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Splunk SDK for Python Changelog

Version 1.6.2

Minor changes

  • Use relative imports throughout the the SDK.

  • Performance improvement when constructing Input entity paths.

Version 1.6.1

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Search Commands exiting if the external process returns a zero status code (Windows only).

  • Fixed Search Command Protocol v2 not parsing the maxresultrows and command metadata properties.

  • Fixed double prepending the Splunk prefix for authentication tokens.

  • Fixed Index.submit() for namespaced Service instances.

  • Fixed uncaught AttributeError when accessing Entity properties (GitHub issue #131).

Minor Changes

  • Fixed broken tests due to expired SSL certificate.

Version 1.6.0

New Features and APIs

  • Added support for KV Store.

  • Added support for HTTP basic authentication (GitHub issue #117).

  • Improve support for HTTP keep-alive connections (GitHub issue #122).

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Python 2.6 compatibility (GitHub issue #141).

  • Fixed appending restrictToHost to UDP inputs (GitHub issue #128).

Minor Changes

  • Added support for Travis CI.

  • Updated the default test runner.

  • Removed shortened links from documentation and comments.

Version 1.5.0

New features and APIs

  • Added support for the new experimental Search Command Protocol v2, for Splunk 6.3+.

    Opt-in by setting chunked = true in commands.conf. See examples/searchcommands_app/package/default/commands-scpv2.conf.

  • Added support for invoking external search command processes.

    See examples/searchcommands_app/package/bin/

  • Added a new search command type: EventingCommand is the base class for commands that filter events arriving at a search head from one or more search peers.

    See examples/searchcommands_app/package/bin/

  • Added splunklib logger so that command loggers can be configured independently of the splunklib.searchcommands module.

    See examples/searchcommands_app/package/default/logger.conf for guidance on logging configuration.

  • Added splunklib.searchcommands.validators.Match class for verifying that an option value matches a regular expression pattern.

Bug fixes

  • GitHub issue 88: splunklib.modularinput, <done/> written even when done=False.

  • GitHub issue 115: splunklib.searchcommands.splunk_csv.dict_reader raises KeyError when supports_multivalues = True.

  • GitHub issue 119: None returned in _load_atom_entries.

  • Various other bug fixes/improvements for Search Command Protocol v1.

  • Various bug fixes/improvements to the full splunklib test suite.

Version 1.4.0

New features and APIs

  • Added support for cookie-based authentication, for Splunk 6.2+.

  • Added support for installing as a Python egg.

  • Added a convenience Service.job() method to get a Job by its sid.

Bug fixes

  • Restored support for Python 2.6 (GitHub issues #96 & #114).

  • Fix SearchCommands decorators and Validator classes (GitHub issue #113).

  • Fix SearchCommands bug iterating over None in dict_reader.fieldnames (GitHub issue #110).

  • Fixed JSON parsing errors (GitHub issue #100).

  • Retain the type property when parsing Atom feeds (GitHub issue #92).

  • Update non-namespaced server paths with a /services/ prefix. Fixes a bug where setting the owner and/or app on a Service could produce 403 errors on some REST API endpoints.

  • Modular input Argument.title is now written correctly.

  • Client.connect will now always return a Service instance, even if user credentials are invalid.

  • Update the saved_search/ example to handle saved searches with names containing characters that must be URL encoded (ex: "Top 5 sourcetypes").

Minor Changes

  • Update modular input examples with readable titles.

  • Improvements to splunklib.searchcommands tests.

  • Various docstring and code style corrections.

  • Updated some tests to pass on Splunk 6.2+.

Version 1.3.1

Bug fixes

  • Hot fix to to work with Python 2.7.9, which introduced SSL certificate validation by default as outlined in PEP 476.
  • Update async, handler_proxy, and handler_urllib2 examples to work with Python 2.7.9 by disabling SSL certificate validation by default.

Version 1.3.0

New features and APIs

  • Added support for Storage Passwords.

  • Added a script (GenerateHelloCommand) to the searchcommand_app to generate a custom search command.

  • Added a human readable argument titles to modular input examples.

  • Renamed the searchcommand csv module to splunk_csv.

Bug fixes

  • Now entities that contain slashes in their name can be created, accessed and deleted correctly.

  • Fixed a perfomance issue with connecting to Splunk on Windows.

  • Improved the service.restart() function.

Version 1.2.3

New features and APIs

  • Improved error handling in custom search commands

    SearchCommand.process now catches all exceptions and

    1. Writes an error message for display in the Splunk UI.

      The error message is the text of the exception. This is new behavior.

    2. Logs a traceback to SearchCommand.logger. This is old behavior.

  • Made ResponseReader more streamlike, so that it can be wrapped in an io.BufferedReader to realize a significant performance gain.

    Example usage

    import io
    response = job.results(count=maxRecords, offset=self._offset)
    resultsList = results.ResultsReader(io.BufferedReader(response)) 

Bug fixes

  1. The results reader now catches SyntaxError exceptions instead of xml.etree.ElementTree.ParseError exceptions. ParseError wasn't introduced until Python 2.7. This masked the root cause of errors data errors in result elements.

