Devsnest-Frontend Day 01 : Introduction to HTML = Create a letter template as per given image Day 02 : Introduction to CSS = Style the letter template from pervious THA using CSS Day 03 : Continuing with CSS = Create a resume template as per given image with use of CSS and HTML. Day 04 : Position, Display, Overflow = Make an analog clock Day 05 : Introduction to Javascript = NO THA , just the basics Day 06 : Introduction to Javascript = Questions on JS Day 07: Objects in JavaScript = Questions on JS Day 08: Objects in JavaScript (Contd.) = Seat Book Counter Mahasabha VC Session Work 1. Sample Devsnest page = A template page like the main devsnest website 2. Calculator with Javascript = Create a calculator that does add, multiply, subtract etc. (with use of event Listeners) 3. Aim Booster web project = Create a webapp that can help boost aim for FPS games (I created a copy of osu!)