First, calibrate your camera, and place the calibration file in the appropriate folder, ~/.ros/camera_info/
, for example DAVIS-00000254.yaml (for DAVIS with serial number S/N 0254).
Launch the ROS core:
In a new terminal, use davis_ros_driver to start your DAVIS camera driver:
cd ~/cmax_slam_ws
catkin build davis_ros_driver
source devel/setup.bash
rosrun davis_ros_driver davis_ros_driver
This should read the calibration file corresponding to the serial number of your DAVIS camera and publish its content in topic /dvs/camera_info
It should also publish event data in the topic /dvs/events
In a new terminal, launch the node of CMax-SLAM:
cd ~/cmax_slam_ws
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch cmax_slam live_davis.launch
See the generated panoramic edge map in rqt_image_view
, which is published under the topic of /pano_map
See the live_davis launch file.