSuccess": "Week removed from source materials", + "autoBackup": "CPE Automatic Backup", + "enableLabel": "Enable", + "backupIntervalLabel": "Interval", + "scheduleUseFullname": "Use Fullname in S-140", + "trustDevice": "Trust this device", + "chooseAccount": "Choose which type of account you would like to open.", + "choosePocketAccount": "Choose this option if you are a student of midweek meeting, or a publisher", + "chooseVipAccount": "Choose this option if you are a baptized or an appointed brother", + "accountSetup": "To activate CPE app on this device, please enter below the code you received from your congregation elders.", + "activationCode": "Confirmation Code", + "activate": "Activate", + "refreshSchedule": "Refresh Schedule", + "deviceRemoved": "Device removed successfully", + "inputInvalid": "Please verify the information you provided", + "pocketNotFound": "Your account could not be found. Make sure the code is correct.", + "internalError": "An internal error has occured in our side. Please try again later.", + "noSchedules": "Please ask your congregation elders to publish the meeting schedule first", + "noSchedule": "There is no schedule for this week", + "autoAssignMMOpeningPrayer": "Auto-assign Chairman for Opening Prayer", + "personsNoAssignment": "Not assigned yet", + "reloadApp": "Reload this app", + "mainRoleLabel": "Choose your main role", + "spiritualStatus": "Spiritual Status", + "elder": "Elder", + "ministerialServant": "Ministerial Servant", + "publisher": "Publisher", + "birthDate": "Date of birth", + "age": "Age", + "anointed": "Anointed", + "otherSheep": "Other sheep", + "baptized": "Baptized", + "immersedDate": "Date immersed", + "years": "Years", + "spiritualStatusNotice": "Contact the Secretary if changes are necessary for this person’s spiritual status.", + "midweekMeetingAssignmentsNotice": "Contact the Life and Ministry Meeting Overseer if changes are necessary for this person’s midweek meeting assignments.", + "basicInfoSelectedNotice": "Only the Secretary can edit some information for a person in this section.", + "address": "Address", + "phoneNumber": "Phone number", + "emailAddress": "Email address", + "newSpiritualStatus": "New Status", + "otherService": "Other Form of Services", + "auxiliaryPioneer": "Auxiliary Pioneer", + "regularPioneer": "Regular Pioneer", + "specialPioneer": "Special Pioneer", + "service": "Service", + "abbrElder": "E", + "abbrMinisterialServant": "MS", + "abbrSpecialPioneer": "SFTS", + "abbrPublisher": "P", + "abbrBaptized": "B", + "abbrAuxiliaryPioneer": "AP", + "allPersons": "All Persons in Congregation", + "appointedBrothers": "All Appointed Brothers", + "allPublishers": "All Publishers", + "baptizedPublishers": "Baptized Publishers", + "unbaptizedPublishers": "Unbaptized Publishers", + "auxiliaryPioneers": "Auxiliary Pioneers", + "regularPioneers": "Regular Pioneers", + "reports": "Reports", + "fieldServiceGroup": "Field Service Group", + "postFieldServiceReport": "Post Field Service Reports", + "meetingAttendanceRecord": "Meeting Attendance Record", + "draftFieldServiceGroupList": "Draft List {{ index }}", + "abbrFieldService": "Group {{ index }} ({{ count }})", + "removeFromGroup": "Remove from this group", + "makeAsOverseer": "Make as Overseer", + "makeAsAssistant": "Make as Assistant", + "removeAsOverseer": "Remove as Overseer", + "removeAsAssistant": "Remove as Assistant", + "setAsCurrent": "Set as current", + "currentList": "Current List", + "moveToFieldServiceGroup": "Move to Group {{ index }}", + "formS3": "Report of Meeting Attendance", + "formS88": "Congregation Meeting Attendance Record", + "serviceYear": "Service Year", + "selectMonth": "Select a month", + "weekendMeeting": "Weekend Meeting", + "1stWeekLabelS88": "1st week", + "2ndWeekLabelS88": "2nd week", + "3rdWeekLabelS88": "3rd week", + "4thWeekLabelS88": "4th week", + "5thWeekLabelS88": "5th week", + "total": "Total", + "average": "Average", + "numberOfMeetings": "Number of Meetings", + "totalAttendance": "Total Attendance", + "averageAttendanceWeek": "Average Attendance Each Week", + "addPreviousServiceYear": "Add Previous Service Year", + "addingPreviousServiceYearDesc": "The following service year will be added to CPE record:
{{ serviceYear }}.

