This repository has been archived by the owner on May 26, 2023. It is now read-only.
- Merge pull request #112 from texastribune/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/node-fetch-2.6.7 (6cd4185)
- Bump node-fetch from 2.6.1 to 2.6.7 (cc033ca)
- Merge pull request #111 from texastribune/security-updates (c17e3ea)
- Update changelog for next release (9f59782)
- Bump release-it from 13.6.6 to 14.12.3 (c1df11b)
- Bump jwks-rsa from 1.8.0 to 2.0.5 (87ab13b)
- Run npm audit fix for security patches (e169b72)
- Bump validator from 10.11.0 to 13.7.0 (061788f)
- update README and CHANGELOG (03ab190)