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Hacking on the Flambda backend

This page is intended to keep track of useful information for people who want to modify the Flambda backend. Jump to:

Branches, pull requests, etc.

Pull requests should be submitted to the main branch, which is the default.

PRs should not be merged unless all CI checks have passed unless there is a good reason. It is not necessary to wait for CI checks to pass after genuinely trivial changes to a PR that was previously passing CI.

There are also release branches (e.g. release-4.12) which are used for cutting production releases (which are all marked by git tags). These branches should not be committed to without approval from the person responsible for the next release.

Upstream subtree

The ocaml/ directory contains a patched version of the upstream OCaml compiler around which is built the Flambda backend. This directory is currently handled as a git subtree (not a submodule).

Patches to the ocaml/ subdirectory should be minimised and in the majority of cases be suitable for upstream submission.

We are planning to move to a model where the patched upstream compiler is maintained in a normal upstream-style repository (i.e. forked from ocaml/ocaml).

Code formatting

The CI checks that all Flambda 2 code (in middle_end/flambda2/) and Cfg code (in backend/cfg/) is formatted correctly as per the provided .ocamlformat file. To prepare your environment for the correct version of ocamlformat you can follow the OPAM commands in the CI check. (Note that the OPAM compiler will not be used for the Flambda backend build itself.) All of the code can be formatted using make fmt and the check can be run using make check-fmt.

Note in particular that a recent (>= 1.10.0) version of the re library is required due to a bug in the parsing of .ocamlformat-enable syntax.

Changes to .ocamlformat should be made as pull requests that include reformatting files as needed.

In the event that one needs to rebase a patch over formatting changes, here is a reasonably seamless way to proceed:

Assuming a specific formatting commit:

# main formatting commit for flambda2/ in the repository

Rebase as usual until its parent:

git rebase $format_commit~1

Then rebase once more on the commit itself:

git rebase $format_commit -Xtheirs --exec 'make fmt && git commit -a --amend --no-edit'

Each commit will be amended with formatting. Any conflict appearing can be resolved automatically by choosing our side (hence, theirs on a rebase, surprisingly enough). This is correct assuming the commit contains no semantic changes.

Finally, finish the rebase as usual up to the desired point:

git rebase upstream/main

Depending on the initial changes, it might be necessary to do this multiple times for each relevant formatting commit.

Rebuilding during dev work

To rebuild after making changes, you can just type make. You need to have a working OCaml 4.14 compiler on your PATH before doing so, e.g. installed via OPAM.

There is a special target make hacking which starts Dune in polling mode. The rebuild performed here is equivalent to make ocamlopt in the upstream distribution: it rebuilds the compiler itself, but doesn't rebuild the stdlib or anything else with the new compiler. This target is likely what you want for development of large features in the middle end or backend. Rebuild times for this target should be very fast. (make hacking can be run directly after configure, there is no need to do a full make first.)

The aim is to minimise patches against the upstream compiler (the contents of the ocaml/ subdirectory), but you can configure and build in that directory as you would for upstream. If a bootstrap is required, the normal bootstrapping commands should also work: from within the ocaml/ subdirectory, follow the instructions in ocaml/BOOTSTRAP.adoc; the newly-bootstrapped compiler will be picked up the next time that the Flambda backend is built from the toplevel directory of the checkout.

Any changes in ocaml/asmcomp and ocaml/middle_end directories should also be applied to the corresponding directories backend and middle_end.

Updating magic numbers

Start from a completely clean tree. Then change into the ocaml subdirectory and proceed as follows:

make coldstart
make coreall

Then edit runtime/caml/exec.h and utils/config.mlp to bump the numbers. Then:

make coreall
make bootstrap

and commit the result.

Running tests

Prior to make install you can do:

  • make runtest to run the Flambda backend tests (which use dune);
  • make runtest-upstream to run the upstream testsuite. The upstream testsuite runs much faster if you install GNU parallel. This is likely already present on Linux machines. On macOS, install Homebrew, then brew install parallel.

There is also a make ci target which does a full build and test run.

Some of our tests are expect tests run using a custom tool called flexpect. Corrected outputs can be promoted using make promote.

