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Modular TensorFlow profiler C API

Status Accepted
RFC # 389
Author(s) Zhoulong Jiang (, Yiqiang Li (, Eric Lin (, Jianhui Li (
Sponsor Yi Situ (
Updated 2021-05-13


Provide general profiler C API to allow new device profilers to modularly connect to the current TensorFlow runtime.

This RFC is based on the Modular TensorFlow RFC, which aims at extending the TensorFlow design to plug in capabilities like adding a new device profiler.


Performance is a key consideration of successful ML research and production solutions. TensorFlow profiler provides a set of good tools to help users better understand the hardware resource consumption(time and memory) of various TensorFlow operations(ops) as well as performance bottlenecks of TensorFlow models. PluggableDevice provides a mechanism which allows third-party devices to be modularly integrated to current TensorFlow runtime. However, current TensorFlow does not provide a stable application binary interface(ABI) for registering a new pluggable device specific profiler in a modular way. We propose a C API wrapper of methods in ProfilerInterface as an ABI-stable way to register a custom profiler. The pluggable profiler discovery and initialization are transparent to end users. As long as the profiler plugin libraries follow the design described in this RFC, it can be plugged to TensorFlow framework and register a new profiler into ProfilerFactory.

User Benefit

This RFC provides a plugin infrastructure for extending third-party device profilers.

Design Proposal

Design Overview

This RFC is intended to provide a set of C APIs for plugin writers to implement and register their own pluggable profilers. To make C APIs portable, we propose serialized XSpace as the objects to pass between TensorFlow framework and plugin. When the framework invokes CollectData(), the plugin serializes XSpace into a sufficiently sized buffer provided by the framework. Subsequently, the framework deserializes the buffer back into XSpace, and generates a trace view as well as a set of summaries based on these collected data.

  • Xspace:

To achieve the goal, this RFC extends the TensorFlow profiler class hierarchy to add a new profiler named PluggableProfiler which is built on top of a set of C APIs, all plugin writers who want to integrate their own device profilers to current TensorFlow runtime only need to implement Profiler C APIs (shown as diagram of Architecture overview).

Versioning Strategy and Stability

Implementation Conventions

  • Struct prefix indicates whether struct fields should be filled by the plug-in or core TensorFlow implementation:
    • TF_: Set/filled by core, unless marked otherwise.
    • TP_: Set/filled by plug-in, unless marked otherwise.
    • This prefix rule only applies to structures. Enumerations and methods are all prefixed with TP_.
  • Structs begin with two fields:
    • size_t struct_size: Stores the unpadded size of the struct.
    • void* ext: A reserved field that may be populated by a plugin in TP_* structs or potential future extension points in TF_ structs. Must be set to zero by default if it unused.
  • We use struct_size for version checking by both core and plug-in.
    • It is exempt from the TF/TP rule above and must be set both by core and plug-in.
    • It can be checked programmatically to determine which struct fields are available in the structure.
  • When a member is added to a struct, the struct size definition must be updated to use the new last member of the struct.

Usage Overview

The table below summarizes all structures defined and the functionality they involve.

Action Function call(s) Populated by Core TensorFlow Populated by plugin
Register profiler TF_InitProfiler TF_ProfilerRegistrationParams TP_Profiler, TP_ProfilerFns
start profiling TP_ProfilerFns::start None None
stop profiling TP_ProfilerFns::stop None None
collect Xspace TP_ProfilerFns::collect_data_xspace None None


Core TensorFlow will register a new ProfilerInterface with ProfilerFactory.

  1. Core TensorFlow loads the function TF_InitProfiler from the plugin's dynamic library installed under "…python_dir.../site-packages/tensorflow-plugins".
  2. Core TensorFlow populates TF_ProfilerRegistrationParams and passes it in a call to TF_InitProfiler. Core TensorFlow owns the memory of TF_ProfilerRegistrationParams's profiler and profiler_fns struct.
    • In TF_InitProfiler, the plugin populates TF_ProfilerRegistrationParams's profiler and profiler_fns.
  3. Core TensorFlow registers a profiler creation function to ProfilerFactory based on profiler and profiler_fns populated by the plugin during the initialization time.
  4. Core Tensorflow will create a PluggableProfiler during ProfilerSession setup.

Protobuf class

Profiler uses XSpace to store the performance data collected by backends. With this type of data structure, TensorFlow's profiler tools can generate various views of performance, such as timeline, memory consumption, performance of every TensorFlow op and set of summaries. XSpace is C++ object generated by protobuf toolchain with a predefined structure in xplane.proto. On the plugin side, plugin will collect performance data with its own profiler infrastructures. When TensorFlow invokes CollectData(), the plugin transforms the performance data to XSpace and then serializes XSpace to the buffer provided by TensorFlow. To successfully serialize the object, plugin writers should keep a copy of xspace.proto, and make it exactly the same as that on the TensorFlow side.

