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File metadata and controls

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The tRPC-Cpp framework configuration system provides a default key-value (KV) configuration plugin (DefaultConfig) to meet most configuration management needs. To allow developers to handle configuration data more flexibly, the configuration system adopts a plugin-based design, allowing developers to implement custom data source Provider plugins and encoder/decoder Codec plugins based on the DefaultConfig plugin.

The design architecture of the configuration system is shown in the following figure: enter image description here

  • Provider Data Source Plugin: Responsible for reading raw configuration data from different types of data sources (such as files, databases).
  • Codec Encoder/Decoder Plugin: Responsible for decoding raw configuration data into key-value pairs.
  • DefaultConfig Configuration Plugin: Provides a unified interface for accessing decoded configuration data.

Data-driven process:

  1. The user calls the Load function.
  2. The Load function reads raw configuration data from the specified Provider plugin.
  3. The Load function passes the raw configuration data to the specified Codec plugin for decoding.
  4. Decoded configuration data is stored in the DefaultConfig configuration plugin for user access.

tRPC-Cpp configuration system feature overview:

  1. Provide default loader Load and default KV configuration plugin (DefaultConfig): Users can call the Load function to load the configuration file according to the specified data source path, data source name, and decoder. The Load function returns a DefaultConfigPtr, through which users can access configuration data.
  2. Built-in data source plugins: The tRPC-Cpp framework provides the LocalFileProvider data source plugin by default, which supports reading configuration files from the local file system. Plugin developers can implement the trpc::config::Provider interface to create custom data source plugins.
  3. Built-in codec plugins: The tRPC-Cpp framework provides YAML, JSON, and TOML codec plugins by default. Plugin developers can implement the trpc::config::Codec interface to create custom codec plugins.

Users can use the data source plugins and codec plugins provided by the tRPC-Cpp framework by default or develop custom plugins as needed.

This document will guide developers on how to develop and register custom data source Provider plugins and Codec plugins.

Develop Custom Data Source Provider Plugin

To implement a custom data source Provider plugin, you need to complete the following steps:

Implement the Provider Base Class Interface

First, plugin developers need to create a class that inherits from the trpc::config::Provider interface and implement the following methods in the interface:

Method Name Return Type Description
std::string Name() const std::string Returns the name of the data source plugin.
std::string Read(const std::string&) std::string Reads the configuration file content from the data source.
void Watch(trpc::config::ProviderCallback callback) void Listens for changes in the configuration files in the data source and calls the callback function when changes occur.
  • custom_provider.h

    #pragma once
    #include <string>
    #include <mutex>
    #include "trpc/config/provider.h"
    namespace trpc::config::custom_provider {
    class CustomProvider : public trpc::config::Provider {
      CustomProvider(); // Constructor, you can add parameters as needed
      std::string Name() const override;
      std::string Read(const std::string& name) override;
      void Watch(trpc::config::ProviderCallback callback) override;
      std::string name_; // // Name of the data source plugin
      std::mutex callback_mutex_; // A mutex for protecting the list of callback functions
      std::vector<trpc::config::ProviderCallback> callbacks_; // List of callback functions
    }  // namespace trpc::config::custom_provider

    #include "custom_provider.h"
    namespace trpc::config::custom_provider {
    CustomProvider::CustomProvider() {
      // Initialize operations such as connecting to remote servers, reading configuration files, and so on
    std::string CustomProvider::Name() const {
      return name_;
    std::string CustomProvider::Read(const std::string& name) {
      // Reads the configuration file contents from the data source and returns them
      // Here, it can be implemented according to the actual situation, such as getting data from the remote server, querying from the database, etc
    void CustomProvider::Watch(trpc::config::ProviderCallback callback) {
      std::unique_lock callback_lock(callback_mutex_);
      // Listen for changes to configuration files in the data source
      // When the configuration file changes, all the callbacks in the callback list are called
    }  // namespace trpc::config::custom_provider

In this example, the CustomProvider class inherits from the trpc::config::Provider interface and implements the Name(), Read(), and Watch() methods. Developers can modify this example according to their actual needs to implement support for custom data sources.

