Extremely simple bash script to check if a port on an internal LAN is open to the outside
You are using some sort of *nix or BSD flavored system with a bash shell
Very simple: download and install to a bin directory in your path
- To find what directories are in your path type the following at the command line
$ echo $PATH
checkport.sh [port number]
Third party websites/services:
- Get your external IP address:
http://ifconfig.me/ip - Check port availability of your external IP address:
If these are down or too slow you may replace with any other services that perform similar functions.
- Get your external IP address:
Be aware that determining the result of the port availability is specific to the output received from http://www.canyouseeme.org. If you swap out canyouseeme.org with another site or service you will need to modify the curl and grep command on line 9 of the script accordingly.
Another simple script to get your external IP address without having to visit a website. For other documentation/installation instructions see above...