Client provides all the tooling around tfchain and its modules, including creating entities, twins, farms.. etc
npm install tfgrid-api-client
Available methods:
inits the client and returns a promise
const Client = require("tfgrid-api-client");
const url = "urlToWebsocket";
const mnemonic = "some words";
const client = new Client(url, mnemonic);
try {
await client.init();
} catch (err) {
return err;
Creates an entity based on following information:
- name: name of the entity.
- countryID: ID of the country where the entity is located
- cityID: ID of the city where the entity is located
- callback: optional callback
const name = "foobar";
const countryID = 1;
const cityID = 1;
// This call wont be blocking and will return the block where the tx is included
const block = await client.createEntity(name, countryID, cityID, callback: optional)
console.log(`Transaction included in block with hash: ${block.toHex()}`)
Note: An entity is always linked to a private keypair, only one entity can be created per keypair.
updates an entity based on following information:
- name: name of the entity.
- countryID: ID of the country where the entity is located
- cityID: ID of the city where the entity is located
- callback: optional callback
// This call wont be blocking and will return the block where the tx is included
const block = await client.updateEntity(name, countryID, cityID, callback: optional)
console.log(`Transaction included in block with hash: ${block.toHex()}`)
Fetches an entity from storage based on an ID.
const entity = await client.getEntityByID(1);
Fetches all entities from storage.
const entity = await client.listEntities();
Deletes the entity linked to the private key.
await client.deleteEntity(callback: optional)
Creates a twin based on following information:
- relay: a relay server address (optional)
- pk: the public key of the twins encryption key (optional)
- callback: optional callback
const relay = "" || null;
const pk = "somepublickey" || null;
// This call wont be blocking and will return the block where the tx is included
const block = await client.createTwin(relay, pk, callback: optional)
console.log(`Transaction included in block with hash: ${block.toHex()}`)
Note: A twin is by default anonymous, check addTwinEntity to add an entity to a twin.
Fetches twin from storage based on an ID.
const twin = await client.getTwinByID(1);
Fetches all twins from storage.
const entity = await client.listTwins();
Deletes a twin from storage based on an ID. Only the creator of this twin can delete this twin.
await client.deleteTwin(1);
Add an entity to a twin. The entity that is being added must sign a message composed of the twinID and entityID. Only the twin's owner can add an entity to it's twin.
- entityID: entity ID to add.
- twinID: twin ID to update.
- signature: signature signed by private key of entity
- callback: optional callback
const entityID = 0;
const twinID = 0;
// the entity that owns this entity can sign this with his private key
const signedMessage = await client.sign(entityID, twinID);
// This call wont be blocking and will return the block where the tx is included
const block = await client.addTwinEntity(
console.log(`Transaction included in block with hash: ${block.toHex()}`);
If the signature of the signedMessage
is valid, this entity id will be added to this twin.
Removes an entity from a twin. Only the twin's owner can remove an entity from it's twin.
- entityID: entity ID to remove.
- twinID: twin ID to update.
- callback: optional callback
// This call wont be blocking and will return the block where the tx is included
const block = await client.removeTwinEntity(twinID, entityID, callback);
console.log(`Transaction included in block with hash: ${block.toHex()}`);
Sign an entityID and twinID combination and returns a signed message.
- entityID: entity ID.
- twinID: twin ID.
const signedMessage = await client.sign(entityID, twinID);
Vest an amount of tokens for a specific duration, if the tft price provided is equal to the real tft price. It unlocks the current and previous vesting months.
locked, perBlock, startingBlock, tftPrice
- locked: amount of tokens to lock
- perBlock: amount of tokens that unlock every block (1 block = 6 seconds)
- startingBlock: block number to start the vesting on
- tftPrice: price of tft that will trigger unlock condition (decimal number eg: 0.50)
- callback: optional callback
// This call wont be blocking and will return the block where the tx is included
const block = await client.vest(
console.log(`Transaction included in block with hash: ${block.toHex()}`);
Fetches the TFT Price.
const price = await client.getPrice();
Fetches your account's balance.
const balance = await client.getBalance();
Set a value in tf key-value store
await client.tfStoreSet("name", "Ashraf", (res) => {
if (res instanceof Error) {
console.log(await client.tfStoreGet("name"));
// This call will block until status is Finalized and tx is included in a block and validated
await client.createEntity(name, countryID, cityID, (res) => {
if (res instanceof Error) {
const { events = [], status } = res;
console.log(`Current status is ${status.type}`);
if (status.isFinalized) {
console.log(`Transaction included at blockHash ${status.asFinalized}`);
// Loop through Vec<EventRecord> to display all events
events.forEach(({ phase, event: { data, method, section } }) => {
console.log(`\t' ${phase}: ${section}.${method}:: ${data}`);