See ocaml/HACKING.jst.adoc for documentation on additional test-related targets. When that documentation says to run (say) make -f Makefile.jst test-one from the ocaml subdirectory, you should instead run make test-one from the root of the repo. Here are some examples of commands you can run:

$ make test-one TEST=typing-local/
$ make test-one-no-rebuild TEST=typing-local/
$ make promote-one TEST=typing-local/
$ make promote-one-no-rebuild TEST=typing-local/
# Promote failures from the last run
$ make promote-failed
# You can also use the full path from the root of the repo.
# This interacts better with tab completion.
$ make test-one TEST=ocaml/testsuite/tests/typing-local/

Running only part of the upstream testsuite

This can be done from the _runtest directory after it has been initialised by a previous make runtest-upstream. Any changes you have made to the tests in the real testsuite directory (ocaml/testsuite/) will need to be copied into here first. Then you can do things like:

OCAMLSRCDIR=<FLAMBDA_BACKEND>/_runtest make one DIR=tests/runtime-errors

where <FLAMBDA_BACKEND> is the path to your clone. You may also need the CAML_LD_LIBRARY_PATH setting depending on what you are testing (see at the root).

Running tests with coverage analysis

Coverage analysis is available for the Flambda backend tests (that is, just the ones run by make runtest), which are intended to provide good coverage on their own. We use bisect_ppx to perform the analysis. Since binaries instrumented with bisect_ppx have coverage enabled unconditionally, coverage support is disabled by default at compile time.

Coverage requires the bisect_ppx package to be installed in your OPAM switch. Since no OPAM environment is available when building the final compiler, we instead enable coverage on the boot compiler and run the tests directly on the boot compiler.

To enable coverage, pass the --enable-coverage flag to ./configure. (Remember to clean, as by git clean -dfX, whenever re-running ./configure). When coverage is enabled, make boot-runtest will run the tests on the boot compiler and produce coverage data, and make coverage will produce an HTML report in _coverage/. Alternatively, with coverage enabled, make ci will build the boot compiler, run the tests, and produce the report.

Running the compiler produced by "make hacking" on an example without the stdlib

For small examples that don't need the stdlib or any other library provided by the compiler distribution, it suffices to have run make hacking, followed by something like:

./_build/_bootinstall/bin/ocamlopt.opt -nostdlib -nopervasives -c

Using the OCaml debugger to debug the compiler

First, run make debug. This completes three steps:

  1. make install
  2. Sets up the ocaml/tools/debug_printers script so that you can source ocaml/tools/debug_printers during a debugging session to see otherwise-abstract variable values. This script is automatically loaded by the debugger due to the .ocamldebug file at the root of the compiler repo.
  3. Symlinks ./ocamlc and ./ocamlopt to point to the bytecode versions of those compilers. This is convenient for emacs integration, because emacs looks for sources starting in the directory containing the executable.

Then it's time to run the debugger itself. The recommended workflow is to add the elisp below to your emacs init file, and then use the command ocamldebug-ocamlc to debug ocamlc or the command ocamldebug-ocamlopt to debug ocamlopt.

;; directly inspired by the ocamldebug implementation in ocamldebug.el
(require 'ocamldebug)
(defun ocamldebug-ocaml (cmd)
  "Runs ocamldebug on the provided command"
  (let* ((ocaml-dir (expand-file-name
                     (locate-dominating-file (buffer-file-name) ".git")))
         (pgm-path (file-name-concat ocaml-dir cmd))
         (comint-name (concat "ocamldebug-" cmd))
         (buffer-name (concat "*" comint-name "*"))
          (file-name-concat ocaml-dir "_build/install/main/bin/ocamldebug")))
    (unless (file-exists-p ocamldebug-command-name)
      (error "No debugger found; run `make debug` first."))
    (pop-to-buffer buffer-name)
    (unless (comint-check-proc buffer-name)
      (setq default-directory ocaml-dir)
      (setq ocamldebug-debuggee-args
            (read-from-minibuffer (format "Args for ocamlc: ")
      (let* ((cmo-top-dir (file-name-concat ocaml-dir "_build/main"))
             (find-cmo-cmd (concat "find "
                                   " -name '*.cmo' -type f -printf '%h\n' | sort -u"))
             (cmo-dirs (shell-command-to-string find-cmo-cmd)))
        (setq cmo-dir-list (split-string cmo-dirs "\n" t)))
      (let* ((user-args (split-string-shell-command ocamldebug-debuggee-args))
             (includes (mapcan (lambda (dir) (list "-I" dir)) cmo-dir-list))
             (args (append (list
                             "-cd" default-directory)
                           (list pgm-path)
        (apply #'make-comint args)
        (set-process-filter (get-buffer-process (current-buffer))
        (set-process-sentinel (get-buffer-process (current-buffer))
(defun ocamldebug-ocamlc ()
  "Runs ocamldebug on the ocamlc built from the source file in the active buffer"
  (ocamldebug-ocaml "ocamlc"))
(defun ocamldebug-ocamlopt ()
  "Runs ocamldebug on the ocamlopt built from the source file in the active buffer"
  (ocamldebug-ocaml "ocamlopt"))

These commands will prompt you for the arguments to be passed to the compiler. Usually this includes the location of a test .ml file to be compiled (note that ~ will not be expanded, so using a full path is often necessary). Compiler command line flags may also be passed this way (e.g., -extension flags).

