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Google Cloud Storage setup

Create a role for backups

In order to perform backups in GCS, Medusa will need to use a service account with appropriate permissions.

You will need the following variables to be set for this setup:

GCP_PROJECT=my-project                 # GCP project the bucket belongs to
LOCATION=my-location                   # for example: us-west1
SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME=my-sa-for-medusa  # Without ""  

Using the Google Cloud SDK, run the following command to create the MedusaStorageRole.

gcloud iam roles create MedusaStorageRole \
        --project ${GCP_PROJECT} \
        --stage GA \
        --title MedusaStorageRole \
        --description "Custom role for Medusa for accessing GCS safely" \
        --permissions storage.buckets.get,storage.buckets.getIamPolicy,storage.objects.create,storage.objects.delete,storage.objects.get,storage.objects.getIamPolicy,storage.objects.list

Create a GCS bucket

Create a bucket for each Apache Cassandra™ cluster, using the following command line:

gsutil mb -p ${GCP_PROJECT} -c regional -l ${LOCATION} ${BUCKET_URL}

Create a service account and download its keys

Medusa will require a credentials.json file with the information and keys for a service account with the appropriate role in order to interact with the bucket.

Create the service account (if it doesn't exist yet):

gcloud --project ${GCP_PROJECT} iam service-accounts create ${SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME} --display-name ${SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME}

### Configure the service account with the role

Once the service account has been created, and considering jq is installed, run the following command to add the MedusaStorageRole to it, for our backup bucket:

iamGetFile=$(mktemp) && \
gsutil iam get ${BUCKET_URL} | jq ".bindings += [{\"members\":[\"serviceAccount:${SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME}@${GCP_PROJECT}\"],\"role\":\"projects/${GCP_PROJECT}/roles/MedusaStorageRole\"}]" > "${iamGetFile}" && \
gsutil iam set ${iamGetFile} ${BUCKET_URL} && \
rm -rf ${iamGetFile}

Configure Medusa using a service account key

note: Skip this step if you intend to use a service account attached to a VM or workload identity)

Generate a json key file called credentials.json, for the service account:

gcloud --project ${GCP_PROJECT} iam service-accounts keys create credentials.json --iam-account=${SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME}@${GCP_PROJECT}

Place this file on all Cassandra nodes running medusa under /etc/medusa and set the rights appropriately so that only users running Medusa can read/modify it. Set the key_file value in the [storage] section of /etc/medusa/medusa.ini to the credentials file:

storage_provider = google_storage
bucket_name = my_gcs_bucket
key_file = /etc/medusa/credentials.json

Medusa should now be able to access the bucket and perform all required operations.

Configure Medusa using an attached service account.

If you are running medusa on a GCE Virtual Machine, you can use an attached service account without providing a credentials file. This can be useful to avoid having to rotate service account keys frequently

To do this, configure /etc/medusa/medusa.ini without specifying a key_file, as below:

storage_provider = google_storage
bucket_name = my_gcs_bucket

For this to work, ensure that the storage-rw access scope set on the GCE instance.