Date: 2019.07.18
- bugfix: treat Expect header value case-insensitive.
- test: download Test::Nginx with the super user permission.
- feature: shortcut calling for requests APIs.
Date: 2019.03.08
- doc: added the annotations about the compatibilty for the blocking phases.
- change: updated the lua-resty-socket dependency.
- bugfix: fixed the bootless keep-alive feature, now it works when the condition is conformed.
The old version is not so semantic, now we tweaked it.
Date: 2019.02.21
This version just contains some minor improvements.
- doc: fix timeout misrepresent, seconds => milliseconds. Thanks jetz for the patch.
- doc: README fix typo ("Authorization") 7 hours. Thanks Chris Kuehl for the patch.
- doc: fixed some documentary typos.
- feature: used lua-resty-socket when the phase is not yieldable.
- feature: used cosocket pool backlog if the ngx_lua is new enough.
Date: 2018.12.03
This version refactored the logic about headers indexing, also fixed the relevant bug.
- refactored the request/response headers table logic.
Date: 2018.11.15
This version added some new features like r:json(), HTTPS proxy and some bugfixs.
- feature: supported HTTPS proxy based on HTTP CONNECT method.
- feature: r:json(), now one can get a Lua table which deserializes the response body from calling this method.
- feature: added a new option "use_default_type" to control whether adds a default content-type request header when request body exists.
- bugfix: the ttfb metric always records the "time to first header".
- bugfix: add "charset; utf-8" check to json response object "content-type" header, thanks Happy Totem for the report and pull request.
Date: 2018.10.25
This version has minor modifications but with a compatibilty broken change.
- change: Content-Length header will not be deleted even when users are using the function request body fashion.
- improve: now we don't launch ssl handshake if a reused connection is using.
- bugfix: http2.lua cannot be copied to the correct openresty lualib dir.
Date: 2018.10.09
This version supplemented more test cases and introduced the following features.
- feature: supported the test of Expect request header.
- feature: supported installation from LuaRocks.
- feature: intergrated with lua-resty-http2, can use the HTTP/2 in the plain connection, this is still experimental.
Date: 2018.06.18
The first release.