Hubitat Drivers and Aps for the Hubitat Home Automation system., All production drivers are now in the Hubitat Package Manager. Beta and archives are not in HPM.
- iris v1 keypad driver for hubitat
- iris v2 / v3 Keypad Driver for hubitat
- iris v1 senior care pendant driver for hubitat
- SmartThings Arrival Sensor driver for hubitat
- iris v1 repeator driver for hubitat
- iris v1 smartplug driver for hubitat with alarm and strobe support
- iris v1 sensor driver for Hubitat. Ads extra options. Presence better battery support
- Iris v2 contact sensor driver for hubitat
- iMagic by GreatStar model: 1116-S driver for hubitat
- iMagic contact sensor driver for hubitat
- GreatStar contact sensor driver for hubitat
- 1116-S contact sensor driver for hubitat
- CentraLite Model:3320-L driver for hubitat
- CentraLite contact sensor driver for hubitat
- 3320-L contact sensor driver for hubitat
- 3322-L contact sensor driver for hubitat
- 3320-G contact sensor driver for hubitat
- iris radio thermostat Driver for hubitat (Radio Thermostat Zwave)
- Radio Thermostat driver for Hubitat
- Radio Thermostat Zwave Hubitat driver. CT-101 CT30e
- Everspring Utilitech Water Sensor driver. Improved driver to solve all the dropout problems
- Third Reality water sensor driver for hubitat
- Iris water sensor driver for hubitat
- CentraLite water Sensor driver for Hubitat
- Third Reality motion Sensor driver for Hubitat
- Iris v2 motion sensor driver for hubitat
- SmartThings motion sensor driver for hubitat
- CentraLite motion sensor driver for hubitat
- observer ip driver for hubitat
- Leaksmart valve driver for Hubitat. Better battery detection, Scheduled Testing, Presence
- relay/switch driver for hubitat (Sonoff MINI ZB / eWeLink /3A Smart Home /Generic)
- driver for hubitat Seedan eWeLight ZB-CL01 RGBW Bulbs and others (eWeLight ZB-CL01)
- SAGE Doorbell Sensor
- SAGE Light Switch
Expermental todki td-ZW101 driver for hubitat http presence sensor for hubitat. Ads adjustable chron and login detection lock button monitor (watches for external keypad lock and presses a button)