In this example, we'll use Apollo Link to connect via HTTP to a remote GraphQL server.
Using Apollo Link with fetch
is the simplest way to connect GraphQL2REST to an existing GraphQL server, local or remote.
Authentication and authorization against the GraphQL server can be taken care of in the fetch parameters.
const path = require('path');
const { schema } = require('./myGraphQLSchema.js'); // a GraphQLSchema object
const GraphQL2REST = require('graphql2rest');
const { execute, makePromise } = require('apollo-link');
const { createHttpLink } = require('apollo-link-http');
const fetch = require('node-fetch');
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
const gqlServerUri = ''; // our existing remote GraphQL server
const link = createHttpLink({ uri: gqlServerUri, fetch });
/* GraphQL2REST execute function using apollo-link. Invokes GraphQL operation against gqlServerUri via node-fetch */
const executeGqlLink = (operation) => {
return makePromise(execute(link, operation));
const GQL_FILES_FOLDER = path.resolve(__dirname,'./gqlFilesFolder'); // folder previously generated by generateGqlQueryFiles()
const gql2restOptions = {
apiPrefix: '/api', //sets the API base path url
manifestFile: path.resolve(__dirname,'./api-manifest.json'), //pathname of manifest file. Default is ./manifest.json
gqlGeneratorOutputFolder: GQL_FILES_FOLDER //.gql files folder
const restRouter = GraphQL2REST.init(schema, executeGqlLink, gql2restOptions);
// restRouter now has our REST API attached
app.use('/', restRouter);
Now the following REST API is mounted and active (based on the manifest file described earlier):
GET /api/users
GET /api/users/{userId}
POST /api/users
PATCH /api/users/{userId}
DELETE /api/users/{userId}
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