Object-relational mapping (ORM), inspired by ActiveRecord, using Ruby metaprogramming.
Here are the features I have built in so far:
- Attribute Accessor - create getter or setter methods
- SQL object - all, find, insert, update, and save methods
- Searchable - using where, while protecting against SQL injection
- belongs_to, has_many, and has_one_through associations
Here is an example on how to use this ORM:
require 'active-record-lite.rb'
class Cat < SQLObject
belongs_to :human, foreign_key: :owner_id
cat = Cat.new(name: "Garfield", owner_id: 1)
# save the record to the database
cats = Cat.where(name: "Garfield")
cats = Cat.where(name: "Garfield", owner_id: 1)
# search single or multiple attributes
garfield = Cat.find(1) #=> <#Cat:0x007f9ba9897d98 @name="Garfield", @owner_id=1>
garfield.human #=> <#Human:0x007f9ba9897d98 @first_name="Jon", @last_name="Arbuckle">