Register Custom Provider Plugin

After creating the custom Provider plugin, you also need to provide an initialization interface, such as Init(). It is recommended to define the interface in custom_provider_api.h and implement it in For example:

  • custom_provider_api.h

    #pragma once
    namespace trpc::config::custom_provider {
    int Init();
    }  // namespace trpc::config::custom_provider

    #include "trpc/common/trpc_plugin.h"
    #include "custom_provider_api.h"
    #include "custom_provider.h"
    namespace trpc::config::custom_provider {
    int Init() {
      auto custom_provider = MakeRefCounted<CustomProvider>();
      return 0;
    }  // namespace trpc::config::custom_provider

Develop Custom Codec Plugin

To implement a custom encoder/decoder Codec plugin, you need to complete the following steps:

Implement the Codec Base Class Interface

First, plugin developers need to create a class that inherits from the trpc::config::Codec interface and implement the following methods in the interface:

| Method Name | Return Type | Description | |:--| |std::string Name() const |std::string |Returns the name of the codec plugin | |std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> Decode(const std::string& content) |std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> |Decode the contents of the configuration file read from the data source into a std::unordered_map of key/value pairs | Here's an example of a custom Codec plugin:

  • custom_codec.h

    #pragma once
    #include <string>
    #include <unordered_map>
    #include "trpc/config/codec.h"
    namespace trpc::config::custom_codec {
    class CustomCodec : public trpc::config::Codec {
      CustomCodec() {
        // Constructor to add arguments as needed
        // Initialize actions like loading decoder libraries etc
      std::string Name() const override {
        return name_;
      std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> Decode(const std::string& content) override {
        // Decode the config file from the data source into a std::unordered_map of key/value pairs
        // This can be implemented according to the actual situation, such as calling third-party libraries for decoding, etc
      std::string name_; // codec plugin name
    }  // namespace trpc::config::custom_codec

    #include "trpc/common/trpc_plugin.h"
    #include "custom_codec_api.h"
    #include "custom_codec.h"
    namespace trpc::config::custom_codec {
    int Init() {
      auto custom_codec = MakeRefCounted<CustomCodec>();
      return 0;
    }  // namespace trpc::config::custom_codec

In the above example, CustomCodec is the implemented custom encoder/decoder plugin class. Users need to explicitly call the Init() function to complete the plugin registration.

Register Codec Plugin

After creating the custom Codec plugin, plugin developers need to provide an initialization interface, such as Init(). It is recommended to define the interface in custom_codec_api.h and implement it in For example:

  • custom_codec_api.h

    #pragma once
    namespace trpc::config::custom_codec {
    int Init();
    }  // namespace trpc::config::custom_codec

    #include "trpc/common/trpc_plugin.h"
    #include "custom_codec_api.h"
    #include "custom_codec.h"
    namespace trpc::config::custom_codec {
    int Init() {
      auto custom_codec = MakeRefCounted<CustomCodec>();
      return 0;
    }  // namespace trpc::config::custom_codec

User Usage of Custom Plugins

After developing and registering custom data source Provider plugins and encoder/decoder Codec plugins, users need to call the corresponding Init() function to complete the plugin registration after the framework initialization is complete. Users can specify the use of custom plugins when calling the trpc::config::Load function. |Parameter |Type |Description | |:--| |path |std::string |The path of the configuration file in the data source. | |WithCodec |LoadOptions |The decoder used. Users need to specify the decoder name through the trpc::config::WithCodec function, such as "custom_codec". | |WithProvider |LoadOptions |Data source name. Users need to specify the data source name through the trpc::config::WithProvider function, such as "custom_provider". | For example, users can use the following code to load a configuration file in a custom format:

#include "custom_provider_api.h"
#include "custom_codec_api.h"

// Initialize the custom plugin

// Load the config file with the custom plugin
DefaultConfigPtr config = trpc::config::Load("./test_load.custom", trpc::config::WithCodec("custom_codec"), trpc::config::WithProvider("custom_provider"));

// Get configuration
int32 value = config->GetInt32("integer", 0);
std::string str = config->GetString("string", "");

In this example, the user specifies the configuration file path as ./test_load.custom, the decoder used as custom_codec, and the data source name as custom_provider. The Load function will return a DefaultConfigPtr, through which users can access the configuration data.