  2. When writing a ReportingCommand you no longer need to include a map method.

Version 1.2.2

Bug fixes

  1. Addressed a problem with autologin and added test coverage for the use case.

    See ServiceTestCase.test_autologin in tests/

Version 1.2.1

New features and APIs

  • Added features for building custom search commands in Python

    1. Access Splunk Search Results Info.

      See the SearchCommand.search_results_info property.

    2. Communicate with Splunk.

      See the SearchCommand.service property.

    3. Control logging and view command configuration settings from the Splunk command line

      • The logging_configuration option lets you pick an alternative logging configuration file for a command invocation.

      • The logging_level option lets you set the logging level for a command invocation.

      • The show_configuration option writes command configuration settings to the Splunk Job Inspector.

    4. Get a more complete picture of what's happening when an error occurs

      Command error messages now include a full stack trace.

    5. Enable the Splunk Search Assistant to display command help.

      See examples/searchcommands_app/default/searchbnf.conf

    6. Write messages for display by the job inspector.

      See SearchCommand.messages.

  • Added a feature for building modular inputs.

    1. Communicate with Splunk.

      See the Script.service property.

Bug fixes

  • When running dist without running build, there is no longer an No such file or directory error on the command line, and the command behaves as expected.

  • When setting the sourcetype of a modular input event, events are indexed properly.

    Previously Splunk would encounter an error and skip them.

Quality improvements

  • Better code documentation and unit test coverage.

Version 1.2

New features and APIs

  • Added support for building custom search commands in Python using the Splunk SDK for Python.

Bug fix

  • When running dist without running build, there is no longer an No such file or directory error on the command line, and the command behaves as expected.

  • When setting the sourcetype of a modular input event, events are indexed properly. Previously Splunk would encounter an error and skip them.

Breaking changes

  • If modular inputs were not being indexed by Splunk because a sourcetype was set (and the SDK was not handling them correctly), they will be indexed upon updating to this version of the SDK.

Minor changes

  • Docstring corrections in the modular input examples.

  • A minor docstring correction in splunklib/modularinput/

Version 1.1

New features and APIs

  • Added support for building modular input scripts in Python using the Splunk SDK for Python.

Minor additions

  • Added 2 modular input examples: Github forks and random numbers.

  • Added a dist command to Running dist will generate 2 .spl files for the new modular input example apps.

  • in the splunklib module will now restart Splunk via an HTTP post request instead of an HTTP get request.

  • .gitignore has been updated to ignore local and metadata subdirectories for any examples.

Version 1.0

New features and APIs

  • An AuthenticationError exception has been added. This exception is a subclass of HTTPError, so existing code that expects HTTP 401 (Unauthorized) will continue to work.

  • An "autologin" argument has been added to the splunklib.client.connect and splunklib.binding.connect functions. When set to true, Splunk automatically tries to log in again if the session terminates.

  • The is_ready and is_done methods have been added to the Job class to improve the verification of a job's completion status.

  • Modular inputs have been added (requires Splunk 5.0+).

  • The Jobs.export method has been added, enabling you to run export searches.

  • The Service.restart method now takes a "timeout" argument. If a timeout period is specified, the function blocks until splunkd has restarted or the timeout period has passed. Otherwise, if a timeout period has not been specified, the function returns immediately and you must check whether splunkd has restarted yourself.

  • The Collections.__getitem__ method can fetch items from collections with an explicit namespace. This example shows how to retrieve a saved search for a specific namespace:

      from splunklib.binding import namespace
      ns = client.namespace(owner='nobody', app='search')
      result = service.saved_searches['Top five sourcetypes', ns]       
  • The SavedSearch class has been extended by adding the following:

    • Properties: alert_count, fired_alerts, scheduled_times, suppressed
    • Methods: suppress, unsuppress
  • The Index.attached_socket method has been added. This method can be used inside a with block to submit multiple events to an index, which is a more idiomatic style than using the existing Index.attach method.

  • The Indexes.get_default method has been added for returnings the name of the default index.

  • The method has been added as a shortcut for creating a search job.

  • The User.role_entities convenience method has been added for returning a list of role entities of a user.

  • The Role class has been added, including the grant and revoke convenience methods for adding and removing capabilities from a role.

  • The Application.package and Application.updateInfo methods have been added.

Breaking changes

  • Job objects are no longer guaranteed to be ready for querying. Client code should call the Job.is_ready method to determine when it is safe to access properties on the job.

  • The Jobs.create method can no longer be used to create a oneshot search (with "exec_mode=oneshot"). Use the Jobs.oneshot method instead.

  • The ResultsReader interface has changed completely, including:

    • The read method has been removed and you must iterate over the ResultsReader object directly.
    • Results from the iteration are either dicts or instances of results.Message.
  • All contains methods on collections have been removed. Use Python's in operator instead. For example:

      # correct usage
      'search' in service.apps
      # incorrect usage
  • The Collections.__getitem__ method throws AmbiguousReferenceException if there are multiple entities that have the specified entity name in the current namespace.

  • The order of arguments in the Inputs.create method has changed. The name argument is now first, to be consistent with all other collections and all other operations on Inputs.

  • The ConfFile class has been renamed to ConfigurationFile.

  • The Confs class has been renamed to Configurations.

  • Namespace handling has changed and any code that depends on namespace handling in detail may break.

  • Calling the Job.cancel method on a job that has already been cancelled no longer has any effect.

  • The Stanza.submit method now takes a dict instead of a raw string.

Bug fixes and miscellaneous changes

  • Collection listings are optionally paginated.

  • Connecting with a pre-existing session token works whether the token begins with 'Splunk ' or not; the SDK handles either case correctly.

  • Documentation has been improved and expanded.

  • Many small bugs have been fixed.

0.8.0 (beta)


  • Improvements to entity state management
  • Improvements to usability of entity collections
  • Support for collection paging - collections now support the paging arguments: count, offset, search, sort_dir, sort_key and sort_mode. Note that Inputs and Jobs are not pageable collections and only support basic enumeration and iteration.
  • Support for event types:
    • Added Service.event_types + units
    • Added examples/
  • Support for fired alerts:
    • Added Service.fired_alerts + units
    • Added examples/
  • Support for saved searches:
    • Added Service.saved_searches + units
    • Added examples/
  • Sphinx based SDK docs and improved source code docstrings.
  • Support for IPv6 - it is now possible to connect to a Splunk instance listening on an IPv6 address.

Breaking changes

Module name

The core module was renamed from splunk to splunklib. The Splunk product ships with an internal Python module named splunk and the name conflict with the SDK prevented installing the SDK into Splunk Python sandbox for use by Splunk extensions. This module name change enables the Python SDK to be installed on the Splunk server.

State caching

The client module was modified to enable Entity state caching which required changes to the Entity interface and changes to the typical usage pattern.

Previously, entity state values where retrieved with a call to which would issue a round-trip to the server and return a dictionary of values corresponding to the entity content field and, in a similar way, a call to Entity.readmeta would issue in a round-trip and return a dictionary contianing entity metadata values.

With the change to enable state caching, the entity is instantiated with a copy of its entire state record, which can be accessed using a variety of properties:

  • Entity.state returns the entire state record
  • Entity.content returns the content field of the state record
  • Entity.access returns entity access metadata
  • Entity.fields returns entity content metadata

Entity.refresh is a new method that issues a round-trip to the server and updates the local, cached state record. still exists but has been changed slightly to return the entire state record and not just the content field. Note that read does not update the cached state record. The read method is basically a thin wrapper over the corresponding HTTP GET that returns a parsed entity state record instaed of the raw HTTP response.

The entity callable returns the content field as before, but now returns the value from the local state cache instead of issuing a round-trip as it did before.

It is important to note that refreshing the local state cache is always explicit and always requires a call to Entity.refresh. So, for example if you call Entity.update and then attempt to retrieve local values, you will not see the newly updated values, you will see the previously cached values. The interface is designed to give the caller complete control of when round-trips are issued and enable multiple updates to be made before refreshing the entity.

The update and action methods are all designed to support a fluent style of programming, so for example you can write:




An important benefit and one of the primary motivations for this change is that iterating a collection of entities now results in a single round-trip to the server, because every entity collection member is initialized with the result of the initial GET on the collection resource instead of requiring N+1 round-trips (one for each entity + one for the collection), which was the case in the previous model. This is a significant improvement for many common scenarios.


The Collection interface was changed so that Collection.list and the corresponding collection callable return a list of member Entity objects instead of a list of member entity names. This change was a result of user feedback indicating that people expected to see eg: service.apps() return a list of apps and not a list of app names.

Naming context

Previously the binding context (binding.Context) and all tests & samples took a single (optional) namespace argument that specified both the app and owner names to use for the binding context. However, the underlying Splunk REST API takes these as separate app and owner arguments and it turned out to be more convenient to reflect these arguments directly in the SDK, so the binding context (and all samples & test) now take separate (and optional) app and owner arguments instead of the prior namespace argument.

You can find a detailed description of Splunk namespaces in the Splunk REST API reference under the section on accessing Splunk resources at:

Misc. API

  • Update all classes in the core library modules to use new-style classes
  • Rename Job.setpriority to Job.set_priority
  • Rename Job.setttl to Job.set_ttl

Bug fixes

  • Fix for GitHub Issues: 2, 10, 12, 15, 17, 18, 21
  • Fix for incorrect handling of mixed case new user names (need to account for fact that Splunk automatically lowercases)
  • Fix for Service.settings so that updates get sent to the correct endpoint
  • Check name arg passed to Collection.create and raise ValueError if not a basestring
  • Fix handling of resource names that are not valid URL segments by quoting the resource name when constructing its path

0.1.0a (preview)

  • Fix a bug in the dashboard example
  • Ramp up README with more info

0.1.0 (preview)

  • Initial Python SDK release