- Data Source Support
- Configuring Relational Database
- Configuring MongoDB database
- Configuring SOAP web service data source
- Configuring S3 as Source
- Configuring Ceph/MinIO as Source using S3
- Configuring Infinispan as source
- Configuring Salesforce
- Configuring OData Based Source
- Configuring SAP Gateway Based Source
- Configuring FTP Based Source
- Configuring OpenAPI Based Source
- Configuring REST Based Source
- Configuring Google Sheets as Source
In this section defines all the data sources that Operator Supports and how to configure them and any dependencies it may require.
Please note any property that you want to configure, you can define reference to the value from a secret
than providing a value directly. For example, the Password
properties need to be secured, those can defined from secret as below.
- name: SPRING_DATASOURCE_SAMPLEDB_PASSWORD valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: postgresql key: password
When defining a environment property, characters like . are not allowed, but you can replace them with character _ and application will convert them automatically at runtime.
If any configured property in a ConfigMap or Secret is missing, the Operator will not start the build until such configuration value is supplied. Also if the configuration changes after the service is running, the service will be automatically redeployed with new values. |
All the data sources below in addition to what is defined here support "importer.xxxxx" properties are defined on their translator page for further customization. Pleas refer to that documentation on available properties and their possible values and descriptions. |
For configuring the translator name in VDB, the following translators are supported
jdbc-driver-link : https://docs.aws.amazon.com/athena/latest/ug/connect-with-jdbc.html jdbc-driver-class : com.simba.athena.jdbc.Driver jdbc-url : jdbc:awsathena://User={AccessKey};Password={SecretKey};S3OutputLocation={Output};{Property1}={Value1};{Property2}={Value2};
maven-dependancy : 'com.ingres.jdbc:iijdbc:jar:10.0-4.0.5' jdbc-driver-class : com.ingres.jdbc.IngresDriver jdbc-url : jdbc:ingres://{host}:AH7/{database-name}
maven-dependancy : 'com.ibm.db2:jcc:jar:' jdbc-driver-class : com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2Driver jdbc-url : jdbc:db2://{host}:50000/{database-name}
maven-dependancy : 'org.apache.derby:derbyclient:jar:' (dependancy automatically provided) jdbc-driver-class : org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver jdbc-url : jdbc:derby://{host}:1527/{database-name}
maven-dependancy : 'com.exasol:exasol-jdbc:jar:6.2.5' jdbc-driver-class : com.exasol.jdbc.EXADriver jdbc-url : jdbc:exa:{host}:{port}[;{prop_1}={value_1}]...[;{prop_n}={value_n}]
maven-dependancy : 'com.h2database:h2:jar:1.4.200' (dependancy automatically provided) jdbc-driver-class : org.h2.Driver jdbc-url : jdbc:h2:{file:} {path} {database-name}
hana (SAP Hana using the JDBC driver)
maven-dependancy : 'com.sap.cloud.db.jdbc:ngdbc:pom:2.4.76' jdbc-driver-class : com.sap.db.jdbc.Driver jdbc-url : jdbc:sap://{host}:{port}[/?{options}]
hive (Hive using the Hive JDBC driver)
maven-dependancy : 'org.apache.hive:hive-jdbc:jar:3.1.2' jdbc-driver-class : org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver jdbc-url : jdbc:hive2://{host}:10000/default
maven-dependancy : 'org.hsqldb:hsqldb:jar:2.3.2' jdbc-driver-class : org.hsqldb.jdbc.JDBCDriver jdbc-url : jdbc:hsqldb:http://{host}[:{port}][/{alias}][{key-value-pairs}]'
impala (Cloudera Impala)
maven-dependancy : 'com.cloudera.impala:jdbc:jar:' jdbc-driver-class : com.cloudera.impala.jdbc.Driver jdbc-url : jdbc:impala://{host}:{port}
maven-dependancy : 'com.ibm.informix:jdbc:jar:4.50.3' jdbc-driver-class : com.informix.jdbc.IfxDriver jdbc-url : jdbc:informix-sqli://{host}:{port}[/{database-name}: INFORMIXSERVER={server-name}