Detailed API

The C API will be placed in tensorflow/c/experimental/profiler/profiler.h.

#define TP_MAJOR 0
#define TP_MINOR 0
#define TP_PATCH 1

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

typedef struct TP_Profiler {
  size_t struct_size;
  void* ext; // free-form data set by plugin.
  const char* type;
} TP_Profiler;


typedef struct TP_ProfilerFns {
  size_t struct_size;

  void* ext; // reserved for future use.
  // Starts profiling.
  void (*start)(const TP_Profiler* profiler, TF_Status* status);
  // Stops profiling.
  void (*stop)(const TP_Profiler* profiler, TF_Status* status);

  // Saves collected profile data into XSpace and serializes it to the buffer.
  // If this have been called, subsequent calls might
  // return empty data.
  void (*collect_data_xspace)(const TP_Profiler* profiler, uint8_t* buffer, size_t* size_in_bytes, TF_Status* status);
} TP_ProfilerFns;

#define TP_PROFILER_FNS_STRUCT_SIZE TF_OFFSET_OF_END(TP_ProfilerFns, collect_data_xspace)

typedef struct TF_ProfilerRegistrationParams {
  size_t struct_size;
  void* ext; // reserved for future use

  // TensorFlow Profiler C API version.
  int32_t major_version;
  int32_t minor_version;
  int32_t patch_version;

  // [in/out] Memory owned by core but attributes within are populated by the plugin.
  TP_Profiler* profiler;
  // [in/out] Memory owned by core but attributes within are populated by the plugin.
  TP_ProfilerFns* profiler_fns;
  // [out] Pointer to plugin's `TP_Profiler` clean up function. 
  // Cleans up fields inside `TP_Profiler` that were allocated
  // by the plugin. `profiler` itself must not be deleted by the plugin.
  void (*destroy_profiler)(TP_Profiler* profiler);
  // [out] Pointer to plugin's `TP_ProfilerFns` clean up function. 
  // Cleans up fields inside `TP_ProfilerFns` that were allocated
  // by the plugin. `profiler_fns` itself must not be deleted by the plugin.
  void (*destroy_profiler_fns)(TP_ProfilerFns* profiler_fns);
} TF_ProfilerRegistrationParams;

  TF_OFFSET_OF_END(TF_ProfilerRegistrationParams, destroy_profiler_fns)

void TF_InitProfiler(TF_ProfilerRegistrationParams* params, TF_Status* status);

#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"

Usage Example

This section provides some pseudo code to show what core TensorFlow and plugin's code may look like.

Core TensorFlow

  • ProfileOptions support

    To enable ProfileOptions support for PluggableProfiler, we add a new device type PLUGGABLE_DEVICE in the enum DeviceType field.

    // Next ID: 11
    message ProfileOptions {
      // Some default values of option are not proto3 default values. Use this version
      // to determine if we should use default option value instead of proto3
      // default value.
      uint32 version = 5;
      enum DeviceType {
        UNSPECIFIED = 0;
        CPU = 1;
        GPU = 2;
        TPU = 3;
      // Device type to profile/trace: (version >= 1)
      // DeviceType::UNSPECIFIED: All registered device profiler will be enabled.
      // DeviceType::CPU: only CPU will be profiled.
      // DeviceType::GPU: only CPU/GPU will be profiled.
      // DeviceType::TPU: only CPU/TPU will be profiled.
      // DeviceType::PLUGGABLE_DEVICE: only CPU/pluggable devices with profilers will be profiled. 
      DeviceType device_type = 6;

Because device_type here is an enum, we cannot differentiate between multiple pluggable profilers. Therefore, we define a common device type PLUGGABLE_DEVICE for them, so that if ProfileOptions is configured with a PLUGGABLE_DEVICE type, all the registered pluggable profilers will be enabled.