Once at the ocamldebugger's (ocd) prompt, you are ready to set breakpoints in relevant compiler source files with C-x C-a C-b and run the debugger.

See the manual section for more information about the debugger.

Alternative debugger workflow

Rather than using our elisp above, you can instead manually invoke the ocamldebug emacs mode as follows:

  1. Run M-x camldebug RET
  2. Choose the ocamlc or ocamlopt symlink in the root of the repo.
  3. Choose the arguments to pass to the compiler, likely a full path to a test .ml file.
  4. Choose the built ocamldebug, in your install directory.
  5. Set any breakpoints you want. The easiest way is to navigate to the line where you want the breakpoint and use C-x C-a C-b in emacs.
  6. Add relevant directories to ocamldebug's search path. (If you skip this, printing any value may produce Cannot find module Misc. or similar errors). If debugging ocamlc, run:
    (ocd) directory _build/main/ocaml/.ocamlcommon.objs/byte
    If debugging ocamlopt, you'll need various additional directories depending on your middle end. You can find the right directories by searching for cmo files corresponding to the module named in the error message.
  7. run to your breakpoint.

The elisp ocamldebug-ocaml{c,opt} functions automate steps 1, 2, 4, 6, and 7, above.

Getting the compilation command for a stdlib file

For example because you need to get the -dflambda output because of a bug.

rm -f _build/runtime_stdlib/ocaml/stdlib/.stdlib.objs/native/std_exit.cmx
<DUNE> build --workspace=duneconf/ --verbose ocaml/stdlib/.stdlib.objs/native/std_exit.cmx

where <DUNE> is the path to the dune provided to configure.

Bootstrapping the ocaml subtree

This can be done following the usual upstream procedures, working entirely within the ocaml/ subdirectory. Thoroughly clean the tree (e.g. git clean -dfX), go into ocaml/, then run the upstream configure script. After that perform the bootstrap (e.g. make core followed by make bootstrap). Before recompiling the Flambda backend as normal it would be advisable to clean the whole tree again.

Testing the compiler built locally with OPAM

It is possible to create a OPAM switch with the Flambda backend compiler.

The first step is to choose where to put the switch. One possibility is to use a local switch at the root of the tree, in which case the prefix will be ${flambda-backend-root-dir}/_opam, but it's also possible to use a local switch elsewhere or a global switch. For a global switch named flambda-backend, the prefix will be $(opam var root)/flambda-backend.

The Flambda backend must then be configured with this switch as prefix:

./configure --prefix=${opam_switch_prefix} ...

Note that if the Flambda backend tree is already configured, it should be cleaned thoroughly (e.g. git clean -dfX) before reconfiguring with a different prefix.

Then build the compiler with the command make _install (this is the default target plus some setup in preparation for installation). As usual when building, a 4.14 compiler (and dune) need to be in the path.

Now the build part is done, we don't need to stay in the build environment anymore; the switch creation will likely replace it if your terminal is setup to automatically follow the active opam switch.

The next step is to create the switch if it wasn't done already (if you already had created a switch from a previous attempt, you will need to remove it first):

# For a local switch:
opam switch create . --empty --repositories=flambda2=git+,default
# For a global switch:
opam switch create flambda-backend --empty --repositories=flambda2=git+,default

Then we can install the compiler. The recommended way is to use the opam-custom-install plugin. See here for instructions. The plugin can be installed in any existing OPAM switch, for example a 4.14 switch used for building. Once installed, the plugin will be available whatever the current active switch is. Once the plugin is installed, we can use it to install the compiler:

opam custom-install ocaml-variants.4.14.0+flambda2 -- make -C ${flambda-backend-root-dir} install_for_opam

The -C ${flambda-backend-dir} part can be omitted if we're still in the build directory.

