A TFChain Wallet account requires a minimum balance to exist and function. New TFChain users will not automatically have any tokens (also not on stellar).
Therefore an activation service for new TFChain wallets is created. It activates new TFChain wallet addresses by depositing a minimal amount of TFT (currently 1 TFT).
create .env
file with following content:
MNEMONIC=substrate ed25519 private words
KYC_PUBLIC_KEY=kyc service 25119 public key
make run
Run using docker:
docker build -t activation ../
docker run -v $(pwd)/activation-service/.env:/.env -p 3000:3000 activation -c /.env
Activates a Substrate account and puts 500 tokens on it.
Example: Post to localhost:3000/activation/activate
curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request POST \
--data '{"substrateAccountID": "some_id"}' \
We will run an activation service for each TF Grid network (mainnet, testnet, devnet, qanet).