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Gremlin Steps

bobb edited this page Aug 1, 2014 · 132 revisions

Gremlin comes with a collection of predefined steps. Gremlin steps map to a particular Pipe in Pipes. A Pipe<S,E> extends Iterator<E> and Iterable<E>. It takes an object of type S and emits and object of type E. Chaining pipes together creates a Pipeline. In essence, Gremlin is a DSL for constructing Pipeline objects. Finally, be sure to look at User Defined Steps to learn how to define your own custom steps.

Step Library

Every link in a pipeline is called a step. Steps can be categorized as either being transform-, filter-, sideEffect-, or branch- based.

  • step: a generic, general-purpose computational step.
    • transform: take an object and emit a transformation of it.
    • filter: decide whether to allow an object to pass or not.
    • sideEffect: pass the object, but yield some side effect.
    • branch: decide which step to take.


step description pipe
step{closure} an anonymous/lambda step defined by a closure FunctionPipe(closure)
_ emit the incoming object unchanged IdentityPipe()

Transform-Based Steps

step description pipe
transform{closure} emit the result of the closure TransformFunctionPipe(closure)
V the vertex iterator of the graph (with key indices, V(key,value) possible) VerticesPipe()
E the edge iterator of the graph (with key indices, E(key,value) possible) EdgesPipe()
id the identifier of the element IdPipe()
label the label of the edge LabelPipe()
out(labels...?) out adjacent vertices to the vertex VerticesVerticesPipe(out,labels...?)
outE(labels...?) the outgoing edges of the vertex VerticesEdgesPipe(out,labels...?)
in(labels...?) in adjacent vertices to the vertex VerticesVerticesPipe(in,labels...?)
inE(labels...?) the incoming edges of the vertex VerticesEdgesPipe(in,labels...?)
both(labels...?) both adjacent vertices of the vertex VerticesVerticesPipe(both,labels...?)
bothE(labels...?) both incoming and outgoing edges of the vertex VerticesEdgesPipe(both,labels...?)
outV the outgoing tail vertex of the edge EdgesVerticesPipe(out)
inV the incoming head vertex of the edge EdgesVerticesPipe(in)
bothV both incoming and outgoing vertices of the edge EdgesVerticesPipe(both)
['key'] get the property value of an element PropertyPipe('key')
key get the property value of an element PropertyPipe(key)
map(strings..?) get the property map of an element (for provided keys?) PropertyMapPipe(strings..?)
memoize(string, map?) memoize a named section with optional map being a cache MemoizePipe()
gather{closure?} collect all objects up to that step and process with provided closure GatherPipe() or GatherFunctionPipe(closure)
scatter unroll all objects in the iterable at that step ScatterPipe()
path(closures..?) the path through the pipeline up to this point, where closures are post-processing for each object in the path PathPipe() or PathFunctionPipe(closures...?)
cap emits the side effect of the pipe prior SideEffectCapPipe(pipe)
select(list?,closures..?) select the named steps to emit after select with post-processing closures SelectPipe(list?, closures..?)
shuffle collect all objects up to that step and randomize their order ShufflePipe()
order(closure?) order the items in the stream according to the closure if provided OrderPipe(closure?)
order(T) order the items in the stream according to T where T is T.decr or T.incr OrderPipe(T)
orderMap(closure) for every incoming map, sort and emit keys OrderMapPipe(closure)
orderMap(T) for every incoming map, sort by T and emit keys where T is T.decr or T.incr OrderMapPipe(T)