Note that due to issues with some versions of the custom-install plugin, it is recommended to run the command opam reinstall --forget-pending after every use of opam custom-install, otherwise any subsequent opam command tries to rebuild the compiler from scratch.

To finish the installation, opam install ocaml.4.14.0 will install the remaining auxiliary packages necessary for a regular switch. After that, normal opam packages can be installed the usual way.

It is also possible to update the compiler after hacking, by running the opam custom-install command again. It also accepts a -n flag to skip recompilation of the packages which depend on the compiler, which can be useful when the output of the compiler is unchanged apart from extra logging.

As opam-custom-install is still experimental, it can sometimes be hard to install. In this case, it is possible to use the more fragile opam install --fake command:

opam install --fake ocaml-variants.4.14.0+flambda2
make -C ${flambda-backend-root-dir} install_for_opam

The main drawback of this approach is that there isn't any way to cleanup an installation properly without deleting the whole switch; if the set of installed files change between one make install_for_opam command and the next, strange bugs might appear.

Pulling changes onto a release branch

This should only be done with the approval of the person responsible for the next release. One way of doing it is as follows:

git checkout -b release-4.12 flambda-backend/release-4.12
git reset --hard flambda-backend/main
git rebase -i flambda-backend/release-4.12

assuming that flambda-backend is the git remote for the Flambda backend repo.

The resulting local branch release-4.12 should not require a force push when pushed to the remote.

Rebasing to a new major version of the upstream compiler

The procedure for this is still under development; talk to @poechsel or @mshinwell.

How to add a new intrinsic to the compiler

The Flambda backend has a means of replacing calls to external functions with inline instruction sequences. This can be used to implement "intrinsic" operations that typically correspond to very few (often one) machine instruction. The external functions, typically written in C, can still be provided for portability.

Follow the steps below to first update the ocaml_intrinsics library, and then the compiler.

  • Choose existing .ml file or add a new one.
  • Add external declaration of the function with two C stubs: for bytecode and native implementations. Only C stubs for bytecode should be annotated with CAMLprim. Naming convention: start the stubs with caml_ because the aim is to integrate them into the compiler.
  • Make sure that the C stubs work correctly on all support targets (architectures, operating systems, and compilers).
  • Annotate with [noalloc] [@unboxed] and [@untagged] as appropriate. These annotations only apply to the native C stub.
  • Annotated with [@@builtin] which gives the compiler a permission to replace calls to the native C stub with instructions.
  • Annotate with [@only_generative_effects], [@no_effects], and [@no_coeffects], described in semantics_of_primitives.mli in the compiler. These annotations are used by middle-end optimizations and therefore apply to only to native compilation. Their use is currently inaccurate in the compiler when it comes to generative effects involving arguments and return values only. In particular, when the native C stub is [@@noalloc] and its return value is [@unboxed], the function should be marked with [@only_generative_effects], but is it currently marked with [@no_effects], to be consistent with compiler builtins. This will be fixed in Flambda2.
  • Add tests and benchmarks for the new functions.
  • Now, and only now, update the compiler. The intrinsics can be added in one of the two places in backend directory: -- Cmm: Add an instruction to cmm and update cmmgen to emit it for the corresponding function application. The intrinsics will be applied on all supported architectures, but emitting it might involve changes in all the IRs below Cmm in all targets. Proc.operation_supported make the process easier. -- Mach: add an architecture-specifc instruction by extending Ispecific, and update
  • Compile the library with the modified compiler, making sure that all tests pass. Check that functions calls are replaced with the corresponding instructions by manually inspecting the generated assembly code.
  • There are currently no compiler tests for different intrinics. It relies on the library tests to avoid duplication. Library tests use Core, but the library itself does not.

How to add a new command line option

  1. Add a ref to{i}
  2. Add the flag's constructor mk_<flag> in
  3. Add the callback for the new flag to Flambda_backend_options module type in{i}
  4. List the flag in the body of Make_flambda_backend_options functor
  5. Implement the flag in Flambda_backend_options_impl by setting the corresponding ref in Flambda_backend_flags
  6. Add the flag to Extra_params if it can be set via OCAMLPARAM

Installation tree comparison script

A target make compare exists to run a comparison script that finds differences between the upstream and Flambda backend install trees. This script currently only runs on Linux, although it shouldn't be hard to port to macOS, especially if using GNU binutils. It is recommended to install the Jane Street patdiff executable before running make compare. The comparison script has not been maintained since the early releases of the Flambda backend; it was written as part of the acceptance process for the initial release.