Utilities for spider.
- Database connector
- Local file path generator
- Network session
- Data structure
- Log
- Exception
pip install spiderutil
Still working...
Still working...
Open a new issue when you have questions, advices, or you encounter a bug.
- beautifulsoup4: parse the webpage like a tree.
pip install beautifulsoup4
- scrapy/parsel: Parse webpage with XPath or CSS selectors.
pip install parsel
- google/brotli: decode brotli encoding.
pip install brotli
- SQLAlchemy: Process the SQL statement like object
pip install SQLAlchemy
- PyMySQL: Connect to MySQL
pip install pymysql
- mkleehammer/pyodbc: Connect to Microsoft SQL Server
pip install pyodbc
In addition to: level12/sqlalchemy_pyodbc_mssql.