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Preparation: Hackathon Planning

cabo edited this page Nov 4, 2018 · 18 revisions

This page will collect information about future WISHI Hackathons.

Bangkok IETF 103 (Nov 2-3)

We will have semantic interop hacking and test event at the IETF 103 hackathon:

Planned hacking topics:

  • CoRAL and hypermedia for IoT
  • WoT and iotschema enabling interoperability across ecosystems

Participants (physical or virtual) Please fill out the questionnaire:

Remember to register to the hackathon:

For other T2TRG activities at IETF 103 see also T2TRG Summary meeting and Friday work meeting.

Background material: TBD

WISHI breakout discussions

Draft plan:

  • Semantics and engineering principles
  • Hypermedia and actuation (with forms, links semantics, etc.) for IoT
  • Attaching semantics to binary data

Planning Notes