  • PluggableProfiler PluggableProfiler is the implementation of ProfilerInterface, TensorFlow will instantiate PluggableProfiler for each plugin if the plugin providesTF_InitProfiler implementation.

    class PluggableProfiler: public tensorflow::profiler::ProfilerInterface {
      // The caller must have validated profiler_fns and profiler.
      std::unique_ptr<tensorflow::profiler::ProfilerInterface> CreatePluggableProfiler(
        const ProfileOptions& options, TP_ProfilerFns* profiler_fns,
        TP_Profiler* profiler) {
        if (options.device_tracer_level() == 0) {
          return nullptr;
        if (options.device_type() != ProfileOptions::UNSPECIFIED
            && options.device_type() != ProfileOptions::PLUGGABLE_DEVICE) {
          return nullptr;
        return absl::WrapUnique(new PluggableProfiler(profiler_fns, profiler));
      Status Start() override {
        std::unique_ptr<TF_Status, TFStatusDeleter> c_status(TF_NewStatus());
        profiler_fns_->start(profiler_, c_status.get());
        return tensorflow::StatusFromTF_Status(c_status.get());
      Status Stop() override {
        std::unique_ptr<TF_Status, TFStatusDeleter> c_status(TF_NewStatus());
        profiler_fns_->stop(profiler_, c_status.get());
        return tensorflow::StatusFromTF_Status(c_status.get());
      Status CollectData(XSpace* space) override {
        std::unique_ptr<TF_Status, TFStatusDeleter> c_status(TF_NewStatus());
        // Get size of buffer required for Plugin to serialize XSpace ito.
        size_t size_in_bytes;
        profiler_fns_->collect_data_xspace(profiler_, /*buffer=*/nullptr,
           				&size_in_bytes, c_status.get());
        // Prepare an appropriately sized buffer.
        if (size_in_bytes > 0) {
          std::vector<uint8_t> buffer(size_in_bytes);
           				  &size_in_bytes, c_status.get());
          // Deserialize XSpace from the buffer and return it.
          XSpace plugin_space;
          plugin_space.ParseFromArray(, buffer.size());
          for (XPlane& plugin_plane: *plugin_space.mutable_planes()) {
            XPlane* plane = space->add_planes();
        return tensorflow::StatusFromTF_Status(c_status.get());
      PluggableProfiler(TP_ProfilerFns* profiler_fns, TP_Profiler* profiler) 
        : profiler_fns_(profiler_fns), profiler_(profiler) {}
      TP_ProfilerFns* profiler_fns_;
      TP_Profiler* profiler_;
  • PluggableProfiler Initialization and Registration

    Core TensorFlow will load TF_InitProfiler from plugin's dynamic library installed under "…python_dir.../site-packages/tensorflow-plugins" and pass the address of TF_InitProfiler symbol to InitPluginProfiler to do initialization and registration. TensorFlow retrieves TF_ProfilerRegistrationParams from the plugin and does the compatibility checks. If passed, TensorFlow will register the PluggableProfiler creation function to the ProfilerFactory.

    class PluggableProfilerFactory{
      PluggableProfilerFactory(TP_Profiler profiler,
    			   void (*destroy_profiler)(TP_Profiler*),
    			   TP_ProfilerFns profiler_fns,
    			   void (*destroy_profiler_fns)(TP_ProfilerFns*))
      	: profiler_(std::move(profiler)),
              destroy_profiler_fns_(destroy_profiler_fns) {}
      ~PluggableProfilerFactory() {
      std::unique_ptr<tensorflow::profiler::ProfilerInterface> CreatePluggableProfiler(
          const ProfileOptions& options) {
        return PluggableProfiler::CreatePluggableProfiler(options, &profiler_,
        TP_Profiler profiler_{TP_PROFILER_STRUCT_SIZE};
        void (*destroy_profiler_)(TP_Profiler*);
        TP_ProfilerFns profiler_fns_{TP_PROFILER_FNS_STRUCT_SIZE};
        void (*destroy_profiler_fns_)(TP_ProfilerFns*);
    Status InitPluginProfiler(TFInitProfilerFn init_fn) {
      TF_ProfilerRegistrationParams params{TF_PROFILER_REGISTRATION_PARAMS_STRUCT_SIZE};
      TP_Profiler profiler{TP_PROFILER_STRUCT_SIZE};
      TP_ProfilerFns profiler_fns{TP_PROFILER_FNS_STRUCT_SIZE};
      params.major_version = TP_MAJOR;
      params.minor_version = TP_MINOR;
      params.patch_version = TP_PATCH;
      params.profiler = &profiler;
      params.profiler_fns = &profiler_fns;
      std::unique_ptr<TF_Status, TFStatusDeleter> c_status(TF_NewStatus());
      init_fn(&params, c_status.get());
      PluggableProfilerFactory factory(std::move(profiler),
        [factory = std::move(factory)](const ProfileOptions& options) {
          return factory.CreatePluggableProfiler(options);
      return Status::OK();
    static Status InitProfilerModule(void* dso_handle) {
      void *dso_symbol;
      tensorflow::Env* env = tensorflow::Env::Default();
      TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(env->GetSymbolFromLibrary(dso_handle, "TF_InitProfiler", &dso_symbol));
      auto init_fn = reinterpret_cast<profiler::TFInitProfilerFn>(dso_symbol);
      return Status::OK();
    Status RegisterPluggableDevicePlugin(void* dso_handle) {
      // Step 1 Init Device/Graph Module
      // Step 2 Init Kernel Module
      // Step 3 Init Profiler Module
      return Status::OK();