maven-dependancy : 'com.ingres.jdbc:iijdbc:jar:10.2-4.1.10' jdbc-driver-class : com.ingres.jdbc.IngresDriver jdbc-url : jdbc:ingres://{host}:{port}:21071/{database-name}
jtds-sqlserver (Connect Microsoft SQLServer using JTDS drivers)
maven-dependancy : 'net.sourceforge.jtds:jtds:jar:1.3.1' (dependancy automatically provided) jdbc-driver-class : net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver jdbc-url : jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://{host}:1433/{database-name}
ms-sqlserver (Microsoft SQLServer using the Microsoft driver)
maven-dependancy : 'com.microsoft.sqlserver:sqljdbc4:jar:4.0' (dependancy automatically provided) jdbc-driver-class : com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver jdbc-url : jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://{host}:1433
maven-dependancy : 'mysql:mysql-connector-java:jar:8.0.20' (dependancy automatically provided) jdbc-driver-class : com.mysql.jdbc.Driver jdbc-url : jdbc:mysql://{host}:3306/{database-name}
maven-dependancy : 'org.netezza:nzjdbc:jar:1.0' jdbc-driver-class : org.netezza.Driver. jdbc-url : jdbc:netezza://{host}:{port}/{database-name}
maven-dependancy : 'com.oracle:ojdbc14:jar:' jdbc-driver-class : oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver jdbc-url : jdbc:oracle:thin:{host}:1521:orcl
osisoft-pi (OSISOFT’s PI Database using osisoft’s JDBC Driver)
jdbc-driver-link : https://livelibrary.osisoft.com/LiveLibrary/content/en/jdbc-v4/ jdbc-driver-class : com.osisoft.jdbc.Driver jdbc-url : jdbc:pioledbent://{das-name}/Data Source={af-name}; Integrated Security=SSPI
phoenix (Apache Phoenix using the Phoenix JDBC Driver)
maven-dependancy : 'org.apache.phoenix:phoenix-queryserver-client:jar:5.0.0-HBase-2.0' jdbc-driver-class : org.apache.phoenix.jdbc.PhoenixDriver jdbc-url : jdbc:phoenix:{host}:{port}:/{datbase-name}
maven-dependancy : 'org.postgresql:postgresql:jar:42.2.5' (dependancy automatically provided) jdbc-driver-class : org.postgresql.Driver jdbc-url : jdbc:postgresql://{host}:5432/{database-name}
prestodb (PrestoDB connecting using JDBC Driver)
maven-dependancy : 'com.facebook.presto:presto-jdbc:jar:0.236' jdbc-driver-class : com.facebook.presto.jdbc.PrestoDriver jdbc-url : jdbc:presto://{host}:{port};
redshift (Amazon Red Shift)
maven-dependancy : 'com.amazon.redshift:redshift-jdbc42:jar:' jdbc-driver-class : com.amazon.redshift jdbc-url : jdbc:redshift://endpoint:{port}/{database-name}
jdbc-driver-link : http://infocenter.sybase.com/help/index.jsp?topic=/com.sybase.infocenter.dc01776.1602/doc/html/san1357754912881.html jdbc-driver-class : com.sybase.jdbc4.jdbc.SybDriver jdbc-url : jdbc:sybase:Tds:{host}:{port}?ServiceName={database-name}
sqlserver (Same as ms-sqlserver)
maven-dependancy : 'com.microsoft.sqlserver:sqljdbc4:jar:4.0' jdbc-driver-class : com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver jdbc-url : jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://{host}:1433
maven-dependancy : 'com.esen.jdbc:sybase-jconn3:jar:6.0' jdbc-driver-class : com.sybase.jdbc4.jdbc.SybDriver jdbc-url : jdbc:sybase:Tds:{host}:{port}[?ServiceName={database-name}]
maven-dependancy : 'com.teradata.jdbc:terajdbc4:jar:' jdbc-driver-class : com.ncr.teradata.TeraDriver jdbc-url : jdbc:teradata://{host}:{port}/{database-name}
teiid (Connecting to another Teiid instance using its JDBC driver)
maven-dependancy : dependancy automatically provided jdbc-driver-class : org.teiid.jdbc.TeiidDriver jdbc-url : jdbc:teiid:{vdb}@mm://{host}:31000
jdbc-driver-link : https://www.vertica.com/client-drivers/ jdbc-driver-class : com.vertica.jdbc.Driver jdbc-url : jdbc:vertica:{host}:5433/{database-name}
For configuring the relational database like Oracle, MS-SQLServer, PostgreSQL etc, the following properties are required.
