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GitHub Notifications

Roscoe A. Bartlett edited this page Sep 2, 2017 · 10 revisions

Basic Notifications Help

GitHub provides a variety of ways to control what information you receive from repository activities. There is substantial documentation on For example, these two articles are good references:

You can control your own notification setting here:

Not getting all notifications by email?

However, these resources do not help with a problem we commonly experience with GitHub notifications: mysterious missing notifications. From time to time, some fraction of your notifications may not get sent to your email address. This may happen if your email system stops responding for a while and then GitHub messages bounce. GitHub will flag your account and some fraction of messages will not get through.

If you suspect that your account is throttled:

  1. Go to (or and check if there are notification listed that are not in your email.
  2. If you are missing some notifications, go to and submit a request to have your account unflagged. In your message, give a pointer to a notification that is visible on but is was not sent to your email address.

Alternatives to email notifications

Issues can also be monitored directly from a browser from the Notifications page, where you can see a summary of updates. You can stop receiving notifications for any issue by unsubscribing from it by clicking the volume sound symbol (similar to 🔊).

The Chrome browser extension Notifier for Github accesses the Notifications page to show desktop alerts when there are updates to issues that you are monitoring.

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