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Miscellaneous Stuff |
This page is dedicated to an assortment of things (e.g., interesting papers, helpful resources, fun writing, running).
I have dedicated pages for some of these things:
- [Projects]({{ site.github.url }}/projects.html)
- [Running]({{ site.github.url }}/running.html)
- [Blog]({{ site.github.url }}/blog.html)
For general resources, which I find useful and refer back to often, see below.
I came across many great resources while searching for jobs, particularly related to computer science, both in academia and industry.
Academic Jobs
- Matt Welsh's Advice (3 Parts)
- Guide to Answering Academic Job Interview Questions
- What to Expect in a First-Round Interview
- How to Succeed at a Teaching Demo
Industry Jobs
Classic papers, some of my favorite reads (old and new), etc.
- Reflections on Trusting Trust - Ken Thompson
- Intel SGX Explained - Victor Costan and Srinivas Devadas
- How NOT to Review a Paper - The Tools and Techniques of the Adversarial Reviewer (Graham Cormode, 2008)
- IoT Security & Privacy Reading List - list maintained by Z. Berkay Celik and Xiaolei Wang
- Potential Science of Security paper sources for calendar year 2018
- A nice overview of processes in Linux - All You Need To Know About Processes in Linux
- How to organize data - Tidy Data, Hadley Wickahm (RStudio)
Favorite news feeds, blogs, research summaries, etc.
- My Ph.D. advisor, David Kotz,
details many (invaluable) thoughts on writing research papers.
- A typical paper structure:
- Introduction
- Background
- System/Approach --- description of your system
- Experiments
- Results
- Discussion (e.g., Interesting Observations, Limitations)
- Related Work
- Conclusion/Future Work
- Acknowledgements
- References
- A typical paper structure:
- Notes from Tom Cormen - a list of 39 rules pertaining to usage and punctuation.
- Dr. Kevin W. Hamlen's tips on technical writing for CS
- Tips on writing reviews for technical papers:
Notes from Tom Cormen on how to give talks of various kinds (poster, conference, seminar/colloquium, job).
How to Prepare and Present a Good Talk - Advice for Conference Presenters
- Slides & Slide Order
- Presentation tittle, name and affiliations of co-authors. Highlight presenter’s name.
- Outline of the presentation — begin with simple explanation of what your talk is about. Then describe the order in which it is presented. Try to introduce some suspense by promising unexpected results, interesting conclusions, etc.
- Motivation for your work. What made you interested in this work? Why should others look at your techniques and results? Why should the audience listen to you?
- Previous Work. What has been done by others in this field? (Some presenters describe previous work after their contributions to make comparisons more articulate). Have you found something new or arrived at important new conclusions?
- Main contributions.
- Empirical validation, if any.
- Conclusions or Summary slide (take note of the difference, and use the most appropriate). If space allows, remind the motivation for your work. Summarize your most important contributions and observations once again.
- (Optional) Future Work / perspective slide. Which challenges remain open? What further projects would you recommend?
- Slides & Slide Order
How to Prepare a Talk (more general and contains links/advice for teaching in general)
- Make it clear from the very beginning what the problem is and how cool you think it is.
- Use examples... "make it specific, make it palpable."
- It is rarely helpful to present all of your experiments.... Instead, focus on the most compelling results. Tell the audience in some detail and with care the killer experiment that really proved the point.
- How much detail should be provided? "My usual advice is that you should aim to lose most of the audience on occasion, as you delve into the details of an experiment, but then rapidly pivot back to a more general conclusion that can be understood by everyone."
- "The audience will not think you are dumb for using plain language. They will think you are brilliant for explaining such complicated work with such straightforward language. The ability to explain the most complex problem in the plainest of language is a sign of true understanding."
Your ultimate goal in a conference presentation is to entice listeners to go read the paper! You don't have enough time to cover everything. You only really have time to:
- Present the problem, its context, and 1 or 2 (maybe 3) key ideas.
- Use concrete examples where possible.