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Product Development - Overview
Product Development - Overview

import Jump from '@site/src/components/Jump'; import Alert from '@site/src/components/Alert';



Season 1

  1. The Usecase & Architecture

  2. The Open World

  3. The Stack

  4. Languages, Markup & Structure - HTML, CSS, JS

  5. Languages, Markup & Structure - Typescript, Markdown

  6. The Client Side Framework Battle

  7. Web Components & Micro-Frontends

  8. Front End Development Tools

  9. Cross-Platform Desktop Apps

  10. Mobile App Development

  11. Cordova, Capacitor & IONIC

  12. Extensions - Chrome, Firefox, VSCode

Season 2

  1. Server Side Development

  2. Microservices, Modelling & Principles

  3. Containers & Orchestration

  4. Server Side Languages, Frameworks

  5. Databases - Postgres/MySQL, Elasticsearch

  6. Databases - Redis, NATS, Prometheus

  7. Prisma 2 (ORM, Migrations & Studio)

  8. Vitess & Multi-Region Databases

  9. OPS & SRE - Grafana, Kibana, Cachet

  10. OPS & SRE - FluentD, Jaeger, OpenTelemetry

  11. Version Control & Workflows

  12. Package Managers & Registries - NPM, YARN & Verdaccio

Season 3

  1. Infrastructure, Cloud & Infrastructure as Code

  2. Kubernetes - Part 1

  3. Kubernetes - Part 2

  4. Helm

  5. OCI, Harbor

  6. Networking - VPC, Shared VPC, Subnets, Cloud NAT, Cloud Router

  7. Network Security - Cloud IAP, Cloud Armor, Bastion Hosts

  8. DNS, Certificates & Load Balancers

  9. Encryption & KMS - Cloud KMS, SOPS, Helm Secrets, Keys

  10. Authentication & Authorization - 2FA, JWT, OAuth2, Cookies & Sessions

  11. Developer Standards - ESLint, Prettier, Editorconfig

  12. Developer Standards - Commitlint, git-cz, Husky, Issue Templates

Season 4

  1. DevOps - Gitlab CI/CD, Skaffold, Tekton & Others

  2. Innerloop - Telepresence, Nodemon

  3. Security - Defense In Depth with Zero-Trust (BeyondCorp)

  4. GraphQL & The Ecosystem - Specification, Tools, Apollo (Server, Client & Federation)

  5. Service Mesh, Tools & Ecosystem

  6. Developer Tools - VSCode & Extensions, Insomnia/Postman, Chrome Dev Tools

  7. Chat Bots & Voice Assistants - Architecture

  8. MS Botframework, Dialogflow, Rasa NLU, WIT.AI and more

  9. Channels - Whatsapp, FB Messenger, MS Teams, Skype, Google Home, Alexa

  10. Connectors - MS Flow, Zapier, IFTTT

  11. Release Management - Release-it, GIT Workflow

  12. Kubernetes Federation V2

Season 5

  1. SAAS Providers - Twilio, and more

  2. IOT - Architecture & Modelling

  3. IOT - Raspberry PI & Arduino

  4. Streaming - The Hardware

  5. Streaming - The Software

  6. Search Engine Optimization

  7. Protocols - HTTP 1.1, HTTP 2, GRPC, UDP and more

  8. BPMN 2.0

  9. Documentation & Generators - Docusaurus, Typedoc, JSDOC and more

  10. Backup, Disaster Recovery, Archival & Log Shipping - Velero, CRONs, etc.

  11. Storage Management in Kubernetes - CSI, Rook, CEPH, S3, GCS and more

  12. CLI Development & 12 factor Apps - OClif, Inquirer and more