A macOS widget for controlling LIFX lights via the LIFX HTTP API. Built on top of LIFXHTTPKit.
Note: This is not an official LIFX project.
Requires macOS 10.12 Sierra, 10.11 El Capitan, or 10.10 Yosemite.
- Download the latest zip file, extract the binary, and drag into your Application folder.
- Open "Lighting.app" and login with your personal access token.
- Open Notification Center and add the "Lighting" widget.
Alternatively, you can install via Homebrew-Cask.
$ brew cask install lighting
First, you need the following system dependencies:
- Swift 3.0 (Xcode 8.3)
- macOS 10.10+
- Carthage
Then, install the application dependencies:
$ carthage bootstrap --platform Mac
Finally, build the "Main" or "Widget" target.
The main target is responsible for configuring the access token. It notifies the widget when the access token changes.
- Open Lighting.xcodeproj
- Select "Main > My Mac"
- Run
The widget target implements a view controller conforming to NCWidgetProviding
for toggling lights on and off.
- Open Lighting.xcodeproj
- Select "Widget > My Mac"
- Run
- Pick "Widget Simulator" when prompted to run the application
Thanks to the following people for helping to improve this project:
Following files, directories and their contents are copyright Webalys Limited. You may not reuse anything therein without purchasing a license:
- Main/Images.xcassets/logged-in-icon-success.imageset/Icons-48px.png
- Main/Images.xcassets/logged-in-icon-success.imageset/Icons-48px@2x.png
All other files and directories are copyright Tate Johnson and licensed under the GPLv3 license. See LICENSE.