Define functions that implement Start(), Stop(), CollectData():

void profiler_start(const TP_Profiler* profiler, TF_Status* status) {
  // Enable profiler

void profiler_stop(const TP_Profiler* profiler, TF_Status* status) {
  // Disable Profiler

void profiler_collect_data_xspace(const TP_Profiler* profiler, uint8_t* buffer, size_t* size_in_bytes, TF_Status* status) {
  Xspace xspace = get_my_xspace(); // Plugin generates Xspace based on collected profiler data.
  size_t buffer_size_in_bytes = *size_in_bytes;
  *size_in_bytes = xspace.ByteSizeLong(); // get the size of Xspace
  if (buffer == nullptr) {
    return; // TensorFlow will first get the size of Xspace, then allocate the big enough buffer and pass it to the plugin for retrieving Xspace.
  bool success = xspace.SerializeToArray(buffer, buffer_size_in_bytes);
 // TODO: set status to FAILED_PRECONDITION if success is false, OK otherwise.

Define TF_InitProfiler that TensorFlow will call when registering the profiler plugin:

void TF_InitProfiler(TF_ProfilerRegistrationParams* params, TF_Status* status) {
  params->profiler->struct_size = TP_PROFILER_STRUCT_SIZE;
  params->profiler_fns->struct_size = TP_PROFILER_FNS_STRUCT_SIZE;

  params->profiler->type = "MyDeviceType";

  params->profiler_fns->start =  profiler_start;
  params->profiler_fns->stop = profiler_stop;
  params->profiler_fns->collect_data_xspace = profiler_collect_data_xspace;
  params->destroy_profiler = profiler_destroy_profiler;
  params->destroy_profiler_fns = profiler_destroy_profiler_fns;

Requirements for the Profiler Library

  • If there's no actual device to be profiled (e.g., if running on a machine w/o the required device), the profiler does nothing on Start/Stop and produces no output on CollectData.
  • If the profiled program does not use the device, the profiler produces no output on CollectData. e.g., returns 0 as the required buffer size for the serialized XSpace.
  • Restartability: It must be possible to Start/Stop the profiler many times. (Since a single TP_Profiler object is created per library).
  • No (perceivable) overhead: Profiling should not change the observed performance of the profiled job. e.g. the step time of a TF training job should be similar with profiling on or off.
  • No OOM: Profiling should not require significant additional memory resources. Also, profiling should not cause the process to be killed due to running out-of-memory (OOM).
  • No leaks: any resources (memory) acquired for handling a profiling request should be released by the end of the request. Repeated profiling requests should not increase resource utilization over time.
  • No memory corruption: profiling should not corrupt memory. e.g. due to dangling pointers.
  • No deadlocks: any synchronization necessary to start/stop profiling should not block any application (TF) thread for a long time.


Profiler libraries can assume that each time TensorFlow calls a Start(), it will call a Stop() next, i.e., no multiple consecutive Start() calls.

Alternatives Considered

Performance Implications

The C API should not affect TensorFlow’s performance.


  • It depends on third-party library ProtoBuf
  • It depends on a series of proto files defined in TensorFlow. Plugin authors must keep a copy of those files in the plugin.
  • It depends on Modular TensorFlow RFC

Engineering Impact

  • The impact to binary size / startup time / build time / test times are minimal.
  • The TensorFlow team will maintain this code. Profiler C API will be packaged along with other C APIs that TensorFlow currently has.

Platforms and Environments

  • The pluggable profiler mechanism is based on LoadLibrary() so it should work on all the platforms supported by LoadLibrary. The other enhancement to TensorFlow is platform independent.

Best Practices

  • This works with Modular TensorFlow which will be the only way to integrate new custom profilers to the current TensorFlow stack.


How will this proposal interact with other parts of the TensorFlow Ecosystem?

  • TFLite: We don’t plan to make this work for TFLite.
  • Distribution strategies: The C API should not impede them.
  • tf.function: The C API would not interact with tf.function.
  • GPU/TPU: Certain GPUs and TPUs are already supported in TensorFlow and wouldn’t need this C API. Other GPU/devices can use this C API if the functionality coverage is sufficient for them.
  • SavedModel: The C API will not be serialized to a SavedModel.

Questions and Discussion Topics

  • Any comments on the API design? Any missing functionality?