A plugin for Gradle to allow for running SchemaSpy as a part of the buildDashboard plugin.
This Plugin allows for running SchemaSpy against a database as part of a Gradle build. SchemaSpy's output will be accessible via Gradle's BuildDashboard Plugin.
Add a file named schemaspy.properties
in the config\schemaspy
directory under your Gradle project's root. That file should contain key=value pairs for all required SchemaSpy arguments as detailed in the Running SchemaSpy section of the SchemaSpy documentation.
For example, for a Postgre database, your schemaspy.properties
file should look something like this:
You can use Gradle to substitute into the file the path to the downloaded jar of the dependency pretty easily using the configurations.derby.asPath
value with Gradle's filter method:
filter(org.apache.tools.ant.filters.ReplaceTokens, tokens: ['driver_path_token':'path_to_driver'])
In your build.gradle
file, pass the schemaspy
configuration dependency on the database driver for the database on which you wish to report.
For example, for a Postgre database, your build.gradle
should look something like this:
configurations {
dependencies {
postgres(group: 'postgresql', name: 'postgresql', version: '9.1-901-1.jdbc4')
And then to link to SchemaSpy's output (and any other Reporting tasks you're interested in) via the generated Build Dashboard:
gradle.taskGraph.whenReady { taskGraph ->
// Check to add Reporting tasks to the Build Dashboard
if (taskGraph.allTasks.any { Task t -> t instanceof GenerateBuildDashboard }) {
List<Reporting> reportsToAggregrate = []
// Add Schema Spy to build Dashboard (if it has been run)
def schemaSpyTasks = taskGraph.allTasks.findAll { Task t -> t instanceof SchemaSpyReportTask }
// ... aggregate any other Reporting tasks to the Dashboard here
// Aggregate all aggregatable reports to be run to Dashboard
if (reportsToAggregrate) {
buildDashboard {
aggregate(reportsToAggregrate as Reporting[])
// Define ordering of tasks to ensure reports are generated prior to being accumulated by build dashboard
buildDashboard.mustRunAfter schemaSpy
Included in the project is a net.sourceforge.schemaspy.SchemaAnalyzer
implementation for Apache Derby running in file system mode (no support for in-memory databases currently).
One cavaet for running this plugin against a Derby DB on Windows is the need to quadrupal-escape any path separator characters in the Schemaspy db argument within the schemaspy.properties