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Bundler is a special class of actor that act as a relayer between account abstraction transaction (called userOperation) and actual transaction on-chain through EntryPoint contract. Bundler fetch userOperation from alternate mempool, do validation and simulation before send it to EntryPoint contract, and return any response back through RPC. This bundler implement EIP-4337 RPC calls without debug_* calls.

Further read:


bundler Medium


Bundler receive RPC methods from endpoint and return any result. The methods including:

  • eth_sendUserOperation

  • eth_getUserOperationByHash

  • eth_getUserOperationReceipt

  • eth_chainId

  • eth_supportedEntryPoints

  • eth_estimateUserOperationGas

  • web3_clientVersion: return aa-bundler + /erc4337RuntimeVersion (version of @account-abstraction/utils SDK) + /unsafe if bundler run with unsafe mode

For parameter required and return value, refer EIP4337 article.


  • validate EntryPoint input

  • validate userOperation input parameters

  • simulate validate userOperation by Geth traceCall (or by EntryPoint if input --unsafe when run bundler)

    • check if userOperation is executable

    • check if account/paymaster use forbidden opcodes or storage if validate by traceCall (refer this and this

    • check if paymaster staked

  • validate if signature is correct

  • validate if userOperation is expired / going to expire soon

Add into mempool after all validation passed


Auto-bundler create bundle for at most autoBundleMempoolSize amount of userOperation from mempool every autoBundleInterval seconds set in bundler.config.json

Create bundle

  • sort userOperations from mempool descending by highest priority fee

  • skip (or remove if banned) userOperations that use throttled factory/paymaster

  • skip userOperations that execute by same AA account (no duplicate AA account execution in one bundle, multiple execution within same AA account can use batch execution in single userOperation)

  • do validation check for userOperation again (in case userOperation been skipped in first attempt bundle), and remove from mempool if failed

  • check if Paymaster balance is enough to pay all userOperations that rely on Paymaster in the bundle

Send bundle

Bundler signer sign and send bundle to EntryPoint. If bundle failed on-chain, sender/paymaster/factory that cause it will be recorded in reputation system


  1. Run yarn && yarn preprocess

  2. Change parameters in ./packages/bundler/localconfig/bundler.config.json

  • network: RPC to connect i.e. Arbitrum RPC URL

  • beneficiary: wallet to receive gas reimbursement

  • minBalance: minimum balance in bundler signer, if lower than this value, beneficiary will auto assign to bundler signer

  • mnemonic: mnemonic of bundler signer to execute AA transaction

  • maxBundleGas: gas limit per bundle

  • minStake: Paymaster minimum stake in EntryPoint

  • minUnstakeDelay: minimum seconds Paymaster stake locked in EntryPoint before able to unstake, Paymaster will be rejected if lower than this value

  • autoBundleInterval: interval seconds to bundle at most autoBundleMempoolSize amount of userOperations in mempool

  • autoBundleMempoolSize: maximum amount of userOperation per bundle

  1. Fund bundler signer at least minBalance ETH

  2. Run bundler with yarn run bundler, or yarn run bundler --unsafe if connect to RPC that doesn't support Geth trace call debug_traceCall. (i.e. Alchemy free RPC)

Debug: run debug mode with DEBUG=* yarn run bundler

Advanced technical details

Forbidden opcodes

Why forbidden opcodes?

These opcodes are forbidden because their outputs may differ between simulation and execution, so simulation of calls using these opcodes does not reliably tell what would happen if these calls are later done on-chain.

Refer full paragraph here

Signature aggregator

This bundler currently not support signature aggregator


User send userOperation through bundler RPC. Bundler run some validation on userOperation, and only add it into mempool if the validation check passed. Then, bundler attempt to bundle all userOperations that sit in mempool follow these criteria: every autoBundleInterval seconds or total userOperations in mempool exceed autoBundleMempoolSize. When criteria met, bundler first remove previous userOperations that had executed successfully on-chain, and record into reputation system (success + 1). Then follow by create a new bundle. In the process of bundle creation, if the userOperation use banned Factory or Paymaster contract, userOperation will be removed directly from mempool. Throttled Factory or Paymaster will not be included in bundle and keep in mempool until their reputation become better (as time goes by). userOperation with same AA wallet in bundle will also been skipped (which can be included in next bundle). After that, same validation check on userOperation again before finally add into bundler, and remove the userOperation from mempool if check failed. Other check including total gas used of userOperation in bundle cannot exceed maxBundleGas (skip subsequence userOperation if exceed), and Paymaster ETH balance that able to sponsor all userOperations that rely on it in same bundle (skip subsequence userOperations if exceed).


TODO: explain in simple term

Refer full explanation here

Safe and unsafe bundler

TODO: different between safe and unsafe bundler

Why need safe bundler? Some explanation here

TL:DR, to prevent success on validation but failed on execution.