Property Name | Description | Required | Default value |
jdbc-url |
URL For the connection |
Yes |
n/a |
username |
User Name |
Yes |
n/a |
Pasword |
Yes |
n/a |
n/a |
driver-class-name |
Driver Name |
No |
n/a |
importer.schemaName |
Schema Name for import |
Yes |
n/a |
A sample configuration showing the properties for a sample postgresql
- name: sampledb
type: postgresql
- name: username
value: postgres
- name: password
value: postgres
- name: jdbc-url
value: jdbc:postgresql://database/postgres
- name: sampledb
type: postgresql
- name: username
name: sampledb-secret
key: username
- name: password
name: sampledb-secret
key: password
- name: jdbc-url
value: jdbc:postgresql://database/postgres
where {NAME} denotes the custom name given by the user, that defines the server in the VDB’s DDL. For example, CREATE SERVER sampledb FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER postgresql in your DDL where names match EXACTLY to above.
You define many more properties to further tune the JDBC translator and schema import behavior. Please check Teiid translator documentation.
The user is also required to provide a maven dependency for JDBC driver class for the above data source in spec/dependencies
line in the CR. It is expected that the maven repository is reachable by the Operator. Please see how configure a private maven repository.
The translator name to use in the VDB’s DDL is mongodb with its Server
For configuring the MongoDB database the following properties are needed
Property Name |
Description |
Required |
Default value |
remoteServerList |
List of MongoDb servers ex:(localhost:27012) |
Yes |
n/a |
user |
User Name |
Yes |
n/a |
password |
Password |
Yes |
n/a |
database |
Database name to connect to |
Yes |
n/a |
authDatabase |
Database name for authorization |
No |
n/a |
ssl |
Use SSL Connection |
No |
n/a |
User does not need to add any dependencies. The currently supported version is version 3 of the MongoDB.
- name: sampledb
type: mongodb
- name: user
value: user
- name: password
value: pass
- name: remoteServerList
value: localhost:27012
- name: database
value: test
The translator name to use in the VDB’s DDL is soap or ws with its Server
For configuring the SOAP webservice the following properties are needed
Property Name | applies to | Required | Default Value | Description |
EndPoint |
false |
n/a |
URL for HTTP, Service Endpoint for SOAP. Not required if using HTTP invoke procedures that specify absolute URLs. Will be used as the base URL if an invoke procedure uses a relative URL. |
SecurityType |
false |
none |
Type of Authentication to used with the web service. Allowed values ["None","HTTPBasic"] |
AuthUserName |
false |
n/a |
Name value for authentication, used in HTTPBasic and WsSecurity |
AuthPassword |
false |
n/a |
Password value for authentication, used in HTTPBasic and WsSecurity |
ConfigFile |
false |
n/a |
CXF client configuration File or URL |
EndPointName |
false |
teiid |
Local part of the end point QName to use with this connection, needs to match one defined in cxf file |
ServiceName |
false |
n/a |
Local part of the service QName to use with this connection |
NamespaceUri |
false |
Namespace URI of the service QName to use with this connection |
RequestTimeout |
false |
n/a |
Timeout for request |
ConnectTimeout |
false |
n/a |
Timeout for connection |
Wsdl |
false |
n/a |
WSDL file or URL for the web service |
User does not need to add any dependencies.
- name: soapCountry
type: soap
- name: wsdl
value: http://www.oorsprong.org/websamples.countryinfo/CountryInfoService.wso?WSDL
- name: namespaceUri
value: http://www.oorsprong.org/websamples.countryinfo
- name: serviceName
value: CountryInfoService
- name: endPointName
value: CountryInfoServiceSoap12
The translator name to use in the VDB’s DDL is s3 with its Server
For configuring the S3 the following properties are needed
Property Name |
Description |
Required |
Default value |
endpoint |
The S3 service endpoint |
no |
region |
S3 region ex: us-east-2 |
no |
bucket |
Bucket Name |
Yes |
n/a |
accesskey |
Access Key |
Yes |
n/a |
secretkey |
Secret key |
Yes |
n/a |
When S3 is setup, one will need to create a bucket and will also can find out the the access-key and secret-key for access.
