Front-end build tools "All you need to know" workshop (Webpack, Gulp, Babel, TypeScript, Sass, Hot Module Replacement)
Purpose of the workshop:
To gain practical hands-on knowledge on how to set up Front end build environments that support automatic building of a variety of files and have hot in-place code updates to speed up development.
- Latest Node version installed
- Workshop repository pulled
- To use ES6 modules
- To use latest Javascript features
- To use TypeScript
- To use Sass
- To use polyfills for specific target browsers
- To simplify, unify and automate build processes
- To take advantage of production build optimizations
- To speed up local development without the need to refresh the page and lose state
- Dead asset elimination.
- You only build the images and CSS into your dist/ folder that your application actually needs.
- Stable production deploys.
- You can't accidentally deploy code with images missing, or outdated styles.
- What it is and what it can be used for
- Features
- Short comparsion table with other transpilers / builders
- What it is and what it can be used for
- Features
- Setting up webpack config file
- Explaining some options :
entry - The point or points to enter the application. At this point the application starts executing. If an array is passed all items will be executed.
- The path.join() method joins all given path segments together using the platform specific separator as a delimiter, then normalizes the resulting path.
mode - "production" | "development" | "none"
- Chosen mode tells webpack to use its built-in optimizations accordingly.
module -
- How to process non-js modules using loaders
- test - regex pattern to match modules files
- exclude / include
- use - for passing loaders for modules
output -
resolve -
- Extensions -
- Enables not needing to specify the extensions when importing
- Adding rules for js and jsx files
- Adding support for Babel:
- .babelrc configuration file added
- Explaining some .babelrc config options:
- Presets -
- A set of preset configuration options.
- Plugins -
- On its own. Babel does nothing, it needs plugins to transform code. Plugins can be provided in presets as well.
- Presets -
- Adding babel/env and babel/react presets and explaining the options
- @babel/env -
- Allows using latest js syntax, optionally browser polyfills.
- Targets - allows defining which browsers to target in a variety of ways. Will create necessary polyfills.
- @babel/env -
- Plugins:
- Adding support for React class proptypes
- Adding support for decorators (mobx or smth)
- Adding babel-loader to js/jsx rules
- Showing how to use npm scripts for building files with webpack
- Building a bundle file, including it to html
- Adding production build config
- Can use process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" if Node env is set to prod in prod
- Or use separate webpack config and index html files
- Separate html file for clarity
- Setting mode to “production”
- Comparing the file size and automatic minification
- Adding support for sourcemaps
- Showing sourcemaps exist for dev build and not for prod build
- Explaining the different versions:
- Devtool sourcemaps
- eval / Default sourcemap - kinda works but quite ugly, fastest
- cheap-eval-source-map - transformed code, fast
- cheap-module-eval-source-map - original code, fast
- eval-source-map - original source quality, slow
- Up to you to choose the best option for dev and prod builds
- Devtool sourcemaps
- What it is and what it can be used for
- Features
- Comparsion with FlowJS
- Adding tsconfig.json file
- Explaining options :
- compilerOptions
- Target - ES version, default es3
- Strict - enables all strict typechecking options
- Jsx - to support jsx in tsx files, preserve|react
- compilerOptions
- Adding support for .ts and .tsx files to Webpack config with ts-loader
- Building typescript files
- What it is and what it can be used for
- Features
- Adding rules for .scss files in webpack config using loaders:
- Style-loader -
- Add css to dom by injecting it into <style> tag in head
- Good mainly for dev but can also be used in prod, depends on need
- Css-loader -
- Necessary for understating css
- translates CSS into CommonJS
- Sass-loader -
- compiles Sass to CSS, using Node Sass by default
- Options sourceMap: true for css-loader and sass-loader will display sourcemaps
- Style-loader -
- Adding MiniCssExtractPlugin to prod build:
- Creates a separate CSS file
- Include the file to prod index.html
- 2 ways how to include Sass files into project:
