is a typed Python library that provides a wrapper for interacting programmatically with tmux, a terminal multiplexer. You can use it to manage tmux servers,
sessions, windows, and panes. Additionally, libtmux
powers tmuxp, a tmux workspace manager.
libtmux builds upon tmux's target and formats to create an object mapping to traverse, inspect and interact with live tmux sessions.
View the documentation, API information and architectural details.
$ pip install --user libtmux
Session name foo
, window name bar
$ tmux new-session -s foo -n bar
$ python
Use ptpython, ipython, etc. for a nice shell with autocompletions:
$ pip install --user ptpython
$ ptpython
Connect to a live tmux session:
>>> import libtmux
>>> svr = libtmux.Server()
>>> svr
Tip: You can also use tmuxp's tmuxp shell
to drop straight into your
current tmux server / session / window pane.
Run any tmux command, respective of context:
Honors tmux socket name and path:
>>> server = Server(socket_name='libtmux_doctest')
>>> server.cmd('display-message', 'hello world')
New session:
>>> server.cmd('new-session', '-d', '-P', '-F#{session_id}').stdout[0]
>>> session.cmd('new-window', '-P').stdout[0]
From raw command output, to a rich Window
object (in practice and as shown
later, you'd use Session.new_window()
>>> Window.from_window_id(window_id=session.cmd('new-window', '-P', '-F#{window_id}').stdout[0], server=session.server)
Window(@2 2:..., Session($1 libtmux_...))
Create a pane from a window:
>>> window.cmd('split-window', '-P', '-F#{pane_id}').stdout[0]
Raw output directly to a Pane
>>> Pane.from_pane_id(pane_id=window.cmd('split-window', '-P', '-F#{pane_id}').stdout[0], server=window.server)
Pane(%... Window(@1 1:..., Session($1 libtmux_...)))
List sessions:
>>> server.sessions
[Session($1 ...), Session($0 ...)]
Filter sessions by attribute:
>>> server.sessions.filter(history_limit='2000')
[Session($1 ...), Session($0 ...)]
Direct lookup:
>>> server.sessions.get(session_id="$1")
Session($1 ...)
Filter sessions:
>>> server.sessions[0].rename_session('foo')
Session($1 foo)
>>> server.sessions.filter(session_name="foo")
[Session($1 foo)]
>>> server.sessions.get(session_name="foo")
Session($1 foo)
Control your session:
>>> session
Session($1 ...)
>>> session.rename_session('my-session')
Session($1 my-session)
Create new window in the background (don't switch to it):
>>> bg_window = session.new_window(attach=False, window_name="ha in the bg")
>>> bg_window
Window(@... 2:ha in the bg, Session($1 ...))
# Session can search the window
[Window(@... 2:ha in the bg, Session($1 ...))]
# Directly
Window(@... 2:ha in the bg, Session($1 ...))
# Clean up
>>> bg_window.kill()
Close window:
>>> w = session.active_window
>>> w.kill()
Grab remaining tmux window:
>>> window = session.active_window
>>> window.split(attach=False)
Pane(%2 Window(@1 1:... Session($1 ...)))
Rename window:
>>> window.rename_window('libtmuxower')
Window(@1 1:libtmuxower, Session($1 ...))
Split window (create a new pane):
>>> pane = window.split()
>>> pane = window.split(attach=False)
Pane(%3 Window(@1 1:..., Session($1 ...)))
>>> window = session.new_window(attach=False, window_name="test")
>>> window
Window(@2 2:test, Session($1 ...))
>>> pane = window.split(attach=False)
>>> pane
Pane(%5 Window(@2 2:test, Session($1 ...)))
Type inside the pane (send key strokes):
>>> pane.send_keys('echo hey send now')
>>> pane.send_keys('echo hey', enter=False)
>>> pane.enter()
Pane(%1 ...)
Grab the output of pane:
>>> pane.clear() # clear the pane
Pane(%1 ...)
>>> pane.send_keys("cowsay 'hello'", enter=True)
>>> print('\n'.join(pane.cmd('capture-pane', '-p').stdout)) # doctest: +SKIP
$ cowsay 'hello'
< hello >
\ ^__^
\ (oo)\_______
(__)\ )\/\
||----w |
|| ||
Traverse and navigate:
>>> pane.window
Window(@1 1:..., Session($1 ...))
>>> pane.window.session
Session($1 ...)
Unsupported / no security releases or bug fixes:
- Python 2.x: The backports branch is
Your donations fund development of new features, testing and support. Your money will go directly to maintenance and development of the project. If you are an individual, feel free to give whatever feels right for the value you get out of the project.
See donation options at
- tmux support: 1.8+
- python support: >= 3.9, pypy, pypy3
- Source:
- Docs:
- API:
- Changelog:
- Issues:
- Test Coverage:
- pypi:
- Open Hub:
- Repology:
- License: MIT.