This plugin can be installed from Notepad++'s Plugins Admin if you are using Notepad++ version 8+, in which case the configuration file will be handled automatically. In the rare case when permission is required on Notepad++'s configuration folder, which by default is "%APPDATA%\Notepad++", this plugin will prompt to run the copy command with elevated privilege. When this happens, please accept the UAC prompt. If somehow that also fails, this plugin will show a notice and you can manually copy the config file. Note, the data folder is not under Notepad++'s installation folder if you used default directory. Please see this post for more details.
For manual installation, extract the release package to "plugins\Papyrus" directory under Notepad++'s installation folder, which by default is "%PROGRAMFILES%\Notepad++" if you installed 64-bit version, or "%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\Notepad++" if you installed 32-bit version. If it is the first time you install this plugin, you will need to manually create "Papyrus" folder under "plugins" directory. After that, just launch Notepad++ and the plugin should be able to automatically copy "Papyrus.xml" file to "plugins\config" directory under Notepad++'s data folder, similar to the handling when it's installed by Plugins Admin.
If you want, there are a few xml files under "extras" directory that you can also install to provide other features that are not part of the lexer/compiler:
autoCompletion\Papyrus Script.xml
You can either use this plugin's "Install auto completion support" feature under Advanced menu, or manually copy this file to "autoCompletion" directory under Notepad++'s installation folder.
It provides auto-completion support for functions defined in base game, SKSE, and even SkyUI. Though, if you are currently using a Notepad++ version that is older than v8, please note that there was a bug that made it case sensitive when using the default "Function and word completion" option for Notepad++'s auto-completion feature. You should update to the latest Notepad++ release, but if you have to stay with the old version, the suggestion is to either change it to "Function completion" only (note that you will lose auto-completion on words), or always use uppercase for the first letter when typing a game defined function name.
Note, the content of this auto-completion definition file is copied from Creation Kit web.
functionList\Papyrus Script.xml
You can use this plugin's "Install function list support" feature under Advanced menu, which automatically copies this file and also sets correct langID in overrideMap.xml.
If you want to do it manually, it is a bit tricky. First, copy this file to functionList directory under Notepad++'s data folder (again, it's not Notepad++'s installation folder, and by default it's "%APPDATA%\Notepad++"). Then, you need to update overrideMap.xml under that folder. The key is to find the langID assigned to Papyrus lexer, which can be obtained by using the plugin's "Show langID" feature under Advanced menu.
A sample overrideMap.xml is provided that works with Notepad++ v7.9.x when Papyrus plugin is the only lexer plugin, or it happens to be the first one to Notepad++ (note, it may not be based on plugins' alphabetic order).
If you ever install another lexer plugin which results in the change of langID assigned to this plugin's lexer, you can simply use "Install function list support" menu again to get overrideMap.xml updated, or manually update it by following the instructions above.
Once installed, when viewing a Papyrus script file you can use View -> Function List menu to show all defined functions in the script.
Note, the content of this function list definition file is copied from Creation Kit web.
This is just a user-defined language for Papyrus script. If you don't want to install a DLL, and don't need the plugin's advanced features & compilation support, you can just copy this file to userDefineLangs directory under Notepad++'s data folder.
It has mostly the same syntax highlighting as this plugin's lexer, but lacks support for advanced features such as properties recognition/folding, user defined class names and functions recognition, keywords matching, class name links, and configurable folding behavior on Else/ElseIf.
It's strongly not recommended to install it along with the plugin. You may get unexpected behavior when you open a .psc file, and you don't gain anything from using this UDL over the included lexer in this plugin anyway.