diff --git a/source-map.bs b/source-map.bs
index 5460953..a0b906d 100644
--- a/source-map.bs
+++ b/source-map.bs
@@ -472,18 +472,7 @@ To decode source map mappings given a [=string=]
|mappings|, a [=list=] of [=strings=]
|names|, and a [=list=] of [=decoded source|decoded
sources=] |sources|, run the following steps:
-1. If |mappings| is not an [=ASCII string=], throw an error.
-1. If |mappings| contains any [=code unit=] other than:
- - U+002C (,) or U+003B (;);
- - U+0030 (0) to U+0039 (9);
- - U+0041 (A) to U+005A (Z);
- - U+0061 (a) to U+007A (z);
- - U+002B (+), U+002F (/)
- NOTE: These are the valid [[base64]] characters (excluding the padding character `=`), together
- with `,` and `;`.
- then throw an error.
+1. [=Validate base64 VLQ groupings=] with |mappings|.
1. Let |decodedMappings| be a new empty [=list=].
1. Let |groups| be the result of [=strictly split|strictly splitting=] |mappings| on `;`.
1. Let |generatedLine| be 0.
@@ -545,6 +534,20 @@ sources=] |sources|, run the followi
1. Increase |generatedLine| by 1.
1. Return |decodedMappings|.
+To validate base64 VLQ groupings from a [=string=] |groupings|, run the following steps:
+1. If |groupings| is not an [=ASCII string=], throw an error.
+1. If |groupings| contains any [=code unit=] other than:
+ - U+002C (,) or U+003B (;);
+ - U+0030 (0) to U+0039 (9);
+ - U+0041 (A) to U+005A (Z);
+ - U+0061 (a) to U+007A (z);
+ - U+002B (+), U+002F (/)
+ NOTE: These are the valid [[base64]] characters (excluding the padding character `=`), together
+ with `,` and `;`.
+ then throw an error.
To decode a base64 VLQ from a [=string=] |segment| given a [=position variable=]
|position|, run the following steps:
1. If |position| points to the end of |segment|, return null.