This is ready to deploy repo for hosting Kegbot on Heroku.
- A Heroku account - free for single dyno apps like this
- An AWS account and S3 bucket - costs less than $1/month
For those with heroku experience and want to be able to track changes to this repository follow the directions below. For those that don't, just press the Deploy to Heroku button above.
Clone this repository
Create heroku app
heroku create
Push to heroku
git push heroku master
Add New Relic for monitoring
heroku addons:add newrelic
Add MemCachier
heroku addons:add memcachier
Add database
heroku addons:add heroku-postgresql:dev
Add redis
heroku addons:add redistogo
Add postmark
heroku addons:add postmark
Set kegbot config path
heroku config:add KEGBOT_SETTINGS_DIR="/app/"
Set a django secret key
heroku config:add SECRET_KEY='...'
(you can generate one here - -
Set your outgoing email address
heroku config:add EMAIL_FROM_ADDRESS=""
Set the following config variables for your S3 bucket.
heroku config:add AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" heroku config:add AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" heroku config:add AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME="bbbbbbbb" heroku config:add AWS_S3_CUSTOM_DOMAIN=""
Initialize database
heroku run kegbot syncdb --all --noinput -v 0 heroku run kegbot migrate --all --fake --noinput -v 0
Upload static files to S3 bucket
heroku run kegbot collectstatic
Visit site
heroku open
and finish initial configuration
Note: Once the site is deployed you must register your outgoing email address with Postmark before emails will actually send. This can be done through the Postmark configuration page, accessible from the addons section of your deployed Heroku app.
To upgrade your server installation simply pull the latest version of this repo from github and push it to heroku. Provided no configuration changes are necessary just run the following command.
Note: You can only use this upgrade path if you did not use the Deploy to Heroku button deployment option. If you used the Heroku Button the deployed repository will no longer track this repo.
heroku run kegbot upgrade
Please report issues or send a pull request.