Analysis of targeted metagenomics data as described in
- python2.7+
- numpy
- pandas
- matplotlib
- samtools
- optional for mapping - bwa, or mapper of your choice
- optional for adapter removal - trimmomatic
- optional for pretty plots - seaborn
- optional for removing human reads - kraken (v1 or v2) with standard database of human + bacterial/viral RefSeq genomes
- Optionally pre-process your raw reads to remove human reads (genomic and mitochondrial) and common contaminants. Assuming you have run kraken on a sample called SeqName and saved the output to ${SeqName}.kraken.gz, the following creates a set of filtered fastq files, ${SeqName}_[12]_filt.fastq: -i ${SeqName}_[12].fastq.gz -k ${SeqName}.kraken.gz --xT Homo,Alteromonas,Achromobacter -x 1969841 --suffix filt
- Trim adapters and poor-quality reads:
trimmomatic PE -threads 8 SeqName_1_filt.fastq SeqName_2_filt.fastq SeqName_1_clean.fastq tmp_SeqName_1_trimmings.fq SeqName_2_clean.fastq tmp_SeqName_2_trimmings.fq ILLUMINACLIP:${AdaptersPath}:2:10:7:1:true MINLEN:80
- Map each sample's reads to the reference containing consensus target sequences with your mapper of choice, and produce a sorted BAM file of mapped reads only, for each sample. Do not deduplicate the BAM files.
bwa index rmlst_virus_extra_ercc.fasta
bwa mem ${RefStem} SeqName_[12]_clean.fastq | samtools view -F4 -Sb -| samtools sort - 1> ${SeqName}.bam
If using your own reference file, you can generate a probelengths CSV for analysis using the supplied helper script: ${SeqName}.bam 1> ${RefStem}_probelengths.csv
- Generate a CSV file containing the counts for each uniquely mapped sequence in the entire pool, including improper pairs:
for BamFilePath in $(ls \*.bam); do ${BamFilePath}
done > PosCounts.csv
- Analyse all organisms detected in the pool, and combine with information on samples (including raw read number) and study participants (eg. clinical diagnosis): -h
usage: [-h] -b BATCHNAME -i INFILE [-o OUTDIR]
[-p PROBELENGTHS] [-d] --samples SAMPLES
[--clin CLIN] [--depth_inf DEPTH_INF]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Batch name for these samples. Must be alphanumeric.
-i INFILE, --infile INFILE
Data frame (csv[.gz]) file to process. If gzipped,
filename must end in .gz.
-o OUTDIR, --outdir OUTDIR
Output directory. Default: current working directory.
Path to file containing probe lengths. Default:
-d, --keepdups If true, do not reassign duplicates to the sample with
the majority in each duplicate cluster (Default:
--samples SAMPLES Path to CSV file containing information about raw
reads (must have at least following fields: sampleid,
pt, rawreadnum). Field "pt" must match clinical data.
--clin CLIN Path to CSV file containing clinical data (must have
at least following fields: pt, clin_int; the field
"sampleid" if present will be ignored). Other fields
will be ignored.
--depth_inf DEPTH_INF
(For regenerating full CSV with new clinical info):
Path to previously generated CSV file of read depth
per position for each probe, for all samples in this
batch. Must contain the following fields: sampleid,
target_id, depth_mean, depth_std, depth_25pc,
depth_median, depth_75pc, prop_target_covered,
prop_target_covered_mindepth10, udepth_mean,
udepth_std, udepth_25pc, udepth_median, udepth_75pc,
uprop_target_covered, uprop_target_covered_mindepth2,
Example: -i /path/to/my/dataframe.csv.gz --samples
This produces three key outputs: a directory of coverage plots Depth_BATCHNAME, and the files BATCHNAME_depth.csv and BATCHNAME_reads_to_drop.csv.
BATCHNAME_depth.csv contains the number and proportion of reads for each sample and reference genome. Positives may need to be calibrated against a reference set, but in general, the proportion of all clean reads that match the given target (clean_prop_of_reads_on_target) is a good place to start.
BATCHNAME_reads_to_drop.csv can be used to clean BAM files to remove misassigned reads, for downstream processing.
- If required, you can filter BAM files of interest to remove reads marked as contamination due to index misassignment:
samtools -h ${SAMPLENAME}.bam | SAMPLENAME BATCHNAME_reads_to_drop.csv