diff --git a/.rubocop_todo.yml b/.rubocop_todo.yml
index a1c2eefb2..b63618fdf 100644
--- a/.rubocop_todo.yml
+++ b/.rubocop_todo.yml
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
# This configuration was generated by
# `rubocop --auto-gen-config`
-# on 2016-09-05 09:54:21 +0700 using RuboCop version 0.42.0.
+# on 2016-09-06 12:08:00 +0700 using RuboCop version 0.42.0.
# The point is for the user to remove these configuration records
# one by one as the offenses are removed from the code base.
# Note that changes in the inspected code, or installation of new
# versions of RuboCop, may require this file to be generated again.
-# Offense count: 42
+# Offense count: 41
- Max: 49
+ Max: 47
# Offense count: 4
# Configuration parameters: CountComments.
@@ -19,11 +19,11 @@ Metrics/ClassLength:
Max: 13
-# Offense count: 1435
+# Offense count: 1455
# Configuration parameters: AllowHeredoc, AllowURI, URISchemes.
# URISchemes: http, https
- Max: 288
+ Max: 290
# Offense count: 36
# Configuration parameters: CountComments.
@@ -45,78 +45,12 @@ Performance/EndWith:
- 'lib/chewy/type/wrapper.rb'
-# Offense count: 3
-# Cop supports --auto-correct.
-# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, SupportedStyles, IndentationWidth.
-# SupportedStyles: outdent, indent
- Exclude:
- - 'lib/chewy/journal.rb'
- - 'lib/chewy/minitest/search_index_receiver.rb'
- - 'lib/chewy/type/wrapper.rb'
-# Offense count: 3
-# Cop supports --auto-correct.
-# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, SupportedStyles.
-# SupportedStyles: prefer_alias, prefer_alias_method
- Exclude:
- - 'lib/chewy/query.rb'
- - 'lib/chewy/rspec/update_index.rb'
-# Offense count: 1
-# Cop supports --auto-correct.
-# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, SupportedStyles, IndentationWidth.
-# SupportedStyles: with_first_parameter, with_fixed_indentation
- Exclude:
- - 'spec/chewy/query_spec.rb'
# Offense count: 2
- 'lib/chewy/type/mapping.rb'
- 'spec/chewy_spec.rb'
-# Offense count: 5
-# Cop supports --auto-correct.
-# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, SupportedStyles.
-# SupportedStyles: percent_q, bare_percent
- Exclude:
- - 'spec/chewy/type/import_spec.rb'
-# Offense count: 365
-# Cop supports --auto-correct.
-# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, SupportedStyles, ProceduralMethods, FunctionalMethods, IgnoredMethods.
-# SupportedStyles: line_count_based, semantic, braces_for_chaining
-# ProceduralMethods: benchmark, bm, bmbm, create, each_with_object, measure, new, realtime, tap, with_object
-# FunctionalMethods: let, let!, subject, watch
-# IgnoredMethods: lambda, proc, it
- Enabled: false
-# Offense count: 292
-# Cop supports --auto-correct.
- Enabled: false
-# Offense count: 248
-# Cop supports --auto-correct.
-# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, SupportedStyles.
-# SupportedStyles: braces, no_braces, context_dependent
- Enabled: false
-# Offense count: 6
-# Cop supports --auto-correct.
- Exclude:
- - 'lib/chewy.rb'
- - 'lib/chewy/index.rb'
- - 'lib/chewy/query/nodes/field.rb'
- - 'lib/tasks/chewy.rake'
# Offense count: 1
# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, SupportedStyles.
# SupportedStyles: nested, compact
@@ -128,85 +62,6 @@ Style/ClassAndModuleChildren:
Enabled: false
-# Offense count: 1
-# Cop supports --auto-correct.
-# Configuration parameters: AllowAdjacentOneLineDefs.
- Exclude:
- - 'lib/chewy/strategy/base.rb'
-# Offense count: 4
-# Cop supports --auto-correct.
- Exclude:
- - 'spec/chewy/fields/base_spec.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/query/nodes/has_child_spec.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/query/nodes/has_parent_spec.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/query/pagination/will_paginage_spec.rb'
-# Offense count: 3
-# Cop supports --auto-correct.
- Exclude:
- - 'lib/chewy/minitest/search_index_receiver.rb'
- - 'lib/chewy/query/nodes/has_child.rb'
- - 'lib/chewy/query/nodes/has_parent.rb'
-# Offense count: 5
-# Cop supports --auto-correct.
-# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, SupportedStyles.
-# SupportedStyles: empty_lines, no_empty_lines
- Exclude:
- - 'lib/chewy/rspec/update_index.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/minitest/search_index_receiver_spec.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/query/pagination_spec.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/query_spec.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/type/import_spec.rb'
-# Offense count: 5
-# Cop supports --auto-correct.
-# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, SupportedStyles.
-# SupportedStyles: empty_lines, no_empty_lines
- Exclude:
- - 'lib/chewy/index/settings.rb'
- - 'lib/chewy/minitest/search_index_receiver.rb'
- - 'lib/chewy/rake_helper.rb'
- - 'lib/chewy/type/adapter/active_record.rb'
- - 'lib/chewy/type/adapter/mongoid.rb'
-# Offense count: 3
-# Cop supports --auto-correct.
-# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, SupportedStyles.
-# SupportedStyles: empty_lines, no_empty_lines
- Exclude:
- - 'lib/chewy.rb'
- - 'lib/chewy/minitest/helpers.rb'
- - 'lib/chewy/query/compose.rb'
-# Offense count: 8
-# Cop supports --auto-correct.
-# Configuration parameters: AllowForAlignment, ForceEqualSignAlignment.
- Exclude:
- - 'Guardfile'
- - 'lib/chewy/railtie.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/index_spec.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/query_spec.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/rspec/update_index_spec.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/type/import_spec.rb'
-# Offense count: 13
-# Cop supports --auto-correct.
-# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, SupportedStyles, IndentationWidth.
-# SupportedStyles: consistent, special_for_inner_method_call, special_for_inner_method_call_in_parentheses
- Exclude:
- - 'spec/chewy/fields/base_spec.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/type/import_spec.rb'
# Offense count: 2
# Configuration parameters: MinBodyLength.
@@ -214,87 +69,16 @@ Style/GuardClause:
- 'lib/chewy/fields/root.rb'
- 'lib/chewy/query/nodes/has_relation.rb'
-# Offense count: 8
-# Cop supports --auto-correct.
-# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, SupportedStyles, UseHashRocketsWithSymbolValues, PreferHashRocketsForNonAlnumEndingSymbols.
-# SupportedStyles: ruby19, ruby19_no_mixed_keys, hash_rockets
- Exclude:
- - 'lib/chewy/query/nodes/range.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/query/criteria_spec.rb'
# Offense count: 2
- 'lib/chewy/rspec/update_index.rb'
-# Offense count: 1
-# Cop supports --auto-correct.
-# Configuration parameters: MaxLineLength.
- Exclude:
- - 'lib/chewy/minitest/helpers.rb'
# Offense count: 2
- 'lib/chewy/type/witchcraft.rb'
-# Offense count: 7
-# Cop supports --auto-correct.
-# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, SupportedStyles, IndentationWidth.
-# SupportedStyles: special_inside_parentheses, consistent, align_brackets
- Exclude:
- - 'spec/chewy/query_spec.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/type/adapter/object_spec.rb'
-# Offense count: 85
-# Cop supports --auto-correct.
-# Configuration parameters: SupportedStyles, IndentationWidth.
-# SupportedStyles: special_inside_parentheses, consistent, align_braces
- EnforcedStyle: consistent
-# Offense count: 1
-# Cop supports --auto-correct.
-# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, SupportedStyles.
-# SupportedStyles: normal, rails
- Exclude:
- - 'lib/chewy/minitest/helpers.rb'
-# Offense count: 2
-# Cop supports --auto-correct.
-# Configuration parameters: Width.
- Exclude:
- - 'lib/chewy/query.rb'
-# Offense count: 4
-# Cop supports --auto-correct.
-# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, SupportedStyles.
-# SupportedStyles: line_count_dependent, lambda, literal
- Exclude:
- - 'lib/chewy/minitest/helpers.rb'
- - 'lib/chewy/rake_helper.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/type/witchcraft_spec.rb'
-# Offense count: 2
-# Cop supports --auto-correct.
- Exclude:
- - 'lib/chewy/query/pagination/will_paginate.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/query/pagination/will_paginage_spec.rb'
-# Offense count: 199
-# Cop supports --auto-correct.
-# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, SupportedStyles.
-# SupportedStyles: require_parentheses, require_no_parentheses, require_no_parentheses_except_multiline
- Enabled: false
# Offense count: 3
@@ -309,71 +93,12 @@ Style/MethodName:
- 'spec/chewy/query/filters_spec.rb'
-# Offense count: 17
-# Cop supports --auto-correct.
-# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, SupportedStyles.
-# SupportedStyles: symmetrical, new_line, same_line
- Exclude:
- - 'spec/chewy/type/adapter/active_record_spec.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/type/adapter/mongoid_spec.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/type/adapter/object_spec.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/type/adapter/sequel_spec.rb'
# Offense count: 3
- 'lib/chewy/type/import.rb'
- 'lib/chewy/type/observe.rb'
-# Offense count: 326
-# Cop supports --auto-correct.
- Enabled: false
-# Offense count: 17
-# Cop supports --auto-correct.
-# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, SupportedStyles.
-# SupportedStyles: symmetrical, new_line, same_line
- Exclude:
- - 'spec/chewy/fields/base_spec.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/query/criteria_spec.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/query/nodes/bool_spec.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/query_spec.rb'
-# Offense count: 1
-# Cop supports --auto-correct.
-# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, SupportedStyles.
-# SupportedStyles: symmetrical, new_line, same_line
- Exclude:
- - 'lib/chewy/search.rb'
-# Offense count: 18
-# Cop supports --auto-correct.
-# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, SupportedStyles, IndentationWidth.
-# SupportedStyles: aligned, indented, indented_relative_to_receiver
- Exclude:
- - 'spec/chewy/query/filters_spec.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/query/nodes/has_child_spec.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/query/nodes/has_parent_spec.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/query_spec.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/rspec/update_index_spec.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/type/adapter/active_record_spec.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/type/adapter/mongoid_spec.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/type/adapter/object_spec.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/type/adapter/sequel_spec.rb'
-# Offense count: 2
-# Cop supports --auto-correct.
-# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, SupportedStyles, IndentationWidth.
-# SupportedStyles: aligned, indented
- Exclude:
- - 'lib/chewy/rspec/update_index.rb'
# Offense count: 7
@@ -384,46 +109,20 @@ Style/MultilineTernaryOperator:
- 'lib/chewy/type/adapter/orm.rb'
- 'lib/chewy/type/observe.rb'
-# Offense count: 10
-# Cop supports --auto-correct.
- Exclude:
- - 'lib/chewy/query/criteria.rb'
- - 'lib/chewy/query/nodes/bool.rb'
- - 'lib/chewy/query/nodes/equal.rb'
- - 'lib/chewy/query/nodes/range.rb'
- - 'lib/chewy/query/nodes/regexp.rb'
- - 'lib/chewy/type.rb'
- - 'lib/chewy/type/import.rb'
- - 'lib/chewy/version.rb'
- - 'spec/support/mongoid.rb'
-# Offense count: 13
-# Cop supports --auto-correct.
- Exclude:
- - 'spec/chewy/minitest/search_index_receiver_spec.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/type/adapter/active_record_spec.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/type/adapter/mongoid_spec.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/type/adapter/object_spec.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/type/adapter/sequel_spec.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/type/import_spec.rb'
# Offense count: 2
- 'lib/chewy/fields/base.rb'
- 'lib/chewy/type/adapter/orm.rb'
-# Offense count: 5
+# Offense count: 3
# Cop supports --auto-correct.
- 'spec/chewy/query/filters_spec.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/query/nodes/exists_spec.rb'
- 'spec/chewy/query/nodes/missing_spec.rb'
-# Offense count: 2
+# Offense count: 4
# Cop supports --auto-correct.
# Configuration parameters: IncludeSemanticChanges.
@@ -431,46 +130,11 @@ Style/NonNilCheck:
- 'spec/chewy/query/filters_spec.rb'
- 'spec/chewy/query/nodes/exists_spec.rb'
-# Offense count: 4
-# Cop supports --auto-correct.
- MinDigits: 6
-# Offense count: 6
-# Cop supports --auto-correct.
-# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, SupportedStyles.
-# SupportedStyles: predicate, comparison
- Exclude:
- - 'lib/chewy/fields/base.rb'
- - 'lib/chewy/fields/root.rb'
- - 'lib/chewy/runtime/version.rb'
- - 'lib/chewy/type/observe.rb'
- - 'lib/chewy/type/witchcraft.rb'
# Offense count: 8
- 'lib/chewy/query/nodes/field.rb'
-# Offense count: 5
-# Cop supports --auto-correct.
- Exclude:
- - 'lib/chewy/fields/base.rb'
- - 'lib/chewy/query/nodes/bool.rb'
- - 'lib/chewy/query/nodes/prefix.rb'
- - 'lib/chewy/type/crutch.rb'
- - 'lib/chewy/type/mapping.rb'
-# Offense count: 3
-# Cop supports --auto-correct.
-# Configuration parameters: PreferredDelimiters.
- Exclude:
- - 'lib/chewy/journal.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/type/witchcraft_spec.rb'
# Offense count: 2
# Configuration parameters: NamePrefix, NamePrefixBlacklist, NameWhitelist.
# NamePrefix: is_, has_, have_
@@ -480,228 +144,3 @@ Style/PredicateName:
- 'spec/**/*'
- 'lib/chewy/query/filters.rb'
-# Offense count: 2
-# Cop supports --auto-correct.
- Exclude:
- - 'lib/chewy/fields/base.rb'
- - 'lib/chewy/type/import.rb'
-# Offense count: 1
-# Cop supports --auto-correct.
- Exclude:
- - 'lib/chewy/type/observe.rb'
-# Offense count: 7
-# Cop supports --auto-correct.
-# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, SupportedStyles.
-# SupportedStyles: compact, exploded
- Exclude:
- - 'lib/chewy.rb'
- - 'lib/chewy/query.rb'
- - 'lib/chewy/strategy/base.rb'
- - 'lib/chewy/type/import.rb'
-# Offense count: 2
-# Cop supports --auto-correct.
- Exclude:
- - 'lib/chewy/config.rb'
- - 'lib/chewy/repository.rb'
-# Offense count: 1
-# Cop supports --auto-correct.
-# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, SupportedStyles, AllowInnerSlashes.
-# SupportedStyles: slashes, percent_r, mixed
- Exclude:
- - 'spec/chewy_spec.rb'
-# Offense count: 1
-# Cop supports --auto-correct.
- Exclude:
- - 'spec/chewy/type/import_spec.rb'
-# Offense count: 35
-# Cop supports --auto-correct.
-# Configuration parameters: AllowAsExpressionSeparator.
- Exclude:
- - 'spec/chewy/query/criteria_spec.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/strategy/atomic_spec.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/type/adapter/active_record_spec.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/type/adapter/mongoid_spec.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/type/adapter/object_spec.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/type/adapter/sequel_spec.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/type/import_spec.rb'
-# Offense count: 4
-# Cop supports --auto-correct.
- Exclude:
- - 'spec/chewy/query/pagination/will_paginage_spec.rb'
-# Offense count: 6
-# Cop supports --auto-correct.
- Exclude:
- - 'lib/chewy/minitest/search_index_receiver.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/minitest/helpers_spec.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/minitest/search_index_receiver_spec.rb'
-# Offense count: 1
-# Cop supports --auto-correct.
-# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, SupportedStyles.
-# SupportedStyles: space, no_space
- Exclude:
- - 'lib/chewy/query/pagination/will_paginate.rb'
-# Offense count: 25
-# Cop supports --auto-correct.
-# Configuration parameters: AllowForAlignment.
- Exclude:
- - 'lib/chewy/runtime/version.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/fields/base_spec.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/query/criteria_spec.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/query_spec.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/search_spec.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/type/adapter/active_record_spec.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/type/adapter/mongoid_spec.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/type/adapter/sequel_spec.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/type/import_spec.rb'
-# Offense count: 91
-# Cop supports --auto-correct.
-# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, SupportedStyles.
-# SupportedStyles: space, no_space
- Enabled: false
-# Offense count: 1
-# Cop supports --auto-correct.
- Exclude:
- - 'spec/support/sequel.rb'
-# Offense count: 56
-# Cop supports --auto-correct.
-# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, SupportedStyles, EnforcedStyleForEmptyBraces, SpaceBeforeBlockParameters.
-# SupportedStyles: space, no_space
- Exclude:
- - 'lib/chewy/minitest/search_index_receiver.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/fields/time_fields_spec.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/minitest/helpers_spec.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/minitest/search_index_receiver_spec.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/query/filters_spec.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/query/nodes/has_child_spec.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/query/nodes/has_parent_spec.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/rspec/update_index_spec.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/search_spec.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/type/adapter/active_record_spec.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/type/adapter/mongoid_spec.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/type/adapter/sequel_spec.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/type/witchcraft_spec.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy_spec.rb'
-# Offense count: 14
-# Cop supports --auto-correct.
- Exclude:
- - 'lib/chewy/rake_helper.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/query/criteria_spec.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/query_spec.rb'
-# Offense count: 2881
-# Cop supports --auto-correct.
-# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, EnforcedStyleForEmptyBraces, SupportedStyles.
-# SupportedStyles: space, no_space, compact
- Enabled: false
-# Offense count: 24
-# Cop supports --auto-correct.
- Exclude:
- - 'spec/chewy/type/adapter/sequel_spec.rb'
-# Offense count: 1
-# Cop supports --auto-correct.
-# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, SupportedStyles.
-# SupportedStyles: space, no_space
- Exclude:
- - 'lib/chewy/rspec/update_index.rb'
-# Offense count: 55
-# Cop supports --auto-correct.
-# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, SupportedStyles, ConsistentQuotesInMultiline.
-# SupportedStyles: single_quotes, double_quotes
- Enabled: false
-# Offense count: 1
-# Cop supports --auto-correct.
-# Configuration parameters: IgnoredMethods.
-# IgnoredMethods: respond_to, define_method
- Exclude:
- - 'lib/chewy/backports/deep_dup.rb'
-# Offense count: 2
-# Cop supports --auto-correct.
-# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, SupportedStyles.
-# SupportedStyles: final_newline, final_blank_line
- Exclude:
- - 'lib/chewy/rspec.rb'
- - 'lib/generators/chewy/install_generator.rb'
-# Offense count: 4
-# Cop supports --auto-correct.
-# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyleForMultiline, SupportedStyles.
-# SupportedStyles: comma, consistent_comma, no_comma
- Exclude:
- - 'spec/chewy/fields/time_fields_spec.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/query/filters_spec.rb'
-# Offense count: 2
-# Cop supports --auto-correct.
-# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyleForMultiline, SupportedStyles.
-# SupportedStyles: comma, consistent_comma, no_comma
- Exclude:
- - 'lib/chewy/query/nodes/equal.rb'
- - 'lib/chewy/query/nodes/range.rb'
-# Offense count: 1
-# Cop supports --auto-correct.
- Exclude:
- - 'lib/chewy/type/import.rb'
-# Offense count: 86
-# Cop supports --auto-correct.
-# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, SupportedStyles, MinSize, WordRegex.
-# SupportedStyles: percent, brackets
- Exclude:
- - 'lib/chewy/fields/base.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/fields/base_spec.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/index/actions_spec.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/index/aliases_spec.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/index/settings_spec.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/index_spec.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/query/criteria_spec.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/query/filters_spec.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/query/nodes/equal_spec.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/query_spec.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/rspec/update_index_spec.rb'
- - 'spec/chewy/type/import_spec.rb'
diff --git a/Guardfile b/Guardfile
index 0b809aad4..67d4c153b 100644
--- a/Guardfile
+++ b/Guardfile
@@ -4,20 +4,20 @@
guard :rspec, cmd: 'rspec' do
watch(%r{^lib/(.+)\.rb$}) { |m| "spec/#{m[1]}_spec.rb" }
- watch('spec/spec_helper.rb') { "spec" }
+ watch('spec/spec_helper.rb') { 'spec' }
# Rails example
watch(%r{^app/(.+)\.rb$}) { |m| "spec/#{m[1]}_spec.rb" }
watch(%r{^app/(.*)(\.erb|\.haml|\.slim)$}) { |m| "spec/#{m[1]}#{m[2]}_spec.rb" }
watch(%r{^app/controllers/(.+)_(controller)\.rb$}) { |m| ["spec/routing/#{m[1]}_routing_spec.rb", "spec/#{m[2]}s/#{m[1]}_#{m[2]}_spec.rb", "spec/acceptance/#{m[1]}_spec.rb"] }
- watch(%r{^spec/support/(.+)\.rb$}) { "spec" }
- watch('config/routes.rb') { "spec/routing" }
- watch('app/controllers/application_controller.rb') { "spec/controllers" }
+ watch(%r{^spec/support/(.+)\.rb$}) { 'spec' }
+ watch('config/routes.rb') { 'spec/routing' }
+ watch('app/controllers/application_controller.rb') { 'spec/controllers' }
# Capybara features specs
watch(%r{^app/views/(.+)/.*\.(erb|haml|slim)$}) { |m| "spec/features/#{m[1]}_spec.rb" }
# Turnip features and steps
- watch(%r{^spec/acceptance/steps/(.+)_steps\.rb$}) { |m| Dir[File.join("**/#{m[1]}.feature")][0] || 'spec/acceptance' }
+ watch(%r{^spec/acceptance/steps/(.+)_steps\.rb$}) { |m| Dir[File.join("**/#{m[1]}.feature")][0] || 'spec/acceptance' }
diff --git a/lib/chewy.rb b/lib/chewy.rb
index a0e6ce7a3..3af347c4b 100644
--- a/lib/chewy.rb
+++ b/lib/chewy.rb
@@ -73,7 +73,6 @@ module Mongoid::Document::ClassMethods
module Chewy
@adapters = [
@@ -94,25 +93,25 @@ class << self
# If index has more then one type - it raises Chewy::UnderivableType.
- def derive_type name
+ def derive_type(name)
return name if name.is_a?(Class) && name < Chewy::Type
index_name, type_name = name.split('#', 2)
class_name = "#{index_name.camelize}Index"
index = class_name.safe_constantize
- raise Chewy::UnderivableType.new("Can not find index named `#{class_name}`") unless index && index < Chewy::Index
+ raise Chewy::UnderivableType, "Can not find index named `#{class_name}`" unless index && index < Chewy::Index
if type_name.present?
- index.type_hash[type_name] or raise Chewy::UnderivableType.new("Index `#{class_name}` doesn`t have type named `#{type_name}`")
+ index.type_hash[type_name] or raise Chewy::UnderivableType, "Index `#{class_name}` doesn`t have type named `#{type_name}`"
elsif index.types.one?
- raise Chewy::UnderivableType.new("Index `#{class_name}` has more than one type, please specify type via `#{index_name}#type_name`")
+ raise Chewy::UnderivableType, "Index `#{class_name}` has more than one type, please specify type via `#{index_name}#type_name`"
# Creates Chewy::Type ancestor defining index and adapter methods.
- def create_type index, target, options = {}, &block
+ def create_type(index, target, options = {}, &block)
type = Class.new(Chewy::Type)
adapter = adapters.find { |klass| klass.accepts?(target) }.new(target, options)
@@ -149,7 +148,7 @@ def wait_for_status
# Be careful, if current prefix is blank, this will destroy all the indexes.
def massacre
- Chewy.client.indices.delete(index: [Chewy.configuration[:prefix], '*'].delete_if(&:blank?).join(?_))
+ Chewy.client.indices.delete(index: [Chewy.configuration[:prefix], '*'].delete_if(&:blank?).join('_'))
alias_method :delete_all, :massacre
@@ -177,7 +176,7 @@ def massacre
# Chewy.strategy.pop
# city3.do_update! # index updated again
- def strategy name = nil, &block
+ def strategy(name = nil, &block)
Thread.current[:chewy_strategy] ||= Chewy::Strategy.new
if name
if block
diff --git a/lib/chewy/backports/deep_dup.rb b/lib/chewy/backports/deep_dup.rb
index 55190b3fd..dab2fbda2 100644
--- a/lib/chewy/backports/deep_dup.rb
+++ b/lib/chewy/backports/deep_dup.rb
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ class Array
# array[1][2] # => nil
# dup[1][2] # => 4
def deep_dup
- map { |it| it.deep_dup }
+ map(&:deep_dup)
diff --git a/lib/chewy/config.rb b/lib/chewy/config.rb
index fa62db562..b47cc3161 100644
--- a/lib/chewy/config.rb
+++ b/lib/chewy/config.rb
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ class Config
def self.delegated
- public_instance_methods - self.superclass.public_instance_methods - Singleton.public_instance_methods
+ public_instance_methods - superclass.public_instance_methods - Singleton.public_instance_methods
def initialize
@@ -56,12 +56,12 @@ def initialize
@indices_path = 'app/chewy'
- def transport_logger= logger
+ def transport_logger=(logger)
Chewy.client.transport.logger = logger
@transport_logger = logger
- def transport_tracer= tracer
+ def transport_tracer=(tracer)
Chewy.client.transport.tracer = tracer
@transport_tracer = tracer
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ def configuration
- def configuration= options
+ def configuration=(options)
ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn("`Chewy.configuration = {foo: 'bar'}` method is deprecated and will be removed soon, use `Chewy.settings = {foo: 'bar'}` method instead")
self.settings = options
diff --git a/lib/chewy/errors.rb b/lib/chewy/errors.rb
index eb75b7269..07dc1cda0 100644
--- a/lib/chewy/errors.rb
+++ b/lib/chewy/errors.rb
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ class UnderivableType < Error
class UndefinedUpdateStrategy < Error
- def initialize _type
+ def initialize(_type)
super <<-MESSAGE
Index update strategy is undefined in current context.
Please wrap your code with `Chewy.strategy(:strategy_name) block.`
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ class DocumentNotFound < Error
class ImportFailed < Error
- def initialize type, import_errors
+ def initialize(type, import_errors)
message = "Import failed for `#{type}` with:\n"
import_errors.each do |action, action_errors|
message << " #{action.to_s.humanize} errors:\n"
diff --git a/lib/chewy/fields/base.rb b/lib/chewy/fields/base.rb
index 97bdf52c4..c8a14af52 100644
--- a/lib/chewy/fields/base.rb
+++ b/lib/chewy/fields/base.rb
@@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ class Base
attr_accessor :parent
def initialize(name, options = {})
- @name, @options = name.to_sym, options.deep_symbolize_keys
+ @name = name.to_sym
+ @options = options.deep_symbolize_keys
@value = @options.delete(:value)
@children = []
@@ -15,7 +16,7 @@ def multi_field?
def object_field?
- (children.present? && options[:type].blank?) || ['object', 'nested'].include?(options[:type].to_s)
+ (children.present? && options[:type].blank?) || %w(object nested).include?(options[:type].to_s)
def mappings_hash
@@ -24,14 +25,14 @@ def mappings_hash
} : {}
mapping.reverse_merge!(type: (children.present? ? 'object' : 'string'))
- {name => mapping}
+ { name => mapping }
def compose(object, *parent_objects)
objects = ([object] + parent_objects.flatten).uniq
result = if value && value.is_a?(Proc)
- if value.arity == 0
+ if value.arity.zero?
elsif value.arity < 0
@@ -39,7 +40,7 @@ def compose(object, *parent_objects)
elsif object.is_a?(Hash)
- if object.has_key?(name)
+ if object.key?(name)
@@ -54,7 +55,7 @@ def compose(object, *parent_objects)
compose_children(result, *objects)
end if children.present? && !multi_field?
- {name => result}
+ { name => result }
diff --git a/lib/chewy/fields/root.rb b/lib/chewy/fields/root.rb
index a2cf984e0..20eca405b 100644
--- a/lib/chewy/fields/root.rb
+++ b/lib/chewy/fields/root.rb
@@ -34,11 +34,11 @@ def mappings_hash
- def dynamic_template *args
+ def dynamic_template(*args)
options = args.extract_options!.deep_symbolize_keys
if args.first
template_name = :"template_#{dynamic_templates.count.next}"
- template = {template_name => {mapping: options}}
+ template = { template_name => { mapping: options } }
template[template_name][:match_mapping_type] = args.second.to_s if args.second.present?
@@ -57,13 +57,13 @@ def dynamic_template *args
def compose_parent(object)
if parent_id
- parent_id.arity == 0 ? object.instance_exec(&parent_id) : parent_id.call(object)
+ parent_id.arity.zero? ? object.instance_exec(&parent_id) : parent_id.call(object)
def compose_id(object)
if id
- id.arity == 0 ? object.instance_exec(&id) : id.call(object)
+ id.arity.zero? ? object.instance_exec(&id) : id.call(object)
diff --git a/lib/chewy/index.rb b/lib/chewy/index.rb
index ecb3c0cac..525aae101 100644
--- a/lib/chewy/index.rb
+++ b/lib/chewy/index.rb
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ def self.#{type_class.type_name}
# UsersIndex.filters { name =~ 'ro' }.types(:admin, :manager)
# UsersIndex.types(:admin, :manager).filters { name =~ 'ro' } # the same as the first example
- def self.types *args
+ def self.types(*args)
if args.present?
@@ -164,9 +164,9 @@ def self.journal?
- def self.build_index_name *args
+ def self.build_index_name(*args)
options = args.extract_options!
- [options[:prefix], args.first || index_name, options[:suffix]].reject(&:blank?).join(?_)
+ [options[:prefix], args.first || index_name, options[:suffix]].reject(&:blank?).join('_')
def self.settings_hash
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ def self.settings_hash
def self.mappings_hash
mappings = types.map(&:mappings_hash).inject(:merge)
- mappings.present? ? {mappings: mappings} : {}
+ mappings.present? ? { mappings: mappings } : {}
def self.index_params
diff --git a/lib/chewy/index/actions.rb b/lib/chewy/index/actions.rb
index e6698dfbd..51d2be917 100644
--- a/lib/chewy/index/actions.rb
+++ b/lib/chewy/index/actions.rb
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ def exists?
# Suffixed index names might be used for zero-downtime mapping change, for example.
# Description: (http://www.elasticsearch.org/blog/changing-mapping-with-zero-downtime/).
- def create *args
+ def create(*args)
rescue Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::Errors::BadRequest
@@ -52,13 +52,13 @@ def create *args
# Suffixed index names might be used for zero-downtime mapping change, for example.
# Description: (http://www.elasticsearch.org/blog/changing-mapping-with-zero-downtime/).
- def create! *args
+ def create!(*args)
options = args.extract_options!.reverse_merge!(alias: true)
name = build_index_name(suffix: args.first)
if Chewy::Runtime.version >= 1.1
body = index_params
- body[:aliases] = {index_name => {}} if options[:alias] && name != index_name
+ body[:aliases] = { index_name => {} } if options[:alias] && name != index_name
result = client.indices.create(index: name, body: body)
result = client.indices.create(index: name, body: index_params)
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ def create! *args
# UsersIndex.delete '01-2014' # deletes `users_01-2014` index
- def delete suffix = nil
+ def delete(suffix = nil)
result = client.indices.delete index: build_index_name(suffix: suffix)
Chewy.wait_for_status if result
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ def delete suffix = nil
# UsersIndex.delete '01-2014' # deletes `users_01-2014` index
- def delete! suffix = nil
+ def delete!(suffix = nil)
# es-ruby >= 1.0.10 handles Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::Errors::NotFound
# by itself, so it is raised here
delete(suffix) or raise Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::Errors::NotFound
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ def delete! suffix = nil
# UsersIndex.purge # deletes and creates `users` index
# UsersIndex.purge '01-2014' # deletes `users` and `users_01-2014` indexes, creates `users_01-2014`
- def purge suffix = nil
+ def purge(suffix = nil)
delete if suffix.present?
delete suffix
create suffix
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ def purge suffix = nil
# UsersIndex.purge! # deletes and creates `users` index
# UsersIndex.purge! '01-2014' # deletes `users` and `users_01-2014` indexes, creates `users_01-2014`
- def purge! suffix = nil
+ def purge!(suffix = nil)
delete if suffix.present? && exists?
delete suffix
create! suffix
@@ -160,16 +160,16 @@ def #{method} options = {}
# UsersIndex.reset! Time.now.to_i, journal: true
- def reset! suffix = nil, journal: false
+ def reset!(suffix = nil, journal: false)
if suffix.present? && (indexes = self.indexes).present?
create! suffix, alias: false
result = import suffix: suffix, journal: journal
- client.indices.update_aliases body: {actions: [
+ client.indices.update_aliases body: { actions: [
*indexes.map do |index|
- {remove: {index: index, alias: index_name}}
+ { remove: { index: index, alias: index_name } }
- {add: {index: build_index_name(suffix: suffix), alias: index_name}}
- ]}
+ { add: { index: build_index_name(suffix: suffix), alias: index_name } }
+ ] }
client.indices.delete index: indexes if indexes.present?
diff --git a/lib/chewy/index/settings.rb b/lib/chewy/index/settings.rb
index a2947367a..5ca08d7ab 100644
--- a/lib/chewy/index/settings.rb
+++ b/lib/chewy/index/settings.rb
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
module Chewy
class Index
# Stores ElasticSearch index settings and resolves `analysis`
# hash. At first, you need to store some analyzers or other
# analysis options to the corresponding repository:
@@ -37,7 +36,7 @@ def to_hash
.deep_merge((settings[:index] || {}).deep_symbolize_keys)
- settings.present? ? {settings: settings} : {}
+ settings.present? ? { settings: settings } : {}
@@ -67,7 +66,7 @@ def resolve(params, repository)
name_or_hash = name_or_hash.to_sym
resolved = repository[name_or_hash]
- resolved ? {name_or_hash => resolved} : {}
+ resolved ? { name_or_hash => resolved } : {}
diff --git a/lib/chewy/journal.rb b/lib/chewy/journal.rb
index 81898a372..e012eef9f 100644
--- a/lib/chewy/journal.rb
+++ b/lib/chewy/journal.rb
@@ -3,11 +3,11 @@ class Journal
journal: {
properties: {
- index_name: {type: 'string', index: 'not_analyzed'},
- type_name: {type: 'string', index: 'not_analyzed'},
- action: {type: 'string', index: 'not_analyzed'},
- object_ids: {type: 'string', index: 'not_analyzed'},
- created_at: {type: 'date', format: 'basic_date_time'}
+ index_name: { type: 'string', index: 'not_analyzed' },
+ type_name: { type: 'string', index: 'not_analyzed' },
+ action: { type: 'string', index: 'not_analyzed' },
+ object_ids: { type: 'string', index: 'not_analyzed' },
+ created_at: { type: 'date', format: 'basic_date_time' }
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ def any_records?
- private
+ private
def identify(objects)
@@ -75,12 +75,12 @@ def entries_from(time)
def create
return if exists?
- Chewy.client.indices.create index: index_name, body: {settings: {index: Chewy.configuration[:index]}, mappings: JOURNAL_MAPPING}
+ Chewy.client.indices.create index: index_name, body: { settings: { index: Chewy.configuration[:index] }, mappings: JOURNAL_MAPPING }
def delete!
- Chewy.client.delete_by_query index: index_name, body: {query: {match_all: {}}}
+ Chewy.client.delete_by_query index: index_name, body: { query: { match_all: {} } }
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ def query(time, comparator, query_type = :filter)
class Entry
- ATTRIBUTES = %w[index_name type_name action object_ids created_at].freeze
+ ATTRIBUTES = %w(index_name type_name action object_ids created_at).freeze
diff --git a/lib/chewy/log_subscriber.rb b/lib/chewy/log_subscriber.rb
index 11f9ccef0..c35d63fbf 100644
--- a/lib/chewy/log_subscriber.rb
+++ b/lib/chewy/log_subscriber.rb
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ def delete_query(event)
render_action('Delete by Query', event) { |payload| payload[:request] }
- def render_action action, event
+ def render_action(action, event)
payload = event.payload
description = yield(payload)
diff --git a/lib/chewy/minitest/helpers.rb b/lib/chewy/minitest/helpers.rb
index 304d93f9d..a482ecd74 100644
--- a/lib/chewy/minitest/helpers.rb
+++ b/lib/chewy/minitest/helpers.rb
@@ -14,27 +14,25 @@ module Helpers
# Should be set to true unless actually testing search functionality.
# @return (SearchIndexReceiver) for optional further assertions on the nature of the index changes.
- def assert_indexes index, strategy: :atomic, bypass_actual_index: true
+ def assert_indexes(index, strategy: :atomic, bypass_actual_index: true)
type = Chewy.derive_type index
receiver = SearchIndexReceiver.new
bulk_method = type.method :bulk
# Manually mocking #bulk because we need to properly capture `self`
- bulk_mock = -> (*bulk_args) do
+ bulk_mock = lambda do |*bulk_args|
receiver.catch bulk_args, self
- unless bypass_actual_index
- bulk_method.call(*bulk_args)
- end
+ bulk_method.call(*bulk_args) unless bypass_actual_index
type.define_singleton_method :bulk, bulk_mock
- Chewy.strategy(strategy) do
- yield
- end
+ Chewy.strategy(strategy) do
+ yield
+ end
type.define_singleton_method :bulk, bulk_method
@@ -46,7 +44,7 @@ def assert_indexes index, strategy: :atomic, bypass_actual_index: true
# Run indexing for the database changes during the block provided.
# By default, indexing is run at the end of the block.
# @param (Symbol) strategy the Chewy index update strategy see Chewy docs.
- def run_indexing strategy: :atomic
+ def run_indexing(strategy: :atomic)
Chewy.strategy strategy do
@@ -74,7 +72,6 @@ def index_everything!
diff --git a/lib/chewy/minitest/search_index_receiver.rb b/lib/chewy/minitest/search_index_receiver.rb
index 46c271d23..681586a9d 100644
--- a/lib/chewy/minitest/search_index_receiver.rb
+++ b/lib/chewy/minitest/search_index_receiver.rb
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ def initialize
# @param bulk_params the bulk_params that should be sent to the Chewy::Type#bulk method.
# @param (Chewy::Type) type the Index::Type executing this query.
- def catch bulk_params, type
- Array.wrap(bulk_params).map {|y| y[:body] }.flatten.each do |update|
+ def catch(bulk_params, type)
+ Array.wrap(bulk_params).map { |y| y[:body] }.flatten.each do |update|
if update[:delete]
mutation_for(type).deletes << update[:delete][:_id]
elsif update[:index]
@@ -24,12 +24,12 @@ def catch bulk_params, type
# @param index return only index requests to the specified Chewy::Type index.
# @return the index changes captured by the mock.
- def indexes_for index = nil
+ def indexes_for(index = nil)
if index
- @mutations.map { |a,b| [a, b.indexes] }
+ @mutations.map { |a, b| [a, b.indexes] }
@@ -37,12 +37,12 @@ def indexes_for index = nil
# @param index return only delete requests to the specified Chewy::Type index.
# @return the index deletes captured by the mock.
- def deletes_for index = nil
+ def deletes_for(index = nil)
if index
- @mutations.map { |a,b| [a, b.deletes] }
+ @mutations.map { |a, b| [a, b.deletes] }
@@ -52,15 +52,15 @@ def deletes_for index = nil
# @param (#id) obj the object to look for.
# @param Chewy::Type what type the object should be indexed as.
# @return bool if the object was indexed.
- def indexed? obj, type
- indexes_for(type).map {|i| i[:_id]}.include? obj.id
+ def indexed?(obj, type)
+ indexes_for(type).map { |i| i[:_id] }.include? obj.id
# Check to see if a given object has been deleted.
# @param (#id) obj the object to look for.
# @param Chewy::Type what type the object should have been deleted from.
# @return bool if the object was deleted.
- def deleted? obj, type
+ def deleted?(obj, type)
deletes_for(type).include? obj.id
@@ -69,12 +69,12 @@ def updated_indexes
- private
# Get the mutation object for a given type.
# @param (Chewy::Type) type the index type to fetch.
# @return (#indexes, #deletes) an object with a list of indexes and a list of deletes.
- def mutation_for type
+ def mutation_for(type)
@mutations[type] ||= OpenStruct.new(indexes: [], deletes: [])
diff --git a/lib/chewy/query.rb b/lib/chewy/query.rb
index 9776f9eef..f2d484983 100644
--- a/lib/chewy/query.rb
+++ b/lib/chewy/query.rb
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ class Query
attr_reader :_indexes, :_types, :options, :criteria
- def initialize *indexes_or_types_and_options
+ def initialize(*indexes_or_types_and_options)
@options = indexes_or_types_and_options.extract_options!
@_types = indexes_or_types_and_options.select { |klass| klass < Chewy::Type }
@_indexes = indexes_or_types_and_options.select { |klass| klass < Chewy::Index }
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ def initialize *indexes_or_types_and_options
# UsersIndex.filter(term: {name: 'Johny'}) == UsersIndex.filter(term: {name: 'Johny'}).to_a # => true
# UsersIndex.filter(term: {name: 'Johny'}) == UsersIndex.filter(term: {name: 'Winnie'}) # => false
- def == other
+ def ==(other)
super || other.is_a?(self.class) ? other.criteria == criteria : other == to_a
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ def == other
# UsersIndex::User.filter(term: {name: 'Johny'}).explain.first._explanation # => {...}
- def explain value = nil
+ def explain(value = nil)
chain { criteria.update_request_options explain: (value.nil? ? true : value) }
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ def explain value = nil
# script: "doc['coordinates'].distanceInMiles(lat, lon)"
# }
# )
- def script_fields value
+ def script_fields(value)
chain { criteria.update_script_fields(value) }
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ def script_fields value
# Chewy.query_mode = :dis_max
# Chewy.query_mode = '50%'
- def query_mode value
+ def query_mode(value)
chain { criteria.update_options query_mode: value }
@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ def query_mode value
# Chewy.filter_mode = :should
# Chewy.filter_mode = '50%'
- def filter_mode value
+ def filter_mode(value)
chain { criteria.update_options filter_mode: value }
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ def filter_mode value
# UsersIndex.post_filter{ name == 'Johny' }.post_filter{ age <= 42 }.post_filter_mode(:should)
# UsersIndex.post_filter{ name == 'Johny' }.post_filter{ age <= 42 }.post_filter_mode('50%')
- def post_filter_mode value
+ def post_filter_mode(value)
chain { criteria.update_options post_filter_mode: value }
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ def post_filter_mode value
# Use the timeout because it is important to your SLA, not because you want
# to abort the execution of long running queries.
- def timeout value
+ def timeout(value)
chain { criteria.update_request_options timeout: value }
@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ def timeout value
# size: 100
# }}
- def limit value = nil, &block
+ def limit(value = nil, &block)
chain { criteria.update_request_options size: block || Integer(value) }
@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ def limit value = nil, &block
# from: 300
# }}
- def offset value = nil, &block
+ def offset(value = nil, &block)
chain { criteria.update_request_options from: block || Integer(value) }
@@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ def offset value = nil, &block
# UsersIndex.query(...).highlight(fields: { ... })
- def highlight value
+ def highlight(value)
chain { criteria.update_request_options highlight: value }
@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ def highlight value
# UsersIndex.query(...).rescore(query: { ... })
- def rescore value
+ def rescore(value)
chain { criteria.update_request_options rescore: value }
@@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ def rescore value
# UsersIndex.query(...).min_score(0.5)
- def min_score value
+ def min_score(value)
chain { criteria.update_request_options min_score: value }
@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ def min_score value
# If called parameterless - returns result facets from ES performing request.
# Returns empty hash if no facets was requested or resulted.
- def facets params = nil
+ def facets(params = nil)
raise RemovedFeature, 'removed in elasticsearch 2.0' if Runtime.version >= '2.0'
if params
chain { criteria.update_facets params }
@@ -502,8 +502,8 @@ def field_value_factor(settings, options = {})
def decay(function, field, options = {})
field_options = options.extract!(:origin, :scale, :offset, :decay).delete_if { |_, v| v.nil? }
scoring = options.merge(function => {
- field => field_options
- })
+ field => field_options
+ })
chain { criteria.update_scores scoring }
@@ -519,7 +519,7 @@ def decay(function, field, options = {})
# }
# }}
- def aggregations params = nil
+ def aggregations(params = nil)
@_named_aggs ||= _build_named_aggs
@_fully_qualified_named_aggs ||= _build_fqn_aggs
if params
@@ -530,7 +530,7 @@ def aggregations params = nil
_response['aggregations'] || {}
- alias :aggs :aggregations
+ alias_method :aggs, :aggregations
# In this simplest of implementations each named aggregation must be uniquely named
def _build_named_aggs
@@ -580,7 +580,7 @@ def _get_fully_qualified_named_agg(str)
# }
# }}
- def suggest params = nil
+ def suggest(params = nil)
if params
chain { criteria.update_suggest params }
@@ -613,7 +613,7 @@ def none
# } }
# }}
- def strategy value = nil
+ def strategy(value = nil)
chain { criteria.update_options strategy: value }
@@ -639,7 +639,7 @@ def strategy value = nil
# query: {text: {name: 'Johny'}}
# }}
- def query params
+ def query(params)
chain { criteria.update_queries params }
@@ -671,7 +671,7 @@ def query params
# filter: {term: {name: 'Johny'}}
# }}}}
- def filter params = nil, &block
+ def filter(params = nil, &block)
params = Filters.new(&block).__render__ if block
chain { criteria.update_filters params }
@@ -702,7 +702,7 @@ def filter params = nil, &block
# post_filter: {term: {name: 'Johny'}}
# }}
- def post_filter params = nil, &block
+ def post_filter(params = nil, &block)
params = Filters.new(&block).__render__ if block
chain { criteria.update_post_filters params }
@@ -740,7 +740,7 @@ def post_filter params = nil, &block
# Default value for :boost_mode might be changed
# with Chewy.score_mode config option.
- def boost_mode value
+ def boost_mode(value)
chain { criteria.update_options boost_mode: value }
@@ -780,7 +780,7 @@ def boost_mode value
# Chewy.score_mode = :first
- def score_mode value
+ def score_mode(value)
chain { criteria.update_options score_mode: value }
@@ -792,7 +792,7 @@ def score_mode value
# sort: ['first_name', 'last_name', {age: 'desc'}, {price: {order: 'asc', mode: 'avg'}}]
# }}
- def order *params
+ def order(*params)
chain { criteria.update_sort params }
@@ -804,7 +804,7 @@ def order *params
# sort: [{price: {order: 'asc', mode: 'avg'}}]
# }}
- def reorder *params
+ def reorder(*params)
chain { criteria.update_sort params, purge: true }
@@ -816,7 +816,7 @@ def reorder *params
# fields: ['first_name', 'last_name', 'age']
# }}
- def only *params
+ def only(*params)
chain { criteria.update_fields params }
@@ -828,7 +828,7 @@ def only *params
# fields: ['age']
# }}
- def only! *params
+ def only!(*params)
chain { criteria.update_fields params, purge: true }
@@ -864,7 +864,7 @@ def only! *params
# ]}
# }}}}
- def types *params
+ def types(*params)
chain { criteria.update_types params }
@@ -876,7 +876,7 @@ def types *params
# filter: {type: {value: 'manager'}}
# }}}}
- def types! *params
+ def types!(*params)
chain { criteria.update_types params, purge: true }
@@ -890,7 +890,7 @@ def types! *params
# scope = UsersIndex.aggs(max_age: { max: { field: 'age' } }).search_type(:count)
# max_age = scope.aggs['max_age']['value']
- def search_type value
+ def search_type(value)
chain { criteria.update_search_options search_type: value }
@@ -903,7 +903,7 @@ def search_type value
# scope1.merge(scope2) == scope3 # => true
- def merge other
+ def merge(other)
chain { criteria.merge!(other.criteria) }
@@ -916,15 +916,15 @@ def merge other
def delete_all
if Runtime.version > '2.0'
- plugins = Chewy.client.nodes.info(plugins: true)["nodes"].values.map { |item| item["plugins"] }.flatten
- raise PluginMissing, "install delete-by-query plugin" unless plugins.find { |item| item["name"] == 'delete-by-query' }
+ plugins = Chewy.client.nodes.info(plugins: true)['nodes'].values.map { |item| item['plugins'] }.flatten
+ raise PluginMissing, 'install delete-by-query plugin' unless plugins.find { |item| item['name'] == 'delete-by-query' }
request = chain { criteria.update_options simple: true }.send(:_request)
ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument 'delete_query.chewy',
request: request, indexes: _indexes, types: _types,
index: _indexes.one? ? _indexes.first : _indexes,
type: _types.one? ? _types.first : _types do
- Chewy.client.delete_by_query(request)
+ Chewy.client.delete_by_query(request)
@@ -942,10 +942,10 @@ def delete_all
# UsersIndex::User.find([8, 13]) # array of objects with ids in [8, 13]
# UsersIndex::User.find([42]) # array of the object with id == 42
- def find *ids
+ def find(*ids)
results = chain { criteria.update_options simple: true }.filter { _id == ids.flatten }.to_a
- raise Chewy::DocumentNotFound.new("Could not find documents for ids #{ids.flatten}") if results.empty?
