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Releases: timothydmorton/isochrones

parallax support; command-line scripts

11 Apr 02:19
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Support has now been added to include parallax (in miliarcsec) to the observable properties of a StarModel.

There are now also two command-line scripts, starfit, which allows executing an MCMC fit of a StarModel from the command line (e.g. starfit mystar where mystar is a folder containing a star.ini file), and batch_starfit, which executes many starfits at once on a cluster (currently assuming slurm is the batch scheduler, but presumably could be adjusted to any other).

Also, there was a correction made to the loglike method of StarModel such that now I believe the likelihoods/priors are properly normalized; this was not the case before.

Bug fixes

25 Mar 17:33
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  • Typo fixed in StarModel._make_samples()
  • Bug fixed in StarModel.triangle() when distance is not being fit for.

Apologies to anyone trying to keep up with all these rapid changes...hopefully this will settle down shortly.

TripleStarModel added; bug fixes

25 Mar 03:33
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Bug fix:

  • When creating the StarModel.samples attribute, there used to be a hard-coded cut on lnprob that only made sense in a very limited circumstance. This has been replaced with a cut to cull the top 99.5% (as ranked by lnprob) samples.

Feature added:

  • TripleStarModel, along the lines of BinaryStarModel but with three stars.

BinaryStarModel added; triangle plots tweaked.

24 Mar 20:42
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New in this release:

  • Added BinaryStarModel object, which enables fitting photometry to a model of two stars at the same distance, Fe/H, and age.
  • Changed StarModel.triangle() such that if truths is provided, then extents adjust so truths can be seen even if outside requested extent range.

Distance and Fe/H priors included

13 Mar 19:31
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Important functional changes included here are that now priors on distance and metallicity are included when doing an MCMC fit on a StarModel. The default [Fe/H] prior used is a based on the local metallicity distribution from SDSS data, and this helps big-time when you are fitting only photometry with no spectroscopic data.

Bug fixes

13 Mar 12:58
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Fixed a few bugs from initial release. Isochrone object can now be called with distance and AV arguments; this helps a problem with double-correcting absolute magnitudes in StarModel. Also added a few more entries to extinction file so everything in Dartmouth models is covered.

Initial release

12 Mar 00:56
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Initial release Pre-release

This is the first public release of the code; still testing the waters.