Check out some of the challenges I've tackled recently:
- Active CTF player for 0xECE.
- TryHackMe - Engaging in various cybersecurity challenges and learning paths.
- RootMe - Solving a range of security challenges to sharpen my skills.
I've taken part in hundreds of CTFs, but one of my greatest achievements was reaching the top 300 at the 404 CTF.
Explore some of my knowledge repositories:
- Hack - Haven - A comprehensive repository on hacking techniques and tools.
- Devops - Haven - Essential DevOps practices and tools.
Currently, I'm working on these exciting projects:
- CTFTime Integration - A complete CTFTime API Integration to keep you informed of your team status and the incoming CTFs.
- IT Tools - All my automation scripts and hacks to gain productivity.
Other projects:
During my engineering studies, I've had the occasion to work on some cool projects too:Apps
- Rhythmic Ranker - An solution created to capture, store, analyze and present metrics captured from a connected object.
- Robot Controller - A robot controller simulator written in Java.
- Netflix - A copy of Netflix app written in Java to watch your favourite movies.
- Cloud Express Simulator - An air traffic simulator written in C++ with lots and lots of functionality.
- Neural Speech - A mini-home assistant hosted on Arduino board performing some sound recognition.
- VHDL Calculator - An advanced calculator created for FPGA boards.
Board Games
Want to learn more about the technologies I work with? Check out my favourite technologies !