+ raise Chewy::DocumentNotFound, "Could not find documents for ids #{ids.flatten}" if results.empty?
ids.one? && !ids.first.is_a?(Array) ? results.first : results
@@ -991,14 +991,14 @@ def timed_out
- def initialize_clone other
+ def initialize_clone(other)
@criteria = other.criteria.clone
- def chain &block
+ def chain(&block)
clone.tap { |q| q.instance_exec(&block) }
@@ -1020,12 +1020,12 @@ def _response
request: _request, indexes: _indexes, types: _types,
index: _indexes.one? ? _indexes.first : _indexes,
type: _types.one? ? _types.first : _types do
- begin
- Chewy.client.search(_request)
- rescue Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::Errors::NotFound => e
- raise e if e.message !~ /IndexMissingException/ && e.message !~ /index_not_found_exception/
- {}
- end
+ begin
+ Chewy.client.search(_request)
+ rescue Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::Errors::NotFound => e
+ raise e if e.message !~ /IndexMissingException/ && e.message !~ /index_not_found_exception/
+ {}
+ end
@@ -1050,7 +1050,7 @@ def _collection
- def _derive_index index_name
+ def _derive_index(index_name)
(@derive_index ||= {})[index_name] ||= _indexes_hash[index_name] ||
_indexes_hash[_indexes_hash.keys.sort_by(&:length).reverse.detect { |name| index_name.start_with?(name) }]
diff --git a/lib/chewy/query/compose.rb b/lib/chewy/query/compose.rb
index 0c7548a5e..b8945721a 100644
--- a/lib/chewy/query/compose.rb
+++ b/lib/chewy/query/compose.rb
@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
module Chewy
class Query
module Compose
- def _filtered_query query, filter, options = {}
+ def _filtered_query(query, filter, options = {})
query = { match_all: {} } if !query.present? && filter.present?
if filter.present?
@@ -23,11 +22,11 @@ def _filtered_query query, filter, options = {}
elsif query.present?
{ query: query }
- { }
+ {}
- def _queries_join queries, logic
+ def _queries_join(queries, logic)
queries = queries.compact
if queries.many? || (queries.present? && logic == :must_not)
@@ -48,7 +47,7 @@ def _queries_join queries, logic
- def _filters_join filters, logic
+ def _filters_join(filters, logic)
filters = filters.compact
if filters.many? || (filters.present? && logic == :must_not)
diff --git a/lib/chewy/query/criteria.rb b/lib/chewy/query/criteria.rb
index cefffc435..43e080329 100644
--- a/lib/chewy/query/criteria.rb
+++ b/lib/chewy/query/criteria.rb
@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ module Chewy
class Query
class Criteria
include Compose
- ARRAY_STORAGES = [:queries, :filters, :post_filters, :sort, :fields, :types, :scores]
- HASH_STORAGES = [:options, :search_options, :request_options, :facets, :aggregations, :suggest, :script_fields]
+ ARRAY_STORAGES = [:queries, :filters, :post_filters, :sort, :fields, :types, :scores].freeze
+ HASH_STORAGES = [:options, :search_options, :request_options, :facets, :aggregations, :suggest, :script_fields].freeze
- def initialize options = {}
+ def initialize(options = {})
@options = options.merge(
query_mode: Chewy.query_mode,
filter_mode: Chewy.filter_mode,
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ def initialize options = {}
- def == other
+ def ==(other)
other.is_a?(self.class) && storages == other.storages
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ def update_#{storage}(modifier)
def update_sort(modifier, options = {})
@sort = nil if options[:purge]
modifier = Array.wrap(modifier).flatten.map do |element|
- element.is_a?(Hash) ? element.map { |k, v| {k => v} } : element
+ element.is_a?(Hash) ? element.map { |k, v| { k => v } } : element
@sort = sort + modifier
@@ -97,14 +97,14 @@ def update_sort(modifier, options = {})
- def merge! other
+ def merge!(other)
STORAGES.each do |storage|
send("update_#{storage}", other.send(storage))
- def merge other
+ def merge(other)
diff --git a/lib/chewy/query/filters.rb b/lib/chewy/query/filters.rb
index 3e5c6b701..1dbb32192 100644
--- a/lib/chewy/query/filters.rb
+++ b/lib/chewy/query/filters.rb
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ class Query
class Filters
- def initialize outer = nil, &block
+ def initialize(outer = nil, &block)
@block = block
@outer = outer || eval('self', block.binding)
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ def initialize outer = nil, &block
# UsersIndex.filter{ name == o{ name } } # => {filter: {term: {name: 'Friend'}}}
- def o &block
+ def o(&block)
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ def o &block
# UsersIndex.filter{ f{ field } == 'Name' } == UsersIndex.filter{ name == 'Name' } # => true
- def f name = nil, *args, &block
+ def f(name = nil, *args, &block)
name = block ? o(&block) : name
Nodes::Field.new name, *args
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ def f name = nil, *args, &block
# UsersIndex.filter{ s{ script } } == UsersIndex.filter{ s('doc["num1"].value > 1') } # => true
# UsersIndex.filter{ s(param1: 42) { script } } == UsersIndex.filter{ s('doc["num1"].value > 1', param1: 42) } # => true
- def s *args, &block
+ def s(*args, &block)
params = args.extract_options!
script = block ? o(&block) : args.first
Nodes::Script.new script, params
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ def s *args, &block
# UsersIndex.filter{ q{ query } } == UsersIndex.filter{ q(query_string: {query: 'name: hello'}) } # => true
- def q query = nil, &block
+ def q(query = nil, &block)
Nodes::Query.new block ? o(&block) : query
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ def q query = nil, &block
# UsersIndex.filter{ r{ filter } } == UsersIndex.filter{ r(term: {name: 'Name'}) } # => true
# UsersIndex.filter{ r{ filter } } == UsersIndex.filter(term: {name: 'Name'}) # => true
- def r raw = nil, &block
+ def r(raw = nil, &block)
Nodes::Raw.new block ? o(&block) : raw
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ def r raw = nil, &block
# .filter_mode(:or)
# end
- def has_child type
+ def has_child(type)
Nodes::HasChild.new(type, @outer)
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ def has_child type
# .filter_mode(:or)
# end
- def has_parent type
+ def has_parent(type)
Nodes::HasParent.new(type, @outer)
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ def match_all
# UsersIndex.filter{ article.title =~ 'Hello' }
# UsersIndex.filter{ article.tags? }
- def method_missing method, *args
+ def method_missing(method, *args)
method = method.to_s
if method =~ /\?\Z/
Nodes::Exists.new method.gsub(/\?\Z/, '')
diff --git a/lib/chewy/query/nodes/and.rb b/lib/chewy/query/nodes/and.rb
index cb3a98ac4..014fb9c42 100644
--- a/lib/chewy/query/nodes/and.rb
+++ b/lib/chewy/query/nodes/and.rb
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ module Chewy
class Query
module Nodes
class And < Expr
- def initialize *nodes
+ def initialize(*nodes)
@options = nodes.extract_options!
@nodes = nodes.flatten.map { |node| node.is_a?(self.class) ? node.__nodes__ : node }.flatten
@@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ def __nodes__
def __render__
nodes = @nodes.map(&:__render__)
if @options.key?(:cache)
- {and: {filters: nodes, _cache: !!@options[:cache]}}
+ { and: { filters: nodes, _cache: !!@options[:cache] } }
- {and: nodes}
+ { and: nodes }
diff --git a/lib/chewy/query/nodes/base.rb b/lib/chewy/query/nodes/base.rb
index bde88e731..f5fb05cc3 100644
--- a/lib/chewy/query/nodes/base.rb
+++ b/lib/chewy/query/nodes/base.rb
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ def render
raise NotImplementedError
- def eql? other
+ def eql?(other)
other.is_a?(self.class) && instance_variables.all? do |ivar|
instance_variable_get(ivar).eql? other.instance_variable_get(ivar)
diff --git a/lib/chewy/query/nodes/bool.rb b/lib/chewy/query/nodes/bool.rb
index 601da0311..1a4eae47a 100644
--- a/lib/chewy/query/nodes/bool.rb
+++ b/lib/chewy/query/nodes/bool.rb
@@ -2,11 +2,13 @@ module Chewy
class Query
module Nodes
class Bool < Expr
- METHODS = %w(must must_not should)
+ METHODS = %w(must must_not should).freeze
- def initialize options = {}
+ def initialize(options = {})
@options = options
- @must, @must_not, @should = [], [], []
+ @must = []
+ @must_not = []
+ @should = []
METHODS.each do |method|
diff --git a/lib/chewy/query/nodes/equal.rb b/lib/chewy/query/nodes/equal.rb
index 1b0b468ea..0fba92f4a 100644
--- a/lib/chewy/query/nodes/equal.rb
+++ b/lib/chewy/query/nodes/equal.rb
@@ -10,10 +10,10 @@ class Equal < Expr
:b => :bool,
:bool => :bool,
:f => :fielddata,
- :fielddata => :fielddata,
- }
+ :fielddata => :fielddata
+ }.freeze
- def initialize name, value, *args
+ def initialize(name, value, *args)
@name = name.to_s
@value = value
@options = args.extract_options!
@@ -23,10 +23,10 @@ def initialize name, value, *args
def __render__
filter = (@value.is_a?(Array) ? :terms : :term)
- body = {@name => @value}
+ body = { @name => @value }
body.merge!(@options.slice(:execution)) if filter == :terms
body[:_cache] = !!@options[:cache] if @options.key?(:cache)
- {filter => body}
+ { filter => body }
diff --git a/lib/chewy/query/nodes/exists.rb b/lib/chewy/query/nodes/exists.rb
index 8b54ba38e..1d9918341 100644
--- a/lib/chewy/query/nodes/exists.rb
+++ b/lib/chewy/query/nodes/exists.rb
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ module Chewy
class Query
module Nodes
class Exists < Expr
- def initialize name, options = {}
+ def initialize(name, options = {})
@name = name.to_s
@options = options
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ def !
def __render__
- {exists: {field: @name}}
+ { exists: { field: @name } }
diff --git a/lib/chewy/query/nodes/expr.rb b/lib/chewy/query/nodes/expr.rb
index f95becf52..61b78ced6 100644
--- a/lib/chewy/query/nodes/expr.rb
+++ b/lib/chewy/query/nodes/expr.rb
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@ module Chewy
class Query
module Nodes
class Expr < Base
- def & other
+ def &(other)
Nodes::And.new self, other
- def | other
+ def |(other)
Nodes::Or.new self, other
diff --git a/lib/chewy/query/nodes/field.rb b/lib/chewy/query/nodes/field.rb
index c32a4ffbb..8cf4df068 100644
--- a/lib/chewy/query/nodes/field.rb
+++ b/lib/chewy/query/nodes/field.rb
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ module Chewy
class Query
module Nodes
class Field < Base
- def initialize name, *args
+ def initialize(name, *args)
@name = name.to_s
@args = args
@@ -16,23 +16,23 @@ def ~
- def > value
+ def >(value)
Nodes::Range.new @name, *__options_merge__(gt: value)
- def < value
+ def <(value)
Nodes::Range.new @name, *__options_merge__(lt: value)
- def >= value
+ def >=(value)
Nodes::Range.new @name, *__options_merge__(gt: value, left_closed: true)
- def <= value
+ def <=(value)
Nodes::Range.new @name, *__options_merge__(lt: value, right_closed: true)
- def == value
+ def ==(value)
case value
when nil
Nodes::Missing.new @name, existence: false, null_value: true
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ def == value
- def != value
+ def !=(value)
case value
when nil
Nodes::Exists.new @name
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ def != value
- def =~ value
+ def =~(value)
case value
when ::Regexp
Nodes::Regexp.new @name, value, *@args
@@ -70,16 +70,16 @@ def =~ value
- def !~ value
+ def !~(value)
Not.new(self =~ value)
- def method_missing method, *args
+ def method_missing(method, *args)
method = method.to_s
if method =~ /\?\Z/
- Nodes::Exists.new [@name, method.gsub(/\?\Z/, '')].join(?.)
+ Nodes::Exists.new [@name, method.gsub(/\?\Z/, '')].join('.')
- self.class.new [@name, method].join(?.), *args
+ self.class.new [@name, method].join('.'), *args
@@ -89,13 +89,13 @@ def to_ary
- def __options_merge__! additional = {}
+ def __options_merge__!(additional = {})
options = @args.extract_options!
options = options.merge(additional)
- def __options_merge__ additional = {}
+ def __options_merge__(additional = {})
options = @args.extract_options!
options = options.merge(additional)
@args + [options]
diff --git a/lib/chewy/query/nodes/has_child.rb b/lib/chewy/query/nodes/has_child.rb
index e509eee6d..89d4ad744 100644
--- a/lib/chewy/query/nodes/has_child.rb
+++ b/lib/chewy/query/nodes/has_child.rb
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ class Query
module Nodes
class HasChild < HasRelation
def _relation
diff --git a/lib/chewy/query/nodes/has_parent.rb b/lib/chewy/query/nodes/has_parent.rb
index a6cd7046d..dc7165c00 100644
--- a/lib/chewy/query/nodes/has_parent.rb
+++ b/lib/chewy/query/nodes/has_parent.rb
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ class Query
module Nodes
class HasParent < HasRelation
def _relation
diff --git a/lib/chewy/query/nodes/has_relation.rb b/lib/chewy/query/nodes/has_relation.rb
index d31998b96..bc1e5750f 100644
--- a/lib/chewy/query/nodes/has_relation.rb
+++ b/lib/chewy/query/nodes/has_relation.rb
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ module Nodes
class HasRelation < Expr
include Compose
- def initialize type, outer = nil
+ def initialize(type, outer = nil)
@type = type.to_s
@outer = outer
@query_mode = :must
@@ -15,17 +15,17 @@ def initialize type, outer = nil
@filters = []
- def query_mode mode
+ def query_mode(mode)
@query_mode = mode
- def filter_mode mode
+ def filter_mode(mode)
@filter_mode = mode
- def query params = nil, &block
+ def query(params = nil, &block)
if block
raise 'Query DLS is not supported yet'
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ def query params = nil, &block
- def filter params = nil, &block
+ def filter(params = nil, &block)
if block
@filters.push(Chewy::Query::Filters.new(@outer, &block).__render__)
@@ -48,13 +48,13 @@ def __render__
filters = _filters_join @filters, @filter_mode
body = if filters && !queries
- {filter: filters}
+ { filter: filters }
_filtered_query(queries, filters)
body ||= {}
- {_relation => body.merge(type: @type)}
+ { _relation => body.merge(type: @type) }
diff --git a/lib/chewy/query/nodes/match_all.rb b/lib/chewy/query/nodes/match_all.rb
index c9d4073f4..56273d58f 100644
--- a/lib/chewy/query/nodes/match_all.rb
+++ b/lib/chewy/query/nodes/match_all.rb
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ class Query
module Nodes
class MatchAll < Expr
def __render__
- {match_all: {}}
+ { match_all: {} }
diff --git a/lib/chewy/query/nodes/missing.rb b/lib/chewy/query/nodes/missing.rb
index 38a55c142..af5479739 100644
--- a/lib/chewy/query/nodes/missing.rb
+++ b/lib/chewy/query/nodes/missing.rb
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ module Chewy
class Query
module Nodes
class Missing < Expr
- def initialize name, options = {}
+ def initialize(name, options = {})
@name = name.to_s
@options = options.reverse_merge(existence: true, null_value: false)
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ def !
def __render__
- {missing: {field: @name}.merge(@options.slice(:existence, :null_value))}
+ { missing: { field: @name }.merge(@options.slice(:existence, :null_value)) }
diff --git a/lib/chewy/query/nodes/not.rb b/lib/chewy/query/nodes/not.rb
index 49655bb56..46c2d360f 100644
--- a/lib/chewy/query/nodes/not.rb
+++ b/lib/chewy/query/nodes/not.rb
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ module Chewy
class Query
module Nodes
class Not < Expr
- def initialize expr, options = {}
+ def initialize(expr, options = {})
@expr = expr
@options = options
@@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ def !
def __render__
expr = @expr.__render__
if @options.key?(:cache)
- {not: {filter: expr, _cache: !!@options[:cache]}}
+ { not: { filter: expr, _cache: !!@options[:cache] } }
- {not: expr}
+ { not: expr }
diff --git a/lib/chewy/query/nodes/or.rb b/lib/chewy/query/nodes/or.rb
index 98c8d9e84..e73457b2d 100644
--- a/lib/chewy/query/nodes/or.rb
+++ b/lib/chewy/query/nodes/or.rb
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ module Chewy
class Query
module Nodes
class Or < Expr
- def initialize *nodes
+ def initialize(*nodes)
@options = nodes.extract_options!
@nodes = nodes.flatten.map { |node| node.is_a?(self.class) ? node.__nodes__ : node }.flatten
@@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ def __nodes__
def __render__
nodes = @nodes.map(&:__render__)
if @options.key?(:cache)
- {or: {filters: nodes, _cache: !!@options[:cache]}}
+ { or: { filters: nodes, _cache: !!@options[:cache] } }
- {or: nodes}
+ { or: nodes }
diff --git a/lib/chewy/query/nodes/prefix.rb b/lib/chewy/query/nodes/prefix.rb
index cac3da545..1f85d7bdc 100644
--- a/lib/chewy/query/nodes/prefix.rb
+++ b/lib/chewy/query/nodes/prefix.rb
@@ -2,13 +2,14 @@ module Chewy
class Query
module Nodes
class Prefix < Expr
- def initialize name, value, options = {}
+ def initialize(name, value, options = {})
@name = name.to_s
- @value, @options = value, options
+ @value = value
+ @options = options
def __render__
- filter = {prefix: {@name => @value}}
+ filter = { prefix: { @name => @value } }
filter[:prefix][:_cache] = !!@options[:cache] if @options.key?(:cache)
diff --git a/lib/chewy/query/nodes/query.rb b/lib/chewy/query/nodes/query.rb
index fd76ed60d..1c5ecc42d 100644
--- a/lib/chewy/query/nodes/query.rb
+++ b/lib/chewy/query/nodes/query.rb
@@ -2,16 +2,16 @@ module Chewy
class Query
module Nodes
class Query < Expr
- def initialize query, options = {}
+ def initialize(query, options = {})
@query = query
@options = options
def __render__
if @options.key?(:cache)
- {fquery: {query: @query, _cache: !!@options[:cache]}}
+ { fquery: { query: @query, _cache: !!@options[:cache] } }
- {query: @query}
+ { query: @query }
diff --git a/lib/chewy/query/nodes/range.rb b/lib/chewy/query/nodes/range.rb
index b6f463def..4f0ef37e5 100644
--- a/lib/chewy/query/nodes/range.rb
+++ b/lib/chewy/query/nodes/range.rb
@@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ class Query
module Nodes
class Range < Expr
- :i => :index,
- :index => :index,
- :f => :fielddata,
- :fielddata => :fielddata,
- }
+ i: :index,
+ index: :index,
+ f: :fielddata,
+ fielddata: :fielddata
+ }.freeze
- def initialize name, *args
+ def initialize(name, *args)
@name = name.to_s
@options = args.extract_options!
@range = @options.reject { |k, _v| ![:gt, :lt].include?(k) }
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ def initialize name, *args
@options[:execution] = execution if execution
- def & other
+ def &(other)
if other.is_a?(self.class) && other.__name__ == @name
state = __state__.merge(other.__state__)
@@ -51,11 +51,11 @@ def __render__
body[@bounds[:left_closed] ? :gte : :gt] = @range[:gt] if @range.key?(:gt)
body[@bounds[:right_closed] ? :lte : :lt] = @range[:lt] if @range.key?(:lt)
- filter = {@name => body}
+ filter = { @name => body }
filter[:_cache] = !!@options[:cache] if @options.key?(:cache)
- {range: filter}
+ { range: filter }
diff --git a/lib/chewy/query/nodes/raw.rb b/lib/chewy/query/nodes/raw.rb
index f6b0a0f43..39cacff0e 100644
--- a/lib/chewy/query/nodes/raw.rb
+++ b/lib/chewy/query/nodes/raw.rb
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ module Chewy
class Query
module Nodes
class Raw < Expr
- def initialize raw
+ def initialize(raw)
@raw = raw
diff --git a/lib/chewy/query/nodes/regexp.rb b/lib/chewy/query/nodes/regexp.rb
index 46f3bf49b..cd3697873 100644
--- a/lib/chewy/query/nodes/regexp.rb
+++ b/lib/chewy/query/nodes/regexp.rb
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ module Chewy
class Query
module Nodes
class Regexp < Expr
- FLAGS = %w(all anystring automaton complement empty intersection interval none)
+ FLAGS = %w(all anystring automaton complement empty intersection interval none).freeze
- def initialize name, regexp, *args
+ def initialize(name, regexp, *args)
@name = name.to_s
@regexp = regexp.respond_to?(:source) ? regexp.source : regexp.to_s
@options = args.extract_options!
@@ -14,15 +14,15 @@ def initialize name, regexp, *args
def __render__
body = @options[:flags] ?
- {value: @regexp, flags: @options[:flags].map(&:to_s).map(&:upcase).uniq.join('|')} :
+ { value: @regexp, flags: @options[:flags].map(&:to_s).map(&:upcase).uniq.join('|') } :
- filter = {@name => body}
+ filter = { @name => body }
if @options.key?(:cache)
filter[:_cache] = !!@options[:cache]
filter[:_cache_key] = @options[:cache].is_a?(TrueClass) || @options[:cache].is_a?(FalseClass) ?
@regexp.underscore : @options[:cache]
- {regexp: filter}
+ { regexp: filter }
diff --git a/lib/chewy/query/nodes/script.rb b/lib/chewy/query/nodes/script.rb
index a9d6a99c2..0aca4dc26 100644
--- a/lib/chewy/query/nodes/script.rb
+++ b/lib/chewy/query/nodes/script.rb
@@ -2,17 +2,17 @@ module Chewy
class Query
module Nodes
class Script < Expr
- def initialize script, params = {}
+ def initialize(script, params = {})
@script = script
@params = params
@options = params.reject { |k, _v| ![:cache].include?(k) }
def __render__
- script = {script: @script}
+ script = { script: @script }
script[:params] = @params if @params.present?
script[:_cache] = !!@options[:cache] if @options.key?(:cache)
- {script: script}
+ { script: script }
diff --git a/lib/chewy/query/pagination/will_paginate.rb b/lib/chewy/query/pagination/will_paginate.rb
index ff49052ee..13391438c 100644
--- a/lib/chewy/query/pagination/will_paginate.rb
+++ b/lib/chewy/query/pagination/will_paginate.rb
@@ -7,12 +7,12 @@ module WillPaginate
attr_reader :current_page, :per_page
- def paginate(options={})
+ def paginate(options = {})
@current_page = ::WillPaginate::PageNumber(options[:page] || @current_page || 1)
@page_multiplier = @current_page - 1
@per_page = (options[:per_page] || @per_page || ::WillPaginate.per_page).to_i
- #call Chewy::Query methods to limit results
+ # call Chewy::Query methods to limit results
limit(@per_page).offset(@page_multiplier * @per_page)
diff --git a/lib/chewy/railtie.rb b/lib/chewy/railtie.rb
index d076e5adf..1d151f1e1 100644
--- a/lib/chewy/railtie.rb
+++ b/lib/chewy/railtie.rb
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ def migrate(*args)
initializer 'chewy.logger', after: 'active_record.logger' do
- ActiveSupport.on_load(:active_record) { Chewy.logger ||= ActiveRecord::Base.logger }
+ ActiveSupport.on_load(:active_record) { Chewy.logger ||= ActiveRecord::Base.logger }
initializer 'chewy.migration_strategy' do
diff --git a/lib/chewy/rake_helper.rb b/lib/chewy/rake_helper.rb
index f72db8c44..b8576d4de 100644
--- a/lib/chewy/rake_helper.rb
+++ b/lib/chewy/rake_helper.rb
@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
module Chewy
module RakeHelper
class << self
def subscribed_task_stats
- callback = ->(_name, start, finish, _id, payload) do
+ callback = lambda do |_name, start, finish, _id, payload|
duration = (finish - start).round(2)
puts " Imported #{payload[:type]} for #{duration}s, documents total: #{payload[:import].try(:[], :index).to_i}"
payload[:errors].each do |action, errors|
@@ -20,7 +19,7 @@ def subscribed_task_stats
def eager_load_chewy!
- dirs = Chewy::Railtie.all_engines.map { |engine| engine.paths[ Chewy.configuration[:indices_path] ] }.compact.map(&:existent).flatten.uniq
+ dirs = Chewy::Railtie.all_engines.map { |engine| engine.paths[Chewy.configuration[:indices_path]] }.compact.map(&:existent).flatten.uniq
dirs.each do |dir|
Dir.glob(File.join(dir, '**/*.rb')).each do |file|
@@ -34,17 +33,17 @@ def all_indexes
- def normalize_index index
+ def normalize_index(index)
return index if index.is_a?(Chewy::Index)
"#{index.to_s.gsub(/index\z/i, '').camelize}Index".constantize
- def normalize_indexes *indexes
+ def normalize_indexes(*indexes)
indexes.flatten.map { |index| normalize_index(index) }
# Performs zero downtime reindexing of all documents in the specified index.
- def reset_index *indexes
+ def reset_index(*indexes)
normalize_indexes(indexes).each do |index|
puts "Resetting #{index}"
time = Time.now
@@ -57,11 +56,11 @@ def reset_index *indexes
# Performs zero downtime reindexing of all documents across all indices.
- def reset_all *except
+ def reset_all(*except)
reset_index(all_indexes - normalize_indexes(except))
- def update_index *indexes
+ def update_index(*indexes)
normalize_indexes(indexes).each do |index|
puts "Updating #{index}"
if index.exists?
@@ -72,7 +71,7 @@ def update_index *indexes
- def update_all *except
+ def update_all(*except)
update_index(all_indexes - normalize_indexes(except))
diff --git a/lib/chewy/repository.rb b/lib/chewy/repository.rb
index ad299d532..29c75a38d 100644
--- a/lib/chewy/repository.rb
+++ b/lib/chewy/repository.rb
@@ -5,10 +5,10 @@ class Repository
attr_reader :analyzers, :tokenizers, :filters, :char_filters
def self.delegated
- public_instance_methods - self.superclass.public_instance_methods - Singleton.public_instance_methods
+ public_instance_methods - superclass.public_instance_methods - Singleton.public_instance_methods
- def self.repository name
+ def self.repository(name)
plural_name = name.to_s.pluralize
class_eval <<-METHOD, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1
diff --git a/lib/chewy/rspec.rb b/lib/chewy/rspec.rb
index c491de3c6..998298104 100644
--- a/lib/chewy/rspec.rb
+++ b/lib/chewy/rspec.rb
@@ -1 +1 @@
-require 'chewy/rspec/update_index'
\ No newline at end of file
+require 'chewy/rspec/update_index'
diff --git a/lib/chewy/rspec/update_index.rb b/lib/chewy/rspec/update_index.rb
index 976f14341..f0a7cf797 100644
--- a/lib/chewy/rspec/update_index.rb
+++ b/lib/chewy/rspec/update_index.rb
@@ -21,10 +21,9 @@
# .to update_index(UsersIndex::User).and_reindex(user2).and_delete(user1) }
RSpec::Matchers.define :update_index do |type_name, options = {}|
if !respond_to?(:failure_message) && respond_to?(:failure_message_for_should)
- alias :failure_message :failure_message_for_should
- alias :failure_message_when_negated :failure_message_for_should_not
+ alias_method :failure_message, :failure_message_for_should
+ alias_method :failure_message_when_negated, :failure_message_for_should_not
# Specify indexed records by passing record itself or id.
@@ -144,8 +143,8 @@ def supports_block_expectations?
@updated.present? && @missed_reindex.none? && @missed_delete.none? &&
- @reindex.all? { |_, document| document[:match_count] && document[:match_attributes] } &&
- @delete.all? { |_, document| document[:match_count] }
+ @reindex.all? { |_, document| document[:match_count] && document[:match_attributes] } &&
+ @delete.all? { |_, document| document[:match_count] }
failure_message do
@@ -176,7 +175,7 @@ def supports_block_expectations?
result << "\n #{document[:expected_count]} times, but was reindexed #{document[:real_count]} times" if document[:expected_count] && !document[:match_count]
result << "\n with #{document[:expected_attributes]}, but it was reindexed with #{document[:real_attributes]}" if document[:expected_attributes].present? && !document[:match_attributes]
- result << ", but it was not"
+ result << ', but it was not'
result << "\n"
@@ -188,7 +187,7 @@ def supports_block_expectations?
result << if document[:real_count] > 0 && document[:expected_count]
"\n #{document[:expected_count]} times, but was deleted #{document[:real_count]} times"
- ", but it was not"
+ ', but it was not'
result << "\n"
@@ -199,23 +198,21 @@ def supports_block_expectations?
failure_message_when_negated do
if @updated.present?
- "Expected index `#{type_name}` not to be updated, but it was with #{
- @updated.map(&:values).flatten.group_by { |documents| documents[:_id] }.map do |id, documents|
- "\n document id `#{id}` (#{documents.count} times)"
- end.join
- }\n"
+ "Expected index `#{type_name}` not to be updated, but it was with #{@updated.map(&:values).flatten.group_by { |documents| documents[:_id] }.map do |id, documents|
+ "\n document id `#{id}` (#{documents.count} times)"
+ end.join}\n"
def agnostic_stub
if defined?(Mocha) && RSpec.configuration.mock_framework.to_s == 'RSpec::Core::MockingAdapters::Mocha'
- "type.stubs(:bulk).with"
+ 'type.stubs(:bulk).with'
- "allow(type).to receive(:bulk)"
+ 'allow(type).to receive(:bulk)'
- def extract_documents *args
+ def extract_documents(*args)
options = args.extract_options!
expected_count = options[:times] || options[:count]
@@ -233,7 +230,7 @@ def extract_documents *args
- def compare_attributes expected, real
+ def compare_attributes(expected, real)
expected.inject(true) do |result, (key, value)|
equal = if value.is_a?(Array) && real[key].is_a?(Array)
array_difference(value, real[key]) && array_difference(real[key], value)
@@ -246,7 +243,7 @@ def compare_attributes expected, real
- def array_difference first, second
+ def array_difference(first, second)
difference = first.to_ary.dup
second.to_ary.each do |element|
index = difference.index(element)
diff --git a/lib/chewy/runtime/version.rb b/lib/chewy/runtime/version.rb
index 43a153e6f..1154ec0dc 100644
--- a/lib/chewy/runtime/version.rb
+++ b/lib/chewy/runtime/version.rb
@@ -4,21 +4,21 @@ class Version
include Comparable
attr_reader :major, :minor, :patch
- def initialize version
- @major, @minor, @patch = *(version.to_s.split('.', 3) + [0]*3).first(3).map(&:to_i)
+ def initialize(version)
+ @major, @minor, @patch = *(version.to_s.split('.', 3) + [0] * 3).first(3).map(&:to_i)
def to_s
[major, minor, patch].join('.')
- def <=> other
+ def <=>(other)
other = self.class.new(other) unless other.is_a?(self.class)
major <=> other.major,
minor <=> other.minor,
patch <=> other.patch
- ].detect { |c| c != 0 } || 0
+ ].detect(&:nonzero?) || 0
diff --git a/lib/chewy/search.rb b/lib/chewy/search.rb
index 1ff220dab..4d7ccbaa0 100644
--- a/lib/chewy/search.rb
+++ b/lib/chewy/search.rb
@@ -18,11 +18,12 @@ def all
query_class.scopes.last || query_class.new(self)
- def search_string query, options = {}
+ def search_string(query, options = {})
options = options.merge(
index: all._indexes.map(&:index_name),
type: all._types.map(&:type_name),
- q: query)
+ q: query
+ )
@@ -42,7 +43,7 @@ def query_class
- def delegate_scoped source, destination, methods
+ def delegate_scoped(source, destination, methods)
methods.each do |method|
destination.class_eval do
define_method method do |*args, &block|
diff --git a/lib/chewy/strategy.rb b/lib/chewy/strategy.rb
index 40b4a81c3..9c405c35c 100644
--- a/lib/chewy/strategy.rb
+++ b/lib/chewy/strategy.rb
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ def current
- def push name
+ def push(name)
result = @stack.push resolve(name).new
debug "[#{@stack.size}] <- #{current.name}"
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ def pop
- def wrap name
+ def wrap(name)
stack = push(name)
@@ -67,13 +67,13 @@ def wrap name
- def debug string
+ def debug(string)
return unless Chewy.logger && Chewy.logger.debug?
line = caller.detect { |l| l !~ %r{lib/chewy/strategy.rb:|lib/chewy.rb:} }
Chewy.logger.debug(["DEBUG: Chewy strategies stack: #{string}", line.sub(/:in\s.+$/, '')].join(' @ '))
- def resolve name
+ def resolve(name)
"Chewy::Strategy::#{name.to_s.camelize}".safe_constantize or raise "Can't find update strategy `#{name}`"
rescue NameError => ex
# WORKAROUND: Strange behavior of `safe_constantize` with mongoid gem
diff --git a/lib/chewy/strategy/atomic.rb b/lib/chewy/strategy/atomic.rb
index 6d6e85dbc..22e477d49 100644
--- a/lib/chewy/strategy/atomic.rb
+++ b/lib/chewy/strategy/atomic.rb
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ def initialize
@stash = {}
- def update type, objects, options = {}
- ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn("`urgent: true` option is deprecated and is not effective inside `:atomic` strategy, use `Chewy.strategy(:urgent)` strategy instead") if options.key?(:urgent)
+ def update(type, objects, options = {})
+ ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn('`urgent: true` option is deprecated and is not effective inside `:atomic` strategy, use `Chewy.strategy(:urgent)` strategy instead') if options.key?(:urgent)
@stash[type] ||= []
@stash[type] |= type.send(:build_root).id ? Array.wrap(objects) : type.adapter.identify(objects)
diff --git a/lib/chewy/strategy/base.rb b/lib/chewy/strategy/base.rb
index 9935021bd..dc58e0563 100644
--- a/lib/chewy/strategy/base.rb
+++ b/lib/chewy/strategy/base.rb
@@ -11,10 +11,11 @@ class Base
def name
# This method called when some model tries to update index
- def update type, _objects, _options = {}
- raise UndefinedUpdateStrategy.new(type)
+ def update(type, _objects, _options = {})
+ raise UndefinedUpdateStrategy, type
# This method called when strategy pops from the
diff --git a/lib/chewy/strategy/bypass.rb b/lib/chewy/strategy/bypass.rb
index 112c3dfe0..b578d3270 100644
--- a/lib/chewy/strategy/bypass.rb
+++ b/lib/chewy/strategy/bypass.rb
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ class Strategy
# end
class Bypass < Base
- def update type, objects, options = {}
+ def update(type, objects, options = {})
diff --git a/lib/chewy/strategy/urgent.rb b/lib/chewy/strategy/urgent.rb
index eb81f2791..52658d53d 100644
--- a/lib/chewy/strategy/urgent.rb
+++ b/lib/chewy/strategy/urgent.rb
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ class Strategy
# end
class Urgent < Base
- def update type, objects, _options = {}
+ def update(type, objects, _options = {})
diff --git a/lib/chewy/type.rb b/lib/chewy/type.rb
index 031fed48a..93726d800 100644
--- a/lib/chewy/type.rb
+++ b/lib/chewy/type.rb
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
module Chewy
class Type
- IMPORT_OPTIONS_KEYS = [:batch_size, :bulk_size, :refresh, :consistency, :replication, :raw_import, :journal]
+ IMPORT_OPTIONS_KEYS = [:batch_size, :bulk_size, :refresh, :consistency, :replication, :raw_import, :journal].freeze
include Search
include Mapping
diff --git a/lib/chewy/type/adapter/active_record.rb b/lib/chewy/type/adapter/active_record.rb
index 43c549918..5fff049a2 100644
--- a/lib/chewy/type/adapter/active_record.rb
+++ b/lib/chewy/type/adapter/active_record.rb
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ module Chewy
class Type
module Adapter
class ActiveRecord < Orm
def self.accepts?(target)
defined?(::ActiveRecord::Base) && (
target.is_a?(Class) && target < ::ActiveRecord::Base ||
diff --git a/lib/chewy/type/adapter/base.rb b/lib/chewy/type/adapter/base.rb
index 4708721d7..a0f4c1a54 100644
--- a/lib/chewy/type/adapter/base.rb
+++ b/lib/chewy/type/adapter/base.rb
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ class Base
# Returns `true` if this adapter is applicable for the given target.
- def self.accepts? _target
+ def self.accepts?(_target)
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ def type_name
# For ORM/ODM it will be an array of ids for simple objects -
# just objects themselves
- def identify _collection
+ def identify(_collection)
raise NotImplementedError
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ def identify _collection
# Returns true id all the block call returns true and false otherwise
- def import *_args
+ def import(*_args)
raise NotImplementedError
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ def import *_args
# load(double(id: 1), double(id: 2), double(id: 3)) #=>
# # [, nil, ], assuming, #2 was not found
- def load *_args
+ def load(*_args)
raise NotImplementedError
diff --git a/lib/chewy/type/adapter/mongoid.rb b/lib/chewy/type/adapter/mongoid.rb
index be819e221..98cc896a3 100644
--- a/lib/chewy/type/adapter/mongoid.rb
+++ b/lib/chewy/type/adapter/mongoid.rb
@@ -4,14 +4,13 @@ module Chewy
class Type
module Adapter
class Mongoid < Orm
def self.accepts?(target)
defined?(::Mongoid::Document) && (
target.is_a?(Class) && target.ancestors.include?(::Mongoid::Document) ||
- def identify collection
+ def identify(collection)
super(collection).map { |id| id.is_a?(BSON::ObjectId) ? id.to_s : id }
diff --git a/lib/chewy/type/adapter/object.rb b/lib/chewy/type/adapter/object.rb
index 3094c2dd8..0f5955541 100644
--- a/lib/chewy/type/adapter/object.rb
+++ b/lib/chewy/type/adapter/object.rb
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ module Chewy
class Type
module Adapter
class Object < Base
- def initialize *args
+ def initialize(*args)
@options = args.extract_options!
@target = args.first
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ def name
@name ||= (options[:name] || @target).to_s.camelize.demodulize
- def identify collection
+ def identify(collection)
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ def identify collection
# But to be destroyed objects need to respond to `id` method as well, so
# ElasticSearch could know which one to delete.
- def import *args, &block
+ def import(*args, &block)
options = args.extract_options!
options[:batch_size] ||= BATCH_SIZE
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ def import *args, &block
import_objects(objects, options, &block)
- def load *args
+ def load(*args)
objects = args.flatten
if target.respond_to?(load_all_method)
diff --git a/lib/chewy/type/adapter/orm.rb b/lib/chewy/type/adapter/orm.rb
index d5f235675..ef4551ccb 100644
--- a/lib/chewy/type/adapter/orm.rb
+++ b/lib/chewy/type/adapter/orm.rb
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ module Adapter
class Orm < Base
attr_reader :default_scope
- def initialize *args
+ def initialize(*args)
@options = args.extract_options!
class_or_relation = args.first
if class_or_relation.is_a?(relation_class)
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ def name
@name ||= (options[:name].presence || target.name).to_s.camelize.demodulize
- def identify collection
+ def identify(collection)
if collection.is_a?(relation_class)
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ def identify collection
# # or
# UsersIndex::User.import users.map(&:id) # user ids will be deleted from index
- def import *args, &block
+ def import(*args, &block)
options = args.extract_options!
options[:batch_size] ||= BATCH_SIZE
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ def import *args, &block
- def load *args
+ def load(*args)
load_options = args.extract_options!
objects = args.flatten
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ def all_scope
- def model_of_relation relation
+ def model_of_relation(relation)
diff --git a/lib/chewy/type/adapter/sequel.rb b/lib/chewy/type/adapter/sequel.rb
index 1c8082ea1..971c3bbc8 100644
--- a/lib/chewy/type/adapter/sequel.rb
+++ b/lib/chewy/type/adapter/sequel.rb
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ def scope_where_ids_in(scope, ids)
scope.where(primary_key_with_table_name => Array.wrap(ids))
- def model_of_relation relation
+ def model_of_relation(relation)
diff --git a/lib/chewy/type/crutch.rb b/lib/chewy/type/crutch.rb
index 02dfca7a4..80f620863 100644
--- a/lib/chewy/type/crutch.rb
+++ b/lib/chewy/type/crutch.rb
@@ -9,8 +9,9 @@ module Crutch
class Crutches
- def initialize type, collection
- @type, @collection = type, collection
+ def initialize(type, collection)
+ @type = type
+ @collection = collection
@type._crutches.keys.each do |name|
singleton_class.class_eval <<-METHOD, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1
def #{name}
@@ -22,7 +23,7 @@ def #{name}
module ClassMethods
- def crutch name, &block
+ def crutch(name, &block)
self._crutches = _crutches.merge(name.to_sym => block)
diff --git a/lib/chewy/type/import.rb b/lib/chewy/type/import.rb
index 3b2a8fbd1..9f2e04a4e 100644
--- a/lib/chewy/type/import.rb
+++ b/lib/chewy/type/import.rb
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ class Type
module Import
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
- BULK_OPTIONS = [:suffix, :bulk_size, :refresh, :consistency, :replication]
+ BULK_OPTIONS = [:suffix, :bulk_size, :refresh, :consistency, :replication].freeze
module ClassMethods
# Perform import operation for specified documents.
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ module ClassMethods
# See adapters documentation for more details.
- def import *args
+ def import(*args)
import_options = args.extract_options!
import_options.reverse_merge! _default_import_options
bulk_options = import_options.reject { |k, _| !BULK_OPTIONS.include?(k) }.reverse_merge!(refresh: true)
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ def import *args
# Options are completely the same as for `import` method
# See adapters documentation for more details.
- def import! *args
+ def import!(*args)
errors = nil
subscriber = ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe('import_objects.chewy') do |*notification_args|
errors = notification_args.last[:errors]
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ def import! *args
# Wraps elasticsearch-ruby client indices bulk method.
# Adds `:suffix` option to bulk import to index with specified suffix.
- def bulk options = {}
+ def bulk(options = {})
suffix = options.delete(:suffix)
bulk_size = options.delete(:bulk_size)
body = options.delete(:body)
@@ -75,14 +75,14 @@ def bulk options = {}
bodies = if bulk_size
bulk_size -= 1.kilobyte # 1 kilobyte for request header and newlines
- raise ArgumentError.new('Import `:bulk_size` can\'t be less than 1 kilobyte') if bulk_size <= 0
+ raise ArgumentError, 'Import `:bulk_size` can\'t be less than 1 kilobyte' if bulk_size <= 0
body.each_with_object(['']) do |entry, result|
operation, meta = entry.to_a.first
data = meta.delete(:data)
entry = [{ operation => meta }, data].compact.map(&:to_json).join("\n")
- raise ArgumentError.new('Import `:bulk_size` seems to be less than entry size') if entry.bytesize > bulk_size
+ raise ArgumentError, 'Import `:bulk_size` seems to be less than entry size' if entry.bytesize > bulk_size
if result.last.bytesize + entry.bytesize > bulk_size
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ def index_bulk_entry(object, indexed_objects = nil, crutches = nil)
- def fill_payload_import payload, action_objects
+ def fill_payload_import(payload, action_objects)
imported = Hash[action_objects.map { |action, objects| [action, objects.count] }]
imported.each do |action, count|
payload[:import] ||= {}
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ def fill_payload_import payload, action_objects
- def fill_payload_errors payload, import_errors
+ def fill_payload_errors(payload, import_errors)
import_errors.each do |action, action_errors|
action_errors.each do |error, documents|
payload[:errors] ||= {}
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ def fill_payload_errors payload, import_errors
- def object_data object, crutches = nil
+ def object_data(object, crutches = nil)
if witchcraft?
cauldron.brew(object, crutches)
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ def object_data object, crutches = nil
- def extract_errors items
+ def extract_errors(items)
items.each.with_object({}) do |item, memo|
action = item.keys.first.to_sym
data = item.values.first
@@ -206,9 +206,9 @@ def extract_errors items
end.map do |action, action_items|
errors = action_items.group_by { |item| item[:error] }.map do |error, error_items|
- {error => error_items.map { |item| item[:id] }}
+ { error => error_items.map { |item| item[:id] } }
- {action => errors}
+ { action => errors }
end.reduce(&:merge) || {}
@@ -223,11 +223,11 @@ def fetch_indexed_objects(objects)
indexed_objects = {}
- while (result = client.scroll(scroll_id: result['_scroll_id'], scroll: '1m')) do
+ while (result = client.scroll(scroll_id: result['_scroll_id'], scroll: '1m'))
break if result['hits']['hits'].empty?
result['hits']['hits'].map do |hit|
- parent = hit.has_key?('_parent') ? hit['_parent'] : hit['fields']['_parent']
+ parent = hit.key?('_parent') ? hit['_parent'] : hit['fields']['_parent']
indexed_objects[hit['_id']] = { parent: parent }
diff --git a/lib/chewy/type/mapping.rb b/lib/chewy/type/mapping.rb
index cddca4fd0..b95c0e02d 100644
--- a/lib/chewy/type/mapping.rb
+++ b/lib/chewy/type/mapping.rb
@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ module ClassMethods
# end
# end
- def root options = {}, &block
- raise "Root is already defined" if root_object
+ def root(options = {}, &block)
+ raise 'Root is already defined' if root_object
build_root(options, &block)
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ def root options = {}, &block
# field :sorted, analyzer: 'sorted'
# end
- def field *args, &block
+ def field(*args, &block)
options = args.extract_options!
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ def field *args, &block
# end
# end
# end
- def agg name, &block
+ def agg(name, &block)
self._agg_defs = _agg_defs.merge(name => block)
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ def agg name, &block
# template /tit.+/, 'string', mapping_hash # "match_mapping_type" as the optionsl second argument
# template template42: {match: 'hello*', mapping: {type: 'object'}} # or even pass a template as is
- def template *args
+ def template(*args)
alias_method :dynamic_template, :template
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ def mappings_hash
- def expand_nested field, &block
+ def expand_nested(field, &block)
if @_current_field
field.parent = @_current_field
@@ -183,12 +183,13 @@ def expand_nested field, &block
return unless block
- previous_field, @_current_field = @_current_field, field
+ previous_field = @_current_field
+ @_current_field = field
@_current_field = previous_field
- def build_root options = {}, &block
+ def build_root(options = {}, &block)
return root_object if root_object
self.root_object = Chewy::Fields::Root.new(type_name, options)
expand_nested(root_object, &block)
diff --git a/lib/chewy/type/observe.rb b/lib/chewy/type/observe.rb
index 2ac5b56d2..161e1732b 100644
--- a/lib/chewy/type/observe.rb
+++ b/lib/chewy/type/observe.rb
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ def update_proc(type_name, *args, &block)
options = args.extract_options!
method = args.first
- Proc.new do
+ proc do
backreference = if method && method.to_s == 'self'
elsif method
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ def update_proc(type_name, *args, &block)
reference = if type_name.is_a?(Proc)
- type_name.arity == 0 ?
+ type_name.arity.zero? ?
instance_exec(&type_name) :
@@ -31,11 +31,11 @@ def update_proc(type_name, *args, &block)
def extract_callback_options!(args)
options = args.extract_options!
- options.each_key.with_object({}) { |key, hash|
+ options.each_key.with_object({}) do |key, hash|
hash[key] = options.delete(key) if [:if, :unless].include?(key)
- }.tap {
+ end.tap do
args.push(options) unless options.empty?
- }
+ end
diff --git a/lib/chewy/type/witchcraft.rb b/lib/chewy/type/witchcraft.rb
index 96d993262..14b4e0897 100644
--- a/lib/chewy/type/witchcraft.rb
+++ b/lib/chewy/type/witchcraft.rb
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ def non_proc_values(field, nesting)
- "{}"
+ '{}'
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ def proc_values(field, nesting)
- "{}"
+ '{}'
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ def source_for(proc, nesting)
source = lambdas.first
proc_params = proc.parameters.map(&:second)
- if proc.arity == 0
+ if proc.arity.zero?
source = replace_self(source, :"object#{nesting}")
source = replace_send(source, :"object#{nesting}")
elsif proc.arity < 0
diff --git a/lib/chewy/type/wrapper.rb b/lib/chewy/type/wrapper.rb
index 3cad86762..d4706a964 100644
--- a/lib/chewy/type/wrapper.rb
+++ b/lib/chewy/type/wrapper.rb
@@ -35,18 +35,18 @@ def respond_to_missing?(method_name, include_private = false)
- private
+ private
def attribute_defined?(attribute)
self.class.root_object && self.class.root_object.children.find { |a| a.name.to_s == attribute }.present?
def highlight(attribute)
- _data["highlight"][attribute].first
+ _data['highlight'][attribute].first
def highlight?(attribute)
- _data.key?("highlight") && _data["highlight"].key?(attribute)
+ _data.key?('highlight') && _data['highlight'].key?(attribute)
diff --git a/lib/chewy/version.rb b/lib/chewy/version.rb
index 0668ec891..dc96270c2 100644
--- a/lib/chewy/version.rb
+++ b/lib/chewy/version.rb
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
module Chewy
- VERSION = '0.8.4'
+ VERSION = '0.8.4'.freeze
diff --git a/lib/generators/chewy/install_generator.rb b/lib/generators/chewy/install_generator.rb
index 2040a745e..3c144f6de 100644
--- a/lib/generators/chewy/install_generator.rb
+++ b/lib/generators/chewy/install_generator.rb
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
module Chewy
module Generators
class InstallGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base
- source_root File.expand_path("../../templates", __FILE__)
+ source_root File.expand_path('../../templates', __FILE__)
def copy_configuration
- template "chewy.yml", "config/chewy.yml"
+ template 'chewy.yml', 'config/chewy.yml'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/tasks/chewy.rake b/lib/tasks/chewy.rake
index 7e3abdc94..4986649e3 100644
--- a/lib/tasks/chewy.rake
+++ b/lib/tasks/chewy.rake
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ namespace :chewy do
Chewy::RakeHelper.subscribed_task_stats do
indexes = args.extras
- if indexes.empty? || indexes.first.tr!(?-, '')
+ if indexes.empty? || indexes.first.tr!('-', '')
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ namespace :chewy do
Chewy::RakeHelper.subscribed_task_stats do
indexes = args.extras
- if indexes.empty? || indexes.first.tr!(?-, '')
+ if indexes.empty? || indexes.first.tr!('-', '')
diff --git a/spec/chewy/config_spec.rb b/spec/chewy/config_spec.rb
index 8d8b9b5c4..bba72267b 100644
--- a/spec/chewy/config_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/chewy/config_spec.rb
@@ -18,23 +18,35 @@
let(:logger) { Logger.new('/dev/null') }
after { subject.transport_logger = nil }
- specify { expect { subject.transport_logger = logger }
- .to change { Chewy.client.transport.logger }.to(logger) }
- specify { expect { subject.transport_logger = logger }
- .to change { subject.transport_logger }.to(logger) }
- specify { expect { subject.transport_logger = logger }
- .to change { subject.configuration[:logger] }.from(nil).to(logger) }
+ specify do
+ expect { subject.transport_logger = logger }
+ .to change { Chewy.client.transport.logger }.to(logger)
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect { subject.transport_logger = logger }
+ .to change { subject.transport_logger }.to(logger)
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect { subject.transport_logger = logger }
+ .to change { subject.configuration[:logger] }.from(nil).to(logger)
+ end
describe '#transport_tracer=' do
let(:tracer) { Logger.new('/dev/null') }
after { subject.transport_tracer = nil }
- specify { expect { subject.transport_tracer = tracer }
- .to change { Chewy.client.transport.tracer }.to(tracer) }
- specify { expect { subject.transport_tracer = tracer }
- .to change { subject.transport_tracer }.to(tracer) }
- specify { expect { subject.transport_tracer = tracer }
- .to change { subject.configuration[:tracer] }.from(nil).to(tracer) }
+ specify do
+ expect { subject.transport_tracer = tracer }
+ .to change { Chewy.client.transport.tracer }.to(tracer)
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect { subject.transport_tracer = tracer }
+ .to change { subject.transport_tracer }.to(tracer)
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect { subject.transport_tracer = tracer }
+ .to change { subject.configuration[:tracer] }.from(nil).to(tracer)
+ end
diff --git a/spec/chewy/fields/base_spec.rb b/spec/chewy/fields/base_spec.rb
index ff7292adc..dfe060e76 100644
--- a/spec/chewy/fields/base_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/chewy/fields/base_spec.rb
@@ -5,37 +5,40 @@
specify { expect(described_class.new('name', type: 'integer').options[:type]).to eq('integer') }
describe '#compose' do
- let(:field) { described_class.new(:name, value: ->(o){ o.value }) }
+ let(:field) { described_class.new(:name, value: ->(o) { o.value }) }
- specify { expect(field.compose(double(value: 'hello'))).to eq({name: 'hello'}) }
- specify { expect(field.compose(double(value: ['hello', 'world']))).to eq({name: ['hello', 'world']}) }
- specify { expect(described_class.new(:name).compose(double(name: 'hello'))).to eq({name: 'hello'}) }
- specify { expect(described_class.new(:false_value).compose({false_value: false})).to eq({false_value: false}) }
- specify { expect(described_class.new(:true_value).compose({true_value: true})).to eq({true_value: true}) }
- specify { expect(described_class.new(:nil_value).compose({nil_value: nil})).to eq({nil_value: nil}) }
+ specify { expect(field.compose(double(value: 'hello'))).to eq(name: 'hello') }
+ specify { expect(field.compose(double(value: %w(hello world)))).to eq(name: %w(hello world)) }
+ specify { expect(described_class.new(:name).compose(double(name: 'hello'))).to eq(name: 'hello') }
+ specify { expect(described_class.new(:false_value).compose(false_value: false)).to eq(false_value: false) }
+ specify { expect(described_class.new(:true_value).compose(true_value: true)).to eq(true_value: true) }
+ specify { expect(described_class.new(:nil_value).compose(nil_value: nil)).to eq(nil_value: nil) }
context 'nested fields' do
before do
- field.children.push(described_class.new(:subname1, value: ->(o){ o.subvalue1 }))
- field.children.push(described_class.new(:subname2, value: ->{ subvalue2 }))
+ field.children.push(described_class.new(:subname1, value: ->(o) { o.subvalue1 }))
+ field.children.push(described_class.new(:subname2, value: -> { subvalue2 }))
- specify { expect(field.compose(double(value: double(subvalue1: 'hello', subvalue2: 'value', subname3: 'world'))))
- .to eq({name: {subname1: 'hello', subname2: 'value', subname3: 'world'}}) }
- specify { expect(field.compose(double(value: [
- double(subvalue1: 'hello1', subvalue2: 'value1', subname3: 'world1'),
- double(subvalue1: 'hello2', subvalue2: 'value2', subname3: 'world2')
- ]))).to eq({name: [
- {subname1: 'hello1', subname2: 'value1', subname3: 'world1'},
- {subname1: 'hello2', subname2: 'value2', subname3: 'world2'}
- ]}) }
+ specify do
+ expect(field.compose(double(value: double(subvalue1: 'hello', subvalue2: 'value', subname3: 'world'))))
+ .to eq(name: { subname1: 'hello', subname2: 'value', subname3: 'world' })
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(field.compose(double(value: [
+ double(subvalue1: 'hello1', subvalue2: 'value1', subname3: 'world1'),
+ double(subvalue1: 'hello2', subvalue2: 'value2', subname3: 'world2')
+ ]))).to eq(name: [
+ { subname1: 'hello1', subname2: 'value1', subname3: 'world1' },
+ { subname1: 'hello2', subname2: 'value2', subname3: 'world2' }
+ ])
+ end
context 'parent objects' do
- let!(:country) { described_class.new(:name, value: ->(country){ country.cities }) }
+ let!(:country) { described_class.new(:name, value: ->(country) { country.cities }) }
let!(:city) { described_class.new(:name, value: ->(city, country) { city.districts.map { |district| [district, country.name] } }) }
let!(:district) { described_class.new(:name, value: ->(district, city, country) { [district, city.name, country.name] }) }
@@ -44,14 +47,16 @@
- specify { expect(country.compose(double(name: 'Thailand', cities: [
- double(name: 'Bangkok', districts: ['First', 'Second'])
- ]))).to eq(name: [
- { name: [
- { name: [['First', 'Thailand'], 'Bangkok', 'Thailand'] },
- { name: [['Second', 'Thailand'], 'Bangkok', 'Thailand'] }
- ] }
- ]) }
+ specify do
+ expect(country.compose(double(name: 'Thailand', cities: [
+ double(name: 'Bangkok', districts: %w(First Second))
+ ]))).to eq(name: [
+ { name: [
+ { name: [%w(First Thailand), 'Bangkok', 'Thailand'] },
+ { name: [%w(Second Thailand), 'Bangkok', 'Thailand'] }
+ ] }
+ ])
+ end
context 'implicit values' do
@@ -61,46 +66,50 @@
- specify { expect(field.compose(double(name: 'Alex'))).to eq({name: 'Alex'}) }
+ specify { expect(field.compose(double(name: 'Alex'))).to eq(name: 'Alex') }
context 'hash values' do
let(:field) { described_class.new(:name, type: 'object') }
- let(:object) { double(name: { key1: 'value1', key2: 'value2'}) }
+ let(:object) { double(name: { key1: 'value1', key2: 'value2' }) }
before do
- field.children.push(described_class.new(:key1, value: ->(h){ h[:key1] }))
- field.children.push(described_class.new(:key2, value: ->(h){ h[:key2] }))
+ field.children.push(described_class.new(:key1, value: ->(h) { h[:key1] }))
+ field.children.push(described_class.new(:key2, value: ->(h) { h[:key2] }))
- specify{ expect(field.compose(object)).to eq({ name: { key1: 'value1', key2: 'value2'} }) }
+ specify { expect(field.compose(object)).to eq(name: { key1: 'value1', key2: 'value2' }) }
describe '#mappings_hash' do
let(:field) { described_class.new(:name, type: :object) }
- let(:fields1) { Array.new(2) { |i| described_class.new("name#{i+1}", type: "string#{i+1}") } }
- let(:fields2) { Array.new(2) { |i| described_class.new("name#{i+3}", type: "string#{i+3}") } }
+ let(:fields1) { Array.new(2) { |i| described_class.new("name#{i + 1}", type: "string#{i + 1}") } }
+ let(:fields2) { Array.new(2) { |i| described_class.new("name#{i + 3}", type: "string#{i + 3}") } }
before do
fields1.each { |m| field.children.push(m) }
fields2.each { |m| fields1[0].children.push(m) }
- specify { expect(field.mappings_hash).to eq({name: {type: :object, properties: {
- name1: {type: 'string1', fields: {
- name3: {type: 'string3'}, name4: {type: 'string4'}
- }}, name2: {type: 'string2'}
- }}}) }
+ specify do
+ expect(field.mappings_hash).to eq(name: { type: :object, properties: {
+ name1: { type: 'string1', fields: {
+ name3: { type: 'string3' }, name4: { type: 'string4' }
+ } }, name2: { type: 'string2' }
+ } })
+ end
context do
let(:field) { described_class.new(:name, type: :string) }
- let(:fields1) { Array.new(2) { |i| described_class.new("name#{i+1}") } }
+ let(:fields1) { Array.new(2) { |i| described_class.new("name#{i + 1}") } }
- specify { expect(field.mappings_hash).to eq({name: {type: :string, fields: {
- name1: {type: 'object', properties: {
- name3: {type: 'string3'}, name4: {type: 'string4'}
- }}, name2: {type: 'string'}
- }}}) }
+ specify do
+ expect(field.mappings_hash).to eq(name: { type: :string, fields: {
+ name1: { type: 'object', properties: {
+ name3: { type: 'string3' }, name4: { type: 'string4' }
+ } }, name2: { type: 'string' }
+ } })
+ end
@@ -122,48 +131,48 @@
specify do
- expect(EventsIndex::Event.mappings_hash).to eq({ event: {
- properties: {
- id: { type: 'string' },
- category: {
- type: 'object',
- properties: {
- id: { type: 'string' },
- licenses: {
- type: 'object',
- properties: {
- id: { type: 'string' },
- name: { type: 'string' } } } } } } } })
+ expect(EventsIndex::Event.mappings_hash).to eq(event: {
+ properties: {
+ id: { type: 'string' },
+ category: {
+ type: 'object',
+ properties: {
+ id: { type: 'string' },
+ licenses: {
+ type: 'object',
+ properties: {
+ id: { type: 'string' },
+ name: { type: 'string' }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ })
specify do
- id: 1, category: { id: 2, licenses: { id: 3, name: 'Name' } }
- )).to eq({
- 'event' => { 'id' => 1, 'category' => { 'id' => 2, 'licenses' => {'id' => 3, 'name' => 'Name'}}}
- })
+ id: 1, category: { id: 2, licenses: { id: 3, name: 'Name' } }
+ )).to eq('event' => { 'id' => 1, 'category' => { 'id' => 2, 'licenses' => { 'id' => 3, 'name' => 'Name' } } })
specify do
expect(EventsIndex::Event.root_object.compose(id: 1, category: [
{ id: 2, 'licenses' => { id: 3, name: 'Name1' } },
- { id: 4, licenses: nil}
- ])).to eq({
- 'event' => { 'id' => 1, 'category' => [
- { 'id' => 2, 'licenses' => { 'id' => 3, 'name' => 'Name1' } },
- {'id' => 4, 'licenses' => nil.as_json }
- ] }
- })
+ { id: 4, licenses: nil }
+ ])).to eq('event' => { 'id' => 1, 'category' => [
+ { 'id' => 2, 'licenses' => { 'id' => 3, 'name' => 'Name1' } },
+ { 'id' => 4, 'licenses' => nil.as_json }
+ ] })
specify do
expect(EventsIndex::Event.root_object.compose('id' => 1, category: { id: 2, licenses: [
{ id: 3, name: 'Name1' }, { id: 4, name: 'Name2' }
- ] })).to eq({
- 'event' => { 'id' => 1, 'category' => { 'id' => 2, 'licenses' => [
- {'id' => 3, 'name' => 'Name1'}, {'id' => 4, 'name' => 'Name2'}
- ] } }
- })
+ ] })).to eq('event' => { 'id' => 1, 'category' => { 'id' => 2, 'licenses' => [
+ { 'id' => 3, 'name' => 'Name1' }, { 'id' => 4, 'name' => 'Name2' }
+ ] } })
specify do
@@ -172,44 +181,36 @@
{ id: 3, 'name' => 'Name1' }, { id: 4, name: 'Name2' }
] },
{ id: 5, licenses: [] }
- ])).to eq({
- 'event' => { 'id' => 1, 'category' => [
- { 'id' => 2, 'licenses' => [
- { 'id' => 3, 'name' => 'Name1' }, { 'id' => 4, 'name' => 'Name2' }
- ] },
- {'id' => 5, 'licenses' => [] }
- ] }
- })
+ ])).to eq('event' => { 'id' => 1, 'category' => [
+ { 'id' => 2, 'licenses' => [
+ { 'id' => 3, 'name' => 'Name1' }, { 'id' => 4, 'name' => 'Name2' }
+ ] },
+ { 'id' => 5, 'licenses' => [] }
+ ] })
specify do
- double(id: 1, category: double(id: 2, licenses: double(id: 3, name: 'Name')))
- )).to eq({
- 'event' => { 'id' => 1, 'category' => { 'id' => 2, 'licenses' => {'id' => 3, 'name' => 'Name'}}}
- })
+ double(id: 1, category: double(id: 2, licenses: double(id: 3, name: 'Name')))
+ )).to eq('event' => { 'id' => 1, 'category' => { 'id' => 2, 'licenses' => { 'id' => 3, 'name' => 'Name' } } })
specify do
expect(EventsIndex::Event.root_object.compose(double(id: 1, category: [
double(id: 2, licenses: double(id: 3, name: 'Name1')),
double(id: 4, licenses: nil)
- ]))).to eq({
- 'event' => { 'id' => 1, 'category' => [
- { 'id' => 2, 'licenses' => { 'id' => 3, 'name' => 'Name1' } },
- {'id' => 4, 'licenses' => nil.as_json }
- ] }
- })
+ ]))).to eq('event' => { 'id' => 1, 'category' => [
+ { 'id' => 2, 'licenses' => { 'id' => 3, 'name' => 'Name1' } },
+ { 'id' => 4, 'licenses' => nil.as_json }
+ ] })
specify do
expect(EventsIndex::Event.root_object.compose(double(id: 1, category: double(id: 2, licenses: [
double(id: 3, name: 'Name1'), double(id: 4, name: 'Name2')
- ])))).to eq({
- 'event' => { 'id' => 1, 'category' => { 'id' => 2, 'licenses' => [
- {'id' => 3, 'name' => 'Name1'}, {'id' => 4, 'name' => 'Name2'}
- ] } }
- })
+ ])))).to eq('event' => { 'id' => 1, 'category' => { 'id' => 2, 'licenses' => [
+ { 'id' => 3, 'name' => 'Name1' }, { 'id' => 4, 'name' => 'Name2' }
+ ] } })
specify do
@@ -218,14 +219,12 @@
double(id: 3, name: 'Name1'), double(id: 4, name: 'Name2')
double(id: 5, licenses: [])
- ]))).to eq({
- 'event' => { 'id' => 1, 'category' => [
- { 'id' => 2, 'licenses' => [
- { 'id' => 3, 'name' => 'Name1' }, { 'id' => 4, 'name' => 'Name2' }
- ] },
- {'id' => 5, 'licenses' => [] }
- ] }
- })
+ ]))).to eq('event' => { 'id' => 1, 'category' => [
+ { 'id' => 2, 'licenses' => [
+ { 'id' => 3, 'name' => 'Name1' }, { 'id' => 4, 'name' => 'Name2' }
+ ] },
+ { 'id' => 5, 'licenses' => [] }
+ ] })
@@ -234,9 +233,9 @@
stub_index(:events) do
define_type :event do
field :id
- field :category, value: ->{ categories } do
+ field :category, value: -> { categories } do
field :id
- field :licenses, value: ->{ license } do
+ field :licenses, value: -> { license } do
field :id
field :name
@@ -247,10 +246,8 @@
specify do
- double(id: 1, categories: double(id: 2, license: double(id: 3, name: 'Name')))
- )).to eq({
- 'event' => { 'id' => 1, 'category' => { 'id' => 2, 'licenses' => {'id' => 3, 'name' => 'Name'}}}
- })
+ double(id: 1, categories: double(id: 2, license: double(id: 3, name: 'Name')))
+ )).to eq('event' => { 'id' => 1, 'category' => { 'id' => 2, 'licenses' => { 'id' => 3, 'name' => 'Name' } } })
@@ -268,48 +265,44 @@
specify do
- expect(EventsIndex::Event.mappings_hash).to eq({ event: {
- properties: {
- id: { type: 'string' },
- name: {
- type: 'string',
- fields: {
- raw: { analyzer: 'my_own', type: 'string' }
- }
- },
- category: { type: 'object' }
- }
- } })
+ expect(EventsIndex::Event.mappings_hash).to eq(event: {
+ properties: {
+ id: { type: 'string' },
+ name: {
+ type: 'string',
+ fields: {
+ raw: { analyzer: 'my_own', type: 'string' }
+ }
+ },
+ category: { type: 'object' }
+ }
+ })
specify do
- double(id: 1, name: 'Jonny', category: double(id: 2, as_json: {'name' => 'Borogoves'}))
- )).to eq({
- 'event' => {
- 'id' => 1,
- 'name' => 'Jonny',
- 'category' => { 'name' => 'Borogoves' }
- }
- })
+ double(id: 1, name: 'Jonny', category: double(id: 2, as_json: { 'name' => 'Borogoves' }))
+ )).to eq('event' => {
+ 'id' => 1,
+ 'name' => 'Jonny',
+ 'category' => { 'name' => 'Borogoves' }
+ })
specify do
- double(id: 1, name: 'Jonny', category: [
- double(id: 2, as_json: { 'name' => 'Borogoves1' }),
- double(id: 3, as_json: { 'name' => 'Borogoves2' })
- ])
- )).to eq({
- 'event' => {
- 'id' => 1,
- 'name' => 'Jonny',
- 'category' => [
- { 'name' => 'Borogoves1' },
- { 'name' => 'Borogoves2' }
- ]
- }
- })
+ double(id: 1, name: 'Jonny', category: [
+ double(id: 2, as_json: { 'name' => 'Borogoves1' }),
+ double(id: 3, as_json: { 'name' => 'Borogoves2' })
+ ])
+ )).to eq('event' => {
+ 'id' => 1,
+ 'name' => 'Jonny',
+ 'category' => [
+ { 'name' => 'Borogoves1' },
+ { 'name' => 'Borogoves2' }
+ ]
+ })
@@ -358,11 +351,9 @@
specify do
- expect(CountriesIndex::Country.root_object.compose(country_with_cities)).to eq({
- 'country' => { 'id' => 1, 'cities' => [
- { 'id' => 1, 'name' => 'City1' }, { 'id' => 2, 'name' => 'City2' }
- ] }
- })
+ expect(CountriesIndex::Country.root_object.compose(country_with_cities)).to eq('country' => { 'id' => 1, 'cities' => [
+ { 'id' => 1, 'name' => 'City1' }, { 'id' => 2, 'name' => 'City2' }
+ ] })
context 'nested object' do
@@ -380,10 +371,8 @@
specify do
- City.create!(id: 1, country: Country.create!(id: 1, name: 'Country'))
- )).to eq({
- 'city' => { 'id' => 1, 'country' => { 'id' => 1, 'name' => 'Country' } }
- })
+ City.create!(id: 1, country: Country.create!(id: 1, name: 'Country'))
+ )).to eq('city' => { 'id' => 1, 'country' => { 'id' => 1, 'name' => 'Country' } })
diff --git a/spec/chewy/fields/root_spec.rb b/spec/chewy/fields/root_spec.rb
index 99daa6627..8f3ee3541 100644
--- a/spec/chewy/fields/root_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/chewy/fields/root_spec.rb
@@ -13,31 +13,33 @@
field.dynamic_template 'hello.*'
- field.dynamic_template template_42: {mapping: {}, match: ''}
+ field.dynamic_template template_42: { mapping: {}, match: '' }
- expect(field.mappings_hash).to eq({product: {dynamic_templates: [
- {template_1: {mapping: {type: 'string'}, match: 'hello'}},
- {template_2: {mapping: {}, match_mapping_type: 'integer', match: 'hello*'}},
- {template_3: {mapping: {}, path_match: 'hello.*'}},
- {template_4: {mapping: {}, match: 'hello', match_pattern: 'regexp'}},
- {template_5: {mapping: {}, match: 'hello.*', match_pattern: 'regexp'}},
- {template_42: {mapping: {}, match: ''}},
- {template_7: {mapping: {}, path_match: 'hello\..*', match_pattern: 'regexp'}}
- ]}})
+ expect(field.mappings_hash).to eq(product: { dynamic_templates: [
+ { template_1: { mapping: { type: 'string' }, match: 'hello' } },
+ { template_2: { mapping: {}, match_mapping_type: 'integer', match: 'hello*' } },
+ { template_3: { mapping: {}, path_match: 'hello.*' } },
+ { template_4: { mapping: {}, match: 'hello', match_pattern: 'regexp' } },
+ { template_5: { mapping: {}, match: 'hello.*', match_pattern: 'regexp' } },
+ { template_42: { mapping: {}, match: '' } },
+ { template_7: { mapping: {}, path_match: 'hello\..*', match_pattern: 'regexp' } }
+ ] })
context do
- subject(:field) { described_class.new('product', dynamic_templates: [
- {template_42: {mapping: {}, match: ''}}
- ]) }
+ subject(:field) do
+ described_class.new('product', dynamic_templates: [
+ { template_42: { mapping: {}, match: '' } }
+ ])
+ end
specify do
field.dynamic_template 'hello', type: 'string'
- expect(field.mappings_hash).to eq({product: {dynamic_templates: [
- {template_42: {mapping: {}, match: ''}},
- {template_1: {mapping: {type: 'string'}, match: 'hello'}}
- ]}})
+ expect(field.mappings_hash).to eq(product: { dynamic_templates: [
+ { template_42: { mapping: {}, match: '' } },
+ { template_1: { mapping: { type: 'string' }, match: 'hello' } }
+ ] })
diff --git a/spec/chewy/fields/time_fields_spec.rb b/spec/chewy/fields/time_fields_spec.rb
index 0cc1f2608..19459fcff 100644
--- a/spec/chewy/fields/time_fields_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/chewy/fields/time_fields_spec.rb
@@ -11,17 +11,19 @@
- before { PostsIndex::Post.import(
- double(published_at: ActiveSupport::TimeZone[-28800].parse('2014/12/18 19:00')),
- double(published_at: ActiveSupport::TimeZone[-21600].parse('2014/12/18 20:00')),
- double(published_at: ActiveSupport::TimeZone[-21600].parse('2014/12/17 20:00')),
- ) }
+ before do
+ PostsIndex::Post.import(
+ double(published_at: ActiveSupport::TimeZone[-28_800].parse('2014/12/18 19:00')),
+ double(published_at: ActiveSupport::TimeZone[-21_600].parse('2014/12/18 20:00')),
+ double(published_at: ActiveSupport::TimeZone[-21_600].parse('2014/12/17 20:00'))
+ )
+ end
- let(:time) { ActiveSupport::TimeZone[-14400].parse('2014/12/18 22:00') }
+ let(:time) { ActiveSupport::TimeZone[-14_400].parse('2014/12/18 22:00') }
let(:range) { (time - 1.minute)..(time + 1.minute) }
specify { expect(PostsIndex.total).to eq(3) }
- specify { expect(PostsIndex.filter { published_at == o{range} }.count).to eq(1) }
- specify { expect(PostsIndex.filter { published_at == o{range.min.utc..(range.max + 1.hour).utc} }.count).to eq(2) }
- specify { expect(PostsIndex.filter { published_at == o{[range.min..range.max]} }.count).to eq(1) }
+ specify { expect(PostsIndex.filter { published_at == o { range } }.count).to eq(1) }
+ specify { expect(PostsIndex.filter { published_at == o { range.min.utc..(range.max + 1.hour).utc } }.count).to eq(2) }
+ specify { expect(PostsIndex.filter { published_at == o { [range.min..range.max] } }.count).to eq(1) }
diff --git a/spec/chewy/index/actions_spec.rb b/spec/chewy/index/actions_spec.rb
index a027595f6..3c644f1cc 100644
--- a/spec/chewy/index/actions_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/chewy/index/actions_spec.rb
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
context do
before { DummiesIndex.create '2014' }
- specify { expect(DummiesIndex.indexes).to match_array(['dummies_2013', 'dummies_2014']) }
+ specify { expect(DummiesIndex.indexes).to match_array(%w(dummies_2013 dummies_2014)) }
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
context do
before { DummiesIndex.create! '2014' }
- specify { expect(DummiesIndex.indexes).to match_array(['dummies_2013', 'dummies_2014']) }
+ specify { expect(DummiesIndex.indexes).to match_array(%w(dummies_2013 dummies_2014)) }
diff --git a/spec/chewy/index/aliases_spec.rb b/spec/chewy/index/aliases_spec.rb
index 3c17ca5a2..5d96eabc3 100644
--- a/spec/chewy/index/aliases_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/chewy/index/aliases_spec.rb
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
context do
before { DummiesIndex.create! '2013' }
before { DummiesIndex.create! '2014' }
- specify { expect(DummiesIndex.indexes).to match_array(['dummies_2013', 'dummies_2014']) }
+ specify { expect(DummiesIndex.indexes).to match_array(%w(dummies_2013 dummies_2014)) }
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
before { DummiesIndex.create! }
before { Chewy.client.indices.put_alias index: 'dummies', name: 'dummies_2013' }
before { Chewy.client.indices.put_alias index: 'dummies', name: 'dummies_2014' }
- specify { expect(DummiesIndex.aliases).to match_array(['dummies_2013', 'dummies_2014']) }
+ specify { expect(DummiesIndex.aliases).to match_array(%w(dummies_2013 dummies_2014)) }
context do
diff --git a/spec/chewy/index/settings_spec.rb b/spec/chewy/index/settings_spec.rb
index a7c0f9db1..2ae86daf9 100644
--- a/spec/chewy/index/settings_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/chewy/index/settings_spec.rb
@@ -6,77 +6,99 @@
before { allow(Chewy).to receive_messages(repository: Chewy::Repository.send(:new)) }
specify { expect(described_class.new.to_hash).to eq({}) }
- specify { expect(described_class.new(number_of_nodes: 3).to_hash).to eq({settings: {number_of_nodes: 3}}) }
- specify { expect(described_class.new(number_of_nodes: 3, analysis: {}).to_hash)
- .to eq({settings: {number_of_nodes: 3, analysis: {}}}) }
- specify { expect(described_class.new(number_of_nodes: 3, analysis: {filter: {filter1: {}}}).to_hash)
- .to eq({settings: {number_of_nodes: 3, analysis: {filter: {filter1: {}}}}}) }
- specify { expect(described_class.new(number_of_nodes: 3, analysis: {analyzer: {analyzer1: {}}}).to_hash)
- .to eq({settings: {number_of_nodes: 3, analysis: {analyzer: {analyzer1: {}}}}}) }
- specify { expect(described_class.new(number_of_nodes: 3, analysis: {
- analyzer: {analyzer1: {tokenizer: 'tokenizer1', filter: ['filter1', 'filter2']}}
- }).to_hash)
- .to eq({settings: {number_of_nodes: 3, analysis: {
- analyzer: {analyzer1: {tokenizer: 'tokenizer1', filter: ['filter1', 'filter2']}}
- }}}) }
- specify { expect(described_class.new(number_of_nodes: 3, analysis: {analyser: ['analyzer1']}).to_hash)
- .to eq({settings: {number_of_nodes: 3, analysis: {}}}) }
+ specify { expect(described_class.new(number_of_nodes: 3).to_hash).to eq(settings: { number_of_nodes: 3 }) }
+ specify do
+ expect(described_class.new(number_of_nodes: 3, analysis: {}).to_hash)
+ .to eq(settings: { number_of_nodes: 3, analysis: {} })
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(described_class.new(number_of_nodes: 3, analysis: { filter: { filter1: {} } }).to_hash)
+ .to eq(settings: { number_of_nodes: 3, analysis: { filter: { filter1: {} } } })
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(described_class.new(number_of_nodes: 3, analysis: { analyzer: { analyzer1: {} } }).to_hash)
+ .to eq(settings: { number_of_nodes: 3, analysis: { analyzer: { analyzer1: {} } } })
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(described_class.new(number_of_nodes: 3, analysis: {
+ analyzer: { analyzer1: { tokenizer: 'tokenizer1', filter: %w(filter1 filter2) } }
+ }).to_hash)
+ .to eq(settings: { number_of_nodes: 3, analysis: {
+ analyzer: { analyzer1: { tokenizer: 'tokenizer1', filter: %w(filter1 filter2) } }
+ } })
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(described_class.new(number_of_nodes: 3, analysis: { analyser: ['analyzer1'] }).to_hash)
+ .to eq(settings: { number_of_nodes: 3, analysis: {} })
+ end
context do
- before { Chewy.tokenizer :tokenizer1, {options: 42} }
+ before { Chewy.tokenizer :tokenizer1, options: 42 }
- specify { expect(described_class.new(number_of_nodes: 3, analysis: {
- analyzer: {analyzer1: {tokenizer: 'tokenizer1', filter: ['filter1', 'filter2']}}
- }).to_hash)
- .to eq({settings: {number_of_nodes: 3, analysis: {
- analyzer: {analyzer1: {tokenizer: 'tokenizer1', filter: ['filter1', 'filter2']}},
- tokenizer: {tokenizer1: {options: 42}}
- }}}) }
+ specify do
+ expect(described_class.new(number_of_nodes: 3, analysis: {
+ analyzer: { analyzer1: { tokenizer: 'tokenizer1', filter: %w(filter1 filter2) } }
+ }).to_hash)
+ .to eq(settings: { number_of_nodes: 3, analysis: {
+ analyzer: { analyzer1: { tokenizer: 'tokenizer1', filter: %w(filter1 filter2) } },
+ tokenizer: { tokenizer1: { options: 42 } }
+ } })
+ end
context do
before do
- Chewy.filter :filter2, {options: 42}
- Chewy.filter :filter3, {options: 43}
- Chewy.filter :filter5, {options: 44}
+ Chewy.filter :filter2, options: 42
+ Chewy.filter :filter3, options: 43
+ Chewy.filter :filter5, options: 44
- specify { expect(described_class.new(number_of_nodes: 3, analysis: {
- analyzer: {analyzer1: {tokenizer: 'tokenizer1', filter: ['filter1', 'filter2']}},
- filter: ['filter3', {filter4: {options: 45}}]
- }).to_hash)
- .to eq({settings: {number_of_nodes: 3, analysis: {
- analyzer: {analyzer1: {tokenizer: 'tokenizer1', filter: ['filter1', 'filter2']}},
- filter: {filter2: {options: 42}, filter3: {options: 43}, filter4: {options: 45}}
- }}}) }
+ specify do
+ expect(described_class.new(number_of_nodes: 3, analysis: {
+ analyzer: { analyzer1: { tokenizer: 'tokenizer1', filter: %w(filter1 filter2) } },
+ filter: ['filter3', { filter4: { options: 45 } }]
+ }).to_hash)
+ .to eq(settings: { number_of_nodes: 3, analysis: {
+ analyzer: { analyzer1: { tokenizer: 'tokenizer1', filter: %w(filter1 filter2) } },
+ filter: { filter2: { options: 42 }, filter3: { options: 43 }, filter4: { options: 45 } }
+ } })
+ end
context do
before do
- Chewy.analyzer :analyzer1, {options: 42, tokenizer: 'tokenizer1'}
- Chewy.tokenizer :tokenizer1, {options: 43}
+ Chewy.analyzer :analyzer1, options: 42, tokenizer: 'tokenizer1'
+ Chewy.tokenizer :tokenizer1, options: 43
- specify { expect(described_class.new(number_of_nodes: 3, analysis: {
- analyzer: ['analyzer1', {analyzer2: {options: 44}}]
- }).to_hash)
- .to eq({settings: {number_of_nodes: 3, analysis: {
- analyzer: {analyzer1: {options: 42, tokenizer: 'tokenizer1'}, analyzer2: {options: 44}},
- tokenizer: {tokenizer1: {options: 43}}
- }}}) }
+ specify do
+ expect(described_class.new(number_of_nodes: 3, analysis: {
+ analyzer: ['analyzer1', { analyzer2: { options: 44 } }]
+ }).to_hash)
+ .to eq(settings: { number_of_nodes: 3, analysis: {
+ analyzer: { analyzer1: { options: 42, tokenizer: 'tokenizer1' }, analyzer2: { options: 44 } },
+ tokenizer: { tokenizer1: { options: 43 } }
+ } })
+ end
context ':index' do
- specify { expect(described_class.new(index: {number_of_shards: 3}).to_hash)
- .to eq({settings: {index: {number_of_shards: 3}}}) }
+ specify do
+ expect(described_class.new(index: { number_of_shards: 3 }).to_hash)
+ .to eq(settings: { index: { number_of_shards: 3 } })
+ end
context do
- before { allow(Chewy).to receive_messages(configuration: {index: {number_of_shards: 7, number_of_replicas: 2}}) }
+ before { allow(Chewy).to receive_messages(configuration: { index: { number_of_shards: 7, number_of_replicas: 2 } }) }
- specify { expect(described_class.new.to_hash)
- .to eq({settings: {index: {number_of_shards: 7, number_of_replicas: 2}}}) }
- specify { expect(described_class.new(index: {number_of_shards: 3}).to_hash)
- .to eq({settings: {index: {number_of_shards: 3, number_of_replicas: 2}}}) }
+ specify do
+ expect(described_class.new.to_hash)
+ .to eq(settings: { index: { number_of_shards: 7, number_of_replicas: 2 } })
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(described_class.new(index: { number_of_shards: 3 }).to_hash)
+ .to eq(settings: { index: { number_of_shards: 3, number_of_replicas: 2 } })
+ end
diff --git a/spec/chewy/index_spec.rb b/spec/chewy/index_spec.rb
index a367dbcbf..1726cda9a 100644
--- a/spec/chewy/index_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/chewy/index_spec.rb
@@ -62,14 +62,14 @@
specify { expect(stub_const('DevelopersIndex', Class.new(Chewy::Index)).index_name).to eq('developers') }
context do
- before { allow(Chewy).to receive_messages(configuration: {prefix: 'testing'}) }
+ before { allow(Chewy).to receive_messages(configuration: { prefix: 'testing' }) }
specify { expect(DummiesIndex.index_name).to eq('testing_dummies') }
specify { expect(stub_index(:dummies) { index_name :users }.index_name).to eq('testing_users') }
describe '.default_prefix' do
- before { allow(Chewy).to receive_messages(configuration: {prefix: 'testing'}) }
+ before { allow(Chewy).to receive_messages(configuration: { prefix: 'testing' }) }
specify { expect(Class.new(Chewy::Index).default_prefix).to eq('testing') }
@@ -92,25 +92,25 @@
before { stub_class('City::District', City) }
specify do
- expect {
+ expect do
Kernel.eval <<-DUMMY_CITY_INDEX
class DummyCityIndex < Chewy::Index
define_type City
define_type City::District
- }.not_to raise_error
+ end.not_to raise_error
specify do
- expect {
+ expect do
Kernel.eval <<-DUMMY_CITY_INDEX
class DummyCityIndex2 < Chewy::Index
define_type City
define_type City::Nothing
- }.to raise_error(NameError)
+ end.to raise_error(NameError)
@@ -153,24 +153,26 @@ def self.city
before do
allow(Chewy).to receive_messages(config: Chewy::Config.send(:new))
- Chewy.analyzer :name, filter: ['lowercase', 'icu_folding', 'names_nysiis']
+ Chewy.analyzer :name, filter: %w(lowercase icu_folding names_nysiis)
Chewy.analyzer :phone, tokenizer: 'ngram', char_filter: ['phone']
Chewy.tokenizer :ngram, type: 'nGram', min_gram: 3, max_gram: 3
Chewy.char_filter :phone, type: 'pattern_replace', pattern: '[^\d]', replacement: ''
Chewy.filter :names_nysiis, type: 'phonetic', encoder: 'nysiis', replace: false
- let(:documents) { stub_index(:documents) { settings analysis: {analyzer: [:name, :phone, {sorted: {option: :baz}}]} } }
- specify { expect { documents.settings_hash }.to_not change(documents._settings, :inspect) }
- specify { expect(documents.settings_hash).to eq({settings: {analysis: {
- analyzer: {name: {filter: ['lowercase', 'icu_folding', 'names_nysiis']},
- phone: {tokenizer: 'ngram', char_filter: ['phone']},
- sorted: {option: :baz}},
- tokenizer: {ngram: {type: 'nGram', min_gram: 3, max_gram: 3}},
- char_filter: {phone: {type: 'pattern_replace', pattern: '[^\d]', replacement: ''}},
- filter: {names_nysiis: {type: 'phonetic', encoder: 'nysiis', replace: false}}
- }}}) }
+ let(:documents) { stub_index(:documents) { settings analysis: { analyzer: [:name, :phone, { sorted: { option: :baz } }] } } }
+ specify { expect { documents.settings_hash }.to_not change(documents._settings, :inspect) }
+ specify do
+ expect(documents.settings_hash).to eq(settings: { analysis: {
+ analyzer: { name: { filter: %w(lowercase icu_folding names_nysiis) },
+ phone: { tokenizer: 'ngram', char_filter: ['phone'] },
+ sorted: { option: :baz } },
+ tokenizer: { ngram: { type: 'nGram', min_gram: 3, max_gram: 3 } },
+ char_filter: { phone: { type: 'pattern_replace', pattern: '[^\d]', replacement: '' } },
+ filter: { names_nysiis: { type: 'phonetic', encoder: 'nysiis', replace: false } }
+ } })
+ end
describe '.scopes' do
@@ -205,25 +207,29 @@ def self.by_id
before { allow(Chewy).to receive_messages(config: Chewy::Config.send(:new)) }
specify { expect(stub_index(:documents).settings_hash).to eq({}) }
- specify { expect(stub_index(:documents) { settings number_of_shards: 1 }.settings_hash).to eq({settings: {number_of_shards: 1}}) }
+ specify { expect(stub_index(:documents) { settings number_of_shards: 1 }.settings_hash).to eq(settings: { number_of_shards: 1 }) }
describe '.mappings_hash' do
specify { expect(stub_index(:documents).mappings_hash).to eq({}) }
specify { expect(stub_index(:documents) { define_type :document }.mappings_hash).to eq({}) }
- specify { expect(stub_index(:documents) do
- define_type :document do
- field :name, type: 'string'
- end
- end.mappings_hash).to eq({mappings: {document: {properties: {name: {type: 'string'}}}}}) }
- specify { expect(stub_index(:documents) do
- define_type :document do
- field :name, type: 'string'
- end
- define_type :document2 do
- field :name, type: 'string'
- end
- end.mappings_hash[:mappings].keys).to match_array([:document, :document2]) }
+ specify do
+ expect(stub_index(:documents) do
+ define_type :document do
+ field :name, type: 'string'
+ end
+ end.mappings_hash).to eq(mappings: { document: { properties: { name: { type: 'string' } } } })
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(stub_index(:documents) do
+ define_type :document do
+ field :name, type: 'string'
+ end
+ define_type :document2 do
+ field :name, type: 'string'
+ end
+ end.mappings_hash[:mappings].keys).to match_array([:document, :document2])
+ end
describe '.index_params' do
@@ -231,24 +237,28 @@ def self.by_id
specify { expect(stub_index(:documents).index_params).to eq({}) }
specify { expect(stub_index(:documents) { settings number_of_shards: 1 }.index_params.keys).to eq([:settings]) }
- specify { expect(stub_index(:documents) do
- define_type :document do
- field :name, type: 'string'
- end
- end.index_params.keys).to eq([:mappings]) }
- specify { expect(stub_index(:documents) do
- settings number_of_shards: 1
- define_type :document do
- field :name, type: 'string'
- end
- end.index_params.keys).to match_array([:mappings, :settings]) }
+ specify do
+ expect(stub_index(:documents) do
+ define_type :document do
+ field :name, type: 'string'
+ end
+ end.index_params.keys).to eq([:mappings])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(stub_index(:documents) do
+ settings number_of_shards: 1
+ define_type :document do
+ field :name, type: 'string'
+ end
+ end.index_params.keys).to match_array([:mappings, :settings])
+ end
describe '.journal?' do
specify { expect(stub_index(:documents).journal?).to eq false }
context do
- before { allow(Chewy).to receive_messages(configuration: {journal: true}) }
+ before { allow(Chewy).to receive_messages(configuration: { journal: true }) }
specify { expect(stub_index(:documents).journal?).to eq false }
@@ -263,7 +273,7 @@ def self.by_id
specify { expect(index.journal?).to eq false }
context do
- before { allow(Chewy).to receive_messages(configuration: {journal: true}) }
+ before { allow(Chewy).to receive_messages(configuration: { journal: true }) }
specify { expect(index.journal?).to eq true }
diff --git a/spec/chewy/minitest/helpers_spec.rb b/spec/chewy/minitest/helpers_spec.rb
index de09e8f38..6b91d4877 100644
--- a/spec/chewy/minitest/helpers_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/chewy/minitest/helpers_spec.rb
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ class << self
alias_method :teardown, :after
- def assert_includes haystack, needle, _comment
+ def assert_includes(haystack, needle, _comment)
expect(haystack).to include(needle)
@@ -19,45 +19,45 @@ def assert_includes haystack, needle, _comment
before do
stub_index(:dummies) do
define_type :dummy do
- root value: ->(_o){{}}
+ root value: ->(_o) { {} }
context 'assert_indexes' do
specify 'doesn\'t fail when index updates correctly' do
- expect {
+ expect do
assert_indexes DummiesIndex::Dummy do
- DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{index: {_id: 42, data: {}}}, {index: {_id: 41, data: {}}}]
+ DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{ index: { _id: 42, data: {} } }, { index: { _id: 41, data: {} } }]
- }.to_not raise_error
+ end.to_not raise_error
specify 'fails when index doesn\'t update' do
- expect {
+ expect do
assert_indexes DummiesIndex::Dummy do
- }.to raise_error(RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError)
+ end.to raise_error(RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError)
specify 'SearchIndexReceiver catches the indexes' do
receiver = assert_indexes DummiesIndex::Dummy do
- DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{index: {_id: 42, data: {}}}, {index: {_id: 41, data: {}}}]
+ DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{ index: { _id: 42, data: {} } }, { index: { _id: 41, data: {} } }]
expect(receiver).to be_a(SearchIndexReceiver)
- .map {|index| index[:_id]}
- ).to match_array([41,42])
+ .map { |index| index[:_id] }
+ ).to match_array([41, 42])
specify 'Real index is bypassed when asserting' do
expect(DummiesIndex::Dummy).not_to receive(:bulk)
assert_indexes DummiesIndex::Dummy do
- DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{index: {_id: 42, data: {}}}, {index: {_id: 41, data: {}}}]
+ DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{ index: { _id: 42, data: {} } }, { index: { _id: 41, data: {} } }]
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ def assert_includes haystack, needle, _comment
expect(DummiesIndex::Dummy).to receive(:bulk)
assert_indexes DummiesIndex::Dummy, bypass_actual_index: false do
- DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{index: {_id: 42, data: {}}}, {index: {_id: 41, data: {}}}]
+ DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{ index: { _id: 42, data: {} } }, { index: { _id: 41, data: {} } }]
diff --git a/spec/chewy/minitest/search_index_receiver_spec.rb b/spec/chewy/minitest/search_index_receiver_spec.rb
index 94b941b22..c6b8f2088 100644
--- a/spec/chewy/minitest/search_index_receiver_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/chewy/minitest/search_index_receiver_spec.rb
@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
require 'chewy/minitest'
describe :search_index_receiver do
- def search_request item_count = 2, verb: :index
+ def search_request(item_count = 2, verb: :index)
items = Array.new(item_count) do |i|
- verb => {_id: i + 1, data: {}}
+ verb => { _id: i + 1, data: {} }
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ def search_request item_count = 2, verb: :index
- def parse_request request
- request.map {|r| r[:_id]}
+ def parse_request(request)
+ request.map { |r| r[:_id] }
let(:receiver) do
@@ -27,11 +27,11 @@ def parse_request request
before do
stub_index(:dummies) do
define_type :fizz do
- root value: ->(_o){{}}
+ root value: ->(_o) { {} }
define_type :buzz do
- root value: ->(_o){{}}
+ root value: ->(_o) { {} }
@@ -51,13 +51,13 @@ def parse_request request
specify 'returns indexes for a specific type' do
- expect(parse_request receiver.indexes_for(DummiesIndex::Fizz)).to match_array([1,2])
+ expect(parse_request(receiver.indexes_for(DummiesIndex::Fizz))).to match_array([1, 2])
specify 'returns only indexes for all types' do
index_responses = receiver.indexes
expect(index_responses.keys).to match_array([DummiesIndex::Fizz, DummiesIndex::Buzz])
- expect(parse_request index_responses.values.flatten).to match_array([1, 2, 1, 2, 3])
+ expect(parse_request(index_responses.values.flatten)).to match_array([1, 2, 1, 2, 3])
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ def parse_request request
specify 'returns deletes for a specific type' do
- expect(receiver.deletes_for(DummiesIndex::Buzz)).to match_array([1,2,3])
+ expect(receiver.deletes_for(DummiesIndex::Buzz)).to match_array([1, 2, 3])
specify 'returns only deletes for all types' do
@@ -85,12 +85,12 @@ def parse_request request
specify 'validates that an object was indexed' do
dummy = OpenStruct.new(id: 1)
- expect(receiver.indexed? dummy, DummiesIndex::Fizz).to be(true)
+ expect(receiver.indexed?(dummy, DummiesIndex::Fizz)).to be(true)
specify 'doesn\'t validate than unindexed objects were indexed' do
dummy = OpenStruct.new(id: 2)
- expect(receiver.indexed? dummy, DummiesIndex::Fizz).to be(false)
+ expect(receiver.indexed?(dummy, DummiesIndex::Fizz)).to be(false)
@@ -101,12 +101,12 @@ def parse_request request
specify 'validates than an object was deleted' do
dummy = OpenStruct.new(id: 1)
- expect(receiver.deleted? dummy, DummiesIndex::Fizz).to be(true)
+ expect(receiver.deleted?(dummy, DummiesIndex::Fizz)).to be(true)
specify 'doesn\'t validate than undeleted objects were deleted' do
dummy = OpenStruct.new(id: 2)
- expect(receiver.deleted? dummy, DummiesIndex::Fizz).to be(false)
+ expect(receiver.deleted?(dummy, DummiesIndex::Fizz)).to be(false)
@@ -117,5 +117,4 @@ def parse_request request
expect(receiver.updated_indexes).to match_array([DummiesIndex::Fizz, DummiesIndex::Buzz])
diff --git a/spec/chewy/query/criteria_spec.rb b/spec/chewy/query/criteria_spec.rb
index 2d3481870..b575eb198 100644
