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4. Running queries using Promscale

Promscale offers the combined power of PromQL and SQL, enabling you to ask any question, create any dashboard, and achieve greater visibility into the systems you monitor.

In the configuration used in Section 3, Prometheus will scrape the Node Exporter every 10s and metrics will be stored in both Prometheus and TimescaleDB, via Promscale.

This section will illustrate how to run simple and complex SQL queries against Promscale, as well as queries in PromQL.

4.1 SQL Queries in Promscale

You can query Promscale in SQL from your favorite favorite SQL tool or using psql:

docker exec -it timescaledb psql postgres postgres

The above command first enters our timescaledb docker container (from Step 3.1 above) and creates an interactive terminal to it. Then it opens uppsql, a terminal-based front end to PostgreSQL (More information on psql -- psql docs.

Once inside, we can now run SQL queries and explore the metrics collected by Prometheus and Promscale

4.1.1 Querying a metric

Queries on metrics are performed by querying the view named after the metric you're interested in.

In the example below, we will query a metric named go_dc_duration for its samples in the past 5 minutes. This metric is a measurement for how long garbage collection is taking in Golang applications:

SELECT * from go_gc_duration_seconds
WHERE time > now() - INTERVAL '5 minutes';

Here is a sample output for the query above (your output will differ):

            time            |    value    | series_id |      labels       | instance_id | job_id | quantile_id 
 2021-01-27 18:43:42.389+00 |           0 |       495 | {208,43,51,212}   |          43 |     51 |         212
 2021-01-27 18:43:42.389+00 |           0 |       497 | {208,43,51,213}   |          43 |     51 |         213
 2021-01-27 18:43:42.389+00 |           0 |       498 | {208,43,51,214}   |          43 |     51 |         214
 2021-01-27 18:43:42.389+00 |           0 |       499 | {208,43,51,215}   |          43 |     51 |         215
 2021-01-27 18:43:42.389+00 |           0 |       500 | {208,43,51,216}   |          43 |     51 |         216

Each row returned contains a number of different fields:

  • The most important fields are time, value and labels.
  • Each row has a series_id field, which uniquely identifies its measurements label set. This enables efficient aggregation by series.
  • Each row has a field named labels. This field contains an array of foreign key to label key-value pairs making up the label set.
  • While the labels array is the entire label set, there are also seperate fields for each label key in the label set, for easy access. These fields end with the suffix _id .

4.1.2 Querying values for label keys

As explained in the last bullet point above, each label key is expanded out into its own column storing foreign key identifiers to their value, which allows us to JOIN, aggregate and filter by label keys and values.

To get back the text represented by a label id, use the val(field_id) function. This opens up nifty possibilities such as aggregating across all series with a particular label key.

For example, take this example, where we find the median value for the go_gc_duration_seconds metric, grouped by the job associated with it:

    val(job_id) as job, 
    percentile_cont(0.5) within group (order by value) AS median
    time > now() - INTERVAL '5 minutes'
GROUP BY job_id;

Sample Output:

      job      |  median
 prometheus    |  6.01e-05
 node-exporter | 0.0002631

4.1.3 Querying label sets for a metric

As explained in Section 2, the labels field in any metric row represents the full set of labels associated with the measurement and is represented as an array of identifiers.

To return the entire labelset in JSON, we can apply the jsonb() function, as in the example below:

    time, value, jsonb(labels) as labels
    time > now() - INTERVAL '5 minutes';

Sample Output:

            time            |    value    |                                                        labels                                                        
 2021-01-27 18:43:48.236+00 | 0.000275625 | {"job": "prometheus", "__name__": "go_gc_duration_seconds", "instance": "localhost:9090", "quantile": "0.5"}
 2021-01-27 18:43:48.236+00 | 0.000165632 | {"job": "prometheus", "__name__": "go_gc_duration_seconds", "instance": "localhost:9090", "quantile": "0.25"}
 2021-01-27 18:43:48.236+00 | 0.000320684 | {"job": "prometheus", "__name__": "go_gc_duration_seconds", "instance": "localhost:9090", "quantile": "0.75"}
 2021-01-27 18:43:52.389+00 |  1.9633e-05 | {"job": "node-exporter", "__name__": "go_gc_duration_seconds", "instance": "node_exporter:9100", "quantile": "0"}
 2021-01-27 18:43:52.389+00 |  1.9633e-05 | {"job": "node-exporter", "__name__": "go_gc_duration_seconds", "instance": "node_exporter:9100", "quantile": "1"}
 2021-01-27 18:43:52.389+00 |  1.9633e-05 | {"job": "node-exporter", "__name__": "go_gc_duration_seconds", "instance": "node_exporter:9100", "quantile": "0.5"}