- name: sampledb
type: s3
- name: region
value: us-east-2
- name: bucket
value: mybucket
- name: accesskey
value: xxxxxxxx
- name: secretkey
value: xxxxxx
To access a source like these use the the translator name in the VDB’s DDL is s3 with its Server
For example, define like below in DDL
- name: cephstore
type: amazon-s3
- name: endpoint
value: http://rook-ceph-rgw-my-store-rook-ceph.apps.dv-44-a.openshift-aws.rhocf-dev.com
- name: bucket
value: mybucket
- name: accesskey
value: xxxxxxxx
- name: secretkey
value: xxxxxx
The translator name to use in the VDB’s DDL is infinispan-hotrod with its Server
For configuring the Infinispan the following properties are needed
Property Name |
Description |
Required |
Default value |
url |
URL to connect to Infinispan |
Yes |
n/a |
username |
User Name |
Yes |
n/a |
password |
Password |
Yes |
n/a |
cacheName |
default cache name |
No |
n/a |
authenticationRealm |
Auth Realm |
No |
n/a |
authenticationServerName |
Auth Server |
No |
n/a |
User does not need to add any dependencies, as the required client libraries are already provided.
- name: sampledb
type: infinispan-hotrod
- name: url
value: localhost:11222
- name: user
value: user
- name: password
value: pass
- name: cacheName
value: test
The translator name to use in the VDB’s DDL is salesforce with its Server
For connecting to Salesforce and importing/querying all SObject
, the user fist needs to create OAuth
based connection in the Salesforce. Log into your Salesforce account, go to
SetUp → Create → Apps
. Then, create a new "Connected App" and provide details there. When you are done, should get a client-id
and client-secret
values. Then to use this application from Teiid to connect to Salesforce by configuring the below properties.
Property Name |
Description |
Required |
Default value |
url |
URL of the salesforce |
No |
username |
User for salesforce.com |
Yes |
n/a |
password |
Password for salesforce.com |
Yes |
n/a |
clientId |
ClientId from connected app |
Yes |
n/a |
clientSecret |
clientSecret from connected app |
No |
n/a |
refreshToken |
Refresh Token |
No |
n/a |
if user does not want to connect using the username and password , then the module also supports using the refreshToken . So for above you can provide refreshToken property and remove username and password properties. Documenting obtaining of the refresh token from is beyond scope of this document.
No further dependencies from user is required for this.The below showing simple user name and password based login.
- name: sampledb
type: salesforce
- name: userName
value: user
- name: password
value: pass
and clientSecret
can be obtained from Salesforce when you create your Salesforce application.
The translator name to use in the VDB’s DDL is odata with its Server
definition for any OData V2 services. For OData V4 service use odata4
As per the connection underneath, follow the same properties as REST based connection
The below configuration showing openid_connect
security type with a OData service
- name: sampledb
type: odata4
- name: endpoint
value: https://dv-customer-myproject.apps-crc.testing/odata/accounts/customer
- name: securityType
value: openid-connect
- name: clientId
value: dv
- name: clientSecret
value: xxxxxxxxxxx
- name: authorizeUrl
value: https://keycloak-myproject.apps-crc.testing/auth/realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/auth
- name: accessTokenUrl
value: https://keycloak-myproject.apps-crc.testing/auth/realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/token
The translator name to use in the VDB’s DDL is sap-gateway with its Server
definition. This uses OData V2 translator underneath to connect to SAP Gateway. Only Http Basic auth has been verified.
As per the connection underneath, follow the same properties as REST based connection
- name: sampledb
type: sap-gateway
- name: userName
value: user
- name: password
value: pass
The translator name to use in the VDB’s DDL is ftp with its Server
The secure FTPS is supported, however to support this user needs to provide trust certificates to system. See the section how to use certificates in the OpenShift/Kubernetes with Virtual Database here |
The following properties can be configured for creating the FTP based source.