--- a/spec/chewy/query/criteria_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/chewy/query/criteria_spec.rb
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
its(:fields?) { should eq(false) }
its(:types?) { should eq(false) }
- its(:none?){ should eq(false) }
+ its(:none?) { should eq(false) }
describe '#update_options' do
specify { expect { subject.update_options(field: 'hello') }.to change { subject.options }.to(hash_including(field: 'hello')) }
@@ -47,8 +47,10 @@
specify { expect { subject.update_scores(:score) }.to change { subject.scores? }.to(true) }
specify { expect { subject.update_scores(:score) }.to change { subject.scores }.to([:score]) }
specify { expect { subject.update_scores([:score, :score2]) }.to change { subject.scores }.to([:score, :score2]) }
- specify { expect { subject.tap { |s| s.update_scores(:score1) }.update_scores([:score2, :score3]) }
- .to change { subject.scores }.to([:score1, :score2, :score3]) }
+ specify do
+ expect { subject.tap { |s| s.update_scores(:score1) }.update_scores([:score2, :score3]) }
+ .to change { subject.scores }.to([:score1, :score2, :score3])
+ end
describe '#update_aggregations' do
@@ -57,35 +59,56 @@
describe '#update_script_fields' do
- specify { expect { subject.update_script_fields(distance: {script: "doc['coordinates'].distanceInMiles(lat, lon)"}) }.to change { subject.script_fields? }.to(true) }
- specify { expect { subject.update_script_fields(distance_km: {script: "doc['coordinates'].distanceInKm(lat, lon)"}) }.to change { subject.script_fields }.to(distance_km: {script: "doc['coordinates'].distanceInKm(lat, lon)"}) }
+ specify { expect { subject.update_script_fields(distance: { script: "doc['coordinates'].distanceInMiles(lat, lon)" }) }.to change { subject.script_fields? }.to(true) }
+ specify { expect { subject.update_script_fields(distance_km: { script: "doc['coordinates'].distanceInKm(lat, lon)" }) }.to change { subject.script_fields }.to(distance_km: { script: "doc['coordinates'].distanceInKm(lat, lon)" }) }
describe '#update_queries' do
specify { expect { subject.update_queries(field: 'hello') }.to change { subject.queries? }.to(true) }
specify { expect { subject.update_queries(field: 'hello') }.to change { subject.queries }.to([field: 'hello']) }
- specify { expect { subject.update_queries(field: 'hello'); subject.update_queries(field: 'world') }
- .to change { subject.queries }.to([{field: 'hello'}, {field: 'world'}]) }
- specify { expect { subject.update_queries([{field: 'hello'}, {field: 'world'}, nil]) }
- .to change { subject.queries }.to([{field: 'hello'}, {field: 'world'}]) }
+ specify do
+ expect do
+ subject.update_queries(field: 'hello')
+ subject.update_queries(field: 'world')
+ end
+ .to change { subject.queries }.to([{ field: 'hello' }, { field: 'world' }])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect { subject.update_queries([{ field: 'hello' }, { field: 'world' }, nil]) }
+ .to change { subject.queries }.to([{ field: 'hello' }, { field: 'world' }])
+ end
describe '#update_filters' do
specify { expect { subject.update_filters(field: 'hello') }.to change { subject.filters? }.to(true) }
- specify { expect { subject.update_filters(field: 'hello') }.to change { subject.filters }.to([{field: 'hello'}]) }
- specify { expect { subject.update_filters(field: 'hello'); subject.update_filters(field: 'world') }
- .to change { subject.filters }.to([{field: 'hello'}, {field: 'world'}]) }
- specify { expect { subject.update_filters([{field: 'hello'}, {field: 'world'}, nil]) }
- .to change { subject.filters }.to([{field: 'hello'}, {field: 'world'}]) }
+ specify { expect { subject.update_filters(field: 'hello') }.to change { subject.filters }.to([{ field: 'hello' }]) }
+ specify do
+ expect do
+ subject.update_filters(field: 'hello')
+ subject.update_filters(field: 'world')
+ end
+ .to change { subject.filters }.to([{ field: 'hello' }, { field: 'world' }])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect { subject.update_filters([{ field: 'hello' }, { field: 'world' }, nil]) }
+ .to change { subject.filters }.to([{ field: 'hello' }, { field: 'world' }])
+ end
describe '#update_post_filters' do
specify { expect { subject.update_post_filters(field: 'hello') }.to change { subject.post_filters? }.to(true) }
- specify { expect { subject.update_post_filters(field: 'hello') }.to change { subject.post_filters }.to([{field: 'hello'}]) }
- specify { expect { subject.update_post_filters(field: 'hello'); subject.update_post_filters(field: 'world') }
- .to change { subject.post_filters }.to([{field: 'hello'}, {field: 'world'}]) }
- specify { expect { subject.update_post_filters([{field: 'hello'}, {field: 'world'}, nil]) }
- .to change { subject.post_filters }.to([{field: 'hello'}, {field: 'world'}]) }
+ specify { expect { subject.update_post_filters(field: 'hello') }.to change { subject.post_filters }.to([{ field: 'hello' }]) }
+ specify do
+ expect do
+ subject.update_post_filters(field: 'hello')
+ subject.update_post_filters(field: 'world')
+ end
+ .to change { subject.post_filters }.to([{ field: 'hello' }, { field: 'world' }])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect { subject.update_post_filters([{ field: 'hello' }, { field: 'world' }, nil]) }
+ .to change { subject.post_filters }.to([{ field: 'hello' }, { field: 'world' }])
+ end
describe '#update_sort' do
@@ -93,38 +116,46 @@
specify { expect { subject.update_sort([:field]) }.to change { subject.sort }.to([:field]) }
specify { expect { subject.update_sort([:field1, :field2]) }.to change { subject.sort }.to([:field1, :field2]) }
- specify { expect { subject.update_sort([{field: :asc}]) }.to change { subject.sort }.to([{field: :asc}]) }
- specify { expect { subject.update_sort([:field1, field2: {order: :asc}]) }.to change { subject.sort }.to([:field1, {field2: {order: :asc}}]) }
- specify { expect { subject.update_sort([{field1: {order: :asc}}, :field2]) }.to change { subject.sort }.to([{field1: {order: :asc}}, :field2]) }
- specify { expect { subject.update_sort([field1: :asc, field2: {order: :asc}]) }.to change { subject.sort }.to([{field1: :asc}, {field2: {order: :asc}}]) }
- specify { expect { subject.update_sort([{field1: {order: :asc}}, :field2, :field3]) }.to change { subject.sort }.to([{field1: {order: :asc}}, :field2, :field3]) }
- specify { expect { subject.update_sort([{field1: {order: :asc}}, [:field2, :field3]]) }.to change { subject.sort }.to([{field1: {order: :asc}}, :field2, :field3]) }
- specify { expect { subject.update_sort([{field1: {order: :asc}}, [:field2], :field3]) }.to change { subject.sort }.to([{field1: {order: :asc}}, :field2, :field3]) }
- specify { expect { subject.update_sort([{field1: {order: :asc}, field2: :desc}, [:field3], :field4]) }.to change { subject.sort }.to([{field1: {order: :asc}}, {field2: :desc}, :field3, :field4]) }
- specify { expect { subject.tap { |s| s.update_sort([field1: {order: :asc}, field2: :desc]) }.update_sort([[:field3], :field4]) }.to change { subject.sort }.to([{field1: {order: :asc}}, {field2: :desc}, :field3, :field4]) }
- specify { expect { subject.tap { |s| s.update_sort([field1: {order: :asc}, field2: :desc]) }.update_sort([[:field3], :field4], purge: true) }.to change { subject.sort }.to([:field3, :field4]) }
+ specify { expect { subject.update_sort([{ field: :asc }]) }.to change { subject.sort }.to([{ field: :asc }]) }
+ specify { expect { subject.update_sort([:field1, field2: { order: :asc }]) }.to change { subject.sort }.to([:field1, { field2: { order: :asc } }]) }
+ specify { expect { subject.update_sort([{ field1: { order: :asc } }, :field2]) }.to change { subject.sort }.to([{ field1: { order: :asc } }, :field2]) }
+ specify { expect { subject.update_sort([field1: :asc, field2: { order: :asc }]) }.to change { subject.sort }.to([{ field1: :asc }, { field2: { order: :asc } }]) }
+ specify { expect { subject.update_sort([{ field1: { order: :asc } }, :field2, :field3]) }.to change { subject.sort }.to([{ field1: { order: :asc } }, :field2, :field3]) }
+ specify { expect { subject.update_sort([{ field1: { order: :asc } }, [:field2, :field3]]) }.to change { subject.sort }.to([{ field1: { order: :asc } }, :field2, :field3]) }
+ specify { expect { subject.update_sort([{ field1: { order: :asc } }, [:field2], :field3]) }.to change { subject.sort }.to([{ field1: { order: :asc } }, :field2, :field3]) }
+ specify { expect { subject.update_sort([{ field1: { order: :asc }, field2: :desc }, [:field3], :field4]) }.to change { subject.sort }.to([{ field1: { order: :asc } }, { field2: :desc }, :field3, :field4]) }
+ specify { expect { subject.tap { |s| s.update_sort([field1: { order: :asc }, field2: :desc]) }.update_sort([[:field3], :field4]) }.to change { subject.sort }.to([{ field1: { order: :asc } }, { field2: :desc }, :field3, :field4]) }
+ specify { expect { subject.tap { |s| s.update_sort([field1: { order: :asc }, field2: :desc]) }.update_sort([[:field3], :field4], purge: true) }.to change { subject.sort }.to([:field3, :field4]) }
describe '#update_fields' do
specify { expect { subject.update_fields(:field) }.to change { subject.fields? }.to(true) }
specify { expect { subject.update_fields(:field) }.to change { subject.fields }.to(['field']) }
specify { expect { subject.update_fields([:field, :field]) }.to change { subject.fields }.to(['field']) }
- specify { expect { subject.update_fields([:field1, :field2]) }.to change { subject.fields }.to(['field1', 'field2']) }
- specify { expect { subject.tap { |s| s.update_fields(:field1) }.update_fields([:field2, :field3]) }
- .to change { subject.fields }.to(['field1', 'field2', 'field3']) }
- specify { expect { subject.tap { |s| s.update_fields(:field1) }.update_fields([:field2, :field3], purge: true) }
- .to change { subject.fields }.to(['field2', 'field3']) }
+ specify { expect { subject.update_fields([:field1, :field2]) }.to change { subject.fields }.to(%w(field1 field2)) }
+ specify do
+ expect { subject.tap { |s| s.update_fields(:field1) }.update_fields([:field2, :field3]) }
+ .to change { subject.fields }.to(%w(field1 field2 field3))
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect { subject.tap { |s| s.update_fields(:field1) }.update_fields([:field2, :field3], purge: true) }
+ .to change { subject.fields }.to(%w(field2 field3))
+ end
describe '#update_types' do
specify { expect { subject.update_types(:type) }.to change { subject.types? }.to(true) }
specify { expect { subject.update_types(:type) }.to change { subject.types }.to(['type']) }
specify { expect { subject.update_types([:type, :type]) }.to change { subject.types }.to(['type']) }
- specify { expect { subject.update_types([:type1, :type2]) }.to change { subject.types }.to(['type1', 'type2']) }
- specify { expect { subject.tap { |s| s.update_types(:type1) }.update_types([:type2, :type3]) }
- .to change { subject.types }.to(['type1', 'type2', 'type3']) }
- specify { expect { subject.tap { |s| s.update_types(:type1) }.update_types([:type2, :type3], purge: true) }
- .to change { subject.types }.to(['type2', 'type3']) }
+ specify { expect { subject.update_types([:type1, :type2]) }.to change { subject.types }.to(%w(type1 type2)) }
+ specify do
+ expect { subject.tap { |s| s.update_types(:type1) }.update_types([:type2, :type3]) }
+ .to change { subject.types }.to(%w(type1 type2 type3))
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect { subject.tap { |s| s.update_types(:type1) }.update_types([:type2, :type3], purge: true) }
+ .to change { subject.types }.to(%w(type2 type3))
+ end
describe '#merge' do
@@ -133,30 +164,54 @@
specify { expect(subject.merge(criteria)).not_to be_equal subject }
specify { expect(subject.merge(criteria)).not_to be_equal criteria }
- specify { expect(subject.tap { |c| c.update_options(opt1: 'hello') }
- .merge(criteria.tap { |c| c.update_options(opt2: 'hello') }).options).to include(opt1: 'hello', opt2: 'hello') }
- specify { expect(subject.tap { |c| c.update_request_options(opt1: 'hello') }
- .merge(criteria.tap { |c| c.update_request_options(opt2: 'hello') }).request_options).to include(opt1: 'hello', opt2: 'hello') }
- specify { expect(subject.tap { |c| c.update_facets(field1: 'hello') }
- .merge(criteria.tap { |c| c.update_facets(field1: 'hello') }).facets).to eq({field1: 'hello'}) }
- specify { expect(subject.tap { |c| c.update_script_fields(distance_m: {script: "doc['coordinates'].distanceInMiles(lat, lon)"}) }
- .merge(criteria.tap { |c| c.update_script_fields(distance_km: {script: "doc['coordinates'].distanceInKm(lat, lon)"}) }).script_fields).to eq({distance_m: {script: "doc['coordinates'].distanceInMiles(lat, lon)"}, distance_km: {script: "doc['coordinates'].distanceInKm(lat, lon)"}}) }
- specify { expect(subject.tap { |c| c.update_scores(script: 'hello') }
- .merge(criteria.tap { |c| c.update_scores(script: 'foobar') }).scores).to eq([{script: 'hello'}, { script: 'foobar' } ]) }
- specify { expect(subject.tap { |c| c.update_aggregations(field1: 'hello') }
- .merge(criteria.tap { |c| c.update_aggregations(field1: 'hello') }).aggregations).to eq({field1: 'hello'}) }
- specify { expect(subject.tap { |c| c.update_queries(field1: 'hello') }
- .merge(criteria.tap { |c| c.update_queries(field2: 'hello') }).queries).to eq([{field1: 'hello'}, {field2: 'hello'}]) }
- specify { expect(subject.tap { |c| c.update_filters(field1: 'hello') }
- .merge(criteria.tap { |c| c.update_filters(field2: 'hello') }).filters).to eq([{field1: 'hello'}, {field2: 'hello'}]) }
- specify { expect(subject.tap { |c| c.update_post_filters(field1: 'hello') }
- .merge(criteria.tap { |c| c.update_post_filters(field2: 'hello') }).post_filters).to eq([{field1: 'hello'}, {field2: 'hello'}]) }
- specify { expect(subject.tap { |c| c.update_sort(:field1) }
- .merge(criteria.tap { |c| c.update_sort(:field2) }).sort).to eq([:field1, :field2]) }
- specify { expect(subject.tap { |c| c.update_fields(:field1) }
- .merge(criteria.tap { |c| c.update_fields(:field2) }).fields).to eq(['field1', 'field2']) }
- specify { expect(subject.tap { |c| c.update_types(:type1) }
- .merge(criteria.tap { |c| c.update_types(:type2) }).types).to eq(['type1', 'type2']) }
+ specify do
+ expect(subject.tap { |c| c.update_options(opt1: 'hello') }
+ .merge(criteria.tap { |c| c.update_options(opt2: 'hello') }).options).to include(opt1: 'hello', opt2: 'hello')
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(subject.tap { |c| c.update_request_options(opt1: 'hello') }
+ .merge(criteria.tap { |c| c.update_request_options(opt2: 'hello') }).request_options).to include(opt1: 'hello', opt2: 'hello')
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(subject.tap { |c| c.update_facets(field1: 'hello') }
+ .merge(criteria.tap { |c| c.update_facets(field1: 'hello') }).facets).to eq(field1: 'hello')
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(subject.tap { |c| c.update_script_fields(distance_m: { script: "doc['coordinates'].distanceInMiles(lat, lon)" }) }
+ .merge(criteria.tap { |c| c.update_script_fields(distance_km: { script: "doc['coordinates'].distanceInKm(lat, lon)" }) }).script_fields).to eq(distance_m: { script: "doc['coordinates'].distanceInMiles(lat, lon)" }, distance_km: { script: "doc['coordinates'].distanceInKm(lat, lon)" })
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(subject.tap { |c| c.update_scores(script: 'hello') }
+ .merge(criteria.tap { |c| c.update_scores(script: 'foobar') }).scores).to eq([{ script: 'hello' }, { script: 'foobar' }])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(subject.tap { |c| c.update_aggregations(field1: 'hello') }
+ .merge(criteria.tap { |c| c.update_aggregations(field1: 'hello') }).aggregations).to eq(field1: 'hello')
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(subject.tap { |c| c.update_queries(field1: 'hello') }
+ .merge(criteria.tap { |c| c.update_queries(field2: 'hello') }).queries).to eq([{ field1: 'hello' }, { field2: 'hello' }])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(subject.tap { |c| c.update_filters(field1: 'hello') }
+ .merge(criteria.tap { |c| c.update_filters(field2: 'hello') }).filters).to eq([{ field1: 'hello' }, { field2: 'hello' }])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(subject.tap { |c| c.update_post_filters(field1: 'hello') }
+ .merge(criteria.tap { |c| c.update_post_filters(field2: 'hello') }).post_filters).to eq([{ field1: 'hello' }, { field2: 'hello' }])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(subject.tap { |c| c.update_sort(:field1) }
+ .merge(criteria.tap { |c| c.update_sort(:field2) }).sort).to eq([:field1, :field2])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(subject.tap { |c| c.update_fields(:field1) }
+ .merge(criteria.tap { |c| c.update_fields(:field2) }).fields).to eq(%w(field1 field2))
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(subject.tap { |c| c.update_types(:type1) }
+ .merge(criteria.tap { |c| c.update_types(:type2) }).types).to eq(%w(type1 type2))
+ end
describe '#merge!' do
@@ -165,268 +220,404 @@
specify { expect(subject.merge!(criteria)).to be_equal subject }
specify { expect(subject.merge!(criteria)).not_to be_equal criteria }
- specify { expect(subject.tap { |c| c.update_options(opt1: 'hello') }
- .merge!(criteria.tap { |c| c.update_options(opt2: 'hello') }).options).to include(opt1: 'hello', opt2: 'hello') }
- specify { expect(subject.tap { |c| c.update_request_options(opt1: 'hello') }
- .merge!(criteria.tap { |c| c.update_request_options(opt2: 'hello') }).request_options).to include(opt1: 'hello', opt2: 'hello') }
- specify { expect(subject.tap { |c| c.update_facets(field1: 'hello') }
- .merge!(criteria.tap { |c| c.update_facets(field1: 'hello') }).facets).to eq({field1: 'hello'}) }
- specify { expect(subject.tap { |c| c.update_script_fields(distance_m: {script: "doc['coordinates'].distanceInMiles(lat, lon)"}) }
- .merge(criteria.tap { |c| c.update_script_fields(distance_km: {script: "doc['coordinates'].distanceInKm(lat, lon)"}) }).script_fields).to eq({distance_m: {script: "doc['coordinates'].distanceInMiles(lat, lon)"}, distance_km: {script: "doc['coordinates'].distanceInKm(lat, lon)"}}) }
- specify { expect(subject.tap { |c| c.update_aggregations(field1: 'hello') }
- .merge!(criteria.tap { |c| c.update_aggregations(field1: 'hello') }).aggregations).to eq({field1: 'hello'}) }
- specify { expect(subject.tap { |c| c.update_queries(field1: 'hello') }
- .merge!(criteria.tap { |c| c.update_queries(field2: 'hello') }).queries).to eq([{field1: 'hello'}, {field2: 'hello'}]) }
- specify { expect(subject.tap { |c| c.update_filters(field1: 'hello') }
- .merge!(criteria.tap { |c| c.update_filters(field2: 'hello') }).filters).to eq([{field1: 'hello'}, {field2: 'hello'}]) }
- specify { expect(subject.tap { |c| c.update_post_filters(field1: 'hello') }
- .merge!(criteria.tap { |c| c.update_post_filters(field2: 'hello') }).post_filters).to eq([{field1: 'hello'}, {field2: 'hello'}]) }
- specify { expect(subject.tap { |c| c.update_sort(:field1) }
- .merge!(criteria.tap { |c| c.update_sort(:field2) }).sort).to eq([:field1, :field2]) }
- specify { expect(subject.tap { |c| c.update_fields(:field1) }
- .merge!(criteria.tap { |c| c.update_fields(:field2) }).fields).to eq(['field1', 'field2']) }
- specify { expect(subject.tap { |c| c.update_types(:type1) }
- .merge!(criteria.tap { |c| c.update_types(:type2) }).types).to eq(['type1', 'type2']) }
+ specify do
+ expect(subject.tap { |c| c.update_options(opt1: 'hello') }
+ .merge!(criteria.tap { |c| c.update_options(opt2: 'hello') }).options).to include(opt1: 'hello', opt2: 'hello')
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(subject.tap { |c| c.update_request_options(opt1: 'hello') }
+ .merge!(criteria.tap { |c| c.update_request_options(opt2: 'hello') }).request_options).to include(opt1: 'hello', opt2: 'hello')
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(subject.tap { |c| c.update_facets(field1: 'hello') }
+ .merge!(criteria.tap { |c| c.update_facets(field1: 'hello') }).facets).to eq(field1: 'hello')
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(subject.tap { |c| c.update_script_fields(distance_m: { script: "doc['coordinates'].distanceInMiles(lat, lon)" }) }
+ .merge(criteria.tap { |c| c.update_script_fields(distance_km: { script: "doc['coordinates'].distanceInKm(lat, lon)" }) }).script_fields).to eq(distance_m: { script: "doc['coordinates'].distanceInMiles(lat, lon)" }, distance_km: { script: "doc['coordinates'].distanceInKm(lat, lon)" })
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(subject.tap { |c| c.update_aggregations(field1: 'hello') }
+ .merge!(criteria.tap { |c| c.update_aggregations(field1: 'hello') }).aggregations).to eq(field1: 'hello')
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(subject.tap { |c| c.update_queries(field1: 'hello') }
+ .merge!(criteria.tap { |c| c.update_queries(field2: 'hello') }).queries).to eq([{ field1: 'hello' }, { field2: 'hello' }])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(subject.tap { |c| c.update_filters(field1: 'hello') }
+ .merge!(criteria.tap { |c| c.update_filters(field2: 'hello') }).filters).to eq([{ field1: 'hello' }, { field2: 'hello' }])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(subject.tap { |c| c.update_post_filters(field1: 'hello') }
+ .merge!(criteria.tap { |c| c.update_post_filters(field2: 'hello') }).post_filters).to eq([{ field1: 'hello' }, { field2: 'hello' }])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(subject.tap { |c| c.update_sort(:field1) }
+ .merge!(criteria.tap { |c| c.update_sort(:field2) }).sort).to eq([:field1, :field2])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(subject.tap { |c| c.update_fields(:field1) }
+ .merge!(criteria.tap { |c| c.update_fields(:field2) }).fields).to eq(%w(field1 field2))
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(subject.tap { |c| c.update_types(:type1) }
+ .merge!(criteria.tap { |c| c.update_types(:type2) }).types).to eq(%w(type1 type2))
+ end
describe '#request_body' do
- def request_body &block
+ def request_body(&block)
subject.instance_exec(&block) if block
- specify { expect(request_body).to eq({body: {}}) }
- specify { expect(request_body { update_request_options(size: 10) }).to eq({body: {size: 10}}) }
- specify { expect(request_body { update_request_options(from: 10) }).to eq({body: {from: 10}}) }
- specify { expect(request_body { update_request_options(explain: true) }).to eq({body: {explain: true}}) }
- specify { expect(request_body { update_queries(:query) }).to eq({body: {query: :query}}) }
- specify { expect(request_body {
- update_scores(script_score: { script: '_score'})
- }).to eq({body: {query: { function_score: { functions: [{ script_score: {script: '_score' }}] }}}}) }
- specify { expect(request_body {
- update_scores(script_score: { script: "boost_me" })
- update_queries(:query)
- update_options(boost_mode: :add)
- update_options(score_mode: :avg)
- }).to eq({body: {query: {
- function_score: {
- functions: [{
- script_score: {script: 'boost_me' }
- }],
- query: :query,
- boost_mode: :add,
- score_mode: :avg
- }}}})
- }
- specify { expect(request_body {
- update_request_options(from: 10); update_sort(:field); update_fields(:field); update_queries(:query)
- }).to eq({body: {query: :query, from: 10, sort: [:field], _source: ['field']}}) }
- specify { expect(request_body {
- update_queries(:query); update_filters(:filters);
- }).to eq({body: {query: {filtered: {query: :query, filter: :filters}}}}) }
- specify { expect(request_body {
- update_queries(:query); update_post_filters(:post_filter);
- }).to eq({body: {query: :query, post_filter: :post_filter}}) }
- specify { expect(request_body {
- update_script_fields(distance_m: {script: "doc['coordinates'].distanceInMiles(lat, lon)"})
- }).to eq({:body=>{:script_fields=>{:distance_m=>{:script=>"doc['coordinates'].distanceInMiles(lat, lon)"}}}}) }
+ specify { expect(request_body).to eq(body: {}) }
+ specify { expect(request_body { update_request_options(size: 10) }).to eq(body: { size: 10 }) }
+ specify { expect(request_body { update_request_options(from: 10) }).to eq(body: { from: 10 }) }
+ specify { expect(request_body { update_request_options(explain: true) }).to eq(body: { explain: true }) }
+ specify { expect(request_body { update_queries(:query) }).to eq(body: { query: :query }) }
+ specify do
+ expect(request_body do
+ update_scores(script_score: { script: '_score' })
+ end).to eq(body: { query: { function_score: { functions: [{ script_score: { script: '_score' } }] } } }) end
+ specify do
+ expect(request_body do
+ update_scores(script_score: { script: 'boost_me' })
+ update_queries(:query)
+ update_options(boost_mode: :add)
+ update_options(score_mode: :avg)
+ end).to eq(body: { query: {
+ function_score: {
+ functions: [{
+ script_score: { script: 'boost_me' }
+ }],
+ query: :query,
+ boost_mode: :add,
+ score_mode: :avg
+ }
+ } })
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(request_body do
+ update_request_options(from: 10)
+ update_sort(:field)
+ update_fields(:field)
+ update_queries(:query)
+ end).to eq(body: { query: :query, from: 10, sort: [:field], _source: ['field'] }) end
+ specify do
+ expect(request_body do
+ update_queries(:query)
+ update_filters(:filters)
+ end).to eq(body: { query: { filtered: { query: :query, filter: :filters } } }) end
+ specify do
+ expect(request_body do
+ update_queries(:query)
+ update_post_filters(:post_filter)
+ end).to eq(body: { query: :query, post_filter: :post_filter }) end
+ specify do
+ expect(request_body do
+ update_script_fields(distance_m: { script: "doc['coordinates'].distanceInMiles(lat, lon)" })
+ end).to eq(body: { script_fields: { distance_m: { script: "doc['coordinates'].distanceInMiles(lat, lon)" } } }) end
describe '#_filtered_query' do
- def _filtered_query options = {}, &block
+ def _filtered_query(options = {}, &block)
subject.instance_exec(&block) if block
subject.send(:_filtered_query, subject.send(:_request_query), subject.send(:_request_filter), options)
specify { expect(_filtered_query).to eq({}) }
- specify { expect(_filtered_query { update_queries(:query) }).to eq({query: :query}) }
- specify { expect(_filtered_query(strategy: 'query_first') { update_queries(:query) }).to eq({query: :query}) }
- specify { expect(_filtered_query { update_queries([:query1, :query2]) })
- .to eq({query: {bool: {must: [:query1, :query2]}}}) }
- specify { expect(_filtered_query { update_options(query_mode: :should); update_queries([:query1, :query2]) })
- .to eq({query: {bool: {should: [:query1, :query2]}}}) }
- specify { expect(_filtered_query { update_options(query_mode: :dis_max); update_queries([:query1, :query2]) })
- .to eq({query: {dis_max: {queries: [:query1, :query2]}}}) }
- specify { expect(_filtered_query(strategy: 'query_first') { update_filters([:filter1, :filter2]) })
- .to eq({query: {filtered: {query: {match_all: {}}, filter: {and: [:filter1, :filter2]}, strategy: 'query_first'}}}) }
- specify { expect(_filtered_query { update_filters([:filter1, :filter2]) })
- .to eq({query: {filtered: {query: {match_all: {}}, filter: {and: [:filter1, :filter2]}}}}) }
- specify { expect(_filtered_query { update_filters([:filter1, :filter2]); update_queries([:query1, :query2]) })
- .to eq({query: {filtered: {
- query: {bool: {must: [:query1, :query2]}},
- filter: {and: [:filter1, :filter2]}
- }}})
- }
- specify { expect(_filtered_query(strategy: 'query_first') { update_filters([:filter1, :filter2]); update_queries([:query1, :query2]) })
- .to eq({query: {filtered: {
- query: {bool: {must: [:query1, :query2]}},
- filter: {and: [:filter1, :filter2]},
- strategy: 'query_first'
- }}})
- }
- specify { expect(_filtered_query {
- update_options(query_mode: :should); update_options(filter_mode: :or);
- update_filters([:filter1, :filter2]); update_queries([:query1, :query2])
- }).to eq({query: {filtered: {
- query: {bool: {should: [:query1, :query2]}},
- filter: {or: [:filter1, :filter2]}
- }}}) }
+ specify { expect(_filtered_query { update_queries(:query) }).to eq(query: :query) }
+ specify { expect(_filtered_query(strategy: 'query_first') { update_queries(:query) }).to eq(query: :query) }
+ specify do
+ expect(_filtered_query { update_queries([:query1, :query2]) })
+ .to eq(query: { bool: { must: [:query1, :query2] } })
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(_filtered_query do
+ update_options(query_mode: :should)
+ update_queries([:query1, :query2])
+ end)
+ .to eq(query: { bool: { should: [:query1, :query2] } })
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(_filtered_query do
+ update_options(query_mode: :dis_max)
+ update_queries([:query1, :query2])
+ end)
+ .to eq(query: { dis_max: { queries: [:query1, :query2] } })
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(_filtered_query(strategy: 'query_first') { update_filters([:filter1, :filter2]) })
+ .to eq(query: { filtered: { query: { match_all: {} }, filter: { and: [:filter1, :filter2] }, strategy: 'query_first' } })
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(_filtered_query { update_filters([:filter1, :filter2]) })
+ .to eq(query: { filtered: { query: { match_all: {} }, filter: { and: [:filter1, :filter2] } } })
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(_filtered_query do
+ update_filters([:filter1, :filter2])
+ update_queries([:query1, :query2])
+ end)
+ .to eq(query: { filtered: {
+ query: { bool: { must: [:query1, :query2] } },
+ filter: { and: [:filter1, :filter2] }
+ } })
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(_filtered_query(strategy: 'query_first') do
+ update_filters([:filter1, :filter2])
+ update_queries([:query1, :query2])
+ end)
+ .to eq(query: { filtered: {
+ query: { bool: { must: [:query1, :query2] } },
+ filter: { and: [:filter1, :filter2] },
+ strategy: 'query_first'
+ } })
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(_filtered_query do
+ update_options(query_mode: :should)
+ update_options(filter_mode: :or)
+ update_filters([:filter1, :filter2])
+ update_queries([:query1, :query2])
+ end).to eq(query: { filtered: {
+ query: { bool: { should: [:query1, :query2] } },
+ filter: { or: [:filter1, :filter2] }
+ } })
+ end
- describe "#_boost_query" do
+ describe '#_boost_query' do
specify { expect(subject.send(:_boost_query, query: :query)).to eq(query: :query) }
- specify {
- subject.update_scores({ boost_factor: 5 })
+ specify do
+ subject.update_scores(boost_factor: 5)
expect(subject.send(:_boost_query, query: :query)).to eq(query: { function_score: { functions: [{ boost_factor: 5 }], query: :query } })
- }
- specify {
- subject.update_scores({ boost_factor: 5 })
+ end
+ specify do
+ subject.update_scores(boost_factor: 5)
subject.update_options(boost_mode: :multiply)
subject.update_options(score_mode: :add)
expect(subject.send(:_boost_query, query: :query)).to eq(query: { function_score: { functions: [{ boost_factor: 5 }], query: :query, boost_mode: :multiply, score_mode: :add } })
- }
- specify {
- subject.update_scores({ boost_factor: 5 })
+ end
+ specify do
+ subject.update_scores(boost_factor: 5)
expect(subject.send(:_boost_query, query: :query, filter: :filter)).to eq(query: { function_score: { functions: [{ boost_factor: 5 }], query: { filtered: { query: :query, filter: :filter } } } })
- }
+ end
describe '#_request_filter' do
- def _request_filter &block
+ def _request_filter(&block)
subject.instance_exec(&block) if block
specify { expect(_request_filter).to be_nil }
- specify { expect(_request_filter { update_types(:type) }).to eq({type: {value: 'type'}}) }
- specify { expect(_request_filter { update_types([:type1, :type2]) })
- .to eq({or: [{type: {value: 'type1'}}, {type: {value: 'type2'}}]}) }
- specify { expect(_request_filter { update_filters([:filter1, :filter2]) })
- .to eq({and: [:filter1, :filter2]}) }
- specify { expect(_request_filter { update_options(filter_mode: :or); update_filters([:filter1, :filter2]) })
- .to eq({or: [:filter1, :filter2]}) }
- specify { expect(_request_filter { update_options(filter_mode: :must); update_filters([:filter1, :filter2]) })
- .to eq({bool: {must: [:filter1, :filter2]}}) }
- specify { expect(_request_filter { update_options(filter_mode: :should); update_filters([:filter1, :filter2]) })
- .to eq({bool: {should: [:filter1, :filter2]}}) }
- specify { expect(_request_filter { update_options(filter_mode: :must_not); update_filters([:filter1, :filter2]) })
- .to eq({bool: {must_not: [:filter1, :filter2]}}) }
- specify { expect(_request_filter { update_types([:type1, :type2]); update_filters([:filter1, :filter2]) })
- .to eq({and: [{or: [{type: {value: 'type1'}}, {type: {value: 'type2'}}]}, :filter1, :filter2]}) }
- specify { expect(_request_filter { update_options(filter_mode: :or); update_types([:type1, :type2]); update_filters([:filter1, :filter2]) })
- .to eq({and: [{or: [{type: {value: 'type1'}}, {type: {value: 'type2'}}]}, {or: [:filter1, :filter2]}]}) }
- specify { expect(_request_filter { update_options(filter_mode: :must); update_types([:type1, :type2]); update_filters([:filter1, :filter2]) })
- .to eq({and: [{or: [{type: {value: 'type1'}}, {type: {value: 'type2'}}]}, {bool: {must: [:filter1, :filter2]}}]}) }
- specify { expect(_request_filter { update_options(filter_mode: :should); update_types([:type1, :type2]); update_filters([:filter1, :filter2]) })
- .to eq({and: [{or: [{type: {value: 'type1'}}, {type: {value: 'type2'}}]}, {bool: {should: [:filter1, :filter2]}}]}) }
- specify { expect(_request_filter { update_options(filter_mode: :must_not); update_types([:type1, :type2]); update_filters([:filter1, :filter2]) })
- .to eq({and: [{or: [{type: {value: 'type1'}}, {type: {value: 'type2'}}]}, {bool: {must_not: [:filter1, :filter2]}}]}) }
+ specify { expect(_request_filter { update_types(:type) }).to eq(type: { value: 'type' }) }
+ specify do
+ expect(_request_filter { update_types([:type1, :type2]) })
+ .to eq(or: [{ type: { value: 'type1' } }, { type: { value: 'type2' } }])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(_request_filter { update_filters([:filter1, :filter2]) })
+ .to eq(and: [:filter1, :filter2])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(_request_filter do
+ update_options(filter_mode: :or)
+ update_filters([:filter1, :filter2])
+ end)
+ .to eq(or: [:filter1, :filter2])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(_request_filter do
+ update_options(filter_mode: :must)
+ update_filters([:filter1, :filter2])
+ end)
+ .to eq(bool: { must: [:filter1, :filter2] })
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(_request_filter do
+ update_options(filter_mode: :should)
+ update_filters([:filter1, :filter2])
+ end)
+ .to eq(bool: { should: [:filter1, :filter2] })
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(_request_filter do
+ update_options(filter_mode: :must_not)
+ update_filters([:filter1, :filter2])
+ end)
+ .to eq(bool: { must_not: [:filter1, :filter2] })
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(_request_filter do
+ update_types([:type1, :type2])
+ update_filters([:filter1, :filter2])
+ end)
+ .to eq(and: [{ or: [{ type: { value: 'type1' } }, { type: { value: 'type2' } }] }, :filter1, :filter2])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(_request_filter do
+ update_options(filter_mode: :or)
+ update_types([:type1, :type2])
+ update_filters([:filter1, :filter2])
+ end)
+ .to eq(and: [{ or: [{ type: { value: 'type1' } }, { type: { value: 'type2' } }] }, { or: [:filter1, :filter2] }])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(_request_filter do
+ update_options(filter_mode: :must)
+ update_types([:type1, :type2])
+ update_filters([:filter1, :filter2])
+ end)
+ .to eq(and: [{ or: [{ type: { value: 'type1' } }, { type: { value: 'type2' } }] }, { bool: { must: [:filter1, :filter2] } }])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(_request_filter do
+ update_options(filter_mode: :should)
+ update_types([:type1, :type2])
+ update_filters([:filter1, :filter2])
+ end)
+ .to eq(and: [{ or: [{ type: { value: 'type1' } }, { type: { value: 'type2' } }] }, { bool: { should: [:filter1, :filter2] } }])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(_request_filter do
+ update_options(filter_mode: :must_not)
+ update_types([:type1, :type2])
+ update_filters([:filter1, :filter2])
+ end)
+ .to eq(and: [{ or: [{ type: { value: 'type1' } }, { type: { value: 'type2' } }] }, { bool: { must_not: [:filter1, :filter2] } }])
+ end
describe '#_request_post_filter' do
- def _request_post_filter &block
+ def _request_post_filter(&block)
subject.instance_exec(&block) if block
specify { expect(_request_post_filter).to be_nil }
- specify { expect(_request_post_filter { update_post_filters([:post_filter1, :post_filter2]) })
- .to eq({and: [:post_filter1, :post_filter2]}) }
- specify { expect(_request_post_filter { update_options(post_filter_mode: :or); update_post_filters([:post_filter1, :post_filter2]) })
- .to eq({or: [:post_filter1, :post_filter2]}) }
- specify { expect(_request_post_filter { update_options(post_filter_mode: :must); update_post_filters([:post_filter1, :post_filter2]) })
- .to eq({bool: {must: [:post_filter1, :post_filter2]}}) }
- specify { expect(_request_post_filter { update_options(post_filter_mode: :should); update_post_filters([:post_filter1, :post_filter2]) })
- .to eq({bool: {should: [:post_filter1, :post_filter2]}}) }
+ specify do
+ expect(_request_post_filter { update_post_filters([:post_filter1, :post_filter2]) })
+ .to eq(and: [:post_filter1, :post_filter2])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(_request_post_filter do
+ update_options(post_filter_mode: :or)
+ update_post_filters([:post_filter1, :post_filter2])
+ end)
+ .to eq(or: [:post_filter1, :post_filter2])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(_request_post_filter do
+ update_options(post_filter_mode: :must)
+ update_post_filters([:post_filter1, :post_filter2])
+ end)
+ .to eq(bool: { must: [:post_filter1, :post_filter2] })
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(_request_post_filter do
+ update_options(post_filter_mode: :should)
+ update_post_filters([:post_filter1, :post_filter2])
+ end)
+ .to eq(bool: { should: [:post_filter1, :post_filter2] })
+ end
context do
before { allow(Chewy).to receive_messages(filter_mode: :or) }
- specify { expect(_request_post_filter { update_post_filters([:post_filter1, :post_filter2]) })
- .to eq({or: [:post_filter1, :post_filter2]}) }
+ specify do
+ expect(_request_post_filter { update_post_filters([:post_filter1, :post_filter2]) })
+ .to eq(or: [:post_filter1, :post_filter2])
+ end
describe '#_request_types' do
- def _request_types &block
+ def _request_types(&block)
subject.instance_exec(&block) if block
specify { expect(_request_types).to be_nil }
- specify { expect(_request_types { update_types(:type1) }).to eq({type: {value: 'type1'}}) }
- specify { expect(_request_types { update_types([:type1, :type2]) })
- .to eq({or: [{type: {value: 'type1'}}, {type: {value: 'type2'}}]}) }
+ specify { expect(_request_types { update_types(:type1) }).to eq(type: { value: 'type1' }) }
+ specify do
+ expect(_request_types { update_types([:type1, :type2]) })
+ .to eq(or: [{ type: { value: 'type1' } }, { type: { value: 'type2' } }])
+ end
describe '#_queries_join' do
- def _queries_join *args
+ def _queries_join(*args)
subject.send(:_queries_join, *args)
- let(:query) { {term: {field: 'value'}} }
+ let(:query) { { term: { field: 'value' } } }
specify { expect(_queries_join([], :dis_max)).to be_nil }
specify { expect(_queries_join([query], :dis_max)).to eq(query) }
- specify { expect(_queries_join([query, query], :dis_max)).to eq({dis_max: {queries: [query, query]}}) }
+ specify { expect(_queries_join([query, query], :dis_max)).to eq(dis_max: { queries: [query, query] }) }
specify { expect(_queries_join([], 0.7)).to be_nil }
specify { expect(_queries_join([query], 0.7)).to eq(query) }
- specify { expect(_queries_join([query, query], 0.7)).to eq({dis_max: {queries: [query, query], tie_breaker: 0.7}}) }
+ specify { expect(_queries_join([query, query], 0.7)).to eq(dis_max: { queries: [query, query], tie_breaker: 0.7 }) }
specify { expect(_queries_join([], :must)).to be_nil }
specify { expect(_queries_join([query], :must)).to eq(query) }
- specify { expect(_queries_join([query, query], :must)).to eq({bool: {must: [query, query]}}) }
+ specify { expect(_queries_join([query, query], :must)).to eq(bool: { must: [query, query] }) }
specify { expect(_queries_join([], :should)).to be_nil }
specify { expect(_queries_join([query], :should)).to eq(query) }
- specify { expect(_queries_join([query, query], :should)).to eq({bool: {should: [query, query]}}) }
+ specify { expect(_queries_join([query, query], :should)).to eq(bool: { should: [query, query] }) }
specify { expect(_queries_join([], :must_not)).to be_nil }
- specify { expect(_queries_join([query], :must_not)).to eq({bool: {must_not: [query]}}) }
- specify { expect(_queries_join([query, query], :must_not)).to eq({bool: {must_not: [query, query]}}) }
+ specify { expect(_queries_join([query], :must_not)).to eq(bool: { must_not: [query] }) }
+ specify { expect(_queries_join([query, query], :must_not)).to eq(bool: { must_not: [query, query] }) }
specify { expect(_queries_join([], '25%')).to be_nil }
specify { expect(_queries_join([query], '25%')).to eq(query) }
- specify { expect(_queries_join([query, query], '25%')).to eq({bool: {should: [query, query], minimum_should_match: '25%'}}) }
+ specify { expect(_queries_join([query, query], '25%')).to eq(bool: { should: [query, query], minimum_should_match: '25%' }) }
describe '#_filters_join' do
- def _filters_join *args
+ def _filters_join(*args)
subject.send(:_filters_join, *args)
- let(:filter) { {term: {field: 'value'}} }
+ let(:filter) { { term: { field: 'value' } } }
specify { expect(_filters_join([], :and)).to be_nil }
specify { expect(_filters_join([filter], :and)).to eq(filter) }
- specify { expect(_filters_join([filter, filter], :and)).to eq({and: [filter, filter]}) }
+ specify { expect(_filters_join([filter, filter], :and)).to eq(and: [filter, filter]) }
specify { expect(_filters_join([], :or)).to be_nil }
specify { expect(_filters_join([filter], :or)).to eq(filter) }
- specify { expect(_filters_join([filter, filter], :or)).to eq({or: [filter, filter]}) }
+ specify { expect(_filters_join([filter, filter], :or)).to eq(or: [filter, filter]) }
specify { expect(_filters_join([], :must)).to be_nil }
specify { expect(_filters_join([filter], :must)).to eq(filter) }
- specify { expect(_filters_join([filter, filter], :must)).to eq({bool: {must: [filter, filter]}}) }
+ specify { expect(_filters_join([filter, filter], :must)).to eq(bool: { must: [filter, filter] }) }
specify { expect(_filters_join([], :should)).to be_nil }
specify { expect(_filters_join([filter], :should)).to eq(filter) }
- specify { expect(_filters_join([filter, filter], :should)).to eq({bool: {should: [filter, filter]}}) }
+ specify { expect(_filters_join([filter, filter], :should)).to eq(bool: { should: [filter, filter] }) }
specify { expect(_filters_join([], :must_not)).to be_nil }
- specify { expect(_filters_join([filter], :must_not)).to eq({bool: {must_not: [filter]}}) }
- specify { expect(_filters_join([filter, filter], :must_not)).to eq({bool: {must_not: [filter, filter]}}) }
+ specify { expect(_filters_join([filter], :must_not)).to eq(bool: { must_not: [filter] }) }
+ specify { expect(_filters_join([filter, filter], :must_not)).to eq(bool: { must_not: [filter, filter] }) }
specify { expect(_filters_join([], '25%')).to be_nil }
specify { expect(_filters_join([filter], '25%')).to eq(filter) }
- specify { expect(_filters_join([filter, filter], '25%')).to eq({bool: {should: [filter, filter], minimum_should_match: '25%'}}) }
+ specify { expect(_filters_join([filter, filter], '25%')).to eq(bool: { should: [filter, filter], minimum_should_match: '25%' }) }
diff --git a/spec/chewy/query/filters_spec.rb b/spec/chewy/query/filters_spec.rb
index abde121a4..9a659606f 100644
--- a/spec/chewy/query/filters_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/chewy/query/filters_spec.rb
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
require 'spec_helper'
describe Chewy::Query::Filters do
- def Bool options
+ def Bool(options)
Chewy::Query::Nodes::Bool.new.tap do |bool|
bool.must(*options[:must]) if options[:must].present?
bool.must_not(*options[:must_not]) if options[:must_not].present?
@@ -15,21 +15,21 @@ def Bool options
- def query &block
+ def query(&block)
context 'outer scope' do
let(:email) { 'email' }
specify { expect(query { email }).to be_eql Field(:email) }
- specify { expect(query { o{email} }).to eq('email') }
+ specify { expect(query { o { email } }).to eq('email') }
context 'field' do
let(:email) { 'email' }
specify { expect(query { f(:email) }).to be_eql Field(:email) }
- specify { expect(query { f{ :email } }).to be_eql Field(:email) }
- specify { expect(query { f{ email } }).to be_eql Field(:email) }
+ specify { expect(query { f { :email } }).to be_eql Field(:email) }
+ specify { expect(query { f { email } }).to be_eql Field(:email) }
specify { expect(query { email }).to be_eql Field(:email) }
specify { expect(query { emails.first }).to be_eql Field('emails.first') }
specify { expect(query { emails.first.second }).to be_eql Field('emails.first.second') }
@@ -38,28 +38,36 @@ def query &block
context 'term' do
specify { expect(query { email == 'email' }).to be_eql Equal(:email, 'email') }
specify { expect(query { name != 'name' }).to be_eql Not(Equal(:name, 'name')) }
- specify { expect(query { email == ['email1', 'email2'] }).to be_eql Equal(:email, ['email1', 'email2']) }
- specify { expect(query { email != ['email1', 'email2'] }).to be_eql Not(Equal(:email, ['email1', 'email2'])) }
- specify { expect(query { email(execution: :bool) == ['email1', 'email2'] })
- .to be_eql Equal(:email, ['email1', 'email2'], execution: :bool) }
- specify { expect(query { email(:bool) == ['email1', 'email2'] })
- .to be_eql Equal(:email, ['email1', 'email2'], execution: :bool) }
- specify { expect(query { email(:b) == ['email1', 'email2'] })
- .to be_eql Equal(:email, ['email1', 'email2'], execution: :bool) }
+ specify { expect(query { email == %w(email1 email2) }).to be_eql Equal(:email, %w(email1 email2)) }
+ specify { expect(query { email != %w(email1 email2) }).to be_eql Not(Equal(:email, %w(email1 email2))) }
+ specify do
+ expect(query { email(execution: :bool) == %w(email1 email2) })
+ .to be_eql Equal(:email, %w(email1 email2), execution: :bool)
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(query { email(:bool) == %w(email1 email2) })
+ .to be_eql Equal(:email, %w(email1 email2), execution: :bool)
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(query { email(:b) == %w(email1 email2) })
+ .to be_eql Equal(:email, %w(email1 email2), execution: :bool)
+ end
context 'bool' do
specify { query { must(email == 'email') }.should be_eql Bool(must: [Equal(:email, 'email')]) }
specify { query { must_not(email == 'email') }.should be_eql Bool(must_not: [Equal(:email, 'email')]) }
specify { query { should(email == 'email') }.should be_eql Bool(should: [Equal(:email, 'email')]) }
- specify { query {
- must(email == 'email').should(address != 'address', age == 42)
- .must_not(sex == 'm').must(name == 'name')
- }.should be_eql Bool(
- must: [Equal(:email, 'email'), Equal(:name, 'name')],
- must_not: [Equal(:sex, 'm')],
- should: [Not(Equal(:address, 'address')), Equal(:age, 42)]
- ) }
+ specify do
+ query do
+ must(email == 'email').should(address != 'address', age == 42)
+ .must_not(sex == 'm').must(name == 'name')
+ end.should be_eql Bool(
+ must: [Equal(:email, 'email'), Equal(:name, 'name')],
+ must_not: [Equal(:sex, 'm')],
+ should: [Not(Equal(:address, 'address')), Equal(:age, 42)]
+ )
+ end
context 'exists' do
@@ -68,7 +76,7 @@ def query &block
specify { expect(query { emails.first? }).to be_eql Exists('emails.first') }
specify { expect(query { !!emails.first? }).to be_eql Exists('emails.first') }
specify { expect(query { emails != nil }).to be_eql Exists('emails') }
- specify { expect(query { !(emails == nil) }).to be_eql Exists('emails') }
+ specify { expect(query { emails != nil }).to be_eql Exists('emails') }
context 'missing' do
@@ -111,63 +119,79 @@ def query &block
context 'query' do
let(:some_query) { 'some query' }
specify { expect(query { q('some query') }).to be_eql Query('some query') }
- specify { expect(query { q{'some query'} }).to be_eql Query('some query') }
- specify { expect(query { q{ some_query } }).to be_eql Query('some query') }
+ specify { expect(query { q { 'some query' } }).to be_eql Query('some query') }
+ specify { expect(query { q { some_query } }).to be_eql Query('some query') }
context 'raw' do
- let(:raw_query) { {term: {name: 'name'}} }
- specify { expect(query { r(term: {name: 'name'}) }).to be_eql Raw(term: {name: 'name'}) }
- specify { expect(query { r{ {term: {name: 'name'}} } }).to be_eql Raw(term: {name: 'name'}) }
- specify { expect(query { r{ raw_query } }).to be_eql Raw(term: {name: 'name'}) }
+ let(:raw_query) { { term: { name: 'name' } } }
+ specify { expect(query { r(term: { name: 'name' }) }).to be_eql Raw(term: { name: 'name' }) }
+ specify { expect(query { r { { term: { name: 'name' } } } }).to be_eql Raw(term: { name: 'name' }) }
+ specify { expect(query { r { raw_query } }).to be_eql Raw(term: { name: 'name' }) }
context 'script' do
let(:some_script) { 'some script' }
specify { expect(query { s('some script') }).to be_eql Script('some script') }
specify { expect(query { s('some script', param1: 42) }).to be_eql Script('some script', param1: 42) }
- specify { expect(query { s{'some script'} }).to be_eql Script('some script') }
+ specify { expect(query { s { 'some script' } }).to be_eql Script('some script') }
specify { expect(query { s(param1: 42) { some_script } }).to be_eql Script('some script', param1: 42) }
context 'and or not' do
- specify { expect(query { (email == 'email') & (name == 'name') })
- .to be_eql And(Equal(:email, 'email'), Equal(:name, 'name')) }
- specify { expect(query { (email == 'email') | (name == 'name') })
- .to be_eql Or(Equal(:email, 'email'), Equal(:name, 'name')) }
+ specify do
+ expect(query { (email == 'email') & (name == 'name') })
+ .to be_eql And(Equal(:email, 'email'), Equal(:name, 'name'))
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(query { (email == 'email') | (name == 'name') })
+ .to be_eql Or(Equal(:email, 'email'), Equal(:name, 'name'))
+ end
specify { expect(query { !(email == 'email') }).to be_eql Not(Equal(:email, 'email')) }
- specify { expect(query { (email == 'email') & (name == 'name') | (address != 'address') })
- .to be_eql Or(
- And(
+ specify do
+ expect(query { (email == 'email') & (name == 'name') | (address != 'address') })
+ .to be_eql Or(
+ And(
+ Equal(:email, 'email'),
+ Equal(:name, 'name')
+ ),
+ Not(Equal(:address, 'address'))
+ )
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(query { (email == 'email') & ((name == 'name') | (address != 'address')) })
+ .to be_eql And(
+ Equal(:email, 'email'),
+ Or(
+ Equal(:name, 'name'),
+ Not(Equal(:address, 'address'))
+ )
+ )
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(query { (email == 'email') & ((name == 'name') & (address != 'address')) })
+ .to be_eql And(
Equal(:email, 'email'),
- Equal(:name, 'name')
- ),
- Not(Equal(:address, 'address'))
- ) }
- specify { expect(query { (email == 'email') & ((name == 'name') | (address != 'address')) })
- .to be_eql And(
- Equal(:email, 'email'),
- Or(
Equal(:name, 'name'),
- Not(Equal(:address, 'address')),
+ Not(Equal(:address, 'address'))
- ) }
- specify { expect(query { (email == 'email') & ((name == 'name') & (address != 'address')) })
- .to be_eql And(
- Equal(:email, 'email'),
- Equal(:name, 'name'),
- Not(Equal(:address, 'address')),
- ) }
- specify { expect(query { ((email == 'email') | (name == 'name')) | (address != 'address') })
- .to be_eql Or(
- Equal(:email, 'email'),
- Equal(:name, 'name'),
- Not(Equal(:address, 'address')),
- ) }
- specify { expect(query { !((email == 'email') | (name == 'name')) })
- .to be_eql Not(Or(Equal(:email, 'email'), Equal(:name, 'name'))) }
- specify { expect(query { !!((email == 'email') | (name == 'name')) })
- .to be_eql Or(Equal(:email, 'email'), Equal(:name, 'name')) }
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(query { ((email == 'email') | (name == 'name')) | (address != 'address') })
+ .to be_eql Or(
+ Equal(:email, 'email'),
+ Equal(:name, 'name'),
+ Not(Equal(:address, 'address'))
+ )
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(query { !((email == 'email') | (name == 'name')) })
+ .to be_eql Not(Or(Equal(:email, 'email'), Equal(:name, 'name')))
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(query { !!((email == 'email') | (name == 'name')) })
+ .to be_eql Or(Equal(:email, 'email'), Equal(:name, 'name'))
+ end
diff --git a/spec/chewy/query/loading_spec.rb b/spec/chewy/query/loading_spec.rb
index ae98b391f..49b58e133 100644
--- a/spec/chewy/query/loading_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/chewy/query/loading_spec.rb
@@ -15,11 +15,11 @@
before do
stub_index(:places) do
define_type City do
- field :rating, type: 'integer', value: ->(o){ o.rating }
+ field :rating, type: 'integer', value: ->(o) { o.rating }
define_type Country do
- field :rating, type: 'integer', value: ->(o){ o.rating }
+ field :rating, type: 'integer', value: ->(o) { o.rating }
@@ -31,55 +31,91 @@
specify { expect(PlacesIndex.order(:rating).limit(6).load).to match_array(cities.first(3) + countries.first(3)) }
context 'mongoid', :mongoid do
- specify { expect(PlacesIndex.order(:rating).limit(6).load(city: { scope: ->{ where(:rating.lt => 2) } }))
- .to match_array(cities.first(2) + countries.first(3) + [nil]) }
- specify { expect(PlacesIndex.limit(6).load(city: { scope: ->{ where(:rating.lt => 2) } }).order(:rating))
- .to match_array(cities.first(2) + countries.first(3) + [nil]) }
- specify { expect(PlacesIndex.order(:rating).limit(6).load(scope: ->{ where(:rating.lt => 2) }))
- .to match_array(cities.first(2) + countries.first(2) + [nil] * 2) }
- specify { expect(PlacesIndex.order(:rating).limit(6).load(city: { scope: City.where(:rating.lt => 2) }))
- .to match_array(cities.first(2) + countries.first(3) + [nil]) }
+ specify do
+ expect(PlacesIndex.order(:rating).limit(6).load(city: { scope: -> { where(:rating.lt => 2) } }))
+ .to match_array(cities.first(2) + countries.first(3) + [nil])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(PlacesIndex.limit(6).load(city: { scope: -> { where(:rating.lt => 2) } }).order(:rating))
+ .to match_array(cities.first(2) + countries.first(3) + [nil])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(PlacesIndex.order(:rating).limit(6).load(scope: -> { where(:rating.lt => 2) }))
+ .to match_array(cities.first(2) + countries.first(2) + [nil] * 2)
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(PlacesIndex.order(:rating).limit(6).load(city: { scope: City.where(:rating.lt => 2) }))
+ .to match_array(cities.first(2) + countries.first(3) + [nil])
+ end
context 'active record', :active_record do
- specify { expect(PlacesIndex.order(:rating).limit(6).load(city: { scope: ->{ where('rating < 2') } }))
- .to match_array(cities.first(2) + countries.first(3) + [nil]) }
- specify { expect(PlacesIndex.limit(6).load(city: { scope: ->{ where('rating < 2') } }).order(:rating))
- .to match_array(cities.first(2) + countries.first(3) + [nil]) }
- specify { expect(PlacesIndex.order(:rating).limit(6).load(scope: ->{ where('rating < 2') }))
- .to match_array(cities.first(2) + countries.first(2) + [nil] * 2) }
- specify { expect(PlacesIndex.order(:rating).limit(6).load(city: { scope: City.where('rating < 2') }))
- .to match_array(cities.first(2) + countries.first(3) + [nil]) }
+ specify do
+ expect(PlacesIndex.order(:rating).limit(6).load(city: { scope: -> { where('rating < 2') } }))
+ .to match_array(cities.first(2) + countries.first(3) + [nil])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(PlacesIndex.limit(6).load(city: { scope: -> { where('rating < 2') } }).order(:rating))
+ .to match_array(cities.first(2) + countries.first(3) + [nil])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(PlacesIndex.order(:rating).limit(6).load(scope: -> { where('rating < 2') }))
+ .to match_array(cities.first(2) + countries.first(2) + [nil] * 2)
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(PlacesIndex.order(:rating).limit(6).load(city: { scope: City.where('rating < 2') }))
+ .to match_array(cities.first(2) + countries.first(3) + [nil])
+ end
describe '#preload' do
context 'mongoid', :mongoid do
- specify { expect(PlacesIndex.order(:rating).limit(6).preload(scope: ->{ where(:rating.lt => 2) })
- .map(&:_object)).to match_array(cities.first(2) + countries.first(2) + [nil] * 2) }
- specify { expect(PlacesIndex.limit(6).preload(scope: ->{ where(:rating.lt => 2) }).order(:rating)
- .map(&:_object)).to match_array(cities.first(2) + countries.first(2) + [nil] * 2) }
+ specify do
+ expect(PlacesIndex.order(:rating).limit(6).preload(scope: -> { where(:rating.lt => 2) })
+ .map(&:_object)).to match_array(cities.first(2) + countries.first(2) + [nil] * 2)
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(PlacesIndex.limit(6).preload(scope: -> { where(:rating.lt => 2) }).order(:rating)
+ .map(&:_object)).to match_array(cities.first(2) + countries.first(2) + [nil] * 2)
+ end
- specify { expect(PlacesIndex.order(:rating).limit(6).preload(only: :city, scope: ->{ where(:rating.lt => 2) })
- .map(&:_object)).to match_array(cities.first(2) + [nil] * 4) }
- specify { expect(PlacesIndex.order(:rating).limit(6).preload(except: [:city], scope: ->{ where(:rating.lt => 2) })
- .map(&:_object)).to match_array(countries.first(2) + [nil] * 4) }
- specify { expect(PlacesIndex.order(:rating).limit(6).preload(only: [:city], except: :city, scope: ->{ where(:rating.lt => 2) })
- .map(&:_object)).to match_array([nil] * 6) }
+ specify do
+ expect(PlacesIndex.order(:rating).limit(6).preload(only: :city, scope: -> { where(:rating.lt => 2) })
+ .map(&:_object)).to match_array(cities.first(2) + [nil] * 4)
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(PlacesIndex.order(:rating).limit(6).preload(except: [:city], scope: -> { where(:rating.lt => 2) })
+ .map(&:_object)).to match_array(countries.first(2) + [nil] * 4)
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(PlacesIndex.order(:rating).limit(6).preload(only: [:city], except: :city, scope: -> { where(:rating.lt => 2) })
+ .map(&:_object)).to match_array([nil] * 6)
+ end
context 'active record', :active_record do
- specify { expect(PlacesIndex.order(:rating).limit(6).preload(scope: ->{ where('rating < 2') })
- .map(&:_object)).to match_array(cities.first(2) + countries.first(2) + [nil] * 2) }
- specify { expect(PlacesIndex.limit(6).preload(scope: ->{ where('rating < 2') }).order(:rating)
- .map(&:_object)).to match_array(cities.first(2) + countries.first(2) + [nil] * 2) }
+ specify do
+ expect(PlacesIndex.order(:rating).limit(6).preload(scope: -> { where('rating < 2') })
+ .map(&:_object)).to match_array(cities.first(2) + countries.first(2) + [nil] * 2)
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(PlacesIndex.limit(6).preload(scope: -> { where('rating < 2') }).order(:rating)
+ .map(&:_object)).to match_array(cities.first(2) + countries.first(2) + [nil] * 2)
+ end
- specify { expect(PlacesIndex.order(:rating).limit(6).preload(only: :city, scope: ->{ where('rating < 2') })
- .map(&:_object)).to match_array(cities.first(2) + [nil] * 4) }
- specify { expect(PlacesIndex.order(:rating).limit(6).preload(except: [:city], scope: ->{ where('rating < 2') })
- .map(&:_object)).to match_array(countries.first(2) + [nil] * 4) }
- specify { expect(PlacesIndex.order(:rating).limit(6).preload(only: [:city], except: :city, scope: ->{ where('rating < 2') })
- .map(&:_object)).to match_array([nil] * 6) }
+ specify do
+ expect(PlacesIndex.order(:rating).limit(6).preload(only: :city, scope: -> { where('rating < 2') })
+ .map(&:_object)).to match_array(cities.first(2) + [nil] * 4)
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(PlacesIndex.order(:rating).limit(6).preload(except: [:city], scope: -> { where('rating < 2') })
+ .map(&:_object)).to match_array(countries.first(2) + [nil] * 4)
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(PlacesIndex.order(:rating).limit(6).preload(only: [:city], except: :city, scope: -> { where('rating < 2') })
+ .map(&:_object)).to match_array([nil] * 6)
+ end
diff --git a/spec/chewy/query/nodes/and_spec.rb b/spec/chewy/query/nodes/and_spec.rb
index c58aa8eac..9f5ff1ec7 100644
--- a/spec/chewy/query/nodes/and_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/chewy/query/nodes/and_spec.rb
@@ -2,15 +2,11 @@
describe Chewy::Query::Nodes::And do
describe '#__render__' do
- def render &block
+ def render(&block)
- specify { expect(render { name? & (email == 'email') }).to eq({
- and: [{exists: {field: 'name'}}, {term: {'email' => 'email'}}]
- }) }
- specify { expect(render { ~(name? & (email == 'email')) }).to eq({
- and: {filters: [{exists: {field: 'name'}}, {term: {'email' => 'email'}}], _cache: true}
- }) }
+ specify { expect(render { name? & (email == 'email') }).to eq(and: [{ exists: { field: 'name' } }, { term: { 'email' => 'email' } }]) }
+ specify { expect(render { ~(name? & (email == 'email')) }).to eq(and: { filters: [{ exists: { field: 'name' } }, { term: { 'email' => 'email' } }], _cache: true }) }
diff --git a/spec/chewy/query/nodes/bool_spec.rb b/spec/chewy/query/nodes/bool_spec.rb
index a99483489..1062183ea 100644
--- a/spec/chewy/query/nodes/bool_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/chewy/query/nodes/bool_spec.rb
@@ -2,21 +2,13 @@
describe Chewy::Query::Nodes::Bool do
describe '#__render__' do
- def render &block
+ def render(&block)
- specify { expect(render { must(name == 'name', email == 'email') }).to eq({
- bool: {must: [{term: {'name' => 'name'}}, {term: {'email' => 'email'}}]
- } }) }
- specify { expect(render { must(name == 'name').must_not(email == 'email') }).to eq({
- bool: {must: [{term: {'name' => 'name'}}], must_not: [{term: {'email' => 'email'}}]
- } }) }
- specify { expect(render { must(name == 'name').should(email == 'email') }).to eq({
- bool: {must: [{term: {'name' => 'name'}}], should: [{ term: {'email' => 'email'}}]
- } }) }
- specify { expect(render { ~must(name == 'name').should(email == 'email') }).to eq({
- bool: {must: [{term: {'name' => 'name'}}], should: [{ term: {'email' => 'email'}}], _cache: true
- } }) }
+ specify { expect(render { must(name == 'name', email == 'email') }).to eq(bool: { must: [{ term: { 'name' => 'name' } }, { term: { 'email' => 'email' } }] }) }
+ specify { expect(render { must(name == 'name').must_not(email == 'email') }).to eq(bool: { must: [{ term: { 'name' => 'name' } }], must_not: [{ term: { 'email' => 'email' } }] }) }
+ specify { expect(render { must(name == 'name').should(email == 'email') }).to eq(bool: { must: [{ term: { 'name' => 'name' } }], should: [{ term: { 'email' => 'email' } }] }) }
+ specify { expect(render { ~must(name == 'name').should(email == 'email') }).to eq(bool: { must: [{ term: { 'name' => 'name' } }], should: [{ term: { 'email' => 'email' } }], _cache: true }) }
diff --git a/spec/chewy/query/nodes/equal_spec.rb b/spec/chewy/query/nodes/equal_spec.rb
index 066588f79..a70b7393b 100644
--- a/spec/chewy/query/nodes/equal_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/chewy/query/nodes/equal_spec.rb
@@ -2,31 +2,31 @@
describe Chewy::Query::Nodes::Equal do
describe '#__render__' do
- def render &block
+ def render(&block)
- specify { expect(render { name == 'name' }).to eq({term: {'name' => 'name'}}) }
- specify { expect(render { name != 'name' }).to eq({not: {term: {'name' => 'name'}}}) }
- specify { expect(render { name == ['name1', 'name2'] }).to eq({terms: {'name' => ['name1', 'name2']}}) }
- specify { expect(render { name != ['name1', 'name2'] }).to eq({not: {terms: {'name' => ['name1', 'name2']}}}) }
+ specify { expect(render { name == 'name' }).to eq(term: { 'name' => 'name' }) }
+ specify { expect(render { name != 'name' }).to eq(not: { term: { 'name' => 'name' } }) }
+ specify { expect(render { name == %w(name1 name2) }).to eq(terms: { 'name' => %w(name1 name2) }) }
+ specify { expect(render { name != %w(name1 name2) }).to eq(not: { terms: { 'name' => %w(name1 name2) } }) }
- specify { expect(render { name(:bool) == 'name' }).to eq({term: {'name' => 'name'}}) }
- specify { expect(render { name(:borogoves) == ['name1', 'name2'] }).to eq({terms: {'name' => ['name1', 'name2']}}) }
+ specify { expect(render { name(:bool) == 'name' }).to eq(term: { 'name' => 'name' }) }
+ specify { expect(render { name(:borogoves) == %w(name1 name2) }).to eq(terms: { 'name' => %w(name1 name2) }) }
- specify { expect(render { name(:|) == ['name1', 'name2'] }).to eq({terms: {'name' => ['name1', 'name2'], execution: :or}}) }
- specify { expect(render { name(:or) == ['name1', 'name2'] }).to eq({terms: {'name' => ['name1', 'name2'], execution: :or}}) }
- specify { expect(render { name(:&) == ['name1', 'name2'] }).to eq({terms: {'name' => ['name1', 'name2'], execution: :and}}) }
- specify { expect(render { name(:and) == ['name1', 'name2'] }).to eq({terms: {'name' => ['name1', 'name2'], execution: :and}}) }
- specify { expect(render { name(:b) == ['name1', 'name2'] }).to eq({terms: {'name' => ['name1', 'name2'], execution: :bool}}) }
- specify { expect(render { name(:bool) == ['name1', 'name2'] }).to eq({terms: {'name' => ['name1', 'name2'], execution: :bool}}) }
- specify { expect(render { name(:f) == ['name1', 'name2'] }).to eq({terms: {'name' => ['name1', 'name2'], execution: :fielddata}}) }
- specify { expect(render { name(:fielddata) == ['name1', 'name2'] }).to eq({terms: {'name' => ['name1', 'name2'], execution: :fielddata}}) }
+ specify { expect(render { name(:|) == %w(name1 name2) }).to eq(terms: { 'name' => %w(name1 name2), execution: :or }) }
+ specify { expect(render { name(:or) == %w(name1 name2) }).to eq(terms: { 'name' => %w(name1 name2), execution: :or }) }
+ specify { expect(render { name(:&) == %w(name1 name2) }).to eq(terms: { 'name' => %w(name1 name2), execution: :and }) }
+ specify { expect(render { name(:and) == %w(name1 name2) }).to eq(terms: { 'name' => %w(name1 name2), execution: :and }) }
+ specify { expect(render { name(:b) == %w(name1 name2) }).to eq(terms: { 'name' => %w(name1 name2), execution: :bool }) }
+ specify { expect(render { name(:bool) == %w(name1 name2) }).to eq(terms: { 'name' => %w(name1 name2), execution: :bool }) }
+ specify { expect(render { name(:f) == %w(name1 name2) }).to eq(terms: { 'name' => %w(name1 name2), execution: :fielddata }) }
+ specify { expect(render { name(:fielddata) == %w(name1 name2) }).to eq(terms: { 'name' => %w(name1 name2), execution: :fielddata }) }
- specify { expect(render { ~name == 'name' }).to eq({term: {'name' => 'name', _cache: true}}) }
- specify { expect(render { ~(name == 'name') }).to eq({term: {'name' => 'name', _cache: true}}) }
- specify { expect(render { ~name != 'name' }).to eq({not: {term: {'name' => 'name', _cache: true}}}) }
- specify { expect(render { ~name(:|) == ['name1', 'name2'] }).to eq({terms: {'name' => ['name1', 'name2'], execution: :or, _cache: true}}) }
- specify { expect(render { ~name != ['name1', 'name2'] }).to eq({not: {terms: {'name' => ['name1', 'name2'], _cache: true}}}) }
+ specify { expect(render { ~name == 'name' }).to eq(term: { 'name' => 'name', _cache: true }) }
+ specify { expect(render { ~(name == 'name') }).to eq(term: { 'name' => 'name', _cache: true }) }
+ specify { expect(render { ~name != 'name' }).to eq(not: { term: { 'name' => 'name', _cache: true } }) }
+ specify { expect(render { ~name(:|) == %w(name1 name2) }).to eq(terms: { 'name' => %w(name1 name2), execution: :or, _cache: true }) }
+ specify { expect(render { ~name != %w(name1 name2) }).to eq(not: { terms: { 'name' => %w(name1 name2), _cache: true } }) }
diff --git a/spec/chewy/query/nodes/exists_spec.rb b/spec/chewy/query/nodes/exists_spec.rb
index 6102f3015..e391f87a9 100644
--- a/spec/chewy/query/nodes/exists_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/chewy/query/nodes/exists_spec.rb
@@ -2,17 +2,17 @@
describe Chewy::Query::Nodes::Exists do
describe '#__render__' do
- def render &block
+ def render(&block)
- specify { expect(render { name? }).to eq({exists: {field: 'name'}}) }
+ specify { expect(render { name? }).to eq(exists: { field: 'name' }) }
- specify { expect(render { !!name? }).to eq({exists: {field: 'name'}}) }
- specify { expect(render { !!name }).to eq({exists: {field: 'name'}}) }
- specify { expect(render { name != nil }).to eq({exists: {field: 'name'}}) }
- specify { expect(render { !(name == nil) }).to eq({exists: {field: 'name'}}) }
+ specify { expect(render { !!name? }).to eq(exists: { field: 'name' }) }
+ specify { expect(render { !!name }).to eq(exists: { field: 'name' }) }
+ specify { expect(render { name != nil }).to eq(exists: { field: 'name' }) }
+ specify { expect(render { name != nil }).to eq(exists: { field: 'name' }) }
- specify { expect(render { ~name? }).to eq({exists: {field: 'name'}}) }
+ specify { expect(render { ~name? }).to eq(exists: { field: 'name' }) }
diff --git a/spec/chewy/query/nodes/has_child_spec.rb b/spec/chewy/query/nodes/has_child_spec.rb
index bcf080444..2050f73f3 100644
--- a/spec/chewy/query/nodes/has_child_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/chewy/query/nodes/has_child_spec.rb
@@ -2,39 +2,58 @@
describe Chewy::Query::Nodes::HasChild do
describe '#__render__' do
- def render &block
+ def render(&block)
- specify { expect(render { has_child('child') }).to eq({has_child: {type: 'child'}}) }
+ specify { expect(render { has_child('child') }).to eq(has_child: { type: 'child' }) }
+ specify do
+ expect(render { has_child('child').filter(term: { name: 'name' }) })
+ .to eq(has_child: { type: 'child', filter: { term: { name: 'name' } } })
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(render { has_child('child').filter { name == 'name' } })
+ .to eq(has_child: { type: 'child', filter: { term: { 'name' => 'name' } } })
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(render { has_child('child').filter(term: { name: 'name' }).filter { age < 42 } })
+ .to eq(has_child: { type: 'child', filter: { and: [{ term: { name: 'name' } }, range: { 'age' => { lt: 42 } }] } })
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(render { has_child('child').filter(term: { name: 'name' }).filter { age < 42 }.filter_mode(:or) })
+ .to eq(has_child: { type: 'child', filter: { or: [{ term: { name: 'name' } }, range: { 'age' => { lt: 42 } }] } })
+ end
- specify { expect(render { has_child('child').filter(term: {name: 'name'}) })
- .to eq({has_child: {type: 'child', filter: {term: {name: 'name'}}}}) }
- specify { expect(render { has_child('child').filter{ name == 'name' } })
- .to eq({has_child: {type: 'child', filter: {term: {'name' => 'name'}}}}) }
- specify { expect(render { has_child('child').filter(term: {name: 'name'}).filter{ age < 42 } })
- .to eq({has_child: {type: 'child', filter: {and: [{term: {name: 'name'}}, range: {'age' => {lt: 42}}]}}}) }
- specify { expect(render { has_child('child').filter(term: {name: 'name'}).filter{ age < 42 }.filter_mode(:or) })
- .to eq({has_child: {type: 'child', filter: {or: [{term: {name: 'name'}}, range: {'age' => {lt: 42}}]}}}) }
- specify { expect(render { has_child('child').query(match: {name: 'name'}) })
- .to eq({has_child: {type: 'child', query: {match: {name: 'name'}}}}) }
- specify { expect(render { has_child('child').query(match: {name: 'name'}).query(match: {surname: 'surname'}) })
- .to eq({has_child: {type: 'child', query: {bool: {must: [{match: {name: 'name'}}, {match: {surname: 'surname'}}]}}}}) }
- specify { expect(render { has_child('child').query(match: {name: 'name'}).query(match: {surname: 'surname'}).query_mode(:should) })
- .to eq({has_child: {type: 'child', query: {bool: {should: [{match: {name: 'name'}}, {match: {surname: 'surname'}}]}}}}) }
+ specify do
+ expect(render { has_child('child').query(match: { name: 'name' }) })
+ .to eq(has_child: { type: 'child', query: { match: { name: 'name' } } })
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(render { has_child('child').query(match: { name: 'name' }).query(match: { surname: 'surname' }) })
+ .to eq(has_child: { type: 'child', query: { bool: { must: [{ match: { name: 'name' } }, { match: { surname: 'surname' } }] } } })
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(render { has_child('child').query(match: { name: 'name' }).query(match: { surname: 'surname' }).query_mode(:should) })
+ .to eq(has_child: { type: 'child', query: { bool: { should: [{ match: { name: 'name' } }, { match: { surname: 'surname' } }] } } })
+ end
- specify { expect(render { has_child('child').filter{ name == 'name' }.query(match: {name: 'name'}) })
- .to eq({has_child: {type: 'child', query: {filtered: {query: {match: {name: 'name'}}, filter: {term: {'name' => 'name'}}}}}}) }
- specify { expect(render { has_child('child').filter{ name == 'name' }.query(match: {name: 'name'}).filter{ age < 42 } })
- .to eq({has_child: {type: 'child', query: {filtered: {query: {match: {name: 'name'}}, filter: {and: [{term: {'name' => 'name'}}, range: {'age' => {lt: 42}}]}}}}}) }
+ specify do
+ expect(render { has_child('child').filter { name == 'name' }.query(match: { name: 'name' }) })
+ .to eq(has_child: { type: 'child', query: { filtered: { query: { match: { name: 'name' } }, filter: { term: { 'name' => 'name' } } } } })
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(render { has_child('child').filter { name == 'name' }.query(match: { name: 'name' }).filter { age < 42 } })
+ .to eq(has_child: { type: 'child', query: { filtered: { query: { match: { name: 'name' } }, filter: { and: [{ term: { 'name' => 'name' } }, range: { 'age' => { lt: 42 } }] } } } })
+ end
context do
let(:name) { 'Name' }
- specify { expect(render { has_child('child').filter{ name == o{name} } })
- .to eq({has_child: {type: 'child', filter: {term: {'name' => 'Name'}}}}) }
+ specify do
+ expect(render { has_child('child').filter { name == o { name } } })
+ .to eq(has_child: { type: 'child', filter: { term: { 'name' => 'Name' } } })
+ end
diff --git a/spec/chewy/query/nodes/has_parent_spec.rb b/spec/chewy/query/nodes/has_parent_spec.rb
index 3a2f59c49..88deac668 100644
--- a/spec/chewy/query/nodes/has_parent_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/chewy/query/nodes/has_parent_spec.rb
@@ -2,39 +2,58 @@
describe Chewy::Query::Nodes::HasParent do
describe '#__render__' do
- def render &block
+ def render(&block)
- specify { expect(render { has_parent('child') }).to eq({has_parent: {type: 'child'}}) }
+ specify { expect(render { has_parent('child') }).to eq(has_parent: { type: 'child' }) }
+ specify do
+ expect(render { has_parent('child').filter(term: { name: 'name' }) })
+ .to eq(has_parent: { type: 'child', filter: { term: { name: 'name' } } })
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(render { has_parent('child').filter { name == 'name' } })
+ .to eq(has_parent: { type: 'child', filter: { term: { 'name' => 'name' } } })
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(render { has_parent('child').filter(term: { name: 'name' }).filter { age < 42 } })
+ .to eq(has_parent: { type: 'child', filter: { and: [{ term: { name: 'name' } }, range: { 'age' => { lt: 42 } }] } })
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(render { has_parent('child').filter(term: { name: 'name' }).filter { age < 42 }.filter_mode(:or) })
+ .to eq(has_parent: { type: 'child', filter: { or: [{ term: { name: 'name' } }, range: { 'age' => { lt: 42 } }] } })
+ end
- specify { expect(render { has_parent('child').filter(term: {name: 'name'}) })
- .to eq({has_parent: {type: 'child', filter: {term: {name: 'name'}}}}) }
- specify { expect(render { has_parent('child').filter{ name == 'name' } })
- .to eq({has_parent: {type: 'child', filter: {term: {'name' => 'name'}}}}) }
- specify { expect(render { has_parent('child').filter(term: {name: 'name'}).filter{ age < 42 } })
- .to eq({has_parent: {type: 'child', filter: {and: [{term: {name: 'name'}}, range: {'age' => {lt: 42}}]}}}) }
- specify { expect(render { has_parent('child').filter(term: {name: 'name'}).filter{ age < 42 }.filter_mode(:or) })
- .to eq({has_parent: {type: 'child', filter: {or: [{term: {name: 'name'}}, range: {'age' => {lt: 42}}]}}}) }
- specify { expect(render { has_parent('child').query(match: {name: 'name'}) })
- .to eq({has_parent: {type: 'child', query: {match: {name: 'name'}}}}) }
- specify { expect(render { has_parent('child').query(match: {name: 'name'}).query(match: {surname: 'surname'}) })
- .to eq({has_parent: {type: 'child', query: {bool: {must: [{match: {name: 'name'}}, {match: {surname: 'surname'}}]}}}}) }
- specify { expect(render { has_parent('child').query(match: {name: 'name'}).query(match: {surname: 'surname'}).query_mode(:should) })
- .to eq({has_parent: {type: 'child', query: {bool: {should: [{match: {name: 'name'}}, {match: {surname: 'surname'}}]}}}}) }
+ specify do
+ expect(render { has_parent('child').query(match: { name: 'name' }) })
+ .to eq(has_parent: { type: 'child', query: { match: { name: 'name' } } })
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(render { has_parent('child').query(match: { name: 'name' }).query(match: { surname: 'surname' }) })
+ .to eq(has_parent: { type: 'child', query: { bool: { must: [{ match: { name: 'name' } }, { match: { surname: 'surname' } }] } } })
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(render { has_parent('child').query(match: { name: 'name' }).query(match: { surname: 'surname' }).query_mode(:should) })
+ .to eq(has_parent: { type: 'child', query: { bool: { should: [{ match: { name: 'name' } }, { match: { surname: 'surname' } }] } } })
+ end
- specify { expect(render { has_parent('child').filter{ name == 'name' }.query(match: {name: 'name'}) })
- .to eq({has_parent: {type: 'child', query: {filtered: {query: {match: {name: 'name'}}, filter: {term: {'name' => 'name'}}}}}}) }
- specify { expect(render { has_parent('child').filter{ name == 'name' }.query(match: {name: 'name'}).filter{ age < 42 } })
- .to eq({has_parent: {type: 'child', query: {filtered: {query: {match: {name: 'name'}}, filter: {and: [{term: {'name' => 'name'}}, range: {'age' => {lt: 42}}]}}}}}) }
+ specify do
+ expect(render { has_parent('child').filter { name == 'name' }.query(match: { name: 'name' }) })
+ .to eq(has_parent: { type: 'child', query: { filtered: { query: { match: { name: 'name' } }, filter: { term: { 'name' => 'name' } } } } })
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(render { has_parent('child').filter { name == 'name' }.query(match: { name: 'name' }).filter { age < 42 } })
+ .to eq(has_parent: { type: 'child', query: { filtered: { query: { match: { name: 'name' } }, filter: { and: [{ term: { 'name' => 'name' } }, range: { 'age' => { lt: 42 } }] } } } })
+ end
context do
let(:name) { 'Name' }
- specify { expect(render { has_parent('child').filter{ name == o{name} } })
- .to eq({has_parent: {type: 'child', filter: {term: {'name' => 'Name'}}}}) }
+ specify do
+ expect(render { has_parent('child').filter { name == o { name } } })
+ .to eq(has_parent: { type: 'child', filter: { term: { 'name' => 'Name' } } })
+ end
diff --git a/spec/chewy/query/nodes/match_all_spec.rb b/spec/chewy/query/nodes/match_all_spec.rb
index bfb482422..d74f8f3ae 100644
--- a/spec/chewy/query/nodes/match_all_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/chewy/query/nodes/match_all_spec.rb
@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
describe Chewy::Query::Nodes::MatchAll do
describe '#__render__' do
- def render &block
+ def render(&block)
- specify { expect(render { match_all }).to eq({match_all: {}}) }
+ specify { expect(render { match_all }).to eq(match_all: {}) }
diff --git a/spec/chewy/query/nodes/missing_spec.rb b/spec/chewy/query/nodes/missing_spec.rb
index 0b857d2b6..a4ea46610 100644
--- a/spec/chewy/query/nodes/missing_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/chewy/query/nodes/missing_spec.rb
@@ -2,14 +2,14 @@
describe Chewy::Query::Nodes::Missing do
describe '#__render__' do
- def render &block
+ def render(&block)
- specify { expect(render { !name }).to eq({missing: {field: 'name', existence: true, null_value: false}}) }
- specify { expect(render { !name? }).to eq({missing: {field: 'name', existence: true, null_value: true}}) }
- specify { expect(render { name == nil }).to eq({missing: {field: 'name', existence: false, null_value: true}}) }
+ specify { expect(render { !name }).to eq(missing: { field: 'name', existence: true, null_value: false }) }
+ specify { expect(render { !name? }).to eq(missing: { field: 'name', existence: true, null_value: true }) }
+ specify { expect(render { name == nil }).to eq(missing: { field: 'name', existence: false, null_value: true }) }
- specify { expect(render { ~!name }).to eq({missing: {field: 'name', existence: true, null_value: false}}) }
+ specify { expect(render { ~!name }).to eq(missing: { field: 'name', existence: true, null_value: false }) }
diff --git a/spec/chewy/query/nodes/not_spec.rb b/spec/chewy/query/nodes/not_spec.rb
index 9c2e82445..f090e04a1 100644
--- a/spec/chewy/query/nodes/not_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/chewy/query/nodes/not_spec.rb
@@ -2,15 +2,11 @@
describe Chewy::Query::Nodes::Not do
describe '#__render__' do
- def render &block
+ def render(&block)
- specify { expect(render { !(email == 'email') }).to eq({
- not: {term: {'email' => 'email'}}
- }) }
- specify { expect(render { ~!(email == 'email') }).to eq({
- not: {filter: {term: {'email' => 'email'}}, _cache: true}
- }) }
+ specify { expect(render { !(email == 'email') }).to eq(not: { term: { 'email' => 'email' } }) }
+ specify { expect(render { ~!(email == 'email') }).to eq(not: { filter: { term: { 'email' => 'email' } }, _cache: true }) }
diff --git a/spec/chewy/query/nodes/or_spec.rb b/spec/chewy/query/nodes/or_spec.rb
index 2641f452c..66fb3c96c 100644
--- a/spec/chewy/query/nodes/or_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/chewy/query/nodes/or_spec.rb
@@ -2,15 +2,11 @@
describe Chewy::Query::Nodes::Or do
describe '#__render__' do
- def render &block
+ def render(&block)
- specify { expect(render { name? | (email == 'email') }).to eq({
- or: [{exists: {field: 'name'}}, {term: {'email' => 'email'}}]
- }) }
- specify { expect(render { ~(name? | (email == 'email')) }).to eq({
- or: {filters: [{exists: {field: 'name'}}, {term: {'email' => 'email'}}], _cache: true}
- }) }
+ specify { expect(render { name? | (email == 'email') }).to eq(or: [{ exists: { field: 'name' } }, { term: { 'email' => 'email' } }]) }
+ specify { expect(render { ~(name? | (email == 'email')) }).to eq(or: { filters: [{ exists: { field: 'name' } }, { term: { 'email' => 'email' } }], _cache: true }) }
diff --git a/spec/chewy/query/nodes/prefix_spec.rb b/spec/chewy/query/nodes/prefix_spec.rb
index cbf951874..6cdab6426 100644
--- a/spec/chewy/query/nodes/prefix_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/chewy/query/nodes/prefix_spec.rb
@@ -2,15 +2,15 @@
describe Chewy::Query::Nodes::Prefix do
describe '#__render__' do
- def render &block
+ def render(&block)
- specify { expect(render { name =~ 'nam' }).to eq({prefix: {'name' => 'nam'}}) }
- specify { expect(render { name !~ 'nam' }).to eq({not: {prefix: {'name' => 'nam'}}}) }
+ specify { expect(render { name =~ 'nam' }).to eq(prefix: { 'name' => 'nam' }) }
+ specify { expect(render { name !~ 'nam' }).to eq(not: { prefix: { 'name' => 'nam' } }) }
- specify { expect(render { ~name =~ 'nam' }).to eq({prefix: {'name' => 'nam', _cache: true}}) }
- specify { expect(render { ~name !~ 'nam' }).to eq({not: {prefix: {'name' => 'nam', _cache: true}}}) }
- specify { expect(render { name(cache: false) =~ 'nam' }).to eq({prefix: {'name' => 'nam', _cache: false}}) }
+ specify { expect(render { ~name =~ 'nam' }).to eq(prefix: { 'name' => 'nam', _cache: true }) }
+ specify { expect(render { ~name !~ 'nam' }).to eq(not: { prefix: { 'name' => 'nam', _cache: true } }) }
+ specify { expect(render { name(cache: false) =~ 'nam' }).to eq(prefix: { 'name' => 'nam', _cache: false }) }
diff --git a/spec/chewy/query/nodes/query_spec.rb b/spec/chewy/query/nodes/query_spec.rb
index 589a609b1..56897f112 100644
--- a/spec/chewy/query/nodes/query_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/chewy/query/nodes/query_spec.rb
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
describe Chewy::Query::Nodes::Query do
describe '#__render__' do
- def render &block
+ def render(&block)
- specify { expect(render { q(query_string: {query: 'name: hello'}) }).to eq({query: {query_string: {query: 'name: hello'}}}) }
- specify { expect(render { ~q(query_string: {query: 'name: hello'}) }).to eq({fquery: {query: {query_string: {query: 'name: hello'}}, _cache: true}}) }
+ specify { expect(render { q(query_string: { query: 'name: hello' }) }).to eq(query: { query_string: { query: 'name: hello' } }) }
+ specify { expect(render { ~q(query_string: { query: 'name: hello' }) }).to eq(fquery: { query: { query_string: { query: 'name: hello' } }, _cache: true }) }
diff --git a/spec/chewy/query/nodes/range_spec.rb b/spec/chewy/query/nodes/range_spec.rb
index c7c3734d6..f44a46a9e 100644
--- a/spec/chewy/query/nodes/range_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/chewy/query/nodes/range_spec.rb
@@ -2,31 +2,31 @@
describe Chewy::Query::Nodes::Range do
describe '#__render__' do
- def render &block
+ def render(&block)
- specify { expect(render { age > nil }).to eq({range: {'age' => {gt: nil}}}) }
- specify { expect(render { age == (nil..nil) }).to eq({range: {'age' => {gt: nil, lt: nil}}}) }
+ specify { expect(render { age > nil }).to eq(range: { 'age' => { gt: nil } }) }
+ specify { expect(render { age == (nil..nil) }).to eq(range: { 'age' => { gt: nil, lt: nil } }) }
- specify { expect(render { age > 42 }).to eq({range: {'age' => {gt: 42}}}) }
- specify { expect(render { age == (42..45) }).to eq({range: {'age' => {gt: 42, lt: 45}}}) }
- specify { expect(render { age == [42..45] }).to eq({range: {'age' => {gte: 42, lte: 45}}}) }
- specify { expect(render { (age > 42) & (age <= 45) }).to eq({range: {'age' => {gt: 42, lte: 45}}}) }
+ specify { expect(render { age > 42 }).to eq(range: { 'age' => { gt: 42 } }) }
+ specify { expect(render { age == (42..45) }).to eq(range: { 'age' => { gt: 42, lt: 45 } }) }
+ specify { expect(render { age == [42..45] }).to eq(range: { 'age' => { gte: 42, lte: 45 } }) }
+ specify { expect(render { (age > 42) & (age <= 45) }).to eq(range: { 'age' => { gt: 42, lte: 45 } }) }
- specify { expect(render { ~age > 42 }).to eq({range: {'age' => {gt: 42}, _cache: true}}) }
- specify { expect(render { ~age == (42..45) }).to eq({range: {'age' => {gt: 42, lt: 45}, _cache: true}}) }
- specify { expect(render { ~age == [42..45] }).to eq({range: {'age' => {gte: 42, lte: 45}, _cache: true}}) }
- specify { expect(render { (age > 42) & ~(age <= 45) }).to eq({range: {'age' => {gt: 42, lte: 45}, _cache: true}}) }
- specify { expect(render { (~age > 42) & (age <= 45) }).to eq({range: {'age' => {gt: 42, lte: 45}, _cache: true}}) }
+ specify { expect(render { ~age > 42 }).to eq(range: { 'age' => { gt: 42 }, _cache: true }) }
+ specify { expect(render { ~age == (42..45) }).to eq(range: { 'age' => { gt: 42, lt: 45 }, _cache: true }) }
+ specify { expect(render { ~age == [42..45] }).to eq(range: { 'age' => { gte: 42, lte: 45 }, _cache: true }) }
+ specify { expect(render { (age > 42) & ~(age <= 45) }).to eq(range: { 'age' => { gt: 42, lte: 45 }, _cache: true }) }
+ specify { expect(render { (~age > 42) & (age <= 45) }).to eq(range: { 'age' => { gt: 42, lte: 45 }, _cache: true }) }
- specify { expect(render { age(:i) > 42 }).to eq({range: {'age' => {gt: 42}, execution: :index}}) }
- specify { expect(render { age(:index) > 42 }).to eq({range: {'age' => {gt: 42}, execution: :index}}) }
- specify { expect(render { age(:f) > 42 }).to eq({range: {'age' => {gt: 42}, execution: :fielddata}}) }
- specify { expect(render { age(:fielddata) > 42 }).to eq({range: {'age' => {gt: 42}, execution: :fielddata}}) }
- specify { expect(render { (age(:f) > 42) & (age <= 45) }).to eq({range: {'age' => {gt: 42, lte: 45}, execution: :fielddata}}) }
+ specify { expect(render { age(:i) > 42 }).to eq(range: { 'age' => { gt: 42 }, execution: :index }) }
+ specify { expect(render { age(:index) > 42 }).to eq(range: { 'age' => { gt: 42 }, execution: :index }) }
+ specify { expect(render { age(:f) > 42 }).to eq(range: { 'age' => { gt: 42 }, execution: :fielddata }) }
+ specify { expect(render { age(:fielddata) > 42 }).to eq(range: { 'age' => { gt: 42 }, execution: :fielddata }) }