This query returns the label set for the metric go_gc_duration in JSON format. It can then be read or further interacted with.

4.1.4 Advanced Query: Percentiles aggregated over time and series

The query below calculates the 99th percentile over both time and series (app_id) for the metric named go_gc_duration_seconds. This metric is a measurement for how long garbage collection is taking in Go applications:

    val(instance_id) as app,
    percentile_cont(0.99) within group(order by value) p99
    value != 'NaN' AND val(quantile_id) = '1' AND instance_id > 0
GROUP BY instance_id 
ORDER BY p99 desc;

Sample Output:

        app         |     p99     
 node_exporter:9100 | 0.002790063
 localhost:9090     |  0.00097977

The query above is uniquely enabled by Promscale, as it aggregates over both time and series and returns an accurate calculation of the percentile. Using only a PromQL query, it is not possible to accurately calculate percentiles when aggregating over both time and series.

The query above is just one example of the kind of analytics Promscale can help you perform on your Prometheus monitoring data.

4.1.5 Filtering by labels

To simplify filtering by labels, we created operators corresponding to the selectors in PromQL.

Those operators are used in a WHERE clause of the form labels ? (<label_key> <operator> <pattern>)

The four operators are:

  • == matches tag values that are equal to the pattern
  • !== matches tag value that are not equal to the pattern
  • ==~ matches tag values that match the pattern regex
  • !=~ matches tag values that are not equal to the pattern regex

These four matchers correspond to each of the four selectors in PromQL, though they have slightly different spellings to avoid clashing with other PostgreSQL operators. They can be combined together using any boolean logic with any arbitrary WHERE clauses.

For example, if you want only those metrics from the job with name node-exporter, you can filter by labels to include only those samples:

    time, value, jsonb(labels) as labels
    labels ? ('job' == 'node-exporter')
    AND time > now() - INTERVAL '5 minutes';

Sample output:

 time                       |   value   |              labels
 2021-01-28 02:01:18.066+00 |  3.05e-05 | {"job": "node-exporter", "__name__": "go_gc_duration_seconds", "instance": "node_exporter:9100", "quantile": "0"}
 2021-01-28 02:01:28.066+00 |  3.05e-05 | {"job": "node-exporter", "__name__": "go_gc_duration_seconds", "instance": "node_exporter:9100", "quantile": "0"}
 2021-01-28 02:01:38.032+00 |  3.05e-05 | {"job": "node-exporter", "__name__": "go_gc_duration_seconds", "instance": "node_exporter:9100", "quantile": "0"}

4.1.6 Querying Number of Datapoints in a Series

As shown in 4.1.1 above, each in a row metric's view has a series_id uniquely identifying the measurement’s label set. This enables efficient aggregation by series.

You can easily retrieve the labels array from a series_id using the labels(series_id) function. As in this query that shows how many data points we have in each series:

SELECT jsonb(labels(series_id)) as labels, count(*)
FROM go_gc_duration_seconds
GROUP BY series_id;

Sample output:

                                                       labels                                                        | count
 {"job": "node-exporter", "__name__": "go_gc_duration_seconds", "instance": "node_exporter:9100", "quantile": "0.75"} |   631
 {"job": "prometheus", "__name__": "go_gc_duration_seconds", "instance": "localhost:9090", "quantile": "0.75"}        |   631
 {"job": "node-exporter", "__name__": "go_gc_duration_seconds", "instance": "node_exporter:9100", "quantile": "1"}    |   631
 {"job": "node-exporter", "__name__": "go_gc_duration_seconds", "instance": "node_exporter:9100", "quantile": "0.5"}  |   631
 {"job": "prometheus", "__name__": "go_gc_duration_seconds", "instance": "localhost:9090", "quantile": "0.5"}         |   631
 {"job": "node-exporter", "__name__": "go_gc_duration_seconds", "instance": "node_exporter:9100", "quantile": "0"}    |   631
 {"job": "prometheus", "__name__": "go_gc_duration_seconds", "instance": "localhost:9090", "quantile": "1"}           |   631
 {"job": "node-exporter", "__name__": "go_gc_duration_seconds", "instance": "node_exporter:9100", "quantile": "0.25"} |   631
 {"job": "prometheus", "__name__": "go_gc_duration_seconds", "instance": "localhost:9090", "quantile": "0.25"}        |   631
 {"job": "prometheus", "__name__": "go_gc_duration_seconds", "instance": "localhost:9090", "quantile": "0"}           |   631

BONUS: Other complex queries

While the above examples are for metrics from Prometheus and node_exporter, a more complex example from Dan Luu’s post: "A simple way to get more value from metrics", shows how you can discover Kubernetes containers that are over-provisioned by finding those containers whose 99th percentile memory utilization is low:

WITH memory_allowed as (
    labels(series_id) as labels, 
    min(time) start_time, 
    max(time) as end_time 
  FROM container_spec_memory_limit_bytes total
  WHERE value != 0 and value != 'NaN'
  GROUP BY series_id, value
  val(memory_used.container_id) container, 
    within group(order by memory_used.value/memory_allowed.value) 
    AS percent_used_p99, 
  max(memory_allowed.value) max_memory_allowed
FROM container_memory_working_set_bytes AS memory_used 
INNER JOIN memory_allowed
      ON (memory_used.time >= memory_allowed.start_time AND 
          memory_used.time <= memory_allowed.end_time AND
WHERE memory_used.value != 'NaN'   
GROUP BY container 
ORDER BY percent_used_p99 ASC 
LIMIT 100;

A sample output for the above query is as follows:

container			       percent_used_p99        total
cluster-overprovisioner-system    6.961822509765625e-05   4294967296
sealed-secrets-controller           0.00790748596191406   1073741824
dumpster                             0.0135690307617187    268435456

While the above example requires the installation of cAdvisor, it's just an example of the sorts of sophisticated analysis enabled by Promscale's support to query your data in SQL.

4.2 PromQL Queries in Promscale

Promscale can also be used as a Prometheus data source for tools like Grafana and PromLens.

We'll demonstrate this by connecting Promscale as a Prometheus data source in Grafana, a popular open-source visualization tool.

First, let's install Grafana via their official Docker image:

docker run -d \
  -p 3000:3000 \
  --network promscale-timescaledb \
  --name=grafana \
  -e "GF_INSTALL_PLUGINS=grafana-clock-panel,grafana-simple-json-datasource" \

Next, navigate to localhost:3000 in your browser and enter admin for both the Grafana username and password, and set a new password. Then navigate to Configuration > Data Sources > Add data source > Prometheus.

Finally, configure the data source settings, setting the Name as Promscale and setting the URL ashttp://<PROMSCALE-IP-ADDR>:9201, taking care to replace <PROMSCALE-IP-ADDR> with the IP address of your Promscale instance. All other settings can be kept as default unless desired.

To find the Promscale IP address, run the command docker inspect promscale (where promscale is the name of our container) and find the IP address under NetworkSettings > Networks > IPAddress.

Alternatively, we can set the URL as http://promscale:9201, where promscale is the name of our container. This method works as we've created all of our containers in the same docker network (using the flag -- network promscale-timescaledb during our installs).

After configuring Promscale as a datasource in Grafana, all that's left is to create a sample panel using Promscale as the datasource. The query powering the panel will be written in PromQL. The sample query below shows the average rate of change in the past 5 minutes for the metric go_memstats_alloc_bytes, which measures the Go's memory allocation on the heap from the kernel:


Sample output

Sample output for PromQl query

Next Steps

Now that you're up and running with Promscale, here are more resources to help you on your monitoring journey: