A simple pure Javascript tool to get a checksum of a single file or of an entire folder.
For a single file this will use the crypto module to get a hash of the file's contents. For a directory, it will recursively get the folder's file hashes (with the files sorted in alphabetical order). This is not standard in any way, but is very useful nonetheless.
NOTE: When determining the checksum for a folder, symbolic links will be included by name but not followed.
npm install simple-recursive-checksum
const { checksumFile, checksumDirectory } = require("simple-recursive-checksum");
async function main() {
const fileHashMd5 = await checksumFile("my_file.txt");
const fileHashSha256 = await checksumFile("my_file.txt", { algorithm: "sha256" });
const directoryHashMd5 = await checksumDirectory("folder_name");
const directoryHashSha256 = await checksumDirectory("folder_name", { algorithm: "sha256" });
console.log(fileHashMd5, fileHashSha256, directoryHashMd5, directoryHashSha256);
return "Done";