+ specify { expect(render { (age(:f) > 42) & (age <= 45) }).to eq(range: { 'age' => { gt: 42, lte: 45 }, execution: :fielddata }) }
- specify { expect(render { ~age(:f) > 42 }).to eq({range: {'age' => {gt: 42}, execution: :fielddata, _cache: true}}) }
- specify { expect(render { (age(:f) > 42) & (~age <= 45) }).to eq({range: {'age' => {gt: 42, lte: 45}, execution: :fielddata, _cache: true}}) }
+ specify { expect(render { ~age(:f) > 42 }).to eq(range: { 'age' => { gt: 42 }, execution: :fielddata, _cache: true }) }
+ specify { expect(render { (age(:f) > 42) & (~age <= 45) }).to eq(range: { 'age' => { gt: 42, lte: 45 }, execution: :fielddata, _cache: true }) }
diff --git a/spec/chewy/query/nodes/raw_spec.rb b/spec/chewy/query/nodes/raw_spec.rb
index 0bcbdb1ce..d1e0ccbab 100644
--- a/spec/chewy/query/nodes/raw_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/chewy/query/nodes/raw_spec.rb
@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
describe Chewy::Query::Nodes::Raw do
describe '#__render__' do
- def render &block
+ def render(&block)
- specify { expect(render { r(term: {name: 'name'}) }).to eq({term: {name: 'name'}}) }
+ specify { expect(render { r(term: { name: 'name' }) }).to eq(term: { name: 'name' }) }
diff --git a/spec/chewy/query/nodes/regexp_spec.rb b/spec/chewy/query/nodes/regexp_spec.rb
index ee80a5264..dc36fdd1c 100644
--- a/spec/chewy/query/nodes/regexp_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/chewy/query/nodes/regexp_spec.rb
@@ -2,30 +2,42 @@
describe Chewy::Query::Nodes::Regexp do
describe '#__render__' do
- def render &block
+ def render(&block)
- specify { expect(render { names.first == /nam.*/ }).to eq({regexp: {'names.first' => 'nam.*'}}) }
- specify { expect(render { names.first =~ /nam.*/ }).to eq({regexp: {'names.first' => 'nam.*'}}) }
- specify { expect(render { name != /nam.*/ }).to eq({not: {regexp: {'name' => 'nam.*'}}}) }
- specify { expect(render { name !~ /nam.*/ }).to eq({not: {regexp: {'name' => 'nam.*'}}}) }
+ specify { expect(render { names.first == /nam.*/ }).to eq(regexp: { 'names.first' => 'nam.*' }) }
+ specify { expect(render { names.first =~ /nam.*/ }).to eq(regexp: { 'names.first' => 'nam.*' }) }
+ specify { expect(render { name != /nam.*/ }).to eq(not: { regexp: { 'name' => 'nam.*' } }) }
+ specify { expect(render { name !~ /nam.*/ }).to eq(not: { regexp: { 'name' => 'nam.*' } }) }
- specify { expect(render { names.first(flags: [:anystring, :intersection, :borogoves]) == /nam.*/ })
- .to eq({regexp: {'names.first' => {value: 'nam.*', flags: 'ANYSTRING|INTERSECTION'}}}) }
- specify { expect(render { names.first(:anystring, :intersection, :borogoves) == /nam.*/ })
- .to eq({regexp: {'names.first' => {value: 'nam.*', flags: 'ANYSTRING|INTERSECTION'}}}) }
+ specify do
+ expect(render { names.first(flags: [:anystring, :intersection, :borogoves]) == /nam.*/ })
+ .to eq(regexp: { 'names.first' => { value: 'nam.*', flags: 'ANYSTRING|INTERSECTION' } })
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(render { names.first(:anystring, :intersection, :borogoves) == /nam.*/ })
+ .to eq(regexp: { 'names.first' => { value: 'nam.*', flags: 'ANYSTRING|INTERSECTION' } })
+ end
- specify { expect(render { names.first(flags: [:anystring, :intersection, :borogoves]) =~ /nam.*/ })
- .to eq({regexp: {'names.first' => {value: 'nam.*', flags: 'ANYSTRING|INTERSECTION'}}}) }
- specify { expect(render { names.first(:anystring, :intersection, :borogoves) =~ /nam.*/ })
- .to eq({regexp: {'names.first' => {value: 'nam.*', flags: 'ANYSTRING|INTERSECTION'}}}) }
+ specify do
+ expect(render { names.first(flags: [:anystring, :intersection, :borogoves]) =~ /nam.*/ })
+ .to eq(regexp: { 'names.first' => { value: 'nam.*', flags: 'ANYSTRING|INTERSECTION' } })
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(render { names.first(:anystring, :intersection, :borogoves) =~ /nam.*/ })
+ .to eq(regexp: { 'names.first' => { value: 'nam.*', flags: 'ANYSTRING|INTERSECTION' } })
+ end
- specify { expect(render { ~names.first == /nam.*/ }).to eq({regexp: {'names.first' => 'nam.*', _cache: true, _cache_key: 'nam.*'}}) }
- specify { expect(render { names.first(cache: 'name') == /nam.*/ }).to eq({regexp: {'names.first' => 'nam.*', _cache: true, _cache_key: 'name'}}) }
- specify { expect(render { ~names.first(:anystring) =~ /nam.*/ })
- .to eq({regexp: {'names.first' => {value: 'nam.*', flags: 'ANYSTRING'}, _cache: true, _cache_key: 'nam.*'}}) }
- specify { expect(render { names.first(:anystring, cache: 'name') =~ /nam.*/ })
- .to eq({regexp: {'names.first' => {value: 'nam.*', flags: 'ANYSTRING'}, _cache: true, _cache_key: 'name'}}) }
+ specify { expect(render { ~names.first == /nam.*/ }).to eq(regexp: { 'names.first' => 'nam.*', _cache: true, _cache_key: 'nam.*' }) }
+ specify { expect(render { names.first(cache: 'name') == /nam.*/ }).to eq(regexp: { 'names.first' => 'nam.*', _cache: true, _cache_key: 'name' }) }
+ specify do
+ expect(render { ~names.first(:anystring) =~ /nam.*/ })
+ .to eq(regexp: { 'names.first' => { value: 'nam.*', flags: 'ANYSTRING' }, _cache: true, _cache_key: 'nam.*' })
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(render { names.first(:anystring, cache: 'name') =~ /nam.*/ })
+ .to eq(regexp: { 'names.first' => { value: 'nam.*', flags: 'ANYSTRING' }, _cache: true, _cache_key: 'name' })
+ end
diff --git a/spec/chewy/query/nodes/script_spec.rb b/spec/chewy/query/nodes/script_spec.rb
index 851197307..9c639285a 100644
--- a/spec/chewy/query/nodes/script_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/chewy/query/nodes/script_spec.rb
@@ -2,14 +2,14 @@
describe Chewy::Query::Nodes::Script do
describe '#__render__' do
- def render &block
+ def render(&block)
- specify { expect(render { s('var = val') }).to eq({script: {script: 'var = val'}}) }
- specify { expect(render { s('var = val', val: 42) }).to eq({script: {script: 'var = val', params: {val: 42}}}) }
+ specify { expect(render { s('var = val') }).to eq(script: { script: 'var = val' }) }
+ specify { expect(render { s('var = val', val: 42) }).to eq(script: { script: 'var = val', params: { val: 42 } }) }
- specify { expect(render { ~s('var = val') }).to eq({script: {script: 'var = val', _cache: true}}) }
- specify { expect(render { ~s('var = val', val: 42) }).to eq({script: {script: 'var = val', params: {val: 42}, _cache: true}}) }
+ specify { expect(render { ~s('var = val') }).to eq(script: { script: 'var = val', _cache: true }) }
+ specify { expect(render { ~s('var = val', val: 42) }).to eq(script: { script: 'var = val', params: { val: 42 }, _cache: true }) }
diff --git a/spec/chewy/query/pagination/kaminari_spec.rb b/spec/chewy/query/pagination/kaminari_spec.rb
index 5eeb49c28..9f1c0f301 100644
--- a/spec/chewy/query/pagination/kaminari_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/chewy/query/pagination/kaminari_spec.rb
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
specify { expect(search.total_pages).to eq(0) }
context do
- let(:data) { Array.new(10) { |i| {id: i.next.to_s, name: "Name#{i.next}", age: 10 * i.next}.stringify_keys! } }
+ let(:data) { Array.new(10) { |i| { id: i.next.to_s, name: "Name#{i.next}", age: 10 * i.next }.stringify_keys! } }
before { ProductsIndex::Product.import!(data.map { |h| double(h) }) }
before { allow(::Kaminari.config).to receive_messages(default_per_page: 3) }
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
describe '#total_count' do
specify { expect(search.per(4).page(1).total_count).to eq(10) }
- specify { expect(search.filter(numeric_range: {age: {gt: 20}}).limit(3).total_count).to eq(8) }
+ specify { expect(search.filter(numeric_range: { age: { gt: 20 } }).limit(3).total_count).to eq(8) }
describe '#load' do
diff --git a/spec/chewy/query/pagination/will_paginage_spec.rb b/spec/chewy/query/pagination/will_paginage_spec.rb
index a73df6ecd..a6ee3d18f 100644
--- a/spec/chewy/query/pagination/will_paginage_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/chewy/query/pagination/will_paginage_spec.rb
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
require 'spec_helper'
if defined?(::WillPaginate)
describe Chewy::Query::Pagination::WillPaginate do
before { Chewy.massacre }
@@ -16,10 +15,10 @@
let(:search) { ProductsIndex.order(:age) }
- specify { expect(search.total_pages).to eq(1) } #defaults to 1 on will_paginate
+ specify { expect(search.total_pages).to eq(1) } # defaults to 1 on will_paginate
context do
- let(:data) { Array.new(10) { |i| {id: i.next.to_s, name: "Name#{i.next}", age: 10 * i.next}.stringify_keys! } }
+ let(:data) { Array.new(10) { |i| { id: i.next.to_s, name: "Name#{i.next}", age: 10 * i.next }.stringify_keys! } }
before { ProductsIndex::Product.import!(data.map { |h| double(h) }) }
before { allow(::WillPaginate).to receive_messages(per_page: 3) }
@@ -30,7 +29,7 @@
specify { expect(search.page(2).map { |e| e.attributes.except('_score', '_explanation') }).to eq(data[3..5]) }
- describe "#paginate" do
+ describe '#paginate' do
specify { expect(search.paginate(page: 2, per_page: 4).map { |e| e.attributes.except('_score', '_explanation') }).to eq(data[4..7]) }
specify { expect(search.paginate(per_page: 2, page: 3).page(3).map { |e| e.attributes.except('_score', '_explanation') }).to eq(data[4..5]) }
specify { expect(search.paginate(per_page: 5).map { |e| e.attributes.except('_score', '_explanation') }).to eq(data[0..4]) }
@@ -44,7 +43,7 @@
describe '#total_entries' do
specify { expect(search.paginate(page: 1, per_page: 4).total_entries).to eq(10) }
- specify { expect(search.filter(numeric_range: {age: {gt: 20}}).limit(3).total_entries).to eq(8) }
+ specify { expect(search.filter(numeric_range: { age: { gt: 20 } }).limit(3).total_entries).to eq(8) }
describe '#load' do
@@ -52,8 +51,8 @@
specify { expect(search.paginate(per_page: 2, page: 3).load.first.age).to eq(50) }
specify { expect(search.paginate(per_page: 2, page: 3).load.page(2).load.first.age).to eq(30) }
- specify { expect(search.paginate(per_page:4, page:1).load.total_count).to eq(10) }
- specify { expect(search.paginate(per_page:2, page:3).load.total_pages).to eq(5) }
+ specify { expect(search.paginate(per_page: 4, page: 1).load.total_count).to eq(10) }
+ specify { expect(search.paginate(per_page: 2, page: 3).load.total_pages).to eq(5) }
diff --git a/spec/chewy/query/pagination_spec.rb b/spec/chewy/query/pagination_spec.rb
index d52e85c8c..d29f3e3ac 100644
--- a/spec/chewy/query/pagination_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/chewy/query/pagination_spec.rb
@@ -17,14 +17,14 @@
specify { expect(search.total_count).to eq(0) }
context do
- let(:data) { Array.new(10) { |i| {id: i.next.to_s, name: "Name#{i.next}", age: 10 * i.next}.stringify_keys! } }
+ let(:data) { Array.new(10) { |i| { id: i.next.to_s, name: "Name#{i.next}", age: 10 * i.next }.stringify_keys! } }
before { ProductsIndex::Product.import!(data.map { |h| double(h) }) }
describe '#total_count' do
specify { expect(search.total_count).to eq(10) }
specify { expect(search.limit(5).total_count).to eq(10) }
- specify { expect(search.filter(range: {age: {gt: 20}}).limit(3).total_count).to eq(8) }
+ specify { expect(search.filter(range: { age: { gt: 20 } }).limit(3).total_count).to eq(8) }
describe '#load' do
@@ -32,5 +32,4 @@
specify { expect(search.limit(5).load.total_count).to eq(10) }
diff --git a/spec/chewy/query_spec.rb b/spec/chewy/query_spec.rb
index 24650d6d9..cdd335df3 100644
--- a/spec/chewy/query_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/chewy/query_spec.rb
@@ -20,9 +20,9 @@
context 'integration' do
- let(:products) { Array.new(3) { |i| {id: i.next.to_s, name: "Name#{i.next}", age: 10 * i.next}.stringify_keys! } }
- let(:cities) { Array.new(3) { |i| {id: i.next.to_s}.stringify_keys! } }
- let(:countries) { Array.new(3) { |i| {id: i.next.to_s}.stringify_keys! } }
+ let(:products) { Array.new(3) { |i| { id: i.next.to_s, name: "Name#{i.next}", age: 10 * i.next }.stringify_keys! } }
+ let(:cities) { Array.new(3) { |i| { id: i.next.to_s }.stringify_keys! } }
+ let(:countries) { Array.new(3) { |i| { id: i.next.to_s }.stringify_keys! } }
before do
ProductsIndex::Product.import!(products.map { |h| double(h) })
ProductsIndex::City.import!(cities.map { |h| double(h) })
@@ -33,20 +33,20 @@
specify { expect(subject.first._data).to be_a Hash }
specify { expect(subject.limit(6).count).to eq(6) }
specify { expect(subject.offset(6).count).to eq(3) }
- specify { expect(subject.query(match: {name: 'name3'}).highlight(fields: {name: {}}).first.name).to eq('Name3') }
- specify { expect(subject.query(match: {name: 'name3'}).highlight(fields: {name: {}}).first.name_highlight).to eq('Name3') }
- specify { expect(subject.query(match: {name: 'name3'}).highlight(fields: {name: {}}).first._data['_source']['name']).to eq('Name3') }
+ specify { expect(subject.query(match: { name: 'name3' }).highlight(fields: { name: {} }).first.name).to eq('Name3') }
+ specify { expect(subject.query(match: { name: 'name3' }).highlight(fields: { name: {} }).first.name_highlight).to eq('Name3') }
+ specify { expect(subject.query(match: { name: 'name3' }).highlight(fields: { name: {} }).first._data['_source']['name']).to eq('Name3') }
specify { expect(subject.types(:product).count).to eq(3) }
specify { expect(subject.types(:product, :country).count).to eq(6) }
- specify { expect(subject.filter(term: {age: 10}).count).to eq(1) }
- specify { expect(subject.query(term: {age: 10}).count).to eq(1) }
+ specify { expect(subject.filter(term: { age: 10 }).count).to eq(1) }
+ specify { expect(subject.query(term: { age: 10 }).count).to eq(1) }
specify { expect(subject.order(nil).count).to eq(9) }
specify { expect(subject.search_type(:count).count).to eq(0) }
specify { expect(subject.search_type(:count).total).to eq(9) }
describe '#==' do
- let(:data) { Array.new(3) { |i| {id: i.next.to_s, name: "Name#{i.next}", age: 10 * i.next}.stringify_keys! } }
+ let(:data) { Array.new(3) { |i| { id: i.next.to_s, name: "Name#{i.next}", age: 10 * i.next }.stringify_keys! } }
before { ProductsIndex::Product.import!(data.map { |h| double(h) }) }
specify { expect(subject.query(match: 'hello')).to eq(subject.query(match: 'hello')) }
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
specify { expect(subject.limit(10)).not_to eq(subject) }
specify { expect(subject.limit(10).criteria.request_options).to include(size: 10) }
specify { expect { subject.limit(10) }.not_to change { subject.criteria.request_options } }
- specify { expect(subject.limit { 20/2 }.criteria.request_body[:body]).to include(size: 10) }
+ specify { expect(subject.limit { 20 / 2 }.criteria.request_body[:body]).to include(size: 10) }
describe '#offset' do
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
specify { expect(subject.offset(10)).not_to eq(subject) }
specify { expect(subject.offset(10).criteria.request_options).to include(from: 10) }
specify { expect { subject.offset(10) }.not_to change { subject.criteria.request_options } }
- specify { expect(subject.offset { 20/2 }.criteria.request_body[:body]).to include(from: 10) }
+ specify { expect(subject.offset { 20 / 2 }.criteria.request_body[:body]).to include(from: 10) }
describe '#script_fields' do
@@ -117,72 +117,74 @@
describe '#script_score' do
specify { expect(subject.script_score('23')).to be_a described_class }
specify { expect(subject.script_score('23')).not_to eq(subject) }
- specify { expect(subject.script_score('23').criteria.scores).to eq([ { script_score: { script: '23' } } ]) }
+ specify { expect(subject.script_score('23').criteria.scores).to eq([{ script_score: { script: '23' } }]) }
specify { expect { subject.script_score('23') }.not_to change { subject.criteria.scores } }
- specify { expect(subject.script_score('23 * factor', params: { factor: 0.5}).criteria.scores).to eq([{ script_score: { script: '23 * factor', params: { factor: 0.5} } }]) }
+ specify { expect(subject.script_score('23 * factor', params: { factor: 0.5 }).criteria.scores).to eq([{ script_score: { script: '23 * factor', params: { factor: 0.5 } } }]) }
describe '#boost_factor' do
specify { expect(subject.boost_factor('23')).to be_a described_class }
specify { expect(subject.boost_factor('23')).not_to eq(subject) }
- specify { expect(subject.boost_factor('23').criteria.scores).to eq([ { boost_factor: 23 } ]) }
+ specify { expect(subject.boost_factor('23').criteria.scores).to eq([{ boost_factor: 23 }]) }
specify { expect { subject.boost_factor('23') }.not_to change { subject.criteria.scores } }
- specify { expect(subject.boost_factor('23', filter: { foo: :bar}).criteria.scores).to eq([{ boost_factor: 23, filter: { foo: :bar } }]) }
+ specify { expect(subject.boost_factor('23', filter: { foo: :bar }).criteria.scores).to eq([{ boost_factor: 23, filter: { foo: :bar } }]) }
describe '#weight' do
specify { expect(subject.weight('23')).to be_a described_class }
specify { expect(subject.weight('23')).not_to eq(subject) }
- specify { expect(subject.weight('23').criteria.scores).to eq([ { weight: 23 } ]) }
+ specify { expect(subject.weight('23').criteria.scores).to eq([{ weight: 23 }]) }
specify { expect { subject.weight('23') }.not_to change { subject.criteria.scores } }
- specify { expect(subject.weight('23', filter: { foo: :bar}).criteria.scores).to eq([{ weight: 23, filter: { foo: :bar } }]) }
+ specify { expect(subject.weight('23', filter: { foo: :bar }).criteria.scores).to eq([{ weight: 23, filter: { foo: :bar } }]) }
describe '#random_score' do
specify { expect(subject.random_score('23')).to be_a described_class }
specify { expect(subject.random_score('23')).not_to eq(subject) }
- specify { expect(subject.random_score('23').criteria.scores).to eq([ { random_score: { seed: 23 } } ]) }
+ specify { expect(subject.random_score('23').criteria.scores).to eq([{ random_score: { seed: 23 } }]) }
specify { expect { subject.random_score('23') }.not_to change { subject.criteria.scores } }
- specify { expect(subject.random_score('23', filter: { foo: :bar}).criteria.scores).to eq([{ random_score: { seed: 23 }, filter: { foo: :bar } }]) }
+ specify { expect(subject.random_score('23', filter: { foo: :bar }).criteria.scores).to eq([{ random_score: { seed: 23 }, filter: { foo: :bar } }]) }
describe '#field_value_score' do
specify { expect(subject.field_value_factor(field: :boost)).to be_a described_class }
specify { expect(subject.field_value_factor(field: :boost)).not_to eq(subject) }
- specify { expect(subject.field_value_factor(field: :boost).criteria.scores).to eq([ { field_value_factor: { field: :boost } } ]) }
+ specify { expect(subject.field_value_factor(field: :boost).criteria.scores).to eq([{ field_value_factor: { field: :boost } }]) }
specify { expect { subject.field_value_factor(field: :boost) }.not_to change { subject.criteria.scores } }
- specify { expect(subject.field_value_factor({ field: :boost }, filter: { foo: :bar}).criteria.scores).to eq([{ field_value_factor: { field: :boost }, filter: { foo: :bar } }]) }
+ specify { expect(subject.field_value_factor({ field: :boost }, filter: { foo: :bar }).criteria.scores).to eq([{ field_value_factor: { field: :boost }, filter: { foo: :bar } }]) }
describe '#decay' do
specify { expect(subject.decay(:gauss, :field)).to be_a described_class }
specify { expect(subject.decay(:gauss, :field)).not_to eq(subject) }
- specify { expect(subject.decay(:gauss, :field).criteria.scores).to eq([ {
- gauss: {
- field: {}
- }
- }]) }
+ specify do
+ expect(subject.decay(:gauss, :field).criteria.scores).to eq([{
+ gauss: {
+ field: {}
+ }
+ }])
+ end
specify { expect { subject.decay(:gauss, :field) }.not_to change { subject.criteria.scores } }
- specify {
+ specify do
expect(subject.decay(:gauss, :field,
- origin: '11, 12',
- scale: '2km',
- offset: '5km',
- decay: 0.4,
- filter: { foo: :bar }).criteria.scores).to eq([
- {
- gauss: {
- field: {
- origin: '11, 12',
- scale: '2km',
- offset: '5km',
- decay: 0.4
- }
- },
- filter: { foo: :bar }
- }
- ])
- }
+ origin: '11, 12',
+ scale: '2km',
+ offset: '5km',
+ decay: 0.4,
+ filter: { foo: :bar }).criteria.scores).to eq([
+ {
+ gauss: {
+ field: {
+ origin: '11, 12',
+ scale: '2km',
+ offset: '5km',
+ decay: 0.4
+ }
+ },
+ filter: { foo: :bar }
+ }
+ ])
+ end
describe '#facets' do
@@ -193,19 +195,19 @@
specify do
- expect(subject.facets(term: {field: 'hello'})).to be_a described_class
+ expect(subject.facets(term: { field: 'hello' })).to be_a described_class
specify do
- expect(subject.facets(term: {field: 'hello'})).not_to eq(subject)
+ expect(subject.facets(term: { field: 'hello' })).not_to eq(subject)
specify do
- expect(subject.facets(term: {field: 'hello'}).criteria.facets).to include(term: {field: 'hello'})
+ expect(subject.facets(term: { field: 'hello' }).criteria.facets).to include(term: { field: 'hello' })
specify do
- expect { subject.facets(term: {field: 'hello'}) }.not_to change { subject.criteria.facets }
+ expect { subject.facets(term: { field: 'hello' }) }.not_to change { subject.criteria.facets }
context 'results', :orm do
@@ -228,28 +230,25 @@
specify do
- expect(CitiesIndex.facets(ratings: {terms: {field: 'rating'}}).facets).to eq({
- 'ratings' => {
- '_type' => 'terms', 'missing' => 0, 'total' => 10, 'other' => 0,
- 'terms' => [
- {'term' => 0, 'count' => 4},
- {'term' => 2, 'count' => 3},
- {'term' => 1, 'count' => 3}
- ]
- }
- })
+ expect(CitiesIndex.facets(ratings: { terms: { field: 'rating' } }).facets).to eq('ratings' => {
+ '_type' => 'terms', 'missing' => 0, 'total' => 10, 'other' => 0,
+ 'terms' => [
+ { 'term' => 0, 'count' => 4 },
+ { 'term' => 2, 'count' => 3 },
+ { 'term' => 1, 'count' => 3 }
+ ]
+ })
describe '#aggregations' do
- specify { expect(subject.aggregations(aggregation1: {field: 'hello'})).to be_a described_class }
- specify { expect(subject.aggregations(aggregation1: {field: 'hello'})).not_to eq(subject) }
- specify { expect(subject.aggregations(aggregation1: {field: 'hello'}).criteria.aggregations).to include(aggregation1: {field: 'hello'}) }
- specify { expect { subject.aggregations(aggregation1: {field: 'hello'}) }.not_to change { subject.criteria.aggregations } }
+ specify { expect(subject.aggregations(aggregation1: { field: 'hello' })).to be_a described_class }
+ specify { expect(subject.aggregations(aggregation1: { field: 'hello' })).not_to eq(subject) }
+ specify { expect(subject.aggregations(aggregation1: { field: 'hello' }).criteria.aggregations).to include(aggregation1: { field: 'hello' }) }
+ specify { expect { subject.aggregations(aggregation1: { field: 'hello' }) }.not_to change { subject.criteria.aggregations } }
context 'when requesting a named aggregation' do
before do
stub_index(:products) do
define_type :product do
@@ -303,16 +302,18 @@
- it "is the aggregation definition that was last defined" do
+ it 'is the aggregation definition that was last defined' do
expect(subject.aggregations(:named_agg).criteria.aggregations).to include(named_agg: { avg: { field: 'comments.rating' } })
- context "when the fully qualified aggregation name is provided" do
- specify { expect(subject
- .aggregations("products#product.named_agg")
+ context 'when the fully qualified aggregation name is provided' do
+ specify do
+ expect(subject
+ .aggregations('products#product.named_agg')
- .to include({ "products#product.named_agg" => { avg: { field: 'title.subfield1' } } }) }
+ .to include('products#product.named_agg' => { avg: { field: 'title.subfield1' } })
+ end
@@ -333,21 +334,23 @@
before { CitiesIndex::City.import! cities }
specify { expect(CitiesIndex.aggregations).to eq({}) }
- specify { expect(CitiesIndex.aggregations(ratings: {terms: {field: 'rating'}})
+ specify do
+ expect(CitiesIndex.aggregations(ratings: { terms: { field: 'rating' } })
.aggregations['ratings']['buckets'].map { |h| h.slice('key', 'doc_count') }).to eq([
- { 'key' => 0, 'doc_count' => 4 },
- { 'key' => 1, 'doc_count' => 3 },
- { 'key' => 2, 'doc_count' => 3 }
- ]) }
+ { 'key' => 0, 'doc_count' => 4 },
+ { 'key' => 1, 'doc_count' => 3 },
+ { 'key' => 2, 'doc_count' => 3 }
+ ])
+ end
describe '#suggest' do
- specify { subject.suggest(name1: {text: 'hello', term: {field: 'name'}}) }
- specify { expect(subject.suggest(name1: {text: 'hello'})).not_to eq(subject) }
- specify { expect(subject.suggest(name1: {text: 'hello'}).criteria.suggest).to include(name1: {text: 'hello'}) }
- specify { expect { subject.suggest(name1: {text: 'hello'}) }.not_to change { subject.criteria.suggest } }
+ specify { subject.suggest(name1: { text: 'hello', term: { field: 'name' } }) }
+ specify { expect(subject.suggest(name1: { text: 'hello' })).not_to eq(subject) }
+ specify { expect(subject.suggest(name1: { text: 'hello' }).criteria.suggest).to include(name1: { text: 'hello' }) }
+ specify { expect { subject.suggest(name1: { text: 'hello' }) }.not_to change { subject.criteria.suggest } }
context 'results', :orm do
before { stub_model(:city) }
@@ -365,26 +368,25 @@
before { CitiesIndex::City.import! cities }
specify { expect(CitiesIndex.suggest).to eq({}) }
- specify { expect(CitiesIndex.suggest(name: {text: 'name', term: {field: 'name'}}).suggest).to eq({
- 'name' => [
- {'text' => 'name', 'offset' => 0, 'length' => 4, 'options' => [
- {'text' => 'name0', 'score' => 0.75, 'freq' => 1},
- {'text' => 'name1', 'score' => 0.75, 'freq' => 1},
- {'text' => 'name2', 'score' => 0.75, 'freq' => 1},
- {'text' => 'name3', 'score' => 0.75, 'freq' => 1},
- {'text' => 'name4', 'score' => 0.75, 'freq' => 1}
- ]
- }
- ] })
- }
+ specify do
+ expect(CitiesIndex.suggest(name: { text: 'name', term: { field: 'name' } }).suggest).to eq('name' => [
+ { 'text' => 'name', 'offset' => 0, 'length' => 4, 'options' => [
+ { 'text' => 'name0', 'score' => 0.75, 'freq' => 1 },
+ { 'text' => 'name1', 'score' => 0.75, 'freq' => 1 },
+ { 'text' => 'name2', 'score' => 0.75, 'freq' => 1 },
+ { 'text' => 'name3', 'score' => 0.75, 'freq' => 1 },
+ { 'text' => 'name4', 'score' => 0.75, 'freq' => 1 }
+ ] }
+ ])
+ end
describe '#delete_all' do
- let(:products) { Array.new(3) { |i| {id: i.next.to_s, name: "Name#{i.next}", age: 10 * i.next}.stringify_keys! } }
- let(:cities) { Array.new(3) { |i| {id: i.next.to_s}.stringify_keys! } }
- let(:countries) { Array.new(3) { |i| {id: i.next.to_s}.stringify_keys! } }
+ let(:products) { Array.new(3) { |i| { id: i.next.to_s, name: "Name#{i.next}", age: 10 * i.next }.stringify_keys! } }
+ let(:cities) { Array.new(3) { |i| { id: i.next.to_s }.stringify_keys! } }
+ let(:countries) { Array.new(3) { |i| { id: i.next.to_s }.stringify_keys! } }
before do
ProductsIndex::Product.import!(products.map { |h| double(h) })
@@ -394,46 +396,51 @@
specify do
skip_on_plugin_missing_from_version('delete-by-query', '2.0')
- expect {
- subject.query(match: {name: 'name3'}).delete_all
- Chewy.client.indices.refresh(index: 'products') }.to change { ProductsIndex.total }.from(9).to(8)
+ expect do
+ subject.query(match: { name: 'name3' }).delete_all
+ Chewy.client.indices.refresh(index: 'products')
+ end.to change { ProductsIndex.total }.from(9).to(8)
specify do
skip_on_plugin_missing_from_version('delete-by-query', '2.0')
- expect {
+ expect do
subject.filter { age == [10, 20] }.delete_all
- Chewy.client.indices.refresh(index: 'products') }.to change { ProductsIndex.total_count }.from(9).to(7)
+ Chewy.client.indices.refresh(index: 'products')
+ end.to change { ProductsIndex.total_count }.from(9).to(7)
specify do
skip_on_plugin_missing_from_version('delete-by-query', '2.0')
- expect {
+ expect do
- Chewy.client.indices.refresh(index: 'products') }.to change { ProductsIndex::Product.total_entries }.from(3).to(0)
+ Chewy.client.indices.refresh(index: 'products')
+ end.to change { ProductsIndex::Product.total_entries }.from(3).to(0)
specify do
skip_on_plugin_missing_from_version('delete-by-query', '2.0')
- expect {
+ expect do
- Chewy.client.indices.refresh(index: 'products') }.to change { ProductsIndex.total }.from(9).to(0)
+ Chewy.client.indices.refresh(index: 'products')
+ end.to change { ProductsIndex.total }.from(9).to(0)
specify do
skip_on_plugin_missing_from_version('delete-by-query', '2.0')
- expect {
+ expect do
- Chewy.client.indices.refresh(index: 'products') }.to change { ProductsIndex.total }.from(9).to(6)
+ Chewy.client.indices.refresh(index: 'products')
+ end.to change { ProductsIndex.total }.from(9).to(6)
specify do
- expect(Chewy.client.nodes).to receive(:info).and_return({"nodes" => {"a" => {"plugins" => {"name" => "hello"}}}})
- expect { ProductsIndex.delete_all }.to raise_error(Chewy::PluginMissing).with_message("install delete-by-query plugin")
+ expect(Chewy.client.nodes).to receive(:info).and_return('nodes' => { 'a' => { 'plugins' => { 'name' => 'hello' } } })
+ expect { ProductsIndex.delete_all }.to raise_error(Chewy::PluginMissing).with_message('install delete-by-query plugin')
describe '#find' do
- let(:products) { Array.new(3) { |i| {id: i.next.to_s, name: "Name#{i.next}", age: 10 * i.next}.stringify_keys! } }
- let(:cities) { Array.new(1) { {id: '4'}.stringify_keys! } }
- let(:countries) { Array.new(1) { {id: '4'}.stringify_keys! } }
+ let(:products) { Array.new(3) { |i| { id: i.next.to_s, name: "Name#{i.next}", age: 10 * i.next }.stringify_keys! } }
+ let(:cities) { Array.new(1) { { id: '4' }.stringify_keys! } }
+ let(:countries) { Array.new(1) { { id: '4' }.stringify_keys! } }
before do
ProductsIndex::Product.import!(products.map { |h| double(h) })
@@ -456,19 +463,19 @@
describe '#exists?' do
- let(:data) { Array.new(10) { |i| {id: i.next.to_s, name: "Name#{i.next}", age: 10 * i.next} } }
+ let(:data) { Array.new(10) { |i| { id: i.next.to_s, name: "Name#{i.next}", age: 10 * i.next } } }
before { ProductsIndex::Product.import!(data.map { |h| double(h) }) }
specify { expect(subject.exists?).to eq true }
specify { expect(subject.limit(5).exists?).to eq true }
- specify { expect(subject.filter(range: {age: {gt: 20}}).limit(3).exists?).to eq true }
- specify { expect(subject.filter(range: {age: {lt: 0}}).exists?).to eq false }
+ specify { expect(subject.filter(range: { age: { gt: 20 } }).limit(3).exists?).to eq true }
+ specify { expect(subject.filter(range: { age: { lt: 0 } }).exists?).to eq false }
describe '#unlimited' do
let(:data_length) { 10 }
- let(:data) { Array.new(data_length) { |i| {id: i.next.to_s, name: "Name#{i.next}", age: 10 * i.next} } }
+ let(:data) { Array.new(data_length) { |i| { id: i.next.to_s, name: "Name#{i.next}", age: 10 * i.next } } }
before { ProductsIndex::Product.import!(data.map { |h| double(h) }) }
@@ -507,25 +514,29 @@
describe '#filter' do
- specify { expect(subject.filter(term: {field: 'hello'})).to be_a described_class }
- specify { expect(subject.filter(term: {field: 'hello'})).not_to eq(subject) }
- specify { expect { subject.filter(term: {field: 'hello'}) }.not_to change { subject.criteria.filters } }
- specify { expect(subject.filter([{term: {field: 'hello'}}, {term: {field: 'world'}}]).criteria.filters)
- .to eq([{term: {field: 'hello'}}, {term: {field: 'world'}}]) }
+ specify { expect(subject.filter(term: { field: 'hello' })).to be_a described_class }
+ specify { expect(subject.filter(term: { field: 'hello' })).not_to eq(subject) }
+ specify { expect { subject.filter(term: { field: 'hello' }) }.not_to change { subject.criteria.filters } }
+ specify do
+ expect(subject.filter([{ term: { field: 'hello' } }, { term: { field: 'world' } }]).criteria.filters)
+ .to eq([{ term: { field: 'hello' } }, { term: { field: 'world' } }])
+ end
- specify { expect { subject.filter{ name == 'John' } }.not_to change { subject.criteria.filters } }
- specify { expect(subject.filter{ name == 'John' }.criteria.filters).to eq([{term: {'name' => 'John'}}]) }
+ specify { expect { subject.filter { name == 'John' } }.not_to change { subject.criteria.filters } }
+ specify { expect(subject.filter { name == 'John' }.criteria.filters).to eq([{ term: { 'name' => 'John' } }]) }
describe '#post_filter' do
- specify { expect(subject.post_filter(term: {field: 'hello'})).to be_a described_class }
- specify { expect(subject.post_filter(term: {field: 'hello'})).not_to eq(subject) }
- specify { expect { subject.post_filter(term: {field: 'hello'}) }.not_to change { subject.criteria.post_filters } }
- specify { expect(subject.post_filter([{term: {field: 'hello'}}, {term: {field: 'world'}}]).criteria.post_filters)
- .to eq([{term: {field: 'hello'}}, {term: {field: 'world'}}]) }
+ specify { expect(subject.post_filter(term: { field: 'hello' })).to be_a described_class }
+ specify { expect(subject.post_filter(term: { field: 'hello' })).not_to eq(subject) }
+ specify { expect { subject.post_filter(term: { field: 'hello' }) }.not_to change { subject.criteria.post_filters } }
+ specify do
+ expect(subject.post_filter([{ term: { field: 'hello' } }, { term: { field: 'world' } }]).criteria.post_filters)
+ .to eq([{ term: { field: 'hello' } }, { term: { field: 'world' } }])
+ end
- specify { expect { subject.post_filter{ name == 'John' } }.not_to change { subject.criteria.post_filters } }
- specify { expect(subject.post_filter{ name == 'John' }.criteria.post_filters).to eq([{term: {'name' => 'John'}}]) }
+ specify { expect { subject.post_filter { name == 'John' } }.not_to change { subject.criteria.post_filters } }
+ specify { expect(subject.post_filter { name == 'John' }.criteria.post_filters).to eq([{ term: { 'name' => 'John' } }]) }
describe '#order' do
@@ -535,9 +546,9 @@
specify { expect(subject.order(:field).criteria.sort).to eq([:field]) }
specify { expect(subject.order([:field1, :field2]).criteria.sort).to eq([:field1, :field2]) }
- specify { expect(subject.order(field: :asc).criteria.sort).to eq([{field: :asc}]) }
- specify { expect(subject.order({field1: :asc, field2: :desc}).criteria.sort).to eq([{field1: :asc}, {field2: :desc}]) }
- specify { expect(subject.order({field1: {order: :asc}, field2: :desc}).order([:field3], :field4).criteria.sort).to eq([{field1: {order: :asc}}, {field2: :desc}, :field3, :field4]) }
+ specify { expect(subject.order(field: :asc).criteria.sort).to eq([{ field: :asc }]) }
+ specify { expect(subject.order(field1: :asc, field2: :desc).criteria.sort).to eq([{ field1: :asc }, { field2: :desc }]) }
+ specify { expect(subject.order(field1: { order: :asc }, field2: :desc).order([:field3], :field4).criteria.sort).to eq([{ field1: { order: :asc } }, { field2: :desc }, :field3, :field4]) }
describe '#reorder' do
@@ -555,8 +566,8 @@
specify { expect(subject.only(:field)).not_to eq(subject) }
specify { expect { subject.only(:field) }.not_to change { subject.criteria.fields } }
- specify { expect(subject.only(:field1, :field2).criteria.fields).to match_array(['field1', 'field2']) }
- specify { expect(subject.only([:field1, :field2]).only(:field3).criteria.fields).to match_array(['field1', 'field2', 'field3']) }
+ specify { expect(subject.only(:field1, :field2).criteria.fields).to match_array(%w(field1 field2)) }
+ specify { expect(subject.only([:field1, :field2]).only(:field3).criteria.fields).to match_array(%w(field1 field2 field3)) }
describe '#only!' do
@@ -564,7 +575,7 @@
specify { expect(subject.only!(:field)).not_to eq(subject) }
specify { expect { subject.only!(:field) }.not_to change { subject.criteria.fields } }
- specify { expect(subject.only!(:field1, :field2).criteria.fields).to match_array(['field1', 'field2']) }
+ specify { expect(subject.only!(:field1, :field2).criteria.fields).to match_array(%w(field1 field2)) }
specify { expect(subject.only!([:field1, :field2]).only!(:field3).criteria.fields).to match_array(['field3']) }
specify { expect(subject.only([:field1, :field2]).only!(:field3).criteria.fields).to match_array(['field3']) }
@@ -575,8 +586,8 @@
specify { expect { subject.types(:product) }.not_to change { subject.criteria.types } }
specify { expect(subject.types(:user).criteria.types).to eq(['user']) }
- specify { expect(subject.types(:product, :city).criteria.types).to match_array(['product', 'city']) }
- specify { expect(subject.types([:product, :city]).types(:country).criteria.types).to match_array(['product', 'city', 'country']) }
+ specify { expect(subject.types(:product, :city).criteria.types).to match_array(%w(product city)) }
+ specify { expect(subject.types([:product, :city]).types(:country).criteria.types).to match_array(%w(product city country)) }
describe '#types!' do
@@ -585,7 +596,7 @@
specify { expect { subject.types!(:product) }.not_to change { subject.criteria.types } }
specify { expect(subject.types!(:user).criteria.types).to eq(['user']) }
- specify { expect(subject.types!(:product, :city).criteria.types).to match_array(['product', 'city']) }
+ specify { expect(subject.types!(:product, :city).criteria.types).to match_array(%w(product city)) }
specify { expect(subject.types!([:product, :city]).types!(:country).criteria.types).to match_array(['country']) }
specify { expect(subject.types([:product, :city]).types!(:country).criteria.types).to match_array(['country']) }
@@ -595,16 +606,18 @@
describe '#aggregations' do
- specify { expect(subject.aggregations(attribute: {terms: {field: 'attribute'}})).to be_a described_class }
- specify { expect(subject.aggregations(attribute: {terms: {field: 'attribute'}})).not_to eq(subject) }
- specify { expect(subject.aggregations(attribute: {terms: {field: 'attribute'}}).criteria.request_body[:body]).to include(aggregations: {attribute: {terms: {field: 'attribute'}}}) }
+ specify { expect(subject.aggregations(attribute: { terms: { field: 'attribute' } })).to be_a described_class }
+ specify { expect(subject.aggregations(attribute: { terms: { field: 'attribute' } })).not_to eq(subject) }
+ specify { expect(subject.aggregations(attribute: { terms: { field: 'attribute' } }).criteria.request_body[:body]).to include(aggregations: { attribute: { terms: { field: 'attribute' } } }) }
describe '#merge' do
let(:query) { described_class.new(ProductsIndex) }
- specify { expect(subject.filter { name == 'name' }.merge(query.filter { age == 42 }).criteria.filters)
- .to eq([{term: {'name' => 'name'}}, {term: {'age' => 42}}]) }
+ specify do
+ expect(subject.filter { name == 'name' }.merge(query.filter { age == 42 }).criteria.filters)
+ .to eq([{ term: { 'name' => 'name' } }, { term: { 'age' => 42 } }])
+ end
describe '#to_a', :orm do
@@ -617,7 +630,7 @@
define_type :city do
field :name
field :rating, type: 'integer'
- field :nested, type: 'object', value: ->{ {name: name} }
+ field :nested, type: 'object', value: -> { { name: name } }
@@ -627,17 +640,17 @@
specify { expect(CitiesIndex.order(:rating).first).to be_a CitiesIndex::City }
specify { expect(CitiesIndex.order(:rating).first.name).to eq('name0') }
specify { expect(CitiesIndex.order(:rating).first.rating).to eq(0) }
- specify { expect(CitiesIndex.order(:rating).first.nested).to eq({'name' => 'name0'}) }
+ specify { expect(CitiesIndex.order(:rating).first.nested).to eq('name' => 'name0') }
specify { expect(CitiesIndex.order(:rating).first.id).to eq(cities.first.id.to_s) }
specify { expect(CitiesIndex.order(:rating).only(:name).first.name).to eq('name0') }
specify { expect(CitiesIndex.order(:rating).only(:name).first.rating).to be_nil }
- specify { expect(CitiesIndex.order(:rating).only(:nested).first.nested).to eq({'name' => 'name0'}) }
+ specify { expect(CitiesIndex.order(:rating).only(:nested).first.nested).to eq('name' => 'name0') }
specify { expect(CitiesIndex.order(:rating).first._score).to be_nil }
specify { expect(CitiesIndex.all.first._score).to be > 0 }
- specify { expect(CitiesIndex.query(match: {name: 'name0'}).first._score).to be > 0 }
- specify { expect(CitiesIndex.query(match: {name: 'name0'}).took).to be >= 0 }
+ specify { expect(CitiesIndex.query(match: { name: 'name0' }).first._score).to be > 0 }
+ specify { expect(CitiesIndex.query(match: { name: 'name0' }).took).to be >= 0 }
specify { expect(CitiesIndex.order(:rating).first._explanation).to be_nil }
specify { expect(CitiesIndex.order(:rating).explain.first._explanation).to be_present }
@@ -647,10 +660,10 @@
before do
stub_index(:cities) do
define_type :city do
- root _source: {enabled: false} do
+ root _source: { enabled: false } do
field :name
field :rating, type: 'integer'
- field :nested, type: 'object', value: ->{ {name: name} }
+ field :nested, type: 'object', value: -> { { name: name } }
diff --git a/spec/chewy/repository_spec.rb b/spec/chewy/repository_spec.rb
index 7be2181e2..24660ab6c 100644
--- a/spec/chewy/repository_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/chewy/repository_spec.rb
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@
context do
before { subject.analyzer(:name, option: :foo) }
- specify { expect(subject.analyzer(:name)).to eq({option: :foo}) }
- specify { expect(subject.analyzers).to eq({name: {option: :foo}}) }
+ specify { expect(subject.analyzer(:name)).to eq(option: :foo) }
+ specify { expect(subject.analyzers).to eq(name: { option: :foo }) }
@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@
context do
before { subject.tokenizer(:name, option: :foo) }
- specify { expect(subject.tokenizer(:name)).to eq({option: :foo}) }
- specify { expect(subject.tokenizers).to eq({name: {option: :foo}}) }
+ specify { expect(subject.tokenizer(:name)).to eq(option: :foo) }
+ specify { expect(subject.tokenizers).to eq(name: { option: :foo }) }
@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@
context do
before { subject.filter(:name, option: :foo) }
- specify { expect(subject.filter(:name)).to eq({option: :foo}) }
- specify { expect(subject.filters).to eq({name: {option: :foo}}) }
+ specify { expect(subject.filter(:name)).to eq(option: :foo) }
+ specify { expect(subject.filters).to eq(name: { option: :foo }) }
@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@
context do
before { subject.char_filter(:name, option: :foo) }
- specify { expect(subject.char_filter(:name)).to eq({option: :foo}) }
- specify { expect(subject.char_filters).to eq({name: {option: :foo}}) }
+ specify { expect(subject.char_filter(:name)).to eq(option: :foo) }
+ specify { expect(subject.char_filters).to eq(name: { option: :foo }) }
diff --git a/spec/chewy/rspec/update_index_spec.rb b/spec/chewy/rspec/update_index_spec.rb
index ab66212db..0ebce2d42 100644
--- a/spec/chewy/rspec/update_index_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/chewy/rspec/update_index_spec.rb
@@ -6,22 +6,25 @@
before do
stub_index(:dummies) do
define_type :dummy do
- root value: ->(_o){{}}
+ root value: ->(_o) { {} }
- specify { expect { }.not_to update_index(DummiesIndex::Dummy) }
+ specify { expect {}.not_to update_index(DummiesIndex::Dummy) }
specify { expect { DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [] }.not_to update_index(DummiesIndex::Dummy) }
- specify { expect { expect { DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{index: {_id: 42}}] }.not_to update_index(DummiesIndex::Dummy) }
- .to fail_with(/Expected index .* not to be updated, but it was with/) }
+ specify do
+ expect { expect { DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{ index: { _id: 42 } }] }.not_to update_index(DummiesIndex::Dummy) }
+ .to fail_with(/Expected index .* not to be updated, but it was with/)
+ end
context do
let(:expectation) do
- expect { expect {
- DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{index: {_id: 42}}, {index: {_id: 41}}, {index: {_id: 42}}]
- }.not_to update_index(DummiesIndex::Dummy) }
+ expect do
+ expect do
+ DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{ index: { _id: 42 } }, { index: { _id: 41 } }, { index: { _id: 42 } }]
+ end.not_to update_index(DummiesIndex::Dummy) end
specify { expectation.to fail_matching 'document id `42` (2 times)' }
@@ -29,62 +32,107 @@
context '#only' do
- specify { expect { DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{index: {_id: 42, data: {}}}, {index: {_id: 41, data: {}}}] }
- .to update_index(DummiesIndex::Dummy).and_reindex(41, 42).only }
- specify { expect { expect { DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{index: {_id: 42, data: {}}}, {index: {_id: 41, data: {}}}] }
- .to update_index(DummiesIndex::Dummy).and_reindex(41).only }
- .to fail_matching 'to update documents ["41"] only, but ["42"] was updated also' }
- specify { expect { expect { DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{index: {_id: 42, data: {}}}, {index: {_id: 41, data: {}}}] }
- .to update_index(DummiesIndex::Dummy).and_reindex(41, times: 2).only }
- .to fail_matching 'to update documents ["41"] only, but ["42"] was updated also' }
- specify { expect { DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{delete: {_id: 42}}, {delete: {_id: 41}}] }
- .to update_index(DummiesIndex::Dummy).and_delete(41, 42).only }
- specify { expect { expect { DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{delete: {_id: 42}}, {delete: {_id: 41}}] }
- .to update_index(DummiesIndex::Dummy).and_delete(41).only }
- .to fail_matching 'to delete documents ["41"] only, but ["42"] was deleted also' }
- specify { expect { expect { DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{delete: {_id: 42}}, {delete: {_id: 41}}] }
- .to update_index(DummiesIndex::Dummy).and_delete(41, times: 2).only }
- .to fail_matching 'to delete documents ["41"] only, but ["42"] was deleted also' }
- specify { expect { expect { DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{index: {_id: 42, data: {}}}, {delete: {_id: 41}}] }
- .to update_index(DummiesIndex::Dummy).and_reindex(42).only }
- .to fail_matching 'to update documents ["42"] only, but ["41"] was deleted also' }
- specify { expect { expect { DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{index: {_id: 42, data: {}}}, {index: {_id: 43, data: {}}}, {delete: {_id: 41}}] }
- .to update_index(DummiesIndex::Dummy).and_reindex(42).only }
- .to fail_matching 'to update documents ["42"] only, but ["43"] was updated and ["41"] was deleted also' }
- specify { expect { expect { DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{index: {_id: 42, data: {}}}, {delete: {_id: 41}}] }
- .to update_index(DummiesIndex::Dummy).and_delete(41).only }
- .to fail_matching 'to delete documents ["41"] only, but ["42"] was updated also' }
- specify { expect { expect { DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{index: {_id: 42, data: {}}}, {delete: {_id: 41}}, {delete: {_id: 43}}] }
- .to update_index(DummiesIndex::Dummy).and_delete(41).only }
- .to fail_matching 'to delete documents ["41"] only, but ["42"] was updated and ["43"] was deleted also' }
+ specify do
+ expect { DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{ index: { _id: 42, data: {} } }, { index: { _id: 41, data: {} } }] }
+ .to update_index(DummiesIndex::Dummy).and_reindex(41, 42).only
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect do
+ expect { DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{ index: { _id: 42, data: {} } }, { index: { _id: 41, data: {} } }] }
+ .to update_index(DummiesIndex::Dummy).and_reindex(41).only
+ end
+ .to fail_matching 'to update documents ["41"] only, but ["42"] was updated also'
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect do
+ expect { DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{ index: { _id: 42, data: {} } }, { index: { _id: 41, data: {} } }] }
+ .to update_index(DummiesIndex::Dummy).and_reindex(41, times: 2).only
+ end
+ .to fail_matching 'to update documents ["41"] only, but ["42"] was updated also'
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect { DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{ delete: { _id: 42 } }, { delete: { _id: 41 } }] }
+ .to update_index(DummiesIndex::Dummy).and_delete(41, 42).only
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect do
+ expect { DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{ delete: { _id: 42 } }, { delete: { _id: 41 } }] }
+ .to update_index(DummiesIndex::Dummy).and_delete(41).only
+ end
+ .to fail_matching 'to delete documents ["41"] only, but ["42"] was deleted also'
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect do
+ expect { DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{ delete: { _id: 42 } }, { delete: { _id: 41 } }] }
+ .to update_index(DummiesIndex::Dummy).and_delete(41, times: 2).only
+ end
+ .to fail_matching 'to delete documents ["41"] only, but ["42"] was deleted also'
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect do
+ expect { DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{ index: { _id: 42, data: {} } }, { delete: { _id: 41 } }] }
+ .to update_index(DummiesIndex::Dummy).and_reindex(42).only
+ end
+ .to fail_matching 'to update documents ["42"] only, but ["41"] was deleted also'
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect do
+ expect { DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{ index: { _id: 42, data: {} } }, { index: { _id: 43, data: {} } }, { delete: { _id: 41 } }] }
+ .to update_index(DummiesIndex::Dummy).and_reindex(42).only
+ end
+ .to fail_matching 'to update documents ["42"] only, but ["43"] was updated and ["41"] was deleted also'
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect do
+ expect { DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{ index: { _id: 42, data: {} } }, { delete: { _id: 41 } }] }
+ .to update_index(DummiesIndex::Dummy).and_delete(41).only
+ end
+ .to fail_matching 'to delete documents ["41"] only, but ["42"] was updated also'
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect do
+ expect { DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{ index: { _id: 42, data: {} } }, { delete: { _id: 41 } }, { delete: { _id: 43 } }] }
+ .to update_index(DummiesIndex::Dummy).and_delete(41).only
+ end
+ .to fail_matching 'to delete documents ["41"] only, but ["42"] was updated and ["43"] was deleted also'
+ end
context '#and_reindex' do
- specify { expect { DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{index: {_id: 42}}] }.to update_index(DummiesIndex::Dummy) }
- specify { expect { DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{index: {_id: 42, data: {}}}] }
- .to update_index(DummiesIndex::Dummy).and_reindex(42) }
- specify { expect { DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{index: {_id: 42, data: {}}}, {index: {_id: 43, data: {}}}] }
- .to update_index(DummiesIndex::Dummy).and_reindex(double(id: 42)) }
- specify { expect { DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{index: {_id: 42, data: {}}}, {index: {_id: 43, data: {}}}] }
- .to update_index(DummiesIndex::Dummy).and_reindex(double(id: 42), double(id: 43)) }
- specify { expect { DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{index: {_id: 42, data: {}}}, {index: {_id: 43, data: {}}}] }
- .to update_index(DummiesIndex::Dummy).and_reindex([double(id: 42), 43]) }
+ specify { expect { DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{ index: { _id: 42 } }] }.to update_index(DummiesIndex::Dummy) }
+ specify do
+ expect { DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{ index: { _id: 42, data: {} } }] }
+ .to update_index(DummiesIndex::Dummy).and_reindex(42)
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect { DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{ index: { _id: 42, data: {} } }, { index: { _id: 43, data: {} } }] }
+ .to update_index(DummiesIndex::Dummy).and_reindex(double(id: 42))
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect { DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{ index: { _id: 42, data: {} } }, { index: { _id: 43, data: {} } }] }
+ .to update_index(DummiesIndex::Dummy).and_reindex(double(id: 42), double(id: 43))
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect { DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{ index: { _id: 42, data: {} } }, { index: { _id: 43, data: {} } }] }
+ .to update_index(DummiesIndex::Dummy).and_reindex([double(id: 42), 43])
+ end
specify do
- expect {
- expect {
- DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{index: {_id: 42, data: {}}}, {index: {_id: 43, data: {}}}]
- }.to update_index(DummiesIndex::Dummy).and_reindex([44, 43])
- }.to fail_matching 'Expected document with id `44` to be reindexed, but it was not'
+ expect do
+ expect do
+ DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{ index: { _id: 42, data: {} } }, { index: { _id: 43, data: {} } }]
+ end.to update_index(DummiesIndex::Dummy).and_reindex([44, 43])
+ end.to fail_matching 'Expected document with id `44` to be reindexed, but it was not'
context do
let(:expectation) do
- expect { expect {
- DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{index: {_id: 42, data: {}}}, {index: {_id: 43, data: {}}}]
- }.to update_index(DummiesIndex::Dummy).and_reindex(44, double(id: 47)) }
+ expect do
+ expect do
+ DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{ index: { _id: 42, data: {} } }, { index: { _id: 43, data: {} } }]
+ end.to update_index(DummiesIndex::Dummy).and_reindex(44, double(id: 47)) end
specify { expectation.to fail_matching('Expected document with id `44` to be reindexed, but it was not') }
@@ -92,23 +140,26 @@
context ':times' do
- specify { expect {
- DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{index: {_id: 42, data: {}}}, {index: {_id: 43, data: {}}}]
- DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{index: {_id: 43, data: {}}}, {index: {_id: 44, data: {}}}]
- }.to update_index(DummiesIndex::Dummy).and_reindex(42, 44, times: 1).and_reindex(43, times: 2) }
+ specify do
+ expect do
+ DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{ index: { _id: 42, data: {} } }, { index: { _id: 43, data: {} } }]
+ DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{ index: { _id: 43, data: {} } }, { index: { _id: 44, data: {} } }]
+ end.to update_index(DummiesIndex::Dummy).and_reindex(42, 44, times: 1).and_reindex(43, times: 2) end
- specify { expect {
- expect {
- DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{index: {_id: 43, data: {a: '1'}}}]
- }.to update_index(DummiesIndex::Dummy).and_reindex(42, times: 3)
- }.to fail_matching('Expected document with id `42` to be reindexed, but it was not') }
+ specify do
+ expect do
+ expect do
+ DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{ index: { _id: 43, data: { a: '1' } } }]
+ end.to update_index(DummiesIndex::Dummy).and_reindex(42, times: 3)
+ end.to fail_matching('Expected document with id `42` to be reindexed, but it was not') end
context do
let(:expectation) do
- expect { expect {
- DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{index: {_id: 42, data: {}}}, {index: {_id: 43, data: {}}}]
- DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{index: {_id: 43, data: {}}}, {index: {_id: 44, data: {}}}]
- }.to update_index(DummiesIndex::Dummy).and_reindex(42, times: 3).and_reindex(44, 43, times: 4) }
+ expect do
+ expect do
+ DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{ index: { _id: 42, data: {} } }, { index: { _id: 43, data: {} } }]
+ DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{ index: { _id: 43, data: {} } }, { index: { _id: 44, data: {} } }]
+ end.to update_index(DummiesIndex::Dummy).and_reindex(42, times: 3).and_reindex(44, 43, times: 4) end
specify { expectation.to fail_matching 'Expected document with id `44` to be reindexed' }
@@ -119,51 +170,57 @@
context ':with' do
- specify { expect {
- DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{index: {_id: 42, data: {a: '1'}}}, {index: {_id: 42, data: {'a' => 2}}}]
- }.to update_index(DummiesIndex::Dummy).and_reindex(42, with: {a: 2}) }
+ specify do
+ expect do
+ DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{ index: { _id: 42, data: { a: '1' } } }, { index: { _id: 42, data: { 'a' => 2 } } }]
+ end.to update_index(DummiesIndex::Dummy).and_reindex(42, with: { a: 2 }) end
- specify { expect {
- DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{index: {_id: 42, data: {a: '1'}}}, {index: {_id: 42, data: {'b' => 2}}}]
- }.to update_index(DummiesIndex::Dummy).and_reindex(42, with: {a: '1', b: 2}) }
+ specify do
+ expect do
+ DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{ index: { _id: 42, data: { a: '1' } } }, { index: { _id: 42, data: { 'b' => 2 } } }]
+ end.to update_index(DummiesIndex::Dummy).and_reindex(42, with: { a: '1', b: 2 }) end
- specify { expect {
- expect {
- DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{index: {_id: 43, data: {a: '1'}}}]
- }.to update_index(DummiesIndex::Dummy).and_reindex(42, with: {a: 1})
- }.to fail_matching('Expected document with id `42` to be reindexed, but it was not') }
+ specify do
+ expect do
+ expect do
+ DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{ index: { _id: 43, data: { a: '1' } } }]
+ end.to update_index(DummiesIndex::Dummy).and_reindex(42, with: { a: 1 })
+ end.to fail_matching('Expected document with id `42` to be reindexed, but it was not') end
- [{a: ['one', 'two']}, {a: ['one', 'two']}],
- [{a: ['one', 'two']}, {a: ['two', 'one']}],
- [{a: ['one', 'one', 'two']}, {a: ['one', 'two', 'one']}],
- [{a: {b: ['one', 'one', 'two']}}, {a: {b: ['one', 'two', 'one']}}],
- [{a: 1, b: 1}, {a: 1}]
+ [{ a: %w(one two) }, { a: %w(one two) }],
+ [{ a: %w(one two) }, { a: %w(two one) }],
+ [{ a: %w(one one two) }, { a: %w(one two one) }],
+ [{ a: { b: %w(one one two) } }, { a: { b: %w(one two one) } }],
+ [{ a: 1, b: 1 }, { a: 1 }]
].each do |(data, with)|
- specify { expect {
- DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{index: {_id: 42, data: data}}]
- }.to update_index(DummiesIndex::Dummy).and_reindex(42, with: with) }
+ specify do
+ expect do
+ DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{ index: { _id: 42, data: data } }]
+ end.to update_index(DummiesIndex::Dummy).and_reindex(42, with: with) end
- [{a: ['one', 'two']}, {a: ['one', 'one', 'two']}],
- [{a: ['one', 'one', 'two']}, {a: ['one', 'two']}],
- [{a: ['one', 'two']}, {a: 1}],
- [{a: 1}, {a: ['one', 'two']}],
- [{a: 1}, {a: 1, b: 1}]
+ [{ a: %w(one two) }, { a: %w(one one two) }],
+ [{ a: %w(one one two) }, { a: %w(one two) }],
+ [{ a: %w(one two) }, { a: 1 }],
+ [{ a: 1 }, { a: %w(one two) }],
+ [{ a: 1 }, { a: 1, b: 1 }]
].each do |(data, with)|
- specify { expect {
- expect {
- DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{index: {_id: 42, data: data}}]
- }.to update_index(DummiesIndex::Dummy).and_reindex(42, with: with)
- }.to fail_matching('Expected document with id `42` to be reindexed') }
+ specify do
+ expect do
+ expect do
+ DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{ index: { _id: 42, data: data } }]
+ end.to update_index(DummiesIndex::Dummy).and_reindex(42, with: with)
+ end.to fail_matching('Expected document with id `42` to be reindexed') end
context do
let(:expectation) do
- expect { expect {
- DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{index: {_id: 43, data: {a: '1'}}}, {index: {_id: 42, data: {'a' => 2}}}]
- }.to update_index(DummiesIndex::Dummy).and_reindex(43, times: 2, with: {a: 2}) }
+ expect do
+ expect do
+ DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{ index: { _id: 43, data: { a: '1' } } }, { index: { _id: 42, data: { 'a' => 2 } } }]
+ end.to update_index(DummiesIndex::Dummy).and_reindex(43, times: 2, with: { a: 2 }) end
specify { expectation.to fail_matching 'Expected document with id `43` to be reindexed' }
@@ -174,19 +231,29 @@
context '#and_delete' do
- specify { expect { DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{index: {_id: 42, data: {}}}, {delete: {_id: 43}}] }
- .to update_index(DummiesIndex::Dummy).and_reindex(42).and_delete(double(id: 43)) }
- specify { expect { DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{delete: {_id: 42}}, {delete: {_id: 43}}] }
- .to update_index(DummiesIndex::Dummy).and_delete(42).and_delete(double(id: 43)) }
- specify { expect { DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{delete: {_id: 42}}, {delete: {_id: 43}}] }
- .to update_index(DummiesIndex::Dummy).and_delete(42, double(id: 43)) }
- specify { expect { DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{delete: {_id: 42}}, {delete: {_id: 43}}] }
- .to update_index(DummiesIndex::Dummy).and_delete([43, double(id: 42)]) }
+ specify do
+ expect { DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{ index: { _id: 42, data: {} } }, { delete: { _id: 43 } }] }
+ .to update_index(DummiesIndex::Dummy).and_reindex(42).and_delete(double(id: 43))
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect { DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{ delete: { _id: 42 } }, { delete: { _id: 43 } }] }
+ .to update_index(DummiesIndex::Dummy).and_delete(42).and_delete(double(id: 43))
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect { DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{ delete: { _id: 42 } }, { delete: { _id: 43 } }] }
+ .to update_index(DummiesIndex::Dummy).and_delete(42, double(id: 43))
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect { DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{ delete: { _id: 42 } }, { delete: { _id: 43 } }] }
+ .to update_index(DummiesIndex::Dummy).and_delete([43, double(id: 42)])
+ end
context do
let(:expectation) do
- expect { expect { DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{index: {_id: 42, data: {}}}, {delete: {_id: 43}}] }
- .to update_index(DummiesIndex::Dummy).and_reindex(43).and_delete(double(id: 42)) }
+ expect do
+ expect { DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{ index: { _id: 42, data: {} } }, { delete: { _id: 43 } }] }
+ .to update_index(DummiesIndex::Dummy).and_reindex(43).and_delete(double(id: 42))
+ end
specify { expectation.to fail_matching 'Expected document with id `43` to be reindexed, but it was not' }
@@ -195,8 +262,10 @@
context do
let(:expectation) do
- expect { expect { DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{delete: {_id: 42, data: {}}}, {delete: {_id: 42}}] }
- .to update_index(DummiesIndex::Dummy).and_delete(44, times: 2).and_delete(double(id: 42), times: 3) }
+ expect do
+ expect { DummiesIndex::Dummy.bulk body: [{ delete: { _id: 42, data: {} } }, { delete: { _id: 42 } }] }
+ .to update_index(DummiesIndex::Dummy).and_delete(44, times: 2).and_delete(double(id: 42), times: 3)
+ end
specify { expectation.to fail_matching 'Expected document with id `44` to be deleted, but it was not' }
diff --git a/spec/chewy/search_spec.rb b/spec/chewy/search_spec.rb
index 753ef054e..c0c40162f 100644
--- a/spec/chewy/search_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/chewy/search_spec.rb
@@ -71,8 +71,8 @@ def self.by_rating
- let!(:cities) { Array.new(3) { |i| City.create! rating: i + 1, name: "Name#{i+1}" } }
- let!(:countries) { Array.new(3) { |i| Country.create! rating: i + 1, name: "Name#{i+4}" } }
+ let!(:cities) { Array.new(3) { |i| City.create! rating: i + 1, name: "Name#{i + 1}" } }
+ let!(:countries) { Array.new(3) { |i| Country.create! rating: i + 1, name: "Name#{i + 4}" } }
before { PlacesIndex.import! city: cities, country: countries }
@@ -83,12 +83,12 @@ def self.by_rating
specify { expect(PlacesIndex.order(:name).by_rating(1).map(&:rating)).to eq([1, 1]) }
specify { expect(PlacesIndex.order(:name).by_rating(1).map(&:class)).to match_array([PlacesIndex::City, PlacesIndex::Country]) }
- specify { expect(PlacesIndex::City.by_rating {2}.map(&:rating)).to eq([2]) }
- specify { expect(PlacesIndex::City.by_rating {2}.map(&:class)).to eq([PlacesIndex::City]) }
- specify { expect(PlacesIndex::City.by_rating {2}.by_name(2).map(&:rating)).to eq([2]) }
- specify { expect(PlacesIndex::City.by_rating {2}.by_name(2).map(&:class)).to eq([PlacesIndex::City]) }
- specify { expect(PlacesIndex::City.order(:name).by_rating {2}.map(&:rating)).to eq([2]) }
- specify { expect(PlacesIndex::City.order(:name).by_rating {2}.map(&:class)).to eq([PlacesIndex::City]) }
+ specify { expect(PlacesIndex::City.by_rating { 2 }.map(&:rating)).to eq([2]) }
+ specify { expect(PlacesIndex::City.by_rating { 2 }.map(&:class)).to eq([PlacesIndex::City]) }
+ specify { expect(PlacesIndex::City.by_rating { 2 }.by_name(2).map(&:rating)).to eq([2]) }
+ specify { expect(PlacesIndex::City.by_rating { 2 }.by_name(2).map(&:class)).to eq([PlacesIndex::City]) }
+ specify { expect(PlacesIndex::City.order(:name).by_rating { 2 }.map(&:rating)).to eq([2]) }
+ specify { expect(PlacesIndex::City.order(:name).by_rating { 2 }.map(&:class)).to eq([PlacesIndex::City]) }
specify { expect(PlacesIndex::Country.by_rating(3).map(&:rating)).to eq([3]) }
specify { expect(PlacesIndex::Country.by_rating(3).map(&:class)).to eq([PlacesIndex::Country]) }
diff --git a/spec/chewy/strategy/active_job_spec.rb b/spec/chewy/strategy/active_job_spec.rb
index 874932d19..61e39cf4f 100644
--- a/spec/chewy/strategy/active_job_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/chewy/strategy/active_job_spec.rb
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
specify do
- expect(CitiesIndex::City).to receive(:import!).with([city.id, other_city.id], {suffix: '201601'})
- Chewy::Strategy::ActiveJob::Worker.new.perform("CitiesIndex::City", [city.id, other_city.id], suffix: '201601')
+ expect(CitiesIndex::City).to receive(:import!).with([city.id, other_city.id], suffix: '201601')
+ Chewy::Strategy::ActiveJob::Worker.new.perform('CitiesIndex::City', [city.id, other_city.id], suffix: '201601')
diff --git a/spec/chewy/strategy/atomic_spec.rb b/spec/chewy/strategy/atomic_spec.rb
index cffa9a97f..d479be6bc 100644
--- a/spec/chewy/strategy/atomic_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/chewy/strategy/atomic_spec.rb
@@ -51,7 +51,10 @@
specify do
- expect { country.save!; other_country.destroy }
+ expect do
+ country.save!
+ other_country.destroy
+ end
.to update_index(CountriesIndex::Country, strategy: :atomic)
diff --git a/spec/chewy/strategy/resque_spec.rb b/spec/chewy/strategy/resque_spec.rb
index e039f4c55..af18c1a3e 100644
--- a/spec/chewy/strategy/resque_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/chewy/strategy/resque_spec.rb
@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@
specify do
- expect(CitiesIndex::City).to receive(:import!).with([city.id, other_city.id], {suffix: '201601'})
- Chewy::Strategy::Resque::Worker.perform("CitiesIndex::City", [city.id, other_city.id], suffix: '201601')
+ expect(CitiesIndex::City).to receive(:import!).with([city.id, other_city.id], suffix: '201601')
+ Chewy::Strategy::Resque::Worker.perform('CitiesIndex::City', [city.id, other_city.id], suffix: '201601')
diff --git a/spec/chewy/strategy/sidekiq_spec.rb b/spec/chewy/strategy/sidekiq_spec.rb
index 7a34c70fe..bab9aab46 100644
--- a/spec/chewy/strategy/sidekiq_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/chewy/strategy/sidekiq_spec.rb
@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@
specify do
- expect(CitiesIndex::City).to receive(:import!).with([city.id, other_city.id], {suffix: '201601'})
- Chewy::Strategy::Sidekiq::Worker.new.perform("CitiesIndex::City", [city.id, other_city.id], suffix: '201601')
+ expect(CitiesIndex::City).to receive(:import!).with([city.id, other_city.id], suffix: '201601')
+ Chewy::Strategy::Sidekiq::Worker.new.perform('CitiesIndex::City', [city.id, other_city.id], suffix: '201601')
diff --git a/spec/chewy/type/adapter/active_record_spec.rb b/spec/chewy/type/adapter/active_record_spec.rb
index 74ce5af3e..0ccf58b27 100644
--- a/spec/chewy/type/adapter/active_record_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/chewy/type/adapter/active_record_spec.rb
@@ -72,38 +72,54 @@ def import(*args)
let!(:deleted) { Array.new(4) { City.create!.tap(&:destroy) } }
subject { described_class.new(City) }
- specify { expect(import).to eq([{index: cities}]) }
- specify { expect(import nil).to eq([]) }
- specify { expect(import(City.order(:id))).to eq([{index: cities}]) }
- specify { expect(import(City.order(:id), batch_size: 2))
- .to eq([{index: cities.first(2)}, {index: cities.last(1)}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities)).to eq([{index: cities}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities, batch_size: 2))
- .to eq([{index: cities.first(2)}, {index: cities.last(1)}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities, deleted))
- .to eq([{index: cities}, {delete: deleted}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities, deleted, batch_size: 2)).to eq([
- {index: cities.first(2)},
- {index: cities.last(1)},
- {delete: deleted.first(2)},
- {delete: deleted.last(2)}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities.map(&:id))).to eq([{index: cities}]) }
- specify { expect(import(deleted.map(&:id))).to eq([{delete: deleted.map(&:id)}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities.map(&:id), batch_size: 2))
- .to eq([{index: cities.first(2)}, {index: cities.last(1)}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities.map(&:id), deleted.map(&:id)))
- .to eq([{index: cities}, {delete: deleted.map(&:id)}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities.map(&:id), deleted.map(&:id), batch_size: 2)).to eq([
- {index: cities.first(2)},
- {index: cities.last(1)},
- {delete: deleted.first(2).map(&:id)},
- {delete: deleted.last(2).map(&:id)}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities.first, nil)).to eq([{index: [cities.first]}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities.first.id, nil)).to eq([{index: [cities.first]}]) }
+ specify { expect(import).to eq([{ index: cities }]) }
+ specify { expect(import(nil)).to eq([]) }
+ specify { expect(import(City.order(:id))).to eq([{ index: cities }]) }
+ specify do
+ expect(import(City.order(:id), batch_size: 2))
+ .to eq([{ index: cities.first(2) }, { index: cities.last(1) }])
+ end
+ specify { expect(import(cities)).to eq([{ index: cities }]) }
+ specify do
+ expect(import(cities, batch_size: 2))
+ .to eq([{ index: cities.first(2) }, { index: cities.last(1) }])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(import(cities, deleted))
+ .to eq([{ index: cities }, { delete: deleted }])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(import(cities, deleted, batch_size: 2)).to eq([
+ { index: cities.first(2) },
+ { index: cities.last(1) },
+ { delete: deleted.first(2) },
+ { delete: deleted.last(2) }
+ ])
+ end
+ specify { expect(import(cities.map(&:id))).to eq([{ index: cities }]) }
+ specify { expect(import(deleted.map(&:id))).to eq([{ delete: deleted.map(&:id) }]) }
+ specify do
+ expect(import(cities.map(&:id), batch_size: 2))
+ .to eq([{ index: cities.first(2) }, { index: cities.last(1) }])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(import(cities.map(&:id), deleted.map(&:id)))
+ .to eq([{ index: cities }, { delete: deleted.map(&:id) }])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(import(cities.map(&:id), deleted.map(&:id), batch_size: 2)).to eq([
+ { index: cities.first(2) },
+ { index: cities.last(1) },
+ { delete: deleted.first(2).map(&:id) },
+ { delete: deleted.last(2).map(&:id) }
+ ])
+ end
+ specify { expect(import(cities.first, nil)).to eq([{ index: [cities.first] }]) }
+ specify { expect(import(cities.first.id, nil)).to eq([{ index: [cities.first] }]) }
context 'raw_import' do
let(:probe) { double }
@@ -122,7 +138,7 @@ def import(*args)
expect(probe).to receive(:call).with(a_hash_including('id' => @two.id, 'name' => @one.name)).and_return(warsaw)
expect(probe).to receive(:call).with(a_hash_including('id' => @three.id, 'name' => @three.name)).and_return(madrid)
- expect(import(City.where(nil), raw_import: converter)).to eq([{index: [moscow, warsaw, madrid]}])
+ expect(import(City.where(nil), raw_import: converter)).to eq([{ index: [moscow, warsaw, madrid] }])
@@ -139,19 +155,25 @@ def delete_already?
- subject { described_class.new(City, delete_if: ->{ delete_already? }) }
- specify { expect(import(City.where(nil))).to eq([
- { index: [cities[0]], delete: [cities[1]] }
- ]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities)).to eq([
- { index: [cities[0]], delete: [cities[1]] },
- { delete: cities.last(2) }
- ]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities.map(&:id))).to eq([
- { index: [cities[0]], delete: [cities[1]] },
- { delete: cities.last(2).map(&:id) }
- ]) }
+ subject { described_class.new(City, delete_if: -> { delete_already? }) }
+ specify do
+ expect(import(City.where(nil))).to eq([
+ { index: [cities[0]], delete: [cities[1]] }
+ ])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(import(cities)).to eq([
+ { index: [cities[0]], delete: [cities[1]] },
+ { delete: cities.last(2) }
+ ])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(import(cities.map(&:id))).to eq([
+ { index: [cities[0]], delete: [cities[1]] },
+ { delete: cities.last(2).map(&:id) }
+ ])
+ end
context 'custom primary_key' do
@@ -160,75 +182,119 @@ def delete_already?
let!(:deleted) { Array.new(3) { |i| City.create! { |c| c.rating = i + 10 }.tap(&:destroy) } }
subject { described_class.new(City) }
- specify { expect(import).to eq([{index: cities}]) }
- specify { expect(import(City.order(:rating))).to eq([{index: cities}]) }
- specify { expect(import(City.order(:rating), batch_size: 2))
- .to eq([{index: cities.first(2)}, {index: cities.last(1)}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities)).to eq([{index: cities}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities, batch_size: 2))
- .to eq([{index: cities.first(2)}, {index: cities.last(1)}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities, deleted))
- .to eq([{index: cities}, {delete: deleted}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities, deleted, batch_size: 2)).to eq([
- {index: cities.first(2)},
- {index: cities.last(1)},
- {delete: deleted.first(2)},
- {delete: deleted.last(1)}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities.map(&:id))).to eq([{index: cities}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities.map(&:id), batch_size: 2))
- .to eq([{index: cities.first(2)}, {index: cities.last(1)}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities.map(&:id), deleted.map(&:id)))
- .to eq([{index: cities}, {delete: deleted.map(&:id)}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities.map(&:id), deleted.map(&:id), batch_size: 2)).to eq([
- {index: cities.first(2)},
- {index: cities.last(1)},
- {delete: deleted.first(2).map(&:id)},
- {delete: deleted.last(1).map(&:id)}]) }
+ specify { expect(import).to eq([{ index: cities }]) }
+ specify { expect(import(City.order(:rating))).to eq([{ index: cities }]) }
+ specify do
+ expect(import(City.order(:rating), batch_size: 2))
+ .to eq([{ index: cities.first(2) }, { index: cities.last(1) }])
+ end
+ specify { expect(import(cities)).to eq([{ index: cities }]) }
+ specify do
+ expect(import(cities, batch_size: 2))
+ .to eq([{ index: cities.first(2) }, { index: cities.last(1) }])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(import(cities, deleted))
+ .to eq([{ index: cities }, { delete: deleted }])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(import(cities, deleted, batch_size: 2)).to eq([
+ { index: cities.first(2) },
+ { index: cities.last(1) },
+ { delete: deleted.first(2) },
+ { delete: deleted.last(1) }
+ ])
+ end
+ specify { expect(import(cities.map(&:id))).to eq([{ index: cities }]) }
+ specify do
+ expect(import(cities.map(&:id), batch_size: 2))
+ .to eq([{ index: cities.first(2) }, { index: cities.last(1) }])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(import(cities.map(&:id), deleted.map(&:id)))
+ .to eq([{ index: cities }, { delete: deleted.map(&:id) }])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(import(cities.map(&:id), deleted.map(&:id), batch_size: 2)).to eq([
+ { index: cities.first(2) },
+ { index: cities.last(1) },
+ { delete: deleted.first(2).map(&:id) },
+ { delete: deleted.last(1).map(&:id) }
+ ])
+ end
context 'default scope' do
- let!(:cities) { Array.new(4) { |i| City.create!(rating: i/3) } }
+ let!(:cities) { Array.new(4) { |i| City.create!(rating: i / 3) } }
let!(:deleted) { Array.new(3) { City.create!.tap(&:destroy) } }
subject { described_class.new(City.where(rating: 0)) }
- specify { expect(import).to eq([{index: cities.first(3)}]) }
+ specify { expect(import).to eq([{ index: cities.first(3) }]) }
- specify { expect(import(City.where('rating < 2')))
- .to eq([{index: cities.first(3)}]) }
- specify { expect(import(City.where('rating < 2'), batch_size: 2))
- .to eq([{index: cities.first(2)}, {index: [cities[2]]}]) }
- specify { expect(import(City.where('rating < 1')))
- .to eq([{index: cities.first(3)}]) }
+ specify do
+ expect(import(City.where('rating < 2')))
+ .to eq([{ index: cities.first(3) }])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(import(City.where('rating < 2'), batch_size: 2))
+ .to eq([{ index: cities.first(2) }, { index: [cities[2]] }])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(import(City.where('rating < 1')))
+ .to eq([{ index: cities.first(3) }])
+ end
specify { expect(import(City.where('rating > 1'))).to eq([]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities.first(2)))
- .to eq([{index: cities.first(2)}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities))
- .to eq([{index: cities.first(3)}, {delete: cities.last(1)}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities, batch_size: 2))
- .to eq([{index: cities.first(2)}, {index: [cities[2]]}, {delete: cities.last(1)}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities, deleted))
- .to eq([{index: cities.first(3)}, {delete: cities.last(1) + deleted}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities, deleted, batch_size: 3)).to eq([
- {index: cities.first(3)},
- {delete: cities.last(1) + deleted.first(2)},
- {delete: deleted.last(1)}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities.first(2).map(&:id)))
- .to eq([{index: cities.first(2)}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities.map(&:id)))
- .to eq([{index: cities.first(3)}, {delete: [cities.last.id]}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities.map(&:id), batch_size: 2))
- .to eq([{index: cities.first(2)}, {index: [cities[2]]}, {delete: [cities.last.id]}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities.map(&:id), deleted.map(&:id)))
- .to eq([{index: cities.first(3)}, {delete: [cities.last.id] + deleted.map(&:id)}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities.map(&:id), deleted.map(&:id), batch_size: 3)).to eq([
- {index: cities.first(3)},
- {delete: [cities.last.id] + deleted.first(2).map(&:id)},
- {delete: deleted.last(1).map(&:id)}]) }
+ specify do
+ expect(import(cities.first(2)))
+ .to eq([{ index: cities.first(2) }])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(import(cities))
+ .to eq([{ index: cities.first(3) }, { delete: cities.last(1) }])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(import(cities, batch_size: 2))
+ .to eq([{ index: cities.first(2) }, { index: [cities[2]] }, { delete: cities.last(1) }])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(import(cities, deleted))
+ .to eq([{ index: cities.first(3) }, { delete: cities.last(1) + deleted }])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(import(cities, deleted, batch_size: 3)).to eq([
+ { index: cities.first(3) },
+ { delete: cities.last(1) + deleted.first(2) },
+ { delete: deleted.last(1) }
+ ])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(import(cities.first(2).map(&:id)))
+ .to eq([{ index: cities.first(2) }])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(import(cities.map(&:id)))
+ .to eq([{ index: cities.first(3) }, { delete: [cities.last.id] }])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(import(cities.map(&:id), batch_size: 2))
+ .to eq([{ index: cities.first(2) }, { index: [cities[2]] }, { delete: [cities.last.id] }])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(import(cities.map(&:id), deleted.map(&:id)))
+ .to eq([{ index: cities.first(3) }, { delete: [cities.last.id] + deleted.map(&:id) }])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(import(cities.map(&:id), deleted.map(&:id), batch_size: 3)).to eq([
+ { index: cities.first(3) },
+ { delete: [cities.last.id] + deleted.first(2).map(&:id) },
+ { delete: deleted.last(1).map(&:id) }
+ ])
+ end
context 'error handling' do
@@ -238,7 +304,10 @@ def delete_already?
subject { described_class.new(City) }
let(:data_comparer) do
- ->(id, data) { objects = data[:index] || data[:delete]; !objects.map { |o| o.respond_to?(:id) ? o.id : o }.include?(id) }
+ lambda do |id, data|
+ objects = data[:index] || data[:delete]
+ !objects.map { |o| o.respond_to?(:id) ? o.id : o }.include?(id)
+ end
context 'implicit scope' do
@@ -287,7 +356,7 @@ def delete_already?
describe '#load' do
context do
- let!(:cities) { Array.new(3) { |i| City.create!(rating: i/2) } }
+ let!(:cities) { Array.new(3) { |i| City.create!(rating: i / 2) } }
let!(:deleted) { Array.new(2) { City.create!.tap(&:destroy) } }
let(:type) { double(type_name: 'user') }
@@ -298,21 +367,29 @@ def delete_already?
specify { expect(subject.load(cities.map { |c| double(id: c.id) }.reverse, _type: type)).to eq(cities.reverse) }
specify { expect(subject.load(deleted.map { |c| double(id: c.id) }, _type: type)).to eq([nil, nil]) }
specify { expect(subject.load((cities + deleted).map { |c| double(id: c.id) }, _type: type)).to eq([*cities, nil, nil]) }
- specify { expect(subject.load(cities.map { |c| double(id: c.id) }, _type: type, scope: ->{ where(rating: 0) }))
- .to eq(cities.first(2) + [nil]) }
- specify { expect(subject.load(cities.map { |c| double(id: c.id) },
- _type: type, scope: ->{ where(rating: 0) }, user: {scope: ->{ where(rating: 1)}}))
- .to eq([nil, nil] + cities.last(1)) }
- specify { expect(subject.load(cities.map { |c| double(id: c.id) }, _type: type, scope: City.where(rating: 1)))
- .to eq([nil, nil] + cities.last(1)) }
- specify { expect(subject.load(cities.map { |c| double(id: c.id) },
- _type: type, scope: City.where(rating: 1), user: {scope: ->{ where(rating: 0)}}))
- .to eq(cities.first(2) + [nil]) }
+ specify do
+ expect(subject.load(cities.map { |c| double(id: c.id) }, _type: type, scope: -> { where(rating: 0) }))
+ .to eq(cities.first(2) + [nil])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(subject.load(cities.map { |c| double(id: c.id) },
+ _type: type, scope: -> { where(rating: 0) }, user: { scope: -> { where(rating: 1) } }))
+ .to eq([nil, nil] + cities.last(1))
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(subject.load(cities.map { |c| double(id: c.id) }, _type: type, scope: City.where(rating: 1)))
+ .to eq([nil, nil] + cities.last(1))
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(subject.load(cities.map { |c| double(id: c.id) },
+ _type: type, scope: City.where(rating: 1), user: { scope: -> { where(rating: 0) } }))
+ .to eq(cities.first(2) + [nil])
+ end
context 'custom primary_key' do
before { stub_model(:city) { self.primary_key = 'rating' } }
- let!(:cities) { Array.new(3) { |i| City.create!(country_id: i/2) { |c| c.rating = i + 7 } } }
+ let!(:cities) { Array.new(3) { |i| City.create!(country_id: i / 2) { |c| c.rating = i + 7 } } }
let!(:deleted) { Array.new(2) { |i| City.create! { |c| c.rating = i + 10 }.tap(&:destroy) } }
let(:type) { double(type_name: 'user') }
@@ -323,16 +400,24 @@ def delete_already?
specify { expect(subject.load(cities.map { |c| double(id: c.id) }.reverse, _type: type)).to eq(cities.reverse) }
specify { expect(subject.load(deleted.map { |c| double(id: c.id) }, _type: type)).to eq([nil, nil]) }
specify { expect(subject.load((cities + deleted).map { |c| double(id: c.id) }, _type: type)).to eq([*cities, nil, nil]) }
- specify { expect(subject.load(cities.map { |c| double(id: c.id) }, _type: type, scope: ->{ where(country_id: 0) }))
- .to eq(cities.first(2) + [nil]) }
- specify { expect(subject.load(cities.map { |c| double(id: c.id) },
- _type: type, scope: ->{ where(country_id: 0) }, user: {scope: ->{ where(country_id: 1)}}))
- .to eq([nil, nil] + cities.last(1)) }
- specify { expect(subject.load(cities.map { |c| double(id: c.id) }, _type: type, scope: City.where(country_id: 1)))
- .to eq([nil, nil] + cities.last(1)) }
- specify { expect(subject.load(cities.map { |c| double(id: c.id) },
- _type: type, scope: City.where(country_id: 1), user: {scope: ->{ where(country_id: 0)}}))
- .to eq(cities.first(2) + [nil]) }
+ specify do
+ expect(subject.load(cities.map { |c| double(id: c.id) }, _type: type, scope: -> { where(country_id: 0) }))
+ .to eq(cities.first(2) + [nil])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(subject.load(cities.map { |c| double(id: c.id) },
+ _type: type, scope: -> { where(country_id: 0) }, user: { scope: -> { where(country_id: 1) } }))
+ .to eq([nil, nil] + cities.last(1))
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(subject.load(cities.map { |c| double(id: c.id) }, _type: type, scope: City.where(country_id: 1)))
+ .to eq([nil, nil] + cities.last(1))
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(subject.load(cities.map { |c| double(id: c.id) },
+ _type: type, scope: City.where(country_id: 1), user: { scope: -> { where(country_id: 0) } }))
+ .to eq(cities.first(2) + [nil])
+ end
diff --git a/spec/chewy/type/adapter/mongoid_spec.rb b/spec/chewy/type/adapter/mongoid_spec.rb
index a2784a558..60b2ec389 100644
--- a/spec/chewy/type/adapter/mongoid_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/chewy/type/adapter/mongoid_spec.rb
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
specify { expect(subject.identify(cities.first(2).map(&:id))).to eq(cities.first(2).map(&:id).map(&:to_s)) }
context 'non-bson ids' do
- let!(:cities) { Array.new(3) { |i| City.create! id: i+1 } }
+ let!(:cities) { Array.new(3) { |i| City.create! id: i + 1 } }
specify { expect(subject.identify(City.all)).to match_array(cities.map(&:id)) }
specify { expect(subject.identify(cities)).to eq(cities.map(&:id)) }
@@ -68,38 +68,54 @@ def import(*args)
let!(:deleted) { Array.new(4) { City.create!.tap(&:destroy) }.sort_by(&:id) }
subject { described_class.new(City) }
- specify { expect(import).to match([{index: match_array(cities)}]) }
- specify { expect(import nil).to eq([]) }
- specify { expect(import(City.order(:id.asc))).to eq([{index: cities}]) }
- specify { expect(import(City.order(:id.asc), batch_size: 2))
- .to eq([{index: cities.first(2)}, {index: cities.last(1)}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities)).to eq([{index: cities}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities, batch_size: 2))
- .to eq([{index: cities.first(2)}, {index: cities.last(1)}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities, deleted))
- .to eq([{index: cities}, {delete: deleted}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities, deleted, batch_size: 2)).to eq([
- {index: cities.first(2)},
- {index: cities.last(1)},
- {delete: deleted.first(2)},
- {delete: deleted.last(2)}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities.map(&:id))).to eq([{index: cities}]) }
- specify { expect(import(deleted.map(&:id))).to eq([{delete: deleted.map(&:id)}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities.map(&:id), batch_size: 2))
- .to eq([{index: cities.first(2)}, {index: cities.last(1)}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities.map(&:id), deleted.map(&:id)))
- .to eq([{index: cities}, {delete: deleted.map(&:id)}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities.map(&:id), deleted.map(&:id), batch_size: 2)).to eq([
- {index: cities.first(2)},
- {index: cities.last(1)},
- {delete: deleted.first(2).map(&:id)},
- {delete: deleted.last(2).map(&:id)}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities.first, nil)).to eq([{index: [cities.first]}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities.first.id, nil)).to eq([{index: [cities.first]}]) }
+ specify { expect(import).to match([{ index: match_array(cities) }]) }
+ specify { expect(import(nil)).to eq([]) }
+ specify { expect(import(City.order(:id.asc))).to eq([{ index: cities }]) }
+ specify do
+ expect(import(City.order(:id.asc), batch_size: 2))
+ .to eq([{ index: cities.first(2) }, { index: cities.last(1) }])
+ end
+ specify { expect(import(cities)).to eq([{ index: cities }]) }
+ specify do
+ expect(import(cities, batch_size: 2))
+ .to eq([{ index: cities.first(2) }, { index: cities.last(1) }])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(import(cities, deleted))
+ .to eq([{ index: cities }, { delete: deleted }])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(import(cities, deleted, batch_size: 2)).to eq([
+ { index: cities.first(2) },
+ { index: cities.last(1) },
+ { delete: deleted.first(2) },
+ { delete: deleted.last(2) }
+ ])
+ end
+ specify { expect(import(cities.map(&:id))).to eq([{ index: cities }]) }
+ specify { expect(import(deleted.map(&:id))).to eq([{ delete: deleted.map(&:id) }]) }
+ specify do
+ expect(import(cities.map(&:id), batch_size: 2))
+ .to eq([{ index: cities.first(2) }, { index: cities.last(1) }])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(import(cities.map(&:id), deleted.map(&:id)))
+ .to eq([{ index: cities }, { delete: deleted.map(&:id) }])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(import(cities.map(&:id), deleted.map(&:id), batch_size: 2)).to eq([
+ { index: cities.first(2) },
+ { index: cities.last(1) },
+ { delete: deleted.first(2).map(&:id) },
+ { delete: deleted.last(2).map(&:id) }
+ ])
+ end
+ specify { expect(import(cities.first, nil)).to eq([{ index: [cities.first] }]) }
+ specify { expect(import(cities.first.id, nil)).to eq([{ index: [cities.first] }]) }
context 'additional delete conditions' do
@@ -114,61 +130,95 @@ def delete_already?
