Read the contents of a certifiacte file
openssl x509 -in something.com.cert.pem -text
Create public private pair
openssl genrsa -out private-key.pem 2048 openssl rsa -in key.pem -outform PEM -pubout -out public.pem
Create a self-signed certificate
openssl req -new \ -newkey rsa:4096 \ -days 365 \ -nodes -x509 \ -subj /C=IL/CN=localhost \ -keyout private-key.pem \ -out self-signed.cert
Create symetric key
openssl rand -base64 32 > key.bin
Encrypt using symetric key
openssl enc \ -aes-256-cbc \ -salt \ -in file_to_encrypt.txt \ -out ecrypted_file.enc \ -kfile ./key.bin
Encrypt using public key
openssl rsautl -encrypt \ -inkey aharon.pub.pem \ -pubin -in key.bin \ -out key.bin.aharon.enc
Decrypt using private key
openssl rsautl -decrypt \ -inkey priate-key.pem \ -in filekey_encrypted.key \ -out filekey.key
Decrypt using symetric key
openssl enc -d \ -aes-256-cbc \ -in kubeconfig_encrypted \ -out kubeconfig \ -kfile ./symetric-key.bin