Are you sure to continue?", + "expiredServiceYear": "CPE only retain records for the past two service years. Therefore, it is no longer possible to add previous service year record.", + "fieldServiceReport": "Field Service Reports", + "S4Placements": "Placements (Printed and Electronic)", + "S4Video": "Video Showings", + "S4Hours": "Hours", + "S4ReturnVisits": "Return Visits", + "S4BibleStudies": "Number of Different Bible Studies Conducted", + "lessOneHour": "Less than 1 hour", + "minuteShortLabel": "min.", + "setAuxiliaryPioneer": "Set as Auxiliary Pioneer", + "lessReturnVisitsError": "Please check this publisher’s report. Return visits should not be less than bible studies.", + "noSchedulesElder": "No meeting schedule has been published yet", + "branchOfficeReport": "Reports to Branch Office", + "lateReport": "Late Report", + "unpostedReports": "Unposted Reports", + "minutesAlreadySubmitted": "Already submitted", + "hourApprovedCredit": "* Hour credit", + "totalHoursInvalid": "The hour credit given to this pioneer must be invalid. The total hours should not exceed 55 hours.", + "prepareS1Report": "Prepare Reports for Branch Office (S-1)", + "selectReport": "Choose a report", + "S1Report": "(S-1) Congregation’s Field Service and Meeting Attendance", + "S1ReportNotFinalized": "Report for this month is not yet ready. Click the Generate button to finalize it.", + "generate": "Generate", + "firstMonthReport": "First report", + "firstMonthReportDesc": "This is the month where field service report is first collected for this person.", + "activePublishers": "Active Publishers", + "weekendMeetingAttendanceAvg": "Average Weekend Meeting Attendance", + "totals": "Totals", + "numberReports": "Number of Reports", + "placements": "Placements (Printed and Electronic)", + "videos": "Video Showings", + "hours": "Hours", + "returnVisits": "Return Visits", + "bibleStudies": "Bible Studies", + "publishers": "Publishers", + "regenerate": "Regenerate", + "setBranchSubmitted": "Mark as submitted", + "undoSubmit": "Undo submission", + "reportAlreadySubmitted": "Report for this month was already submitted to the Branch Office. Only late reports can be added, unless you undo the submission.", + "inactivePublishers": "Inactive Publishers", + "backupDiscrepancy": "The backup could not be sent. Please restore the latest backup first.", + "someSettingLockedLMMO": "Some settings can only be changed by the Life and Ministry Meeting Overseer or his assistant.", + "reportSubmitConfirm": "

You are about to mark this report as submitted to the Branch Office.

All records about late reports which were submitted with this month will be deleted. If it is necessary to undo the submission, you need to find the publishers’ reports and mark them as late again.

If all publishers’ reports which were approved to report 15-minute increments adds up to a full hour, these records will be deleted. If it is necessary to undo the submission, you need to find the publishers’ report and mark them as less than 1 hour again.