- subject { described_class.new(City, delete_if: ->{ delete_already? }) }
- specify { expect(import(City.all)).to eq([
- { index: [cities[0]], delete: [cities[1]] }
- ]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities)).to eq([
- { index: [cities[0]], delete: [cities[1]] },
- { delete: cities.last(2) }
- ]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities.map(&:id))).to eq([
- { index: [cities[0]], delete: [cities[1]] },
- { delete: cities.last(2).map(&:id) }
- ]) }
+ subject { described_class.new(City, delete_if: -> { delete_already? }) }
+ specify do
+ expect(import(City.all)).to eq([
+ { index: [cities[0]], delete: [cities[1]] }
+ ])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(import(cities)).to eq([
+ { index: [cities[0]], delete: [cities[1]] },
+ { delete: cities.last(2) }
+ ])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(import(cities.map(&:id))).to eq([
+ { index: [cities[0]], delete: [cities[1]] },
+ { delete: cities.last(2).map(&:id) }
+ ])
+ end
context 'default scope' do
- let!(:cities) { Array.new(4) { |i| City.create!(id: i, rating: i/3) }.sort_by(&:id) }
+ let!(:cities) { Array.new(4) { |i| City.create!(id: i, rating: i / 3) }.sort_by(&:id) }
let!(:deleted) { Array.new(3) { |i| City.create!(id: 4 + i).tap(&:destroy) }.sort_by(&:id) }
subject { described_class.new(City.where(rating: 0)) }
- specify { expect(import).to eq([{index: cities.first(3)}]) }
+ specify { expect(import).to eq([{ index: cities.first(3) }]) }
- specify { expect(import(City.where(:rating.lt => 2).order(:id.asc)))
- .to eq([{index: cities.first(3)}]) }
- specify { expect(import(City.where(:rating.lt => 2).order(:id.asc), batch_size: 2))
- .to eq([{index: cities.first(2)}, {index: [cities[2]]}]) }
- specify { expect(import(City.where(:rating.lt => 1).order(:id.asc)))
- .to eq([{index: cities.first(3)}]) }
+ specify do
+ expect(import(City.where(:rating.lt => 2).order(:id.asc)))
+ .to eq([{ index: cities.first(3) }])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(import(City.where(:rating.lt => 2).order(:id.asc), batch_size: 2))
+ .to eq([{ index: cities.first(2) }, { index: [cities[2]] }])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(import(City.where(:rating.lt => 1).order(:id.asc)))
+ .to eq([{ index: cities.first(3) }])
+ end
specify { expect(import(City.where(:rating.gt => 1).order(:id.asc))).to eq([]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities.first(2)))
- .to eq([{index: cities.first(2)}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities))
- .to eq([{index: cities.first(3)}, {delete: cities.last(1)}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities, batch_size: 2))
- .to eq([{index: cities.first(2)}, {index: [cities[2]]}, {delete: cities.last(1)}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities, deleted))
- .to eq([{index: cities.first(3)}, {delete: cities.last(1) + deleted}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities, deleted, batch_size: 3)).to eq([
- {index: cities.first(3)},
- {delete: cities.last(1) + deleted.first(2)},
- {delete: deleted.last(1)}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities.first(2).map(&:id)))
- .to eq([{index: cities.first(2)}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities.map(&:id)))
- .to eq([{index: cities.first(3)}, {delete: [cities.last.id]}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities.map(&:id), batch_size: 2))
- .to eq([{index: cities.first(2)}, {index: [cities[2]]}, {delete: [cities.last.id]}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities.map(&:id), deleted.map(&:id)))
- .to eq([{index: cities.first(3)}, {delete: [cities.last.id] + deleted.map(&:id)}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities.map(&:id), deleted.map(&:id), batch_size: 3)).to eq([
- {index: cities.first(3)},
- {delete: [cities.last.id] + deleted.first(2).map(&:id)},
- {delete: deleted.last(1).map(&:id)}]) }
+ specify do
+ expect(import(cities.first(2)))
+ .to eq([{ index: cities.first(2) }])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(import(cities))
+ .to eq([{ index: cities.first(3) }, { delete: cities.last(1) }])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(import(cities, batch_size: 2))
+ .to eq([{ index: cities.first(2) }, { index: [cities[2]] }, { delete: cities.last(1) }])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(import(cities, deleted))
+ .to eq([{ index: cities.first(3) }, { delete: cities.last(1) + deleted }])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(import(cities, deleted, batch_size: 3)).to eq([
+ { index: cities.first(3) },
+ { delete: cities.last(1) + deleted.first(2) },
+ { delete: deleted.last(1) }
+ ])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(import(cities.first(2).map(&:id)))
+ .to eq([{ index: cities.first(2) }])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(import(cities.map(&:id)))
+ .to eq([{ index: cities.first(3) }, { delete: [cities.last.id] }])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(import(cities.map(&:id), batch_size: 2))
+ .to eq([{ index: cities.first(2) }, { index: [cities[2]] }, { delete: [cities.last.id] }])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(import(cities.map(&:id), deleted.map(&:id)))
+ .to eq([{ index: cities.first(3) }, { delete: [cities.last.id] + deleted.map(&:id) }])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(import(cities.map(&:id), deleted.map(&:id), batch_size: 3)).to eq([
+ { index: cities.first(3) },
+ { delete: [cities.last.id] + deleted.first(2).map(&:id) },
+ { delete: deleted.last(1).map(&:id) }
+ ])
+ end
context 'error handling' do
@@ -178,7 +228,10 @@ def delete_already?
subject { described_class.new(City) }
let(:data_comparer) do
- ->(id, data) { objects = data[:index] || data[:delete]; !objects.map { |o| o.respond_to?(:id) ? o.id : o }.include?(id) }
+ lambda do |id, data|
+ objects = data[:index] || data[:delete]
+ !objects.map { |o| o.respond_to?(:id) ? o.id : o }.include?(id)
+ end
context 'implicit scope' do
@@ -227,7 +280,7 @@ def delete_already?
describe '#load' do
context do
- let!(:cities) { Array.new(3) { |i| City.create!(id: i, rating: i/2) }.sort_by(&:id) }
+ let!(:cities) { Array.new(3) { |i| City.create!(id: i, rating: i / 2) }.sort_by(&:id) }
let!(:deleted) { Array.new(2) { |i| City.create!(id: 3 + i).tap(&:destroy) }.sort_by(&:id) }
let(:type) { double(type_name: 'user') }
@@ -238,16 +291,24 @@ def delete_already?
specify { expect(subject.load(cities.map { |c| double(id: c.id) }.reverse, _type: type)).to eq(cities.reverse) }
specify { expect(subject.load(deleted.map { |c| double(id: c.id) }, _type: type)).to eq([nil, nil]) }
specify { expect(subject.load((cities + deleted).map { |c| double(id: c.id) }, _type: type)).to eq([*cities, nil, nil]) }
- specify { expect(subject.load(cities.map { |c| double(id: c.id) }, _type: type, scope: ->{ where(rating: 0) }))
- .to eq(cities.first(2) + [nil]) }
- specify { expect(subject.load(cities.map { |c| double(id: c.id) },
- _type: type, scope: ->{ where(rating: 0) }, user: {scope: ->{ where(rating: 1)}}))
- .to eq([nil, nil] + cities.last(1)) }
- specify { expect(subject.load(cities.map { |c| double(id: c.id) }, _type: type, scope: City.where(rating: 1)))
- .to eq([nil, nil] + cities.last(1)) }
- specify { expect(subject.load(cities.map { |c| double(id: c.id) },
- _type: type, scope: City.where(rating: 1), user: {scope: ->{ where(rating: 0)}}))
- .to eq(cities.first(2) + [nil]) }
+ specify do
+ expect(subject.load(cities.map { |c| double(id: c.id) }, _type: type, scope: -> { where(rating: 0) }))
+ .to eq(cities.first(2) + [nil])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(subject.load(cities.map { |c| double(id: c.id) },
+ _type: type, scope: -> { where(rating: 0) }, user: { scope: -> { where(rating: 1) } }))
+ .to eq([nil, nil] + cities.last(1))
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(subject.load(cities.map { |c| double(id: c.id) }, _type: type, scope: City.where(rating: 1)))
+ .to eq([nil, nil] + cities.last(1))
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(subject.load(cities.map { |c| double(id: c.id) },
+ _type: type, scope: City.where(rating: 1), user: { scope: -> { where(rating: 0) } }))
+ .to eq(cities.first(2) + [nil])
+ end
diff --git a/spec/chewy/type/adapter/object_spec.rb b/spec/chewy/type/adapter/object_spec.rb
index ef94c3a67..f6b12d5f4 100644
--- a/spec/chewy/type/adapter/object_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/chewy/type/adapter/object_spec.rb
@@ -52,42 +52,53 @@ def import(*args)
subject { described_class.new('product') }
specify { expect(import).to eq([]) }
- specify { expect(import nil).to eq([]) }
+ specify { expect(import(nil)).to eq([]) }
- specify { expect(import(objects)).to eq([{index: objects}]) }
- specify { expect(import(objects, batch_size: 2))
- .to eq([{index: objects.first(2)}, {index: objects.last(1)}]) }
- specify { expect(import(objects, deleted)).to eq([{index: objects, delete: deleted}]) }
- specify { expect(import(objects, deleted, batch_size: 2)).to eq([
- {index: objects.first(2)},
- {index: objects.last(1), delete: deleted.first(1)},
- {delete: deleted.last(1)}]) }
+ specify { expect(import(objects)).to eq([{ index: objects }]) }
+ specify do
+ expect(import(objects, batch_size: 2))
+ .to eq([{ index: objects.first(2) }, { index: objects.last(1) }])
+ end
+ specify { expect(import(objects, deleted)).to eq([{ index: objects, delete: deleted }]) }
+ specify do
+ expect(import(objects, deleted, batch_size: 2)).to eq([
+ { index: objects.first(2) },
+ { index: objects.last(1), delete: deleted.first(1) },
+ { delete: deleted.last(1) }
+ ])
+ end
- specify { expect(import(objects.first, nil)).to eq([{index: [objects.first]}]) }
+ specify { expect(import(objects.first, nil)).to eq([{ index: [objects.first] }]) }
context 'initial data' do
- subject { described_class.new ->{ objects } }
+ subject { described_class.new -> { objects } }
- specify { expect(import).to eq([{index: objects}]) }
- specify { expect(import nil).to eq([]) }
+ specify { expect(import).to eq([{ index: objects }]) }
+ specify { expect(import(nil)).to eq([]) }
- specify { expect(import(objects[0..1])).to eq([{index: objects[0..1]}]) }
- specify { expect(import(batch_size: 2))
- .to eq([{index: objects.first(2)}, {index: objects.last(1)}]) }
+ specify { expect(import(objects[0..1])).to eq([{ index: objects[0..1] }]) }
+ specify do
+ expect(import(batch_size: 2))
+ .to eq([{ index: objects.first(2) }, { index: objects.last(1) }])
+ end
context do
subject { described_class.new('product', delete_if: :delete?) }
- let(:deleted) { [
- double(delete?: true, destroyed?: true),
- double(delete?: true, destroyed?: false),
- double(delete?: false, destroyed?: true),
- double(delete?: false, destroyed?: false)
- ] }
- specify { expect(import(deleted)).to eq([
- { delete: deleted[0..2], index: deleted.last(1) }
- ]) }
+ let(:deleted) do
+ [
+ double(delete?: true, destroyed?: true),
+ double(delete?: true, destroyed?: false),
+ double(delete?: false, destroyed?: true),
+ double(delete?: false, destroyed?: false)
+ ]
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(import(deleted)).to eq([
+ { delete: deleted[0..2], index: deleted.last(1) }
+ ])
+ end
@@ -120,7 +131,12 @@ def import(*args)
[:wrap, :load_one].each do |load_method|
context do
- before { allow(Product).to receive(load_method) { |object| allow(object).to receive_messages(wrapped?: true); object } }
+ before do
+ allow(Product).to receive(load_method) { |object|
+ allow(object).to receive_messages(wrapped?: true)
+ object
+ }
+ end
subject { described_class.new(Product) }
let(:objects) { Array.new(3) { double(wrapped?: false) } }
diff --git a/spec/chewy/type/adapter/sequel_spec.rb b/spec/chewy/type/adapter/sequel_spec.rb
index bb6d4e0ec..9b145f962 100644
--- a/spec/chewy/type/adapter/sequel_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/chewy/type/adapter/sequel_spec.rb
@@ -7,24 +7,24 @@
describe '#name' do
- it { expect( described_class.new(City).name ).to eq 'City' }
- it { expect( described_class.new(City.order(:id)).name ).to eq 'City' }
- it { expect( described_class.new(City, name: 'town').name ).to eq 'Town' }
+ it { expect(described_class.new(City).name).to eq 'City' }
+ it { expect(described_class.new(City.order(:id)).name).to eq 'City' }
+ it { expect(described_class.new(City, name: 'town').name).to eq 'Town' }
context do
before { stub_model('namespace/city') }
- it { expect( described_class.new(Namespace::City).name ).to eq 'City' }
- it { expect( described_class.new(Namespace::City.order(:id)).name ).to eq 'City' }
+ it { expect(described_class.new(Namespace::City).name).to eq 'City' }
+ it { expect(described_class.new(Namespace::City.order(:id)).name).to eq 'City' }
describe '#default_scope' do
- it { expect( described_class.new(City).default_scope.sql ).to eql City.where(nil).sql }
- it { expect( described_class.new(City.order(:id)).default_scope.sql ).to eql City.where(nil).sql }
- it { expect( described_class.new(City.limit(10)).default_scope.sql ).to eql City.where(nil).sql }
- it { expect( described_class.new(City.offset(10)).default_scope.sql ).to eql City.where(nil).sql }
- it { expect( described_class.new(City.where(rating: 10)).default_scope.sql ).to eql City.where(rating: 10).sql }
+ it { expect(described_class.new(City).default_scope.sql).to eql City.where(nil).sql }
+ it { expect(described_class.new(City.order(:id)).default_scope.sql).to eql City.where(nil).sql }
+ it { expect(described_class.new(City.limit(10)).default_scope.sql).to eql City.where(nil).sql }
+ it { expect(described_class.new(City.offset(10)).default_scope.sql).to eql City.where(nil).sql }
+ it { expect(described_class.new(City.where(rating: 10)).default_scope.sql).to eql City.where(rating: 10).sql }
describe '#type_name' do
@@ -46,10 +46,10 @@
context do
let!(:cities) { Array.new(3) { City.new.save! } }
- it { expect(subject.identify(City.where(nil)) ).to match_array cities.map(&:id) }
- it { expect(subject.identify(cities) ).to eq cities.map(&:id) }
- it { expect(subject.identify(cities.first) ).to eq([cities.first.id]) }
- it { expect(subject.identify(cities.first(2).map(&:id)) ).to eq cities.first(2).map(&:id) }
+ it { expect(subject.identify(City.where(nil))).to match_array cities.map(&:id) }
+ it { expect(subject.identify(cities)).to eq cities.map(&:id) }
+ it { expect(subject.identify(cities.first)).to eq([cities.first.id]) }
+ it { expect(subject.identify(cities.first(2).map(&:id))).to eq cities.first(2).map(&:id) }
context 'custom primary_key' do
@@ -75,38 +75,54 @@ def import(*args)
let!(:deleted) { Array.new(4) { City.create!.tap(&:destroy) } }
subject { described_class.new(City) }
- specify { expect(import).to eq([{index: cities}]) }
- specify { expect(import nil).to eq([]) }
- specify { expect(import(City.order(:id))).to eq([{index: cities}]) }
- specify { expect(import(City.order(:id), batch_size: 2))
- .to eq([{index: cities.first(2)}, {index: cities.last(1)}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities)).to eq([{index: cities}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities, batch_size: 2))
- .to eq([{index: cities.first(2)}, {index: cities.last(1)}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities, deleted))
- .to eq([{index: cities}, {delete: deleted}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities, deleted, batch_size: 2)).to eq([
- {index: cities.first(2)},
- {index: cities.last(1)},
- {delete: deleted.first(2)},
- {delete: deleted.last(2)}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities.map(&:id))).to eq([{index: cities}]) }
- specify { expect(import(deleted.map(&:id))).to eq([{delete: deleted.map(&:id)}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities.map(&:id), batch_size: 2))
- .to eq([{index: cities.first(2)}, {index: cities.last(1)}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities.map(&:id), deleted.map(&:id)))
- .to eq([{index: cities}, {delete: deleted.map(&:id)}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities.map(&:id), deleted.map(&:id), batch_size: 2)).to eq([
- {index: cities.first(2)},
- {index: cities.last(1)},
- {delete: deleted.first(2).map(&:id)},
- {delete: deleted.last(2).map(&:id)}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities.first, nil)).to eq([{index: [cities.first]}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities.first.id, nil)).to eq([{index: [cities.first]}]) }
+ specify { expect(import).to eq([{ index: cities }]) }
+ specify { expect(import(nil)).to eq([]) }
+ specify { expect(import(City.order(:id))).to eq([{ index: cities }]) }
+ specify do
+ expect(import(City.order(:id), batch_size: 2))
+ .to eq([{ index: cities.first(2) }, { index: cities.last(1) }])
+ end
+ specify { expect(import(cities)).to eq([{ index: cities }]) }
+ specify do
+ expect(import(cities, batch_size: 2))
+ .to eq([{ index: cities.first(2) }, { index: cities.last(1) }])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(import(cities, deleted))
+ .to eq([{ index: cities }, { delete: deleted }])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(import(cities, deleted, batch_size: 2)).to eq([
+ { index: cities.first(2) },
+ { index: cities.last(1) },
+ { delete: deleted.first(2) },
+ { delete: deleted.last(2) }
+ ])
+ end
+ specify { expect(import(cities.map(&:id))).to eq([{ index: cities }]) }
+ specify { expect(import(deleted.map(&:id))).to eq([{ delete: deleted.map(&:id) }]) }
+ specify do
+ expect(import(cities.map(&:id), batch_size: 2))
+ .to eq([{ index: cities.first(2) }, { index: cities.last(1) }])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(import(cities.map(&:id), deleted.map(&:id)))
+ .to eq([{ index: cities }, { delete: deleted.map(&:id) }])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(import(cities.map(&:id), deleted.map(&:id), batch_size: 2)).to eq([
+ { index: cities.first(2) },
+ { index: cities.last(1) },
+ { delete: deleted.first(2).map(&:id) },
+ { delete: deleted.last(2).map(&:id) }
+ ])
+ end
+ specify { expect(import(cities.first, nil)).to eq([{ index: [cities.first] }]) }
+ specify { expect(import(cities.first.id, nil)).to eq([{ index: [cities.first] }]) }
context 'additional delete conditions' do
@@ -121,19 +137,25 @@ def delete_already?
- subject { described_class.new(City, delete_if: ->{ delete_already? }) }
- specify { expect(import(City.where(nil))).to eq([
- { index: [cities[0]], delete: [cities[1]] }
- ]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities)).to eq([
- { index: [cities[0]], delete: [cities[1]] },
- { delete: cities.last(2) }
- ]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities.map(&:id))).to eq([
- { index: [cities[0]], delete: [cities[1]] },
- { delete: cities.last(2).map(&:id) }
- ]) }
+ subject { described_class.new(City, delete_if: -> { delete_already? }) }
+ specify do
+ expect(import(City.where(nil))).to eq([
+ { index: [cities[0]], delete: [cities[1]] }
+ ])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(import(cities)).to eq([
+ { index: [cities[0]], delete: [cities[1]] },
+ { delete: cities.last(2) }
+ ])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(import(cities.map(&:id))).to eq([
+ { index: [cities[0]], delete: [cities[1]] },
+ { delete: cities.last(2).map(&:id) }
+ ])
+ end
context 'custom primary_key' do
@@ -142,75 +164,119 @@ def delete_already?
let!(:deleted) { Array.new(3) { |i| City.create! { |c| c.rating = i + 10 }.tap(&:destroy) } }
subject { described_class.new(City) }
- specify { expect(import).to eq([{index: cities}]) }
- specify { expect(import(City.order(:rating))).to eq([{index: cities}]) }
- specify { expect(import(City.order(:rating), batch_size: 2))
- .to eq([{index: cities.first(2)}, {index: cities.last(1)}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities)).to eq([{index: cities}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities, batch_size: 2))
- .to eq([{index: cities.first(2)}, {index: cities.last(1)}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities, deleted))
- .to eq([{index: cities}, {delete: deleted}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities, deleted, batch_size: 2)).to eq([
- {index: cities.first(2)},
- {index: cities.last(1)},
- {delete: deleted.first(2)},
- {delete: deleted.last(1)}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities.map(&:rating))).to eq([{index: cities}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities.map(&:rating), batch_size: 2))
- .to eq([{index: cities.first(2)}, {index: cities.last(1)}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities.map(&:rating), deleted.map(&:rating)))
- .to eq([{index: cities}, {delete: deleted.map(&:rating)}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities.map(&:rating), deleted.map(&:rating), batch_size: 2)).to eq([
- {index: cities.first(2)},
- {index: cities.last(1)},
- {delete: deleted.first(2).map(&:rating)},
- {delete: deleted.last(1).map(&:rating)}]) }
+ specify { expect(import).to eq([{ index: cities }]) }
+ specify { expect(import(City.order(:rating))).to eq([{ index: cities }]) }
+ specify do
+ expect(import(City.order(:rating), batch_size: 2))
+ .to eq([{ index: cities.first(2) }, { index: cities.last(1) }])
+ end
+ specify { expect(import(cities)).to eq([{ index: cities }]) }
+ specify do
+ expect(import(cities, batch_size: 2))
+ .to eq([{ index: cities.first(2) }, { index: cities.last(1) }])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(import(cities, deleted))
+ .to eq([{ index: cities }, { delete: deleted }])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(import(cities, deleted, batch_size: 2)).to eq([
+ { index: cities.first(2) },
+ { index: cities.last(1) },
+ { delete: deleted.first(2) },
+ { delete: deleted.last(1) }
+ ])
+ end
+ specify { expect(import(cities.map(&:rating))).to eq([{ index: cities }]) }
+ specify do
+ expect(import(cities.map(&:rating), batch_size: 2))
+ .to eq([{ index: cities.first(2) }, { index: cities.last(1) }])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(import(cities.map(&:rating), deleted.map(&:rating)))
+ .to eq([{ index: cities }, { delete: deleted.map(&:rating) }])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(import(cities.map(&:rating), deleted.map(&:rating), batch_size: 2)).to eq([
+ { index: cities.first(2) },
+ { index: cities.last(1) },
+ { delete: deleted.first(2).map(&:rating) },
+ { delete: deleted.last(1).map(&:rating) }
+ ])
+ end
context 'default scope' do
- let!(:cities) { Array.new(4) { |i| City.create!(rating: i/3) } }
+ let!(:cities) { Array.new(4) { |i| City.create!(rating: i / 3) } }
let!(:deleted) { Array.new(3) { City.create!.tap(&:destroy) } }
subject { described_class.new(City.where(rating: 0)) }
- specify { expect(import).to eq([{index: cities.first(3)}]) }
+ specify { expect(import).to eq([{ index: cities.first(3) }]) }
- specify { expect(import(City.where('rating < 2')))
- .to eq([{index: cities.first(3)}]) }
- specify { expect(import(City.where('rating < 2'), batch_size: 2))
- .to eq([{index: cities.first(2)}, {index: [cities[2]]}]) }
- specify { expect(import(City.where('rating < 1')))
- .to eq([{index: cities.first(3)}]) }
+ specify do
+ expect(import(City.where('rating < 2')))
+ .to eq([{ index: cities.first(3) }])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(import(City.where('rating < 2'), batch_size: 2))
+ .to eq([{ index: cities.first(2) }, { index: [cities[2]] }])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(import(City.where('rating < 1')))
+ .to eq([{ index: cities.first(3) }])
+ end
specify { expect(import(City.where('rating > 1'))).to eq([]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities.first(2)))
- .to eq([{index: cities.first(2)}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities))
- .to eq([{index: cities.first(3)}, {delete: cities.last(1)}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities, batch_size: 2))
- .to eq([{index: cities.first(2)}, {index: [cities[2]]}, {delete: cities.last(1)}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities, deleted))
- .to eq([{index: cities.first(3)}, {delete: cities.last(1) + deleted}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities, deleted, batch_size: 3)).to eq([
- {index: cities.first(3)},
- {delete: cities.last(1) + deleted.first(2)},
- {delete: deleted.last(1)}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities.first(2).map(&:id)))
- .to eq([{index: cities.first(2)}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities.map(&:id)))
- .to eq([{index: cities.first(3)}, {delete: [cities.last.id]}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities.map(&:id), batch_size: 2))
- .to eq([{index: cities.first(2)}, {index: [cities[2]]}, {delete: [cities.last.id]}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities.map(&:id), deleted.map(&:id)))
- .to eq([{index: cities.first(3)}, {delete: [cities.last.id] + deleted.map(&:id)}]) }
- specify { expect(import(cities.map(&:id), deleted.map(&:id), batch_size: 3)).to eq([
- {index: cities.first(3)},
- {delete: [cities.last.id] + deleted.first(2).map(&:id)},
- {delete: deleted.last(1).map(&:id)}]) }
+ specify do
+ expect(import(cities.first(2)))
+ .to eq([{ index: cities.first(2) }])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(import(cities))
+ .to eq([{ index: cities.first(3) }, { delete: cities.last(1) }])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(import(cities, batch_size: 2))
+ .to eq([{ index: cities.first(2) }, { index: [cities[2]] }, { delete: cities.last(1) }])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(import(cities, deleted))
+ .to eq([{ index: cities.first(3) }, { delete: cities.last(1) + deleted }])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(import(cities, deleted, batch_size: 3)).to eq([
+ { index: cities.first(3) },
+ { delete: cities.last(1) + deleted.first(2) },
+ { delete: deleted.last(1) }
+ ])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(import(cities.first(2).map(&:id)))
+ .to eq([{ index: cities.first(2) }])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(import(cities.map(&:id)))
+ .to eq([{ index: cities.first(3) }, { delete: [cities.last.id] }])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(import(cities.map(&:id), batch_size: 2))
+ .to eq([{ index: cities.first(2) }, { index: [cities[2]] }, { delete: [cities.last.id] }])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(import(cities.map(&:id), deleted.map(&:id)))
+ .to eq([{ index: cities.first(3) }, { delete: [cities.last.id] + deleted.map(&:id) }])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(import(cities.map(&:id), deleted.map(&:id), batch_size: 3)).to eq([
+ { index: cities.first(3) },
+ { delete: [cities.last.id] + deleted.first(2).map(&:id) },
+ { delete: deleted.last(1).map(&:id) }
+ ])
+ end
context 'error handling' do
@@ -220,7 +286,10 @@ def delete_already?
subject { described_class.new(City) }
let(:data_comparer) do
- ->(id, data) { objects = data[:index] || data[:delete]; !objects.map { |o| o.respond_to?(:id) ? o.id : o }.include?(id) }
+ lambda do |id, data|
+ objects = data[:index] || data[:delete]
+ !objects.map { |o| o.respond_to?(:id) ? o.id : o }.include?(id)
+ end
context 'implicit scope' do
@@ -269,7 +338,7 @@ def delete_already?
describe '#load' do
context do
- let!(:cities) { Array.new(3) { |i| City.create!(rating: i/2) } }
+ let!(:cities) { Array.new(3) { |i| City.create!(rating: i / 2) } }
let!(:deleted) { Array.new(2) { City.create!.tap(&:destroy) } }
let(:type) { double(type_name: 'user') }
@@ -280,21 +349,29 @@ def delete_already?
specify { expect(subject.load(cities.map { |c| double(id: c.id) }.reverse, _type: type)).to eq(cities.reverse) }
specify { expect(subject.load(deleted.map { |c| double(id: c.id) }, _type: type)).to eq([nil, nil]) }
specify { expect(subject.load((cities + deleted).map { |c| double(id: c.id) }, _type: type)).to eq([*cities, nil, nil]) }
- specify { expect(subject.load(cities.map { |c| double(id: c.id) }, _type: type, scope: ->{ where(rating: 0) }))
- .to eq(cities.first(2) + [nil]) }
- specify { expect(subject.load(cities.map { |c| double(id: c.id) },
- _type: type, scope: ->{ where(rating: 0) }, user: {scope: ->{ where(rating: 1)}}))
- .to eq([nil, nil] + cities.last(1)) }
- xspecify { expect(subject.load(cities.map { |c| double(id: c.id) }, _type: type, scope: City.where(rating: 1)))
- .to eq([nil, nil] + cities.last(1)) }
- specify { expect(subject.load(cities.map { |c| double(id: c.id) },
- _type: type, scope: City.where(rating: 1), user: {scope: ->{ where(rating: 0)}}))
- .to eq(cities.first(2) + [nil]) }
+ specify do
+ expect(subject.load(cities.map { |c| double(id: c.id) }, _type: type, scope: -> { where(rating: 0) }))
+ .to eq(cities.first(2) + [nil])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(subject.load(cities.map { |c| double(id: c.id) },
+ _type: type, scope: -> { where(rating: 0) }, user: { scope: -> { where(rating: 1) } }))
+ .to eq([nil, nil] + cities.last(1))
+ end
+ xspecify do
+ expect(subject.load(cities.map { |c| double(id: c.id) }, _type: type, scope: City.where(rating: 1)))
+ .to eq([nil, nil] + cities.last(1))
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(subject.load(cities.map { |c| double(id: c.id) },
+ _type: type, scope: City.where(rating: 1), user: { scope: -> { where(rating: 0) } }))
+ .to eq(cities.first(2) + [nil])
+ end
context 'custom primary_key' do
before { stub_model(:city).set_dataset :rating_cities }
- let!(:cities) { Array.new(3) { |i| City.create!(country_id: i/2) { |c| c.rating = i + 7 } } }
+ let!(:cities) { Array.new(3) { |i| City.create!(country_id: i / 2) { |c| c.rating = i + 7 } } }
let!(:deleted) { Array.new(2) { |i| City.create! { |c| c.rating = i + 10 }.tap(&:destroy) } }
let(:type) { double(type_name: 'user') }
@@ -305,16 +382,24 @@ def delete_already?
specify { expect(subject.load(cities.map { |c| double(rating: c.rating) }.reverse, _type: type)).to eq(cities.reverse) }
specify { expect(subject.load(deleted.map { |c| double(rating: c.rating) }, _type: type)).to eq([nil, nil]) }
specify { expect(subject.load((cities + deleted).map { |c| double(rating: c.rating) }, _type: type)).to eq([*cities, nil, nil]) }
- specify { expect(subject.load(cities.map { |c| double(rating: c.rating) }, _type: type, scope: ->{ where(country_id: 0) }))
- .to eq(cities.first(2) + [nil]) }
- specify { expect(subject.load(cities.map { |c| double(rating: c.rating) },
- _type: type, scope: ->{ where(country_id: 0) }, user: {scope: ->{ where(country_id: 1)}}))
- .to eq([nil, nil] + cities.last(1)) }
- xspecify { expect(subject.load(cities.map { |c| double(rating: c.rating) }, _type: type, scope: City.where(country_id: 1)))
- .to eq([nil, nil] + cities.last(1)) }
- specify { expect(subject.load(cities.map { |c| double(rating: c.rating) },
- _type: type, scope: City.where(country_id: 1), user: {scope: ->{ where(country_id: 0)}}))
- .to eq(cities.first(2) + [nil]) }
+ specify do
+ expect(subject.load(cities.map { |c| double(rating: c.rating) }, _type: type, scope: -> { where(country_id: 0) }))
+ .to eq(cities.first(2) + [nil])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(subject.load(cities.map { |c| double(rating: c.rating) },
+ _type: type, scope: -> { where(country_id: 0) }, user: { scope: -> { where(country_id: 1) } }))
+ .to eq([nil, nil] + cities.last(1))
+ end
+ xspecify do
+ expect(subject.load(cities.map { |c| double(rating: c.rating) }, _type: type, scope: City.where(country_id: 1)))
+ .to eq([nil, nil] + cities.last(1))
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(subject.load(cities.map { |c| double(rating: c.rating) },
+ _type: type, scope: City.where(country_id: 1), user: { scope: -> { where(country_id: 0) } }))
+ .to eq(cities.first(2) + [nil])
+ end
diff --git a/spec/chewy/type/import_spec.rb b/spec/chewy/type/import_spec.rb
index 4d551e9cb..fc8d24914 100644
--- a/spec/chewy/type/import_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/chewy/type/import_spec.rb
@@ -59,13 +59,16 @@
imported = []
- allow(CitiesIndex.client).to receive(:bulk) { |params| imported << params[:body]; nil }
+ allow(CitiesIndex.client).to receive(:bulk) { |params|
+ imported << params[:body]
+ nil
+ }
city.import dummy_cities.map(&:id), batch_size: 2
expect(imported.flatten).to match_array([
- {index: {_id: 2, data: {'name' => 'name1'}}},
- {index: {_id: 3, data: {'name' => 'name2'}}},
- {delete: {_id: dummy_cities.first.id}}
+ { index: { _id: 2, data: { 'name' => 'name1' } } },
+ { index: { _id: 3, data: { 'name' => 'name2' } } },
+ { delete: { _id: dummy_cities.first.id } }
@@ -78,12 +81,15 @@
imported = []
- allow(CitiesIndex.client).to receive(:bulk) { |params| imported << params[:body]; nil }
+ allow(CitiesIndex.client).to receive(:bulk) { |params|
+ imported << params[:body]
+ nil
+ }
city.import dummy_cities.map(&:id), bulk_size: 1.2.kilobyte
expect(imported.flatten).to match_array([
- %Q({"delete":{"_id":1}}\n),
- %Q({"index":{"_id":2}}\n{"name":"name1"}\n{"index":{"_id":3}}\n{"name":"name2"}\n)
+ %({"delete":{"_id":1}}\n),
+ %({"index":{"_id":2}}\n{"name":"name1"}\n{"index":{"_id":3}}\n{"name":"name2"}\n)
@@ -94,13 +100,16 @@
imported = []
- allow(CitiesIndex.client).to receive(:bulk) { |params| imported << params[:body]; nil }
+ allow(CitiesIndex.client).to receive(:bulk) { |params|
+ imported << params[:body]
+ nil
+ }
city.import dummy_cities.map(&:id), bulk_size: 1.2.kilobyte
expect(imported.flatten).to match_array([
- %Q({"delete":{"_id":1}}\n),
- %Q({"index":{"_id":2}}\n{"name":"#{'name1' * 20}"}\n),
- %Q({"index":{"_id":3}}\n{"name":"#{'name2' * 20}"}\n)
+ %({"delete":{"_id":1}}\n),
+ %({"index":{"_id":2}}\n{"name":"#{'name1' * 20}"}\n),
+ %({"index":{"_id":3}}\n{"name":"#{'name2' * 20}"}\n)
@@ -162,7 +171,7 @@
city.import dummy_cities
- expect(outer_payload).to eq({type: CitiesIndex::City, import: {delete: 1, index: 2}})
+ expect(outer_payload).to eq(type: CitiesIndex::City, import: { delete: 1, index: 2 })
specify do
@@ -173,7 +182,7 @@
city.import dummy_cities, batch_size: 2
- expect(outer_payload).to eq({type: CitiesIndex::City, import: {delete: 1, index: 2}})
+ expect(outer_payload).to eq(type: CitiesIndex::City, import: { delete: 1, index: 2 })
specify do
@@ -183,7 +192,7 @@
city.import dummy_cities, batch_size: 2
- expect(outer_payload).to eq({type: CitiesIndex::City, import: {index: 3}})
+ expect(outer_payload).to eq(type: CitiesIndex::City, import: { index: 3 })
context do
@@ -203,16 +212,14 @@
city.import dummy_cities, batch_size: 2
- expect(outer_payload).to eq({
- type: CitiesIndex::City,
+ expect(outer_payload).to eq(type: CitiesIndex::City,
errors: {
index: {
- "WriteFailureException; nested: MapperParsingException[object mapping for [city] tried to parse field [name] as object, but got EOF, has a concrete value been provided to it?]; " => ["1"],
- "MapperParsingException[object mapping for [city] tried to parse field [name] as object, but got EOF, has a concrete value been provided to it?]" => ["2", "3"]
+ 'WriteFailureException; nested: MapperParsingException[object mapping for [city] tried to parse field [name] as object, but got EOF, has a concrete value been provided to it?]; ' => ['1'],
+ 'MapperParsingException[object mapping for [city] tried to parse field [name] as object, but got EOF, has a concrete value been provided to it?]' => %w(2 3)
- import: {index: 3}
- })
+ import: { index: 3 })
specify do
@@ -223,15 +230,13 @@
city.import dummy_cities, batch_size: 2
- expect(outer_payload).to eq({
- type: CitiesIndex::City,
+ expect(outer_payload).to eq(type: CitiesIndex::City,
errors: {
index: {
- {"type"=>"mapper_parsing_exception", "reason"=>"object mapping for [name] tried to parse field [name] as object, but found a concrete value"} => ["1", "2", "3"]
+ { 'type' => 'mapper_parsing_exception', 'reason' => 'object mapping for [name] tried to parse field [name] as object, but found a concrete value' } => %w(1 2 3)
- import: {index: 3}
- })
+ import: { index: 3 })
@@ -255,7 +260,7 @@
before do
stub_index(:cities) do
define_type City do
- field :name, type: 'object', value: ->{ name == 'name1' ? name : {name: name} }
+ field :name, type: 'object', value: -> { name == 'name1' ? name : { name: name } }
@@ -295,12 +300,12 @@
let(:child_city) { City.create(id: 4, country_id: country.id, name: 'city') }
let(:city) { CountriesIndex::City }
- specify { expect(city.import(child_city)).to eq(true) }
+ specify { expect(city.import(child_city)).to eq(true) }
specify { expect { city.import child_city }.to update_index(city).and_reindex(child_city) }
specify do
expect(CountriesIndex.client).to receive(:bulk).with(hash_including(
- body: [{ index: { _id: child_city.id, parent: country.id, data: { 'name' => 'city' } } }]
+ body: [{ index: { _id: child_city.id, parent: country.id, data: { 'name' => 'city' } } }]
city.import child_city
@@ -313,10 +318,10 @@
child_city.update_attributes(country_id: another_country.id)
expect(CountriesIndex.client).to receive(:bulk).with(hash_including(
- body: [
- { delete: { _id: child_city.id, parent: country.id.to_s } },
- { index: { _id: child_city.id, parent: another_country.id, data: { 'name' => 'city' } } }
- ]
+ body: [
+ { delete: { _id: child_city.id, parent: country.id.to_s } },
+ { index: { _id: child_city.id, parent: another_country.id, data: { 'name' => 'city' } } }
+ ]
city.import child_city
@@ -326,7 +331,7 @@
expect(CountriesIndex.client).to receive(:bulk).with(hash_including(
- body: [{ delete: { _id: child_city.id, parent: country.id.to_s } }]
+ body: [{ delete: { _id: child_city.id, parent: country.id.to_s } }]
city.import child_city
@@ -336,7 +341,7 @@
expect(CountriesIndex.client).to receive(:bulk).with(hash_including(
- body: [{ delete: { _id: child_city.id, parent: country.id.to_s } }]
+ body: [{ delete: { _id: child_city.id, parent: country.id.to_s } }]
city.import child_city.id
@@ -345,8 +350,8 @@
specify do
- expect(city.import child_city).to eq(true)
- expect(city.import child_city).to eq(true)
+ expect(city.import(child_city)).to eq(true)
+ expect(city.import(child_city)).to eq(true)
@@ -370,12 +375,12 @@
- specify { expect(country.import(canada)).to eq(true) }
+ specify { expect(country.import(canada)).to eq(true) }
specify { expect { country.import(canada) }.to update_index(country).and_reindex(canada.country_code) }
specify do
expect(CountriesIndex.client).to receive(:bulk).with(hash_including(
- body: [{ index: { _id: canada.country_code, data: { 'name' => 'Canada', 'rating' => 4 } } }]
+ body: [{ index: { _id: canada.country_code, data: { 'name' => 'Canada', 'rating' => 4 } } }]
country.import canada
@@ -385,7 +390,7 @@
canada.update_attributes(rating: 9)
expect(CountriesIndex.client).to receive(:bulk).with(hash_including(
- body: [{ index: { _id: canada.country_code, data: { 'name' => 'Canada', 'rating' => 9 } } }]
+ body: [{ index: { _id: canada.country_code, data: { 'name' => 'Canada', 'rating' => 9 } } }]
country.import canada
@@ -395,12 +400,11 @@
expect(CountriesIndex.client).to receive(:bulk).with(hash_including(
- body: [{ delete: { _id: canada.country_code } }]
+ body: [{ delete: { _id: canada.country_code } }]
country.import canada
context 'default_import_options is set' do
@@ -437,7 +441,11 @@
specify do
expect(ActiveSupport::Notifications).to receive(:unsubscribe)
- city.import!(dummy_cities) rescue nil
+ begin
+ city.import!(dummy_cities)
+ rescue
+ nil
+ end
diff --git a/spec/chewy/type/mapping_spec.rb b/spec/chewy/type/mapping_spec.rb
index ca04a83ab..b4f28b689 100644
--- a/spec/chewy/type/mapping_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/chewy/type/mapping_spec.rb
@@ -34,8 +34,8 @@
describe '.agg' do
- specify { expect(product._agg_defs[:named_agg].call).to eq({ avg: { field: 'title.subfield1' } }) }
- specify { expect(review._agg_defs[:named_agg].call).to eq({ avg: { field: 'comments.rating' } }) }
+ specify { expect(product._agg_defs[:named_agg].call).to eq(avg: { field: 'title.subfield1' }) }
+ specify { expect(review._agg_defs[:named_agg].call).to eq(avg: { field: 'comments.rating' }) }
describe '.field' do
@@ -68,26 +68,26 @@
- specify { expect(product.mappings_hash[:product][:_parent]).to eq({ type: 'project' }) }
+ specify { expect(product.mappings_hash[:product][:_parent]).to eq(type: 'project') }
context do
before do
stub_index(:products) do
define_type :product do
- root parent: {'type' => 'project'}, parent_id: -> { project_id } do
+ root parent: { 'type' => 'project' }, parent_id: -> { project_id } do
field :name, 'surname'
- specify { expect(product.mappings_hash[:product][:_parent]).to eq({ type: 'project' }) }
+ specify { expect(product.mappings_hash[:product][:_parent]).to eq(type: 'project') }
- context "no root element call" do
+ context 'no root element call' do
before do
stub_index(:products) do
define_type :product do
diff --git a/spec/chewy/type/observe_spec.rb b/spec/chewy/type/observe_spec.rb
index 179536bf0..aa79c2260 100644
--- a/spec/chewy/type/observe_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/chewy/type/observe_spec.rb
@@ -10,12 +10,18 @@
let(:backreferenced) { Array.new(3) { |i| double(id: i) } }
- specify { expect { DummiesIndex::Dummy.update_index(backreferenced) }
- .to raise_error Chewy::UndefinedUpdateStrategy }
- specify { expect { DummiesIndex::Dummy.update_index([]) }
- .not_to update_index('dummies#dummy') }
- specify { expect { DummiesIndex::Dummy.update_index(nil) }
- .not_to update_index('dummies#dummy') }
+ specify do
+ expect { DummiesIndex::Dummy.update_index(backreferenced) }
+ .to raise_error Chewy::UndefinedUpdateStrategy
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect { DummiesIndex::Dummy.update_index([]) }
+ .not_to update_index('dummies#dummy')
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect { DummiesIndex::Dummy.update_index(nil) }
+ .not_to update_index('dummies#dummy')
+ end
context 'integration', :orm do
@@ -35,7 +41,7 @@
stub_model(:country) do
update_index('cities#city', if: -> { update_condition }) { cities }
- update_index(->{ "countries##{self.class.name.underscore}" }, :self)
+ update_index(-> { "countries##{self.class.name.underscore}" }, :self)
attr_accessor :update_condition
diff --git a/spec/chewy/type/witchcraft_spec.rb b/spec/chewy/type/witchcraft_spec.rb
index 7c3011df0..987a26c4c 100644
--- a/spec/chewy/type/witchcraft_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/chewy/type/witchcraft_spec.rb
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ def self.mapping(&block)
describe '#cauldron' do
let(:type) { ProductsIndex::Product }
- let(:object) { }
+ let(:object) {}
context 'empty mapping' do
mapping {}
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ def self.mapping(&block)
field :age
field :tags
- let(:attributes) { { name: 'Name', age: 13, tags: %w[Ruby RoR] } }
+ let(:attributes) { { name: 'Name', age: 13, tags: %w(Ruby RoR) } }
context do
let(:object) { double(attributes) }
@@ -44,12 +44,12 @@ def self.mapping(&block)
context 'simple lambdas' do
mapping do
field :name
- field :age, value: -> (obj) {
+ field :age, value: lambda { |obj|
obj.age if obj
field :tags, value: -> { tags.map(&:to_sym) }
- let(:attributes) { { name: 'Name', age: 13, tags: %w[Ruby RoR] } }
+ let(:attributes) { { name: 'Name', age: 13, tags: %w(Ruby RoR) } }
context do
let(:object) { double(attributes) }
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ def self.mapping(&block)
context do
let(:object) { double(attributes) }
let(:crutches) { double(names: ['Other']) }
- specify { expect(type.cauldron.brew(object, crutches)).to eq({name: 'Other'}.as_json) }
+ specify { expect(type.cauldron.brew(object, crutches)).to eq({ name: 'Other' }.as_json) }
@@ -79,14 +79,18 @@ def self.mapping(&block)
- let(:object) { double(queries: [
- {title: 'Title1', body: 'Body1'},
- {title: 'Title2', body: 'Body2'}
- ]) }
- specify { expect(type.cauldron.brew(object)).to eq({ queries: [
- {title: 'Title1', body: 'This Body1'},
- {title: 'Title2', body: 'This Body2'}
- ] }.as_json) }
+ let(:object) do
+ double(queries: [
+ { title: 'Title1', body: 'Body1' },
+ { title: 'Title2', body: 'Body2' }
+ ])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(type.cauldron.brew(object)).to eq({ queries: [
+ { title: 'Title1', body: 'This Body1' },
+ { title: 'Title2', body: 'This Body2' }
+ ] }.as_json)
+ end
context do
@@ -97,14 +101,18 @@ def self.mapping(&block)
- let(:object) { double(queries: [
- double(title: 'Title1', body: 'Body1'),
- double(title: 'Title2', body: 'Body2')
- ]) }
- specify { expect(type.cauldron.brew(object)).to eq({ queries: [
- {title: 'Title1', body: 'This Body1'},
- {title: 'Title2', body: 'This Body2'}
- ] }.as_json) }
+ let(:object) do
+ double(queries: [
+ double(title: 'Title1', body: 'Body1'),
+ double(title: 'Title2', body: 'Body2')
+ ])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(type.cauldron.brew(object)).to eq({ queries: [
+ { title: 'Title1', body: 'This Body1' },
+ { title: 'Title2', body: 'This Body2' }
+ ] }.as_json)
+ end
context do
@@ -115,14 +123,18 @@ def self.mapping(&block)
- let(:object) { double(queries: [
- double(title: 'Title1', body: 'Body1'),
- double(title: 'Title2', body: 'Body2')
- ]) }
- specify { expect(type.cauldron.brew(object)).to eq({ queries: [
- {title: 'Title1', body: 'This Body1'},
- {title: 'Title2', body: 'This Body2'}
- ] }.as_json) }
+ let(:object) do
+ double(queries: [
+ double(title: 'Title1', body: 'Body1'),
+ double(title: 'Title2', body: 'Body2')
+ ])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(type.cauldron.brew(object)).to eq({ queries: [
+ { title: 'Title1', body: 'This Body1' },
+ { title: 'Title2', body: 'This Body2' }
+ ] }.as_json)
+ end
context do
@@ -130,24 +142,28 @@ def self.mapping(&block)
field :queries do
field :fields, value: -> (_o, q) { q.fields } do
field :first
- field :second, value: -> (_o, q, f, c) {
+ field :second, value: lambda { |_o, q, f, c|
q.value + (f.respond_to?(:second) ? f.second : c.second)
- let(:object) { double(queries: [
- double(value: 'Value1', fields: [double(first: 'First1', second: 'Second1'), {first: 'First2'}]),
- double(value: 'Value2', fields: double(first: 'First3', second: 'Second2', third: 'Third'))
- ]) }
- specify { expect(type.cauldron.brew(object, double(second: 'Crutch'))).to eq({queries: [
- {fields: [
- {first: 'First1', second: 'Value1Second1'},
- {first: 'First2', second: 'Value1Crutch'}
- ]},
- {fields: {first: 'First3', second: 'Value2Second2'}}
- ]}.as_json) }
+ let(:object) do
+ double(queries: [
+ double(value: 'Value1', fields: [double(first: 'First1', second: 'Second1'), { first: 'First2' }]),
+ double(value: 'Value2', fields: double(first: 'First3', second: 'Second2', third: 'Third'))
+ ])
+ end
+ specify do
+ expect(type.cauldron.brew(object, double(second: 'Crutch'))).to eq({ queries: [
+ { fields: [
+ { first: 'First1', second: 'Value1Second1' },
+ { first: 'First2', second: 'Value1Crutch' }
+ ] },
+ { fields: { first: 'First3', second: 'Value2Second2' } }
+ ] }.as_json)
+ end
diff --git a/spec/chewy/type_spec.rb b/spec/chewy/type_spec.rb
index 2b1f950ad..1fad9bb67 100644
--- a/spec/chewy/type_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/chewy/type_spec.rb
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ def self.by_name
specify { expect { PlacesIndex::City.non_existing_method_call }.to raise_error(NoMethodError) }
specify { expect(PlacesIndex::City._default_import_options).to eq({}) }
- specify { expect { PlacesIndex::City.default_import_options(invalid_option: "Yeah!") }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) }
+ specify { expect { PlacesIndex::City.default_import_options(invalid_option: 'Yeah!') }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) }
context 'default_import_options is set' do
let(:converter) { -> {} }
diff --git a/spec/chewy_spec.rb b/spec/chewy_spec.rb
index 756a070f0..a627caf25 100644
--- a/spec/chewy_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/chewy_spec.rb
@@ -19,11 +19,11 @@
- specify { expect { described_class.derive_type('developers_index#developers') }.to raise_error Chewy::UnderivableType, /DevelopersIndexIndex/ }
- specify { expect { described_class.derive_type('some#developers') }.to raise_error Chewy::UnderivableType, /SomeIndex/ }
- specify { expect { described_class.derive_type('borogoves#developers') }.to raise_error Chewy::UnderivableType, /Borogoves/ }
- specify { expect { described_class.derive_type('developers#borogoves') }.to raise_error Chewy::UnderivableType, /DevelopersIndex.*borogoves/ }
- specify { expect { described_class.derive_type('namespace/autocomplete') }.to raise_error Chewy::UnderivableType, /AutocompleteIndex.*namespace\/autocomplete#type_name/ }
+ specify { expect { described_class.derive_type('developers_index#developers') }.to raise_error(Chewy::UnderivableType, /DevelopersIndexIndex/) }
+ specify { expect { described_class.derive_type('some#developers') }.to raise_error(Chewy::UnderivableType, /SomeIndex/) }
+ specify { expect { described_class.derive_type('borogoves#developers') }.to raise_error(Chewy::UnderivableType, /Borogoves/) }
+ specify { expect { described_class.derive_type('developers#borogoves') }.to raise_error(Chewy::UnderivableType, /DevelopersIndex.*borogoves/) }
+ specify { expect { described_class.derive_type('namespace/autocomplete') }.to raise_error(Chewy::UnderivableType, %r{AutocompleteIndex.*namespace/autocomplete#type_name}) }
specify { expect(described_class.derive_type(DevelopersIndex::Developer)).to eq(DevelopersIndex::Developer) }
specify { expect(described_class.derive_type('developers')).to eq(DevelopersIndex::Developer) }
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@
describe '.client' do
let!(:initial_client) { Thread.current[:chewy_client] }
- let(:faraday_block) { proc { } }
+ let(:faraday_block) { proc {} }
let(:mock_client) { double(:client) }
let(:expected_client_config) { { transport_options: {} } }
diff --git a/spec/support/active_record.rb b/spec/support/active_record.rb
index 16aaa4dbb..dac4ef7a7 100644
--- a/spec/support/active_record.rb
+++ b/spec/support/active_record.rb
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ def adapter
- def stub_model name, superclass = nil, &block
+ def stub_model(name, superclass = nil, &block)
stub_class(name, superclass || ActiveRecord::Base, &block)
diff --git a/spec/support/class_helpers.rb b/spec/support/class_helpers.rb
index c4835ee65..04e0e9fa1 100644
--- a/spec/support/class_helpers.rb
+++ b/spec/support/class_helpers.rb
@@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
module ClassHelpers
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
- def stub_index name, superclass = nil, &block
+ def stub_index(name, superclass = nil, &block)
stub_class("#{name.to_s.camelize}Index", superclass || Chewy::Index)
.tap { |i| i.class_eval(&block) if block }
- def stub_class name, superclass = nil, &block
+ def stub_class(name, superclass = nil, &block)
stub_const(name.to_s.camelize, Class.new(superclass || Object, &block))
- def stub_model _name, _superclass = nil
+ def stub_model(_name, _superclass = nil)
raise NotImplementedError, 'Seems like no ORM/ODM are loaded, please check your Gemfile'
- def skip_on_version_gte version, message = "Removed from elasticsearch #{version}"
+ def skip_on_version_gte(version, message = "Removed from elasticsearch #{version}")
skip message if Chewy::Runtime.version >= version
- def skip_on_version_lt version, message = "Only for elasticsearch #{version} and greater"
+ def skip_on_version_lt(version, message = "Only for elasticsearch #{version} and greater")
skip message if Chewy::Runtime.version < version
- def skip_on_plugin_missing_from_version plugin, version, message = "Plugin '#{plugin}' is missing on elasticsearch > #{version}"
+ def skip_on_plugin_missing_from_version(plugin, version, message = "Plugin '#{plugin}' is missing on elasticsearch > #{version}")
return if Chewy::Runtime.version < version
- plugins = Chewy.client.nodes.info(plugins: true)["nodes"].values.map { |item| item["plugins"] }.flatten
- skip message unless plugins.find { |item| item["name"] == plugin }
+ plugins = Chewy.client.nodes.info(plugins: true)['nodes'].values.map { |item| item['plugins'] }.flatten
+ skip message unless plugins.find { |item| item['name'] == plugin }
diff --git a/spec/support/mongoid.rb b/spec/support/mongoid.rb
index b66805429..2a5082323 100644
--- a/spec/support/mongoid.rb
+++ b/spec/support/mongoid.rb
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
uri: 'mongodb://'
Mongoid.configure do |config|
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ def adapter
- def stub_model name, superclass = nil, &block
+ def stub_model(name, superclass = nil, &block)
mixin = "MongoidClassHelpers::#{name.to_s.camelize}".safe_constantize || Mongoid::Document
superclass ||= Class.new do
include mixin
diff --git a/spec/support/sequel.rb b/spec/support/sequel.rb
index e5a076409..6dce0a9ca 100644
--- a/spec/support/sequel.rb
+++ b/spec/support/sequel.rb
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
require 'database_cleaner'
-DB = Sequel.sqlite# logger: Logger.new(STDOUT)
+DB = Sequel.sqlite # logger: Logger.new(STDOUT)
DB.create_table :countries do
primary_key :id