- Create a main .scss file that imports all others and import it into app.js
- Import relevant .scss component file into relevant React component
- Have to import globals.scss into each component file
- What they are
- How they can improve development speed
- How it works
- Starting simple http-server in order to be able to serve WDS assets
- Not to use in prod
- Setting up Webpack dev server
- Adding server config in webpack.config.js
- ContentBase - where served files sit
- Enabling hot option
- Adding header for CORS since http-server is running on 8080 port and WDS on 9010
- Adding insertion config to app.js
- Adding http://localhost:9010/ to index.html
- Demonstrating changes in js/ts files
- Adding HMR support for .scss files
- already present since style-loader uses it under the hood
- Demonstrating that it works
- Adding rule for images in webpack config
- Showing how images should be imported in React modules
- Demoing images with HMR updating automatically
- Showing that this works for background images in Sass as well
- What it is and what it can be used for
- Features
- What is a Gulp task and how can it be run
- What can Gulp tasks be used for (compiling, copying, resizing, running tests, linting, etc)
- The syntax of a Gulp task
- Not used that much anymore since Webpack can do most of the things
- Creating a gulpfile.js
- Creating a task for copying image files in order to make bg images in sass work
- Webpack production build is already very well optimized:
- Most of the optimization flags are true if mode is set to production
- Not using sourcemaps also decreases build size
- Caching: adding hashes to file names to force re-cache
- Adding [chunkhash] to prod bundle name and css file
- Adding html-webpack-plugin plugin
- Enables creating html files and support using templates
- Create index lodash template file into which automatically are inserted JS and CSS files
- Demo that changing code creates new bundle files with new hashes
- Problem: previous bundle files are not removed:
- Clean-webpack-plugin -
- Add the plugin with bundle path given as the first plugin, it will remove the folder before anything else happens
- Optimizing images / using svg-s:
- Base64 inlining using
- Replace file-loader with url-loader in webpack prod config
- Limit - A Number specifying the maximum size of a file in bytes. If the file is greater than the limit, file-loader is used by default and all query parameters are passed to it.
- Demo how two images are added to page, one is inlined and other is not
- Demo that .scss background image uses encoded version as well if under limit
- Demo that using .png as background image produces weebpack size warning but using svg doesn’t. Also styles.css is considerably smaller with svg-s.
- Base64 inlining using
- Creating 3 separate js files
- vendor.js - vendor packages that do not change very often but is the biggest file so it can be cached by the client
- main.js - custom code that changes but is quite small
- connect.js - tiny file that connects the previous 2
- Add optimization section to webpack prod config
- Demo that when changing JS or TS file, main.js is the only one updated
- (For some reason styles.css are also generated if js files updated)
- What are Eslint and Tslint
- How they can reduce errors and bugs in code
- Adding .eslintrc and .eslintignore files
- Talking about different parameters :
- Parser - Babel-ESLint - A wrapper around the Babel parser that makes it compatible with ESLint.
- For enabling babel parsing
- Plugins
- Import -
- For es6 import/export syntax validation
- React -
- For react specific rules
- Babel -
- Overwrites rules that might give false positives
- Import -
- Env - An environment defines global variables that are predefined.
- E.g “window”, “document”, “process” etc
- Extends - to extend already defined rule sets
- Rules
- Configuring with “off”, “warn”, “error”
- Running npm run eslint to lint js and jsx files
- Linting Typescript files
- Adding tslint.json file
- Can use Typescript specific rules
- Mentioning that many tslint rules have been removed due to the increased capabilites of TypeScript compiler
- Running npm run tslint to lint .ts and .tsx files
- Linting Sass files
- Adding .sasslintrc file
- Showing sample rules
- Running sass-lint
- Changing a rule to error and a rule to warning to demo how output changes
- Creating global linting npm script
- Stating that this linting script could run together with unit tests as a git pre-commit hook