Filter-Based Steps

step description pipe
filter{closure} return true to allow the object to pass FilterFunctionPipe(closure)
[i] emit the particular indexed object RangeFilterPipe(i,i)
[i..j] emit the objects indexed by the range RangeFilterPipe(i,j)
has(key) emit the element if it has the property key PropertyFilterPipe(key,NOT_EQUALS,null)
has(key,value) allow element if has property PropertyFilterPipe(key,EQUALS,value)
has(key,T,value) allow element if property is T related to value, where T is shorthand compare PropertyFilterPipe(key,T,value)
hasNot(key) emit the element if it does not have the property key PropertyFilterPipe(key,EQUALS,null)
hasNot(key,value) filter element if has property PropertyFilterPipe(key,NOT_EQUAL,value)
back(string) go back to the results as the named step BackFilterPipe(Pipe)
and(pipes...) emit the incoming object if all pipes emit results AndFilterPipe(pipes...)
or(pipes...) emit the incoming object if any pipe emit results OrFilterPipe(pipes...)
random(double) emit the incoming object if biased coin toss is heads RandomFilterPipe(double)
dedup(closure?) emit only incoming objects that have not been seen before with optional closure being object to check on DuplicateFilterPipe(closure?)
simplePath emit the object only if the current path has no repeated elements CyclicPathFilterPipe()
except(collection) allow everything to pass except what is in collection ExceptFilterPipe(collection)
except(string...) allow everything to pass except what is at named steps ExceptFilterPipe(asmap, string...)
retain(collection) allow everything to pass except what is not in collection RetainFilterPipe(collection)
retain(string...) allow everything to pass except what is not at named steps RetainFilterPipe(asmap, string...)
interval(key,start,end) allow elements to pass that have their property in provided start/end interval IntervalFilterPipe(key,start,end)

SideEffect-Based Steps

step description pipe
sideEffect{closure} emits input, but calls a side effect closure on each input SideEffectFunctionPipe(closure)
groupBy(map?){closure}{closure} emits input, but groups input after processing it by provided key-closure and value-closure GroupByPipe(map?, closure, closure)
groupCount(map?){closure?}{closure?} emits input, but updates a map for each input, where closures provides generic map update GroupCountFunctionPipe(map?,closure?,closure?)
aggregate(collection?,closure?) emits input, but adds input in collection, where provided closure processes input prior to insertion (greedy) AggregatePipe(collection?,closure?)
table(table?,strings..?,closures..?) emits input, but stores row of as values (constrained by column names if provided) TablePipe(table?,strings..?,closures..?)
tree(map?, closures..?) emit input, but stores the tree formed by the traversal as a map TreePipe(map?, closures..?)
as(string) emits input, but names the previous step AsPipe(string, Pipe)
optional(string) go back to the results as the named step OptionalPipe(Pipe)
store(collection?,closure?) emits input, but adds input to collection, where provided closure processes input prior to insertion (lazy) StorePipe(collection?, closure?)
linkOut(string,vertex) for every incoming vertex, create an outgoing label-edge to provided vertex LinkPipe(string,vertex)
linkIn(string,vertex) for every incoming vertex, create an incoming label-edge to provided vertex LinkPipe(string,vertex)
linkBoth(string,vertex) for every incoming vertex, create an incoming and outgoing label-edge to provided vertex LinkPipe(string,vertex)
linkOut(string,string) for every incoming vertex, create an outgoing label-edge to provided vertex LinkPipe(string,AsPipe)
linkIn(string,string) for every incoming vertex, create an incoming label-edge to provided vertex LinkPipe(string,AsPipe)
linkBoth(string,string) for every incoming vertex, create an incoming and outgoing label-edge to provided vertex LinkPipe(string,AsPipe)

Branch-Based Steps

step description pipe
loop(string){whileClosure}{emitClosure?} if whileClosure true for emitted object, put object back at start (emit object mid-loop if emitClosure is true) LoopPipe(Pipe,whileC,emitC?)
ifThenElse{ifClosure}{thenClosure}{elseClosure} if/then/else branch IfThenElsePipe(ifC,thenC,elseC)
copySplit(pipes...) copies incoming object to internal pipes CopySplitPipe(pipes...)
fairMerge round-robin merges internal pipe objects FairMergePipe()
exhaustMerge exhaustively merges internal pipe objects ExhaustMergePipe()


  • If a pipe’s argument is postfixed with a ?, then the argument is optional. When no argument is provided, a reasonable default argument is created.
  • If you come up a with a generally useful step/pipe and would like to include it into the main Gremlin distribution, please make an issue or provide the appropriate pull request.