E621 Api wrappers for a bunch of languages
These are not official wrappers as such things might be a bit broken
- Python
- Node js (started)
- Js (planned)
- c# (started)
- java (started)
- c++ (probably not)
Install here: https://pypi.org/project/e621py-wrapper/ or use: pip install e621py-wrapper
Get started:
First import the library and create a e621 client
import e621py_wrapper as e621
client = e621.client()
Now lets login, some api calls will require logging in
client.login("username", "apikey")
Now lets try getting 3 posts with the tag wickerbeast and blacklisting rating:e
print(client.posts.search("wickerbeast", "rating:e", 3))
For full documentation click here
Post management