", + "continueConfirmMessage": "Are you sure to continue?", + "reportSubmittedBranchTitle": "Submit Report to the Branch Office", + "delegatePersons": "Delegate these persons", + "delegatePersonsDesc": "Access to view their meeting parts, and post their field service reports.", + "deleteDbNoRecordDesc": "All local data used by CPE will be deleted. Click Delete to continue.", + "reminders": "Reminders", + "reminderS1Report": "The Congregation Field Service and Meeting Attendance (S-1) report is not yet ready. It should be submitted to the branch office no later than the 20th day of the month.", + "scheduleAlreadyAssignedWarning": "This person already has an assignment this week", + "myReports": "My Reports", + "myBibleStudies": "My Bible Studies", + "newRecord": "New record", + "contact": "Contact", + "activeBibleStudy": "Active", + "inactiveBibleStudy": "Record inactive", + "lessReturnVisitsErrorPublisher": "Please check your report. Return visits should not be less than bible studies.", + "submit": "Submit", + "show": "Show", + "noUserBackupFound": "No backup has not been found yet for your account.", + "lastUserBackup": "Last backup on {{ backup_date }}. Please click CREATE if you want to make a new backup.", + "restoreUserConfirmation": "Last backup on {{ backup_date }}. Please click RESTORE if you want to get this backup.", + "errorResetData": "ATTENTION: If the above action failed, you can reset CPE app. But please note that all your local data WILL BE DELETED.", + "reset": "Reset", + "errorReloadCPE": "An error occured and CPE cannot be started. Try to reload first by clicking the button below.", + "details": "Details", + "pendingFieldServiceReports": "Pending Field Service Reports", + "pendingFieldServiceReportsNew": "You have pending field service reports to review.", + "review": "Review", + "approve": "Approve", + "disapprove": "Disapprove", + "userFieldServiceReportLocked": "This field service reports was already sent to the Secretary. Please contact him if changes are necessary.", + "approvedLessOneHourReport": "Approved for less than 1 hour report", + "inactiveBibleStudyWarning": "Record set as inactive. You can try deleting it later.", + "cpeElderAutoAssignedRole": "This person is an elder. Therefore, access to open CPE was automatically granted. He can view the congregation persons records, view the meeting schedules and post field service reports. You can also grant any additional roles and priviledges below.", + "cpeMSAutoAssignedRole": "This person is a ministerial servant. Therefore, access to open CPE was automatically granted. He can view view the meeting schedules and post field service reports. You can also grant any additional roles and priviledges below.", + "cpePublisherAutoAssignedRole": "This person is a publisher. Therefore, access to open CPE was automatically granted. He can view view the meeting schedules and post field service reports. You can also grant any additional roles and priviledges below.", + "reminderS4Report": "Your Field Service Report (S-4) is not yet ready. It should be submitted to the secretary no later than the 6th day of the month.", + "rolePublicTalkCoordinator": "Public Talk Coordinator", + "publicTalksList": "Public Talks List", + "roleCoordinator": "Coordinator", + "weekendMeetingAssignmentsNotice": "Contact the Coordinator or the Public Talk Coordinator if changes are necessary for this person’s weekend meeting assignments.", + "weekendMeetingAssignmentsPublicTalkCoordinatorNotice": "Contact the Coordinator if changes are necessary for some of this person’s weekend meeting assignments.", + "downloadPublicTalks": "Make sure you are already connected to your congregation account first. Then click the Download button.", + "publicTalk": "Public Talk", + "wtStudyArticle": "Watchtower Study Article", + "speaker": "Speaker", + "chairmanWeekendMeeting": "Weekend Meeting Chairman", + "openingPrayerWeekendMeeting": "Weekend Meeting Opening Prayer", + "wtStudyReader": "Watchtower Study Reader", + "continueLabel": "Continue", + "startLabel": "Start", + "endLabel": "End", + "autoAssignWMOpeningPrayer": "Auto-assign Chairman for Opening Prayer", + "someSettingLockedCoordinator": "Some settings can only be changed by the Coordinator.", + "talkDeliveredVisitingSpeaker": "Delivered by Visiting Speaker", + "noMeetingNotes": "Add text to schedule", + "visitingSpeakers": "Visiting Speakers", + "talks": "Talks", + "congregationAdd": "Add Congregation", + "congrationAddLabel": "Enter below the congregation name and number where you want to add visiting speakers.", + "congrationAddLabelAlternate": "Alternatively, you can search for a congregation which uses CPE, and has visiting speakers. A request to access the speakers list will be sent to the congregation you selected.", + "visitingSpeakersRequestPending": "A request has been sent to the congregation to access their outgoing speakers list. You will be notified when it is accepted.", + "visitingSpeakersRequestError": "An error occured while sending the request to access congregation speakers", + "visitingSpeakersRequestHeading": "The following congregations requested access to view your outgoing speakers list:", + "accept": "Accept", + "reject": "Reject", + "visitingSpeakersRequestApproved": "The {{ congregation }} congregation accepted your request to view their outgoing speakers list.", + "visitingSpeakersRequestApprovedNote": "Navigate to the Visiting Speakers page to download the speakers list.", + "downloadAllSpeakers": "Get All Speakers", + "congrationOutgoingSpeakersShared": "The congregation outgoing speakers list was successfully shared", + "congrationOutgoingSpeakersShareError": "An error occured while sharing the congregation outgoing speakers list", + "settingLockedMeetingEditor": "These settings can only be changed by the Life and Ministry Meeting Overseer or his assistant, or the Coordinator.", + "visitingSpeakersRequestDisapproved": "Your request to access this congregation outgoing speakers list was disapproved. Please contact the congregation directly for further information.", + "visitingSpeakersAccessNone": "There is no congregation yet who has access to your outgoing speakers list.", + "visitingSpeakersAccessList": "The following congregations have access to your outgoing speakers list.", + "appFullName": "Congregation Program for Everyone", + "appShortName": "CPE App", + "speakerSymposiumPart1": "Speaker 1 (Symposium)", + "speakerSymposiumPart2": "Speaker 2 (Symposium)", + "speakerPart1": "Speaker 1", + "speakerPart2": "Speaker 2", + "watchtowerStudyHeading": "Watchtower Study", + "reader": "Reader", + "talksListEmpty": "Please download the talks list first.", + "countriesFetchError": "Failed to fetch countries", + "congregationsFetchError": "Failed to fetch congregations", + "navMenuHelp": "Help", + "docsUrlCode": "docs", + "useExactMidweekMeetingDate": "Use exact meeting date in S-140", + "useSubtituteSpeaker": "Assign substitute for a visiting speaker" +}