Property Name |
Description |
Required |
Default value |
host |
Host name of the FTP server |
yes |
n/a |
port |
Port of the FTP server |
No |
21 |
username |
User name for remote server login |
Yes |
n/a |
password |
Password for remote server login |
Yes |
n/a |
parentDirectory |
Directory where file located in remote server |
Yes |
n/a |
isFtps |
Ftp Security |
No |
false |
- name: sampleftp
type: ftp
- name: host
value: localhost
- name: parent-directory
value: /path/to/file/
- name: username
value: user
- name: password
value: pass
The translator name to use in the VDB’s DDL is openapi with its Server
definition. When this translator is used, the source will look for endpoint /openapi
files and build the source model based on it. However if the API document endpoint is defined as something else, one could configure that in the VDB’s DDL on schema statement as
CREATE SCHEMA sourceModel SERVER oService OPTIONS ("importer.metadataUrl" '/swagger.json');
alternatively, one can define a ENVIRONMENT property instead for the same
- name: sampledb
type: openapi
- name: userName
value: user
- name: password
value: pass
- name: importer.metadataUrl
value: /swagger.json
If the API is secured, security aspects of the service are not understood automatically, only the API document and its responses are understood by the translator. Those should be defined using REST properties below
As per the connection underneath, follow the same properties as REST based connection
For rest based that are using the rest directly can use rest as the translator name. Note, for sources like OData and SAP there are separate translators based on same configuration here. When used directly the user is provided with invokeHttp
as defined in the Teiid documents to use to execute any endpoint using SQL.
The REST API based connection uses the following properties
Property Name |
Description |
Required |
Default value |
endpoint |
Endpoint for the service |
Yes |
n/a |
securityType |
Security type used. Available options are http-basic, openid-connect or empty |
No |
no security |
if the security type is defined as http_basic the following properties are needed
Property Name |
Description |
Required |
Default value |
userName |
User Name |
Yes |
n/a |
password |
Password |
Yes |
n/a |
if the security type is defined as openid-connect the following properties are needed
Property Name |
Description |
Required |
Default value |
userName |
User Name |
Yes |
n/a |
password |
Password |
Yes |
n/a |
clientId |
ClientId from connected app |
Yes |
n/a |
clientSecret |
clientSecret from connected app |
Yes |
n/a |
authorizeUrl |
clientSecret from connected app |
Yes |
n/a |
accessTokenUrl |
clientSecret from connected app |
Yes |
n/a |
scope |
clientSecret from connected app |
No |
n/a |
Alternatively, for the openid-connect you can also supply 'refreshToken' property and avoid the userName
and password
properties, however describing on how to obtaining a refresh token is beyond this document as it is different for different services.
when using a endpoint that is Http(S) then you might have to configure the truststore for the third party endpoint. To do that, one would need to configure a custom truststore as defined here |
The translator name to use in the VDB’s DDL is google-spreadsheet with its Server
definition. This will represent each Sheet on a google spread sheet as a table in Teiid.
Before you can access the Google Spreadsheet using Teiid, one needs to provide OAuth2 specific credentials to Teiid. To provide the access, use instructions from https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/OAuth2InstalledApp and create project ad select the "Google Spreadsheets API" as library you want to access. Then create a "OAuth Client ID" Credential using the UI. At the end of this exercise, you will have a "Client ID" and "Client Secret". Then using the Google’s OAuth2.0 Playground https://developers.google.com/oauthplayground/ select the "Google Sheet API v4" option and select "drive" and "spreadsheets" endpoints as allowable scopes. Then Authorize APIs, you will end up with a "RefreshToken". Then use all these properties for further configuration.
Property Name |
Description |
Required |
Default value |
spreadSheetName |
Name of the Google Spreadsheet |
Yes |
n/a |
spreadSheetId |
Spread Sheet Id |
Yes |
Sheet Id, Look in URL of the Spreadsheet. For more info see https://developers.google.com/sheets/api/guides/concepts#spreadsheet_id |
clientId |
OAuth2 client id for google sheets |
Yes |
n/a |
clientSecret |
OAuth2 client secret for google sheets |
Yes |
n/a |
refreshToken |
OAuth2 refreshToken for google sheets |
Yes |
n/a |