This application was built using Flutter.
Setup instructions:
- Install Cocoapod, Flutter, and XCode
- checkout repository
to repo and execute:flutter pub get && flutter pub run build_runner build && cd ios && pod install
- open {repo}/ios/Runner.xcodeproj in XCode
- click the build and run button in XCode
- allow certificate on iPhone
- go to Runner > Edit Scheme in XCode and set the Build Configuration to Release instead of Debug
You can now build and run the app again.
Setup instructions:
- Install Docker, VSCode and the VSCode-Remote-Containers-Extension
- checkout repository
- open it in VSCode and select "Reopen in Container"
- install dependencies with "Pub: Get Packages"
- use "flutter: flutter pub run build_runner build" task to autogenerate files (see
- develop and build the app as you like (you can use the checked-in VSCode tasks)
- to debug connect to your phone with adb wireless (adb pair & adb connect)
see also: