A simple test to measure English vocabulary size written in Groovy
- jdk 1.7
- grails 2.4.4
- groovy 2.4.5
To run the test, clone and open the project on Eclipse with Groovy and Grails plugin.
Go to the file WordTest.groovy under src/groovy/com/wordcraft/test, right-click and Run As Groovy Script. In the console, you will be asked with a series of question whether you know a certain word. Just answer y for yes and n for no.
After the test, you will be given your estimated vocabulary size.
Note: the word list currently has only 5000 entries, so this test is meant for beginners at the moment.
The app is configured to run on HSQLDB on DEV and TEST environment and run MySQL on PROD environment.
- Download and set up MySQL in your environment and create database wordcraft for the app.
- Update Config.groovy under production environment the MySQL username and password that you set up.
- From the project folder, run .\grailsw run-app to start the app on DEV environment or .\grailsw prod run